Carlos Ciller Ruiz

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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5 publications

2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
Metabolic Effects of Glucose-Fructose Co-Ingestion Compared to Glucose Alone during Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes.
Bally L., Kempf P., Zueger T., Speck C., Pasi N., Ciller C., Feller K., Loher H., Rosset R., Wilhelm M. et al., 2017/02/21. Nutrients, 9 (2) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-channel MRI segmentation of eye structures and tumors using patient-specific features.
Ciller C., De Zanet S., Kamnitsas K., Maeder P., Glocker B., Munier F.L., Rueckert D., Thiran J.P., Bach Cuadra M., Sznitman R., 2017. PloS one, 12 (3) pp. e0173900. Peer-reviewed.
Accuracy of continuous glucose monitoring during differing exercise conditions.
Bally L., Zueger T., Pasi N., Carlos C., Paganini D., Stettler C., 2016/02. Diabetes research and clinical practice, 112 pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
Automatic Segmentation of the Eye in 3D Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Novel Statistical Shape Model for Treatment Planning of Retinoblastoma.
Ciller C., De Zanet S.I., Rüegsegger M.B., Pica A., Sznitman R., Thiran J.P., Maeder P., Munier F.L., Kowal J.H., Cuadra M.B., 2015. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 92 (4) pp. 794-802. Peer-reviewed.
Landmark detection for fusion of fundus and MRI toward a patient-specific multimodal eye model.
De Zanet S.I., Ciller C., Rudolph T., Maeder P., Munier F., Balmer A., Cuadra M.B., Kowal J.H., 2015. Ieee Transactions on Bio-medical Engineering, 62 (2) pp. 532-540. Peer-reviewed.
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