Thierry Rossier

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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15 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 |
Power and Economics
Benz Pierre, Maesse Jens, Pühringer Stephan, Rossier Thierry, 2023/05/22. dans Making Economics Public. The Hows and Whys of Communicating Markets and Models, Routledge.
Is interdisciplinarity distinctive? Scientific collaborations through research projects in natural sciences
Benz Pierre, Rossier Thierry, 2022/02/25. Social Science Information, 61 (1) pp. 179-214. Peer-reviewed.
The Working Conditions of Older Workers in Comparative Perspective
Rossier Thierry, Le Feuvre Nicky, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Wernli Boris, 2022. p. 29 dans Well-Being and Extended Working Life. A Gender Perspective, Taylor & Francis.
Forms of social capital in economics. The importance of heteronomous networks in the Swiss field of economists (1980-2000)
Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2021/03/29. dans Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics, Routledge.
Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics
Maesse Jens, Pühringer Stephan, Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre (eds.), 2021/03/29., Routledge.
The role of power in the social studies of economics. An introduction
Maesse Jens, Pühringer Stephan, Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2021/03/29. dans Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics, Routledge.
Devenir(s) militants: proposition de méthode pour une exploration des conséquences biographiques de l'engagement des soixante-huitard.e.s français.e.s
Rossier Thierry, 2019/11/01. revue française de science politique. Peer-reviewed.
Devenir(s) militants. Les conséquences biographiques de l'engagement des soixante-huitard.e.s français.e.s
Rossier Thierry, Fillieule Olivier, 2019. Revue française de science politique, 69 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Construire au moyen d’une analyse des correspondances multiples dynamique l’espace des devenirs soixante-huitards
Rossier Thierry, 2018/03. pp. 1087-1106 dans Fillieule Olivier, Sommier Isabelle, Béroud Sophie, Masclet Camille, Hirsch Thomas (eds.) Changer le monde, changer sa vie: Enquête sur les militantes et militants des années 68 en France, Actes Sud.
The elite placement power of professors of law and economic sciences
Bühlmann Felix, Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2018. pp. 247-264 dans Korsnes Olav, Heilbron Johan, Hjellbrekke Johs, Bühlmann Felix, Savage Mike (eds.) New Direction in Elite Studies chap. 12, Routledge.
The Internationalisation of Economics and Business Studies : Import of Excellence, Cosmopolitan Capital, or American Dominance ?
Rossier Thierry, Bühlmann Felix, 2018. Historical Social Research, 3 (43) pp. 189-215. Peer-reviewed.
Mapping the Power of Law Professors: The Role of Scientific and Social Capital
Bühlmann Felix, Benz Pierre, Mach André, Rossier Thierry, 2017/09/12. Minerva, 55 (4) pp. 509–531. Peer-reviewed.
The Rise of Professors of Economics and Business Studies in Switzerland: Between Scientific Reputation and Political Power
Rossier Thierry, Bühlmann Felix, Mach André, 2017/08/15. Archives Européennes de Sociologie / European Journal of Sociology, 58 (2) pp. 295-326. Peer-reviewed.
Complex Network Visualisation for the History of Interdisciplinarity: Mapping Research Funding in Switzerland
Grandjean Martin, Benz Pierre, Rossier Thierry, 2017. dans Digital Humanities 2017. Peer-reviewed.
Internationalisation des élites académiques suisses au 20ème siècle : convergences et contrastes
Rossier T., Beetschen M., Mach A., Bühlmann F., 2015/05. Cahiers de la recherche sur l'éducation et les savoirs 14 pp. 119-139. Peer-reviewed.
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