Matthieu Niederhauser

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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9 publications

Les cantons suisses face au droit international
Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, Savoir Suisse.
Engaging with Human Rights: How Subnational Actors use Human Rights Treaties in Policy Processes
Miaz Jonathan, Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Kaempfer Constance, Maggetti Martino, Palgrave.
From international law to subnational practices: How intermediaries translate the Istanbul Convention
Miaz Jonathan, Niederhauser Matthieu, Maggetti Martino, 2024/01. Regulation & Governance, 18 (1) pp. 121-138. Peer-reviewed.
From international law to subnational practices: How intermediaries translate the Istanbul Convention
Miaz Jonathan, Niederhauser Matthieu, Maggetti Martino, 2023/03/30. Regulation & Governance. Peer-reviewed.
Que font les cantons de leurs obligations internationales ?
Schmid Evelyne, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, Niederhauser Matthieu, 2022/09/27..
Was machen die Kantone mit ihren internationalen Verpflichtungen?
Schmid Evelyne, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, Niederhauser Matthieu, 2022/09/27..
Governmental human rights focal points in federal contexts: The implementation of the Istanbul convention in Switzerland as a case study
Niederhauser Matthieu, 2021/05/18. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights p. 092405192110169.
Les parlements cantonaux suisses et leurs obligations internationales / Die Kantonsparlamente und ihre internationalen Verpflichtungen
Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, 2021/04/07. Parlament, Parlement, Parlamento (Bulletin de la Societé suisse de questions parlementaires), 24 (1) pp. 63-68.
Reflections on the development of the Movement and international humanitarian law through the lens of the ICRC Library's Heritage Collection
Raboud Ismaël, Niederhauser Matthieu, Mohr Charlotte, 2018/04. International Review of the Red Cross, 100 (907-909) pp. 143-163.
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