Camille Velarde

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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17 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2018 | 2016 |
La recherche de consensus scientifique pour promouvoir le lien entre science et politiques publiques [Scientific consensus-building to promote the link between science and public policy]
Velarde Crézé C., Zürcher K., Duperrex O., Flahault A., Cornuz J., 2024/01/31. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (859) pp. 230-234. Peer-reviewed.
A harmonized protocol for an international multicenter prospective study of nanotechnology workers: the NanoExplore cohort.
Guseva Canu I., Plys E., Velarde Crézé C., Fito C., Hopf N.B., Progiou A., Riganti C., Sauvain J.J., Squillacioti G., Suarez G. et al., 2023/02. Nanotoxicology, 17 (1) pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Nouvelles cigarettes électroniques jetables « puffs » : consensus d’expert-e-s sur leur réglementation [New puff-like disposable electronic cigarettes: expert consensus on their regulation]
Velarde Crézé C., Lebon L., Duperrex O., Faivre V., Pasche M., Cornuz J., 2023/02/01. Revue médicale suisse, 19 (812) pp. 181-185.
Puff-like disposable electronic cigarettes: expert consensus on their regulation using a fast-track Delphi process
Velarde Crézé Camille, Lebon Luc, Duperrex Olivier, Faivre Vincent, Pasche Myriam, Cornuz Jacques, 2023. dans Congrès de printemps de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne Générale (SSMIG), 10-12 mai 2023, Bâle, Suisse.
Le plaidoyer en promotion de la santé et prévention : raison d’être et défis
Lutz Andrea, Lebon Luc, Zürcher Karin, Mavrot Céline, Velarde Crézé Camille, Pasche Myriam, 2022/10. 8, Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Analyse exploratoire des mesures de particules ultrafines en temps réel dans des enceintes ferroviaires souterraines de transport public [Exploratory analysis of real-time ultrafine particles measurements in a public transport underground railway]
Ben Rayana T., Hemmendinger M., Crézé C., Wild P., Sauvain J.-J., Suarez G., Besançon S., Méthy N., Sakthithasan K., Carillo G. et al., 2022/06. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement, 83 (3) pp. 159-170.
Urinary Malondialdehyde (MDA) Concentrations in the General Population-A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis.
Toto A., Wild P., Graille M., Turcu V., Crézé C., Hemmendinger M., Sauvain J.J., Bergamaschi E., Guseva Canu I., Hopf N.B., 2022/03/29. Toxics, 10 (4) p. 160. Peer-reviewed.
Malondialdehyde and anion patterns in exhaled breath condensate among subway workers.
Sauvain J.J., Hemmendinger M., Suárez G., Creze C., Hopf N.B., Jouannique V., Debatisse A., Pralong J.A., Wild P., Guseva Canu I., 2022/02/25. Particle and fibre toxicology, 19 (1) p. 16. Peer-reviewed.
Cigarettes électroniques jetables de type puffs : consensus d'expert·e·s sur leur réglementation
Velarde Crézé Camille, Lebon Luc, Duperrex Olivier, Faivre Vincent, Pasche Myriam, Cornuz Jacques, 2022. dans 16e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Tabacologie, 24-25 novembre 2022, Dijon, France.
Implementation of a harmonized approach for monitoring exposure to engineered and incidental nanoparticles and their potential health effects: First results from the EU-LIFE project NanoExplore
Guseva Canu Irina, Suarez Guillaume, Sauvain Jean-Jacques, Hopf Nancy B., Crézé Camille, Hemmendinger Maud, Fito Carlos, Squillacioti Giulia, Ghelli Federica, Buglisi Martina et al., 2022/01. pp. S30-S31 dans Abstracts of the 33rd International Congress on Occupational Health 2022 (ICOH 2022) 6–10 February 2022, Safety and Health at Work.
Application of the Bayesian spline method to analyze real-time measurements of ultrafine particle concentration in the Parisian subway.
Pétremand R., Wild P., Crézé C., Suarez G., Besançon S., Jouannique V., Debatisse A., Guseva Canu I., 2021/11. Environment international, 156 p. 106773. Peer-reviewed.
Particle and metal exposure in Parisian subway: Relationship between exposure biomarkers in air, exhaled breath condensate, and urine.
Guseva Canu I., Crézé C., Hemmendinger M., Ben Rayana T., Besançon S., Jouannique V., Debatisse A., Wild P., Sauvain J.J., Suárez G. et al., 2021/08. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 237 p. 113837. Peer-reviewed.
Évaluation des risques de l’exposition à l’amiante
Crézé Camille, Vernez David, 2021/07/12. (321) 88 [Raisons de santé ; 321], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Producers of Engineered Nanomaterials-What Motivates Company and Worker Participation in Biomonitoring Programs?
Crézé C., François M., Hopf N.B., Dorribo V., Sauvain J.J., Bergamaschi E., Garzaro G., Domat M., Friesl J., Penssler E. et al., 2021/04/07. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18 (8) p. 3851. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Caloric and Non-Caloric Sweeteners on Food Intake and Brain Responses to Food: A Randomized Crossover Controlled Trial in Healthy Humans.
Crézé C., Candal L., Cros J., Knebel J.F., Seyssel K., Stefanoni N., Schneiter P., Murray M.M., Tappy L., Toepel U., 2018/05/15. Nutrients, 10 (5) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of replacing sugar- by artificially-sweetened beverages on brain and behavioral responses to food viewing - An exploratory study.
Crézé C., Notter-Bielser M.L., Knebel J.F., Campos V., Tappy L., Murray M., Toepel U., 2018/04/01. Appetite, 123 pp. 160-168. Peer-reviewed.
Does my brain want what my eyes like? - How food liking and choice influence spatio-temporal brain dynamics of food viewing.
Bielser M.L., Crézé C., Murray M.M., Toepel U., 2016. Brain and Cognition, 110 pp. 64-73. Peer-reviewed.
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