Jose Antonio Corcho Alvarado

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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43 publications

2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |
Tracing organic matter sources in a tropical lagoon of the Caribbean Sea
Alonso-Hernandez Carlos M., Garcia-Moya Alejandro, Tolosa Imma, Diaz-Asencio Misael, Corcho-Alvarado Jose Antonio, Morera-Gomez Yasser, Fanelli Emanuela, 2017/08. Continental Shelf Research, 148 pp. 53-63. Peer-reviewed.
Reconstruction of Recent Sedimentary Processes in a Carbonate Platform (Gulf of Batabano, Cuba) Using Environmental Radiotracers
Díaz-Asencio M., Corcho-Alvarado J.A., Sánchez-Cabeza J.A., Ruiz-Fernández A.C., Eriksson M., 2016. Estuaries and Coasts.
Historical trends of organochlorine pesticides in a sediment core from the Gulf of Batabanó, Cuba.
Alonso-Hernández C.M., Tolosa I., Mesa-Albernas M., Díaz-Asencio M., Corcho-Alvarado J.A., Sánchez-Cabeza J.A., 2015. Chemosphere, 137 pp. 95-100. Peer-reviewed.
Anthropogenic radionuclides in atmospheric air over Switzerland during the last few decades.
Alvarado J.A., Steinmann P., Estier S., Bochud F., Haldimann M., Froidevaux P., 2014. Nature Communications, 5 p. 3030.
Dating young Holocene coastal sediments in tropical regions: Use of fallout 239,240Pu as alternative chronostratigraphic marker
Corcho-Alvarado J.A., Diaz-Asencio M., Froidevaux P., Bochud F., Alonso-Hernández C.M., Sanchez-Cabeza J.A., 2014. Quaternary Geochronology, 22 pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Controls on 13C and 14C variability in soil CO2
Gillon M., Barbecot F., Gibert E., Plain C., Corcho Alvarado J.A., Massault M., 2012. Geoderma, 189-190 pp. 431-441. Peer-reviewed.
Dating groundwater in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin: Understanding tracer variations in the subsurface
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Pačes T., Purtschert R., 2012. Applied Geochemistry, 29 pp. 189-198.
Determination of 241Pu in nuclear waste slurries: a comparative study using LSC and ICP-MS.
Jäggi M., Röllin S., Alvarado J.A., Eikenberg J., 2012. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 70 (2) pp. 360-364. Peer-reviewed.
Radiocarbon dating of modern groundwater: the role of the unsaturated zone
Gillon M., Barbecot F., Gibert E., Plain C., Corcho Alvarado J.A., Massault M., 2012., UNESCO p. 147 dans Radiocarbon2012, 21st International Radiocarbon Conference, Abstracts Book.
Variability of 13C-14C in soil CO2: Impact on 14C groundwater ages
Gillon M., Barbecot F., Gibert E., Plain C., Corcho Alvarado J.A., Massault M., 2012. dans 22nd Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference.
Determining the activity of Pu-241 by liquid scintillation counting
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Nedjadi Y., Bochud F., 2011/04. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 289 (2) pp. 375-9. Peer-reviewed.
Determining Pu-241 in environmental samples: case studies in alpine soils
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Chawla F., Froidevaux P., 2011. Radiochimica Acta, 99 (2) pp. 121-129. Peer-reviewed.
Groundwater dating and past climate reconstruction
Purtschert R., Corcho Alvarado J.A., Kipfer R., Lu Z.T., Sturchio N., 2011. dans 18th INQUA-Congress, International Union for Quaternary Research.
Late Pleistocene - Holocene climate variations over central Europe reconstructed from groundwater
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Leuenberger M., Kipfer R., Purtschert R., 2011. dans International Symposium on Isotopes in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems, and Climate Change Studies (IAEA).
Plutonium and americium isotopes as alternative chronostratigraphic markers in tropical regions: An application in the Havana Bay (Cuba)
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Diaz-Asencio M., Alonso Hernàndez C.M., Froidevaux P., Bochud F., Sanchez Cabeza J.A., 2011. dans International Symposium on Isotopes in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems, and Climate Change Studies (IAEA).
Reconstruction of metal pollution and recent sedimentation processes in Havana Bay (Cuba): A tool for coastal ecosystem management.
Díaz-Asencio M., Alvarado J.A., Alonso-Hernández C., Quejido-Cabezas A., Ruiz-Fernández A.C., Sanchez-Sanchez M., Gómez-Mancebo M.B., Froidevaux P., Sanchez-Cabeza J.A., 2011. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 196 pp. 402-411. Peer-reviewed.
Reconstruction Of Past Climate Conditions Over Central Europe From Groundwater Data
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Leuenberger M., Kipfer R., Paces T., Purtschert R., 2011. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (23-24) pp. 3423-3429. Peer-reviewed.
Reconstruction of sedimentary processes using natural and artificial radionuclides (210Pb, 226Ra, 14C, 239/240Pu) in the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba.
Díaz-Asencio M., Alonso-Hernández C., Eriksson M., Corcho-Alvarado J.A., Armenteros Almanza M., Froidevaux P., Sanchez-Cabeza J.A., 2011. dans International Symposium on Isotopes in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems, and Climate Change Studies (IAEA).
Investigation of anomalous uranium concentrations in organic-rich alpine soils
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Froidevaux P., Steinmann P., 2010., Stockholm, Sweden, May 24-27, 2010 dans International Workshops on the BIOPROTA U-238 Series Project, Key Issues in Biosphere Aspects of Assessment of the Long term Impact of Contaminant Releases Associated with Radioactive Waste Management.
Separation of Pu and Am using TEVA and DGA resins
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Froidevaux P., 2010. dans TrisKem International - Users' Group Meeting.
Simultaneous determination of Pu and Am radioisotopes in environmental samples: a tool for determining origin and release date
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Froidevaux P., 2010. dans Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). (eds.) 11th International Symposium on Environmental Radiochemical Analysis, Radiochemistry Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
A new method for the determination of plutonium and americium using high pressure microwave digestion and alpha-spectrometry or ICP-SMS
Luisier F., Alvarado J.A.C., Steinmann P., Krachler M., Froidevaux P., 2009. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 281 (3) pp. 425-432. Peer-reviewed.
Ambient vertical flow in long-screen wells: a case study in the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France)
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Barbecot F., Purtschert R., 2009. Hydrogeology Journal, 17 (2) pp. 425-431. Peer-reviewed.
Combined procedure for the determination of Ra and U radionuclides in water samples by LSC
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Froidevaux P., 2009. dans ICRM 2009, 17th International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications.
European climate variations over the past half-millennium reconstructed from groundwater
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Barbecot F., Purtschert R., Gillon M., Aeschbach-Hertig W., Kipfer R., 2009. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (15) pp. L15703. Peer-reviewed.
Open to closed system transition traced through the TDIC isotopic signature at the aquifer recharge stage, implications for groundwater 14C dating
Gillon M., Barbecot F., Gibert E., Corcho Alvarado J.A , Marlin C., Massault M., 2009. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (21) pp. 6488-6501. Peer-reviewed.
Dating Examples in European Reference Aquifers
Purtschert R., Corcho-Alvarado J.A., Loosli H.H., 2008. pp. 109-130 dans Edmunds W.M., Shand P. (eds.) Natural Groundwater Quality chap. 5B, Blackwell Pub..
The Cenomanian and Turonian Aquifers of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic
Paces T., Corcho Alvarado J.A., Herrmann Z., Kodes V., Muzak J., Novák J., Purtschert R., Remenarova D., Valecka J., 2008. pp. 372-390 dans Edmunds M., Shand P. (eds.) Natural Groundwater Quality chap. 17, Blackwell Pub..
The old tail of wide groundwater age distributions : the extended view of 39Ar compared to young residence time indicators
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Purtschert R., Barbecot F, 2008. pp. 17-19 dans International Workshop on Groundwater dating using Environmental Tracers, IAEA and Helmholtz-UFZ, Abstract Volume.
Constraining the age distribution of highly mixed groundwater using 39Ar: A multiple environmental tracer (3H/3He, 85Kr, 39Ar, and 14C) study in the semiconfined Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France)
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Purtschert R., Barbecot F., Chabault C., Rueedi J., Schneider V., Aeschbach-Hertig W., Kipfer R., Loosli H. H., 2007. Water Resources Research, 43 (3) pp. W03427.1-W03427.16. Peer-reviewed.
Late Holocene changes in European climate recorded in groundwater from the Fontainebleau sands aquifer, France
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Barbecot F., Purtschert R., 2007. dans 8th Swiss Global Change Day.
Use of multiple tracers for studying the inter-relationships between climate and recharge conditions of groundwater in a region of France : the past half-millennium
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Barbecot F., Purtschert R., Aeschbach-Hertig W., Kipfer R., 2007. pp. A188 dans 17th annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts.
Environmental tracer methods (3H, 3He, 85Kr, 39Ar, 14C and 4He) to resolve the age structure of groundwater
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Purtschert R., Barbecot F., 2006. dans Colloque International/International symposium. DARCY 2006. Gestion des Grands Aquifères - Aquifer Systems Management.
36Cl in modern groundwater dated by a multi-tracer approach (3H/3He, SF6, CFC-12 and 85Kr): a case study in quaternary sand aquifers in the Odense Pilot River Basin, Denmark
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Purtschert R., Hinsby K., Troldborg L., Hofer M., Kipfer R., Aeschbach-Hertig W., Arno-Synal H., 2005. Applied Geochemistry, 20 (3) pp. 599-609. Peer-reviewed.
Anwendung von Edelgasisotopen in der Grundwasserhydrologie
Purtschert R., Corcho Alvarado J.A., 2005. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie. Teil 1, Allgemeine, Angewandte, Regionale und Historische Geologie 1/2 pp. 141-165. Peer-reviewed.
Establishing timescales of groundwater residence times based on environmental tracer data: a study of the Turonian and Cenomanian aquifers of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Purtschert R., Pačes T., 2004. dans 32nd International Geological Congress.
How reliable are 39Ar groundwater ages?
Purtschert R., Loosli H.H., Corcho Alvarado J.A., 2004. dans International Workshop on the Application of Isotope Techniques in Hydrological and Environmental Studies, UNESCO.
Radionuclides (3H, 85Kr) for evaluation of flow dynamics and temporal chemical trends in groundwater and surface water
Hinsby K., Troldborg L., Purtschert R., Corcho Alvarado J.A., Hofer M., Kipfer R., 2004. pp. A493 dans 14th annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Peer-reviewed.
Tracer transport in the unsaturated zone of the Fontainebleau sands aquifer
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Purtschert R., Barbecot F., Chabault C., Rüedi J., Schneider V., Aeschbach-Hertig W., Kipfer R., Loosli H.H., 2004. dans International Workshop on the Application of Isotope Techniques in Hydrological and Environmental Studies, UNESCO.
Origin and temporal evolution of the groundwater in the Fontainebleau Sands Aquifer (France) investigated using 3H, 85Kr, 39Ar, 14C and stable noble gases
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Purtschert R., Chabault C., Barbecot F., Rueedi J., Schneider V., Aeschbach-Hertig W., Kipfer R., Loosli H.H., Dever L., 2003. dans International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management, IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).
Comparison of residence time indicators (3H/3He, SF6, CFC-12 and 85Kr) in shallow groundwater: a case study in the Odense aquifer, Denmark
Corcho Alvarado J.A., Purtschert R., Hofer M., Aeschbach-Herti W., Kipfer R., Troldborg L., Hinsby K., 2002. pp. A152 dans Goldschmidt Conference 2002, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure to natural radiation in gold-copper mines located in areas with high levels of natural radiation
Perez Sanchez D., Prendes Alonso M., Corcho Alvarado J.A., 2002. dans Burkart W. (eds.) High Levels of Natural Radiation and Radon Areas - Radiation Dose and Health Effects: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on High Levels of Natural Radiation and Radon Areas: Radiation Dose and Health Effects.
The Age and Origin of the Bath Thermal Waters : New Geochemical Investigations as part of the Bath Spa Project
Edmunds W.M., Darling W.G., Purtschert R., Corcho Alvarado J.A., 2001. 19 p., British Geological Survey.
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