Fiona Friedli

Education and work experience


PhD in Political Science
Régulation des relations familiales et reproduction de l'ordre de genre : des transformations du droit à la justice en action", Thèse de doctorat soutenue le 7 décembre 2021 sous la direction de Bernard Voutat et Eléonore Lépinard, Institut d'études politiques, Université de Lausanne

Abstract: Family law is a central expression of the govemment of society. Since the second half of the 20th century, it has been under constant revision. In a context of increasing flexibility in marital relations, co-parenting has recently become a guiding principle in divorce and separation - implying that parents have equal rights and duties towards their child. Taking a constitutive approach to law - which is attentive to the ways in which law constitutes the social world and, reciprocally, how the former is constituted by the latter-, the thesis uncovers the origins of this new regulation of family relations, as well as how this latter contributes to the reproduction of a gender order despite its apparent neutrality. The research combines sociohistorical, statistics and ethnographic methods, analyzing, on the one hand, the transformations of family law between 1907 and 2017, and, on the other hand, the practices of regulation of family disputes within differentjudicial authorities and offices (a Child Protection Authority, a Court offirst instance, a Cantonal Court, and the Federal Court).

Master of Arts in Political Science
M.A., University of Lausanne, Political science, 2014

Master 1 Pratique de l'interdisciplinarité dans les sciences sociales
Master 1, École normale supérieure - École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris), 2013

Work experience

Co-Director of the Research center on political action (CRAPUL)
University of Lausanne
2016 - 2018

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University