Felicitas Morhart

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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70 publications

In press | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 |
Materialism versus Green Values – Revisiting Research on Value Conflicts
Furchheim Pia, Martin Christian, Morhart Felicitas dans 2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference. Peer-reviewed, American Marketing Organisation.
Societal Factors and the Emergence of the Sharing Economy
Hellwig K., Sahakian M., Morhart F.M. dans Albinsson P., Perera Y. (eds.) The Sharing Economy: Possibilities, Challenges, and the Way Forward, Praeger Publishing.
Being green in a materialistic world: Consequences for subjective well‐being
Furchheim Pia, Martin Christian, Morhart Felicitas, 2020/01. Psychology & Marketing, 37 (1) pp. 114-130.
Research Handbook on Luxury Branding
Morhart Felicitas, Wilcox Keith, Czellar Sandor (eds.), 2020., Edward Elgar Publishing.
Markenführung im Wandel
Scharfenberger Philipp, Tomczak Torsten, Morhart Felicitas, 2018/06. dans GfM Forschungreihe , GfM Forschungreihe .
A comprehensive model of consequences of a value conflict on well-being
Furchheim Pia, Martin Christian, Morhart Felicitas (eds.), 2018., 47th EMAC Annual Conference.
Unleashing the Internal Fan Community through Brand-Oriented Leadership
Morhart F.M., 2017/10. pp. 33-49 dans Ind N. (eds.) Branding Inside Out chap. 3, Kogan Page.
Bringing Back Charlie Chaplin: Accounting as Catalyst in the Creation of an Authentic Product of Popular Culture
Mikes A., Morhart F., 2017/06. Management Accounting Research, 35 pp. 66-82. Peer-reviewed.
Marke und Authentizität
Morhart Felicitas, 2017/06. dans GfM Forschungreihe, GfM Forschungreihe.
Introducing the Green Materialist – A cluster analysis of North American and Swiss consumer populations
Martin Christian, Furchheim Pia, Morhart Felicitas, 2017/05/26., 46th EMAC Annual Conference- Groningen- May 23-26, 2017 dans EMAC Annual Conferences Proceedings . Peer-reviewed.
Branding at the Commercial and Communal Interface: Humanist Brand Networks
Hellwig Katharina, Morhart Felicitas, Kozinets Robert (eds.), 2017., 46th Annual EMAC Conference.
Markenauthentizität – Konzeption, Messung und Steuerung [Brand Authenticity – Conceptualization, Measurement, and Controlling]
Morhart Felicitas, Malär L.ucia, 2017. dans Esch Franz-Rudolf (eds.) Handbuch Markenführung, Springer .
Perceptions of Decadence
Morhart Felicitas, Hofstetter Reto, Ramanathan Suresh, 2017. dans Society for Consumer Psychology Boutique Conference.
Shared Moments of Sociality: Embedded Sharing within Peer-to-peer Hospitality Platforms
Hellwig Katharina, Russell Belk, Morhart Felicitas, Ince Anthony, 2017. dans Hall Sarah M. (eds.) Sharing Economies in Times of Crisis, Routledge.
Strengthening Brand Behavior through Transformational Leadership [Mit transformationaler Führung das markenorientierte Verhalten stärken ]
Morhart Felicitas, Tomczak Torsten, Jenewein Wolfgang, 2017. pp. 1-15 dans Esch Franz-Rudolf (eds.) Handbuch Markenführung, Springer.
Fair is Good but what is Fair? Negotiations of Distributive Justice in an Emerging Non-Monetary Sharing Model
Gollnhofer J., Hellwig K., Morhart F., 2016/04. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1 (2) pp. 226-245. Peer-reviewed.
Shopping for a Better World: How Consumer Decisions Can Help to Promote Sustainability and ,Human Rights
Palazzo G., Morhart F.M., Schrempf-Stirling J., 2016. pp. 200-209 dans Baumann-Pauly D., Nolan J. (eds.) Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, Routledge.
Sinful Consumers, Saintly Brands: Why Decadently Wasteful Consumption Makes Luxury Brands Seem More Precious
Morhart Felicitas, Hofstetter Reto, Ramanathan Suresh (eds.), 2016., 2nd Monaco Symposium on Luxury.
