Jessica Gale

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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11 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
Should we talk (more) about climate change when promoting energy conservation? An intervention in Swiss households
Sarrasin Oriane, Gale Jessica, Butera Fabrizio, 2024. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 6 p. 100179.
The interplay between diversity climate and multiculturalism policy: How diversity contexts shape student collective voice
Gale Jessica, Phalet Karen, 2023/11/15. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Who is willing to help Ukrainian refugees and why? The role of individual prosocial dispositions and superordinate European identity
Politi Emanuele, Gale Jessica, Roblain Antoine, Bobowik Magdalena, Green Eva G.T., 2023/03/23. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Multicultural attitudes in Europe: A multilevel analysis of perceived compatibility between individual and collective justice
Gale Jessica, Staerklé Christian, Green Eva G. T., Visintin Emilio Paolo, 2021/09/09. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9 (2) pp. 419-437. Peer-reviewed.
Selecting Talented Migrants: Majority and Minority Perspectives
Gale Jessica, Staerklé Christian, 2021/08. Political Psychology, 42 (4) pp. 659-676.
If you want to be one of us, then become like us: The evaluation of naturalization applicants by host nationals
Politi Emanuele, Roblain Antoine, Gale Jessica, Licata Laurent, Staerklé Christian, 2020/06. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50 (4) pp. 839-856. Peer-reviewed.
Multiculturalism in classically liberal societies: Group membership and compatibility between individual and collective justice
Gale Jessica, Staerklé Christian, 2019/11. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85 p. 103877.
Speaking Up or Silencing Out in the Face of Rising Right-Wing Populism: A Dynamic Test of the Spiral of Silence across 15 European Countries
Thurre Frédéric Olivier, Gale Jessica, Staerklé Christian, 2019/10/19. International Journal of Public Opinion Research.
The ambivalence of material vulnerability as a foundation for welfare attitudes: Social distrust or dissatisfaction with the system?
Staerklé Christian, Gale Jessica, Politi Emanuele, 2019/04/01. pp. 68-90 dans Welfare State Legitimacy in Times of Crisis and Austerity: Between Continuity and Change, Edward Elgar.
Immigration and Multiculturalism in Context: A Framework for Psychological Research
Ward Colleen, Gale Jessica, Staerklé Christian, Stuart Jaimee, 2018/11/14. Journal of Social Issues. Peer-reviewed.
Flexible Solidarity with Refugees: Integrating Minority Influence and Intergroup Communication
Politi Emanuele, Gale Jessica, Staerklé Christian, 2017/07/27. International Review of Social Psychology, 30 (1) pp. 172-183.
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