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School of Criminal Justice (ESC)

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Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Forensic Science, 1st part Structure of the stage
Autumn 2024 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Spring 2025 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Forensic Science, 2nd part Structure of the stage
Autumn 2024 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Spring 2025 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses


Master of Science (MSc) in Forensic Science, orientation Chemical Criminalistics Structure of the stage
Autumn 2024 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Spring 2025 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Master of Science (MSc) in Forensic Science, orientation Physical Identification Structure of the stage
Autumn 2024 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Spring 2025 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Master of Science (MSc) in Forensic Science, orientation Digital Investigation and Identification Structure of the stage
Autumn 2024 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Spring 2025 HTML Timetable PDF Version List of courses
Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Fax. +41 21 692 26 15
Swiss University