Sinful Consumers, Saintly Brands: Why Decadently Wasteful Consumption Makes Luxury Brands Seem More Precious
Morhart F., Hofstetter R., Ramanathan S., 2016. dans Proceedings of the 45th Annual EMAC Conference. Peer-reviewed, European Marketing Academy .
The Social Side of Sharing. Shared Moments within Peer-to-Peer Hospitality Platforms
Hellwig Katharina, Russell Belk, Morhart Felicitas M. (eds.), 2016., 45th Annual EMAC Conference.
Exploring Different Types of Sharing: A Proposed Segmentation of the Market for "Sharing Businesses"
Hellwig K., Morhart F. M., Girardin F., Hauser M., 2015/08. Psychology & Marketing, 32 (9) pp. 891-906. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond the Couch. Reciprocities and Processes of Value Creation in Shared Experiences in CouchSurfing
Hellwig K., Morhart F., 2015. p. 27 dans Proceedings Second International Conference for Consumer Psychology . Peer-reviewed.
Brand Authenticity: An Integrative Framework and Measurement Scale
Morhart F. M., Malär L., Guèvremont A., Girardin F., Grohmann B., 2015. pp. 210-212 dans Proceedings of the 2015 SCP Winter Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Brand Authenticity: An Integrative Framework and Measurement Scale
Morhart F. M., Malär L., Guèvremont A., Girardin F., Grohmann B., 2015. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (2) pp. 200-218. Peer-reviewed.
Chaplin's World
Mikes A., Morhart F., 2015. Case study, HEC Lausanne.
Fair is good but what is fair? Discursive negotiations of justice in a community of foodsharing
Gollnhofer J., Hellwig K., Morhart F., 2015. dans Proceedings of the 44nd Annual EMAC Conference 2015, Leuven, Belgium.. Peer-reviewed.
Shared Moments of Sociality: Embedded Sharing within Peer-to-peer Hospitality Platforms
Hellwig Katharina, Belk Russell, Morhart Felicitas, 2015. pp. 186-190 dans Diehl Kristin, Yoon Carolyn, Duluth MN (eds.) Advances in Consumer Research. Peer-reviewed, Association for Consumer Research.
Sharing and the Marketplace: What is Shared in the Sharing Economy?
Hellwig K., Belk R. W., Morhart F. M., 2015. dans Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2015. Peer-reviewed.
Sharing my way or your way? Institutional alignment of ideological tensions and justice narratives within a sharing community
Gollnhofer J., Hellwig K., Morhart F., 2015. pp. 540-541 dans Diehl K., Yoon C. (eds.) NA-Advances in Consumer Research. Peer-reviewed, Association for Consumer Research.
Catching a Glimpse of Meaningfulness. Understanding Volunteering Holidays from a Eudaimonic Perspective
Hellwig K., Furchheim P., Morhart F., 2014. dans Proceedings of the Third Conference for Positive Marketing. Peer-reviewed.
Dear Brand, Please Help Me to Become a True-Man out of the Truman: The Role of Brand Authenticity
Malär L., Girardin F., Morhart F. M., Guèvremont A., Grohmann B., 2014. dans Proceedings of the 43rd EMAC Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Mi Casa es Su Casa - But only if you are interesting enough. Understanding Motives and Benefits of Sharing among Strangers in CouchSurfing.
Hellwig K., Morhart F., Kocher B., 2014. dans Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology 2014 Winter Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Share Your Life and Get More of Yourself. Experience Sharing in CouchSurfing
Kocher B., Morhart F. M., Zisiadis G., Hellwig K., 2014. pp. 510-511 dans Cotte J., Wood S. (eds.) NA - Advances in Consumer Research (ACR Conference Proceedings). Peer-reviewed.
Brand Authenticity: an Integrative Framework
Girardin F., Guèvremont A., Morhart F. M., Malär L., Grohmann B., 2013. dans Proceedings of the AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Collaborative Consumption and the Pursuit of Happiness
Hellwig K., Morhart F. M., 2013. dans Proceedings of the Second Conference for Positive Marketing. Peer-reviewed.
Segmenting the Market for Sharing Businesses
Hellwig K., Morhart F., Girardin F., Hauser M., 2013. dans Proceedings of the 42nd Annual EMAC Conference 2013. Peer-reviewed.
What money can cost. How money may crowd out psychological benefits of human interaction in peer-to-peer consumption settings
Hellwig K., Morhart F., 2013. dans Fourth Transformative Consumer Research Conference.
Good Boss - Good Salesmen [Guter Chef - gute Verkäufer]
Morhart F. M., Jenewein W. P., Herzog W., Brösamle S., 2012/09. Harvard Business Manager, 32 (9) pp. 44-46.
Brand Authenticity and its Dimensions
Girardin F., Morhart F. M., Beverland M., 2012. dans Proceedings of the 41st EMAC Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Falling Dominoes in the Sales Department: Multilevel Effects of Leadership Styles on Selling Approaches and Customer Outcomes
Morhart F. M., Herzog W., Jenewein W. P., 2012. dans Proceedings of the AMA Summer Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Swarm Intelligence: How to Make Your Organization Fly [Schwarmintelligenz: Wie Sie Ihre Unternehmung ins Schwärmen bringen]
Jenewein Wolfgang, Morhart Felicitas, Schimmelpfennig Christian, 2012. pp. 149-161 dans Perspectives: Management-Journal, IMP Perspectives.
Turning Employees into Brand Champions: Leadership Style Makes a Difference
Morhart F. M., Herzog W., Tomczak T., 2011/11. GfK Marketing Intelligence Review, 3 (2) pp. 34-43. Peer-reviewed.
Perspectives on Responsible Marketing
Usunier J.-C., Cestre G., Czellar S., Morhart F. M., Müller B., 2011/06. pp. 89-102 dans Palazzo G., Wentland M. (eds.) Responsible Management Practices for the 21st Century, Paris: Pearson.
A Lasting Marketing Impact at the Top: Individual and Organizational Factors Influencing CMO Tenure
Smit W., Morhart F. M., Meehan S., Groux S., 2011. dans American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
How Shall I Ask The Question: Is It Good? Or Is It the Best for You? The Influence of Item Characteristics on Response Styles
Smit W., Cerulli V., Koschat M., Morhart F. M., 2011. dans Proceedings of the 40th EMAC Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Heartwarming as the Other Side of Heartbreaking Experiences in Research
Dutton J., Morhart F. M., 2010. Journal of Management Inquiry, 19 (4) pp. 342-344. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement and Control of On-Brand Employee Behavior in Telephonic Customer Interaction in Consideration of Brand Gender [Messung und Steuerung markenadäquaten Mitarbeiterverhaltens in Kundentelefonaten unter Berücksichtigung des Markengeschlechts]
Lieven T., Morhart F.M., 2010. Marketing ZFP, 32 (1) pp. 39-52. Peer-reviewed.
Messung und Steuerung markenäquaten Mitarbeiterverhaltens in Kundentelefonaten unter Berücksichtigung des Markengeschlechts
Lieven T., Morhart F. M., 2010/01. Marketing ZFP, 32 (1) pp. 39-52. Peer-reviewed.
Was gute Führung ausmacht [What constitutes good leadership]
Morhart F. M., Jenewein W. P., 2010. Harvard Business Manager, 32 (11) pp. 28-40.
Brand-Specific Leadership: Turning Employees into Brand Champions
Morhart F. M., Herzog W., Tomczak T., 2009/09. Journal of Marketing, 73 (5) pp. 122-142. Peer-reviewed.
Brand-Specific Leadership: On Its Effects and Trainability
Morhart F. M., 2009/03., Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
Mit transformationaler Führung das Brand Behavior stärken [Strengthening Brand Behavior through Transformational Leadership]
Morhart F. M., Jenewein W., Tomczak T., 2009. pp. 389-406 dans Tomczak T., Esch F.-R., Kernstock J., Herrmann A. (eds.) Behavioral Branding: Wie Mitarbeiterverhalten die Marke stärkt, Wiesbaden: Gabler.
So wird E-Leadership vom Fluch zum Segen [How E-Leadership Turns from a Curse to a Blessing]
Jenewein W. P., Morhart F. M., 2009. IO New Management 1 pp. 8-10.
Can Brand-Specific Transformational Leadership Be Learned? A Field Experiment
Morhart F. M., Herzog W., Jenewein W. P., 2008. pp. 389-390 dans American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Collecting Hidden Consumer Data Online: Research on Homosexuals
Morhart F. M., Henkel S., Herzog W., 2008. Journal of Advertising Research, 48 (2) pp. 247-254. Peer-reviewed.
Exploitation, Exploration, and Ambidexterity from a Marketing Perspective: the Impact of Business Strategies
Mühlmeier S., Morhart F. M., Tomczak T., 2008. dans American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Navigating toward Team Success
Jenewein W. P., Morhart F. M., 2008. Team Performance Management, 14 (1/2) pp. 102-108. Peer-reviewed.
Strengthening Brand Behavior through Transformational Leadership [Mit transformationaler Führung das Brand Behavior stärken]
Morhart F.M., Tomczak T., Wolfgang P.J., 2008. pp. 367-384 dans Tomczak T., Esch F.R., Kernstock J., Herrmann A. (eds.) Behavioral Branding, Gabler.
Brand-Oriented Leadership [Markenorientierte Mitarbeiterführung]
Tomczak T., Morhart F. M., Jenewein W. P., 2007. pp. 179-192 dans Bauer Hans H., Huber Frank, Albrecht Carmen-Maria (eds.) Erfolgsfaktoren der Markenführung, Vahlen.
DFB Team 2006 - Like a Phoenix from the Ashes [DFB Team 2006 - Wie Phönix aus der Asche]
Jenewein W., Morhart F. M., Henkel S., Tomczak T., 2007. Case study, University of St. Gallen.
Leadership: How Jürgen Dormann Saved ABB [Leadership: Wie Jürgen Dormann ABB rettete]
Jenewein W. P., Morhart F. M., 2007. Harvard Business Manager, 28 (9) pp. 22-33.
Shaping the Functional Significance of Loyalty Rewards and Its Effects on Self-Determined Customer Motivation
Herzog W., Morhart F. M., Reinecke S., 2007. pp. 312-313 dans American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Brand- Specific Transactional and Transformational Leadership on Front-Line Employees' Brand- Building Behavior
Morhart F. M., Herzog W., Tomczak T., 2007. pp. 161-162 dans American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Brand- Specific Transformational Leadership on Brand-Building Behaviors of Front-Line Service Employees
Morhart F. M., Herzog W., Tomczak T., 2007. dans European Marketing Academy Conference. Peer-reviewed.
The Role of Brand- Specific Transformational Leadership for Employee Brand-Building Behavior
Morhart F. M., Herzog W., Tomczak T., 2007. pp. 255-256 dans American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Die Marke nach aussen und nach innen leben [Living the Brand Inside and Outside]
Tomczak T., Brexendorf T. O., Morhart F. M., 2006. IO New Management, 75 (7-8) pp. 15-19.
Organisationale Energie. Messen, Nutzen und Erhalten der produktiven Kraft von Unternehmen [Organizational Energy. How to Measure, Utilize, and Maintain Companies' Productive Forces]
Bruch H., Vogel B., Morhart F. M., 2006. Zeitschrift Fuhrung und Organisation, 75 (1) pp. 4-10. Peer-reviewed.
Sieben Manöver zum Teamerfolg [Seven Maneuvers to Team Success]
Jenewein W. P., Morhart F. M., 2006. Harvard Business Manager, 28 (7) pp. 48-62.
Keeping Track of Organizational Energy: How to Harness a Company's Productive Forces
Bruch H., Vogel B., Morhart F. M., 2005. CriticalEYE Review 6 pp. 64-71.
Der homosexuelle Rezipient [The Homosexual Recipient]
Morhart F. M., 2004. Reihe Rezeptionsforschung, 5, München: R. Fischer.
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