Isabelle Zinn

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Research directions

PhD: Butcher and Florist Occupations: An Ethnography of Gender at Work

Located at the intersection of the gender studies and the sociology of occupational groups, this thesis aims to explore when and how gender becomes a constituent part of workplace activities for two contrasting occupational groups: butchers and florists. Based on ethnographic fieldwork that focusses on the phenomenal organization of activities, it seeks to account for the ways in which gender becomes relevant to these professionals and their clients in the course of occupational interactions. It shows that the members of a statistically gender segregated occupation don't always mobilize gender in the same way and don't necessarily invest it with the same operative meaning. Therefore, even in contexts marked by profound gender asymmetries, it is important not to assume a constant relevance of gender and sex categories. Rather, it should be recognized that the gendered practices are likely to be quite specific to the occupational context under study. By focusing on the effects of the situation on the ways in which individuals "do gender", this thesis makes an original contribution to the analysis of the processes of (de-)gendering professional activities. Finally, by studying the organization and professional experiences of butchers and florists, this thesis enhances our sociological reading of two occupations that have been little studied to date.

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Swiss University