Marianne Milano - ARCHIVE

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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32 publications

2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
Prospective integrated modelling of water scarcity risk in western Switzerland: lessons learned and new challenges for water security assessment
Milano Marianne, Reynard Emmanuel, 2022/01/17. Géocarrefour 96/1. Peer-reviewed.
Benefits of Water-Harvesting Systems (Jessour) on Soil Water Retention in Southeast Tunisia
Calianno Martin, Fallot Jean-Michel, Ben Fraj Tarek, Ben Ouezdou Hédi, Reynard Emmanuel, Milano Marianne, Abbassi Mohamed, Ghram Messedi Aziza, Adatte Thierry, 2020/01/19. Water, 12 (1) p. 295. Peer-reviewed.
How water quality standards for pesticides affect the classification of the chemical status of rivers
Milano Marianne, Chèvre Nathalie, 2019/08/13. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water.
Performance evaluation of satellite-based rainfall products on hydrological modeling for a transboundary catchment in northwest Africa
Guermazi Emna, Milano Marianne, Reynard Emmanuel, 2019/07/01. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Peer-reviewed.
Impacts des aménagements hydro-agricoles en jessour sur le bilan hydrique dans le sud-est tunisien
Fallot Jean-Michel, Ben Fraj Tarek, Calianno Martin, Abbassi Mohamed, Ben Ouezdou Hedi, Abderrrahmen Abdelkhalek, Milano Marianne, Reynard Emmanuel, 2019/05., 32ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie (AIC), Thessalonique