Isabelle Leclercq - ARCHIVE

Teaching given to the UNIL

Old teaching

from 18/19 to 19/20 Atelier Pratiques de la langue...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 18/19 to 19/20 Atelier Pratiques de la langue...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 18/19 to 19/20 Pratiquer le français de base A1...Cours
from 18/19 to 19/20 Pratiquer le français de base A1...Cours
from 18/19 to 19/20 Pratiquer le français de base A2...Cours
from 18/19 to 19/20 Pratiquer le français de base A2...Cours
from 18/19 to 19/20 UNITE-O1...Exercices
from 18/19 to 19/20 UNITE-O2...Exercices
from 17/18 to 17/18 Pratiquer le français de base...Cours
from 17/18 to 17/18 Pratiquer le français de base...Cours
from 16/17 to 17/18 Atelier Pratiques de la langue...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 16/17 to 17/18 Atelier Pratiques de la langue...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 16/17 to 16/17 Ateliers ethnographiques et pratiques de la langue...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 16/17 to 16/17 Français de base...Cours
from 16/17 to 16/17 Français de base...Cours
from 16/17 to 19/20 UNITE-M3...Exercices
from 15/16 to 15/16 Langue écrite et orale...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 15/16 to 15/16 Langue écrite et orale...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 11/12 to 11/12 Langue écrite et orale...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 11/12 to 11/12 Langue écrite et orale...Cours-TP (travaux pratiques)
from 10/11 to 19/20 UNITE-E15...Exercices
from 10/11 to 19/20 UNITE-E16...Exercices
from 10/11 to 19/20 UNITE-E17...Exercices
from 10/11 to 19/20 UNITE-E18...Exercices
from 10/11 to 19/20 UNITE-E19...Exercices
from 10/11 to 19/20 UNITE-O4...Exercices
from 08/09 to 19/20 UNITE-E13...Exercices
from 08/09 to 19/20 UNITE-E14...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E1...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E10...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E11...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E12...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E2...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E3...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E4...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E5...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E6...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E7...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E8...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-E9...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-M1...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-M2...Exercices
from 04/05 to 19/20 UNITE-O3...Exercices
Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University