Marie-Pierre Strippoli

Projects and contracts |


Projects FNS

Population based cohort study: CoLaus|PsyCoLaus

Applicant : Martin Preisig
The Colaus|PsyCoLaus study aims to answer the following questions:

What is the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in a random sample of residents of the city of Lausanne?
What is the prevalence and what are the genetic, metabolic and environmental determinants of cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular disorders?
What are the mechanisms of the associations between psychiatric and cardiovascular disorders in this population?

NCCR Synapsy - Endophenotypes of mood disorders

The specific goals of this project are:

to test the validity of postulated psychopathological, neuropsychological and biological endophenotypes of mood disorders;
to determine the contribution of genetic determinants to these endophenotypes.

CoLaus|PsyCoLaus: adolescents and young adults offspring

Applicant : Martin Preisig
1) What is the strength and the shape (U-shaped vs. linear) of the association between
MDD and its subtypes and obesity markers (overweight, obesity, BMI, waist
circumference, waist-hip ratio, percent body fat) and which is the role of the atypical
and melancholic MDD subtypes in this association;
2) Which factors are involved in the association between MDD and obesity markers
either as mediators of a causal relationship or as shared etiological factors between the
3) Which are the genetic or familial as well as the environmental determinants of the
parent-offspring transmission of MDD and its subtypes and overweight?

Others projects

Clinical cohorte: Lausanne-Geneva Family and High Risk Study of Mood and Substance Use Disorders

The major objectives of the study are to investigate:

the specificity of the familial aggregation of bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and substance use disorders;
the impact of comorbid psychiatric conditions, including substance dependence, on the familial transmission of mood disorders;
the mechanisms of the association between bipolar disorder and comorbid conditions through the investigation of patterns of transmission of these disorders in families;
a large number of potential risk or protective factors of mood and substance use disorders.

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University