Anne Marcellini

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Others projects

Sortir de l'obésité par la chirurgie ? Etude translationnelle longitudinale de l'évolution post-opératoire de patients en France et en Suisse
2018 - 2020
Applicant : Sylvain Ferez (Univ. Montpellier) & Anne Marcellini (Univ. Lausanne)
Other partners : CHU Montpellier, CHUV
Si la chirurgie bariatrique est efficace pour des obésités sévères, l'amaigrissement paraît toujours insuffisant et une reprise de poids survient au fil du temps (Rudolph et Hilbert, 2013). À la menace qui pèse sur la silhouette idéale atteinte (Sarwer et al., 2010) s'ajoute la crainte de perdre de nouvelles relations sociales établies suite à la perte brutale de poids - notamment dans le cadre de rapports de séduction (Assimakopoulos et al., 2011). La pression sociale devient pesante, la peur de retrouver un corps "gros" renvoyant au stigmate associé à la mollesse et au non contrôle de soi (Vigarello, 2010 ; Marcellini et al., 2016).
L'originalité de ce travail est de proposer un regard pluridisciplinaire sur l'expérience et la gestion des transformations du corps des personnes obèses ayant eu recours à une chirurgie bariatrique.

The conversion of bodies
2017 - 2021
Applicant : Anne Marcellini, Nicolas Bancel, Raphaël Rousseleau, Francis Mobio
This research project is at the crossroads of several disciplinary perspectives that are rarely associated: the sociology of bodily practices, colonial history, the anthropology of religions and visual approaches in the Human and Social Sciences.
It began in 2017 with the shooting and then the making of a documentary film about Tahiti's polyphonic songs ("Tarava Tahiti!", 58 minutes, 2019). Filmed as close as possible to the bodies, this documentary devotes a large part of its time to music; but it also raises many questions and suggests the complexity of the relationships that are woven over time between an ancient local cultural tradition and the historical interventions of foreign powers in a position to influence it. From this point of view, the study of Tahitian bodily practices, whether "artistic" (songs, dances, dramatic and oratory art) or "sporting" (surfing, canoeing (vaa), javelin throwing, running, etc....), is essential.) can be related to a constraining political context characterized by a duality of lasting influences: on the one hand, a British form of Protestant evangelization, initiated at the end of the 18th century and very efficient from the 1820s onwards; on the other hand, a French colonial regime whose different principles and processes implemented in the field of culture and education in the second half of the 19th century can be clearly distinguished.

This project involves researchers from the Eastco research team, the University of French Polynesia, the Faculty of Religious Sciences and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lausanne.

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