Giovanni Battista Derchi

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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4 publications

2017 | 2015 | 2013 |
Corporate governance: challenges for international sports federations
Davila A., Derchi G., Oyon D., 2017. dans Hendricks G., Landrove J. (eds.) AISTS Collected Insights on Governance and Ethics, AISTS.
Corporate provision of incentives for the attainment of environmental targets
Derchi G., Oyon D., 2015. dans Academy of Management (AoM) Proceedings. Peer-reviewed.
Environmental management accounting systems: A review of the evidence and propositions for future research
Derchi G., Burkert M., Oyon D., 2013/11/30. pp. 197-229 dans Songini L., Pistoni A., Herzig C. (eds.) Accounting and Control for Sustainability, Emerald Group Publishing Inc..
Environmental management accounting mechanisms: A review of the evidence and propositions for future research
Derchi G. B., Burkert M., Oyon D., 2013. pp. 197-229 dans Songini L., Pistoni A., Herzig C. (eds.) Accounting and control for sustainability, Emeral Group Publishing Inc..
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