Patrick Gomez

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Faculté de biologie et médecine

Unisanté (UNISANTE)
Fonction(s) : Privat-docent



Music performance anxiety

Prix et distinctions scientifiques

Arbeitsphysiologie für Nachwuchswissenschaftler 2001

3rd Prize for the poster " Sexy Körper, Regenschirme und Kriegsopfer: Atmen wir verschieden beim Betrachten von affektiven Bildern?". Arbeitsphysiologie für Nachwuchswissenschaftler Forum Arbeitsphysiologie, November 25, 2001, Königsbrück, Germany.
Bénéficiaire : Patrick Gomez

CHUV Research Day, Neurosciences & Psyche 2006

Winner of "The Emotion Poster Prize" for the poster « Relationships between musical structure and psychophysiological measures of emotion ». CHUV Research Day, Neurosciences & Psyche, February 2, 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Bénéficiaire : Patrick Gomez

Congress of the Swiss Gerontology Society 2009

Poster award for "Psychophysiological responses to affective pictures in younger and older adults"; Congress of the Swiss Gerontology Society, October 29-30, Fribourg, Switzerland (volume: 1'000 Swiss Francs)
Bénéficiaire : Patrick Gomez

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University