Benoît Dompnier

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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39 publications

2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 |
Achievement Goals: A Social Influence Cycle.
Butera F., Dompnier B., Darnon C., 2024/01/18. Annual review of psychology, 75 pp. 527-554. Peer-reviewed.
Competion in Education
Butera Fabrizio, Świątkowski Wojciech, Dompnier Benoît, 2024. pp. 569–597 dans In S. Garcia, A. Tor, & A. Elliot, (Eds.), The Oxford handbook on the psychology of competition - Online Edition, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
A multilevel account of social value‐related reasons behind mastery goals
Smeding Annique, Dompnier Benoît, Meier Emanuele, Darnon Céline, Butera Fabrizio, 2022/04/15. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 pp. 394–408. Peer-reviewed.
A latent profile analysis of teachers' causal attribution for academic success or failure
Brun Laurent, Dompnier Benoît, Pansu Pascal, 2022/03/01. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1 (37) pp. 185-206. Peer-reviewed.
The role of causal attributions in determining behavioral consequences: A meta-analysis from an intrapersonal attributional perspective in achievement contexts
Brun Laurent, Pansu Pascal, Dompnier Benoit, 2021/12/03. Psychological Bulletin, 147 (7) pp. 701–718.
When pursuing bad goals for good reasons makes it even worse: a social value approach to performance-avoidance goal pursuit
Świątkowski Wojciech, Dompnier Benoît, 2021/03/30. Social Psychology of Education, 24 (3) pp. 653-677.
A regulatory focus perspective on performance goals' effects on achievement: A small-scale meta-analytical approach
Świątkowski Wojciech, Dompnier Benoît, 2020/02/10. Learning and Individual Differences, 78. Peer-reviewed.
Une échelle de mesure des attributions causales pour enfants : EMAC-E
Brun Laurent, Dompnier Benoît, Pansu Pascal, 2019/12/01. L'Année psychologique, 119 (4) pp. 449-471. Peer-reviewed.
Of nice and mean: The personal relevance of others’ competence drives perceptions of warmth
Carrier Antonin, Dompnier Benoît, Yzerbyt Vincent, 2019/11/01. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45 (11) pp. 1549-1562. Peer-reviewed.
‘Where there is a will, there is a way': Belief in school meritocracy and the social-class achievement gap
Darnon Céline, Wiederkehr Virginie, Dompnier Benoît, Martinot Delphine, 2018/01. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57 (1) pp. 250-262. Peer-reviewed.
Individual differences in perceived social desirability of Openness to experience: A new framework for social desirability responding in personality research
Smeding Annique, Dompnier Benoît, Darnon Céline, 2017/07/15. Personality and Individual Differences, 113 pp. 155-160. Peer-reviewed.
Replicability Crisis in Social Psychology: Looking at the Past to Find New Pathways for the Future
Świątkowski Wojciech, Dompnier Benoît, 2017/05/02. International Review of Social Psychology, 30 (1) pp. 111-124. Peer-reviewed.
The social utility of performance-approach goals in a selective educational environment
Jury Mickaël, Darnon Céline, Dompnier Benoit, Butera Fabrizio, 2017/03. Social Psychology of Education, 20 (1) pp. 215-235.
La compétition à l'Université : perspectives individuelles et sociétales
Swiatkowski W., Dompnier B., 2017. pp. 101-117 dans Staerklé C., Butera F. (eds.) Conflits constructifs, conflits destructifs : Regards psychosociaux, Lausanne : Antipodes.
Désirabilité sociale
Dompnier B., 2016. pp. NA dans Encyclopaedia Universalis (en ligne), Encyclopaedia Universalis.
The feminisation of school hypothesis called into question among junior and high school students
Verniers C., Martinot D., Dompnier B., 2016. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 86 (3) pp. 369-381. Peer-reviewed.
How gender stereotypes of academic abilities contribute to the maintenance of gender hierarchy in higher education
Verniers C., Bonnot V., Darnon C., Dompnier B., Martinot. D. , 2015. pp. 26-38 dans Faniko K., Lorenzi-Cioldi F., Sarrasin O., Mayor E. (eds.) Gender and social hierarchies : Perspectives from social psychology, Routledge.
Improving low achievers' academic performance at university by changing the social value of mastery goals
Dompnier B., Darnon C., Meier E., Brandner C., Smeding A., Butera F., 2015. American Educational Research Journal, 52 (4) pp. 720-749. Peer-reviewed.
The motivation to learn as a self-presentation tool among Swiss high school students : The moderating role of mastery goals' perceived social value on learning
Smeding A., Dompnier B., Meier E., Darnon C., Baumberger B., Butera F., 2015. Learning and Individual Differences, 43 pp. 204-210. Peer-reviewed.
Performance goals in conflictual social interactions: Toward the distinction between two modes of relational conflict regulation
Sommet N., Darnon C., Mugny G., Quiamzade A., Pulfrey C., Dompnier B., Butera F., 2014. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53 (1) pp. 134-153. Peer-reviewed.
Dompnier B., Jouffre S., 2013. pp. 199-220 dans Bègue L., Desrichard O. (eds.) Traité de psychologie sociale : La science des interactions humaines, De Boeck.
When performance-approach goals predict academic achievement and when they do not: A social value approach
Dompnier B., Darnon C., Butera F., 2013. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52 (3) pp. 587-596. Peer-reviewed.
Achievement goals in educational contexts: A social psychology perspective
Darnon C., Dompnier B., Poortvliet M., 2012/10. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6 (10) pp. 760-771. Peer-reviewed.
Norme d'internalité ou biais de confirmation d'hypothèse? Une approche expérimentale de la construction des questionnaires d'internalité
Scheidegger R., Desponds F., Dompnier B., 2012. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 25 (1) pp. 5-29. Peer-reviewed.
A bidimensional scale of scholastic value: Social desirability and social utility, two dimensions of personological judgment
Pansu P., Dompnier B., 2011. European Review of Applied Psychology, 61 pp. 31-41. Peer-reviewed.
L'évaluation scolaire : une activité multidéterminée
Dompnier B., Pansu P., Bressoux P., 2011. pp. 77-84 dans Butera F., Buchs C., Darnon C. (eds.) L'évaluation, une menace?, Presses Universitaires de France.
La valeur sociale des explications causales en contexte éducatif : autoprésentation des élèves et représentation des enseignants
Dompnier B., Pansu P., 2010. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 69 (1) pp. 39-51. Peer-reviewed.
Norme d'internalité et unités d'analyse : Pour une redéfinition du statut de la mesure dans l'étude des normes sociales de jugement
Dompnier B., Pansu P., 2010. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 23 (4) pp. 63-89. Peer-reviewed.
The Interplay of Mastery and Performance Goals in Social Comparison: A Multiple-Goal Perspective.
Darnon C., Dompnier B., Gilliéron O., Butera F., 2010. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102 (1) pp. 212-222. Peer-reviewed.
Achievement Goal Promotion at University: Social Desirability and Social Utility of Mastery and Performance Goals
Darnon C., Dompnier B., Delmas F., Pulfrey C., Butera F., 2009. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96 (1) pp. 119-134. Peer-reviewed.
Acquisition du langage écrit et empan visuo-attentionnel : une étude longitudinale
Bosse M.-L., Valdois S., Dompnier B., 2009. pp. 167-178 dans Marec-Breton N., Besse A.-S., De La Haye F., Bonneton-Botté N., Bonjour E. (eds.) Approche cognitive de l'apprentissage de la langue écrite, Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Faking the Desire to Learn : A Clarification of the Link Between Mastery Goals and Academic Achievement
Dompnier B., Darnon C., Butera F., 2009. Psychological Science, 20 (8) pp. 939-943. Peer-reviewed.
Achievement Goals and Social Judgment: The Performance-Approach Paradox
Dompnier B., Darnon C., Delmas F., Butera F, 2008. International Review of Social Psychology, 21 pp. 249-273. Peer-reviewed.
Internality-norm theory in educational contexts
Pansu P., Dubois N., Dompnier B., 2008. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 23 pp. 385-397. Peer-reviewed.
Influence sociale et conversion minoritaire
Pansu P., Dompnier B., 2007. pp. 189-209 dans J. Baillé (eds.) Du mot au concept. Conversion, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
L'intervention des explications internes en termes d'effort dans les stratégies d'autoprésentation et le jugement social : perspectives sociocognitives
Dompnier B., Pansu P., 2007. Psychologie Française, 52 pp. 459-478. Peer-reviewed.
Social utility, social desirability and scholastic judgments: Toward a personological model of academic evaluation
Dompnier B., Pansu P., Bressoux P., 2007. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 22 pp. 333-350. Peer-reviewed.
An integrative model of scholastic judgments: Pupils' characteristics, class context, halo effect and internal attributions
Dompnier B., Pansu P., Bressoux P., 2006. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 21 pp. 119-133. Peer-reviewed.
L'explication quotidienne des comportements scolaires : attributions de réussite et d'échec
Pansu P., Dompnier B., Bressoux P., 2004. pp. 277-302 dans M.-C. Toczek , D. Martinot (eds.) Le défi éducatif, Armand Colin.
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