Xavier Castaner

Fields |

Research directions

Corporate Governance, Strategy & Development

Professor Castañer's research broadly deals with:

- the effect of corporate governance (ownership structure, board composition, CEO remuneration) on corporate strategy (diversification, internationalization,...) and development (restructuring,...)

- when and how organizations create synergies from their portfolio (whether across activities in the same value chain, businesses, or countries),

- and how they successfully develop through internal ventures, acquisitions and/or alliances.

Recently, he has started a project on inter-firm alliances for sustainability, including the role that public subsidy can have on the formation, implementation and success of these alliances, via a study of alliance projects in the food industry in Vaud.

He is also interested in how integration is achieved within and across organizations, by studying the role of internal organizational design as well as the design and management of interorganizational relations (such as acquisitions and alliances).

He has also conducted research on creativity and innovation, including in cultural organizations and creative industries.

Some of his past research dealt with territorial competitiveness, and industrial policy.

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Swiss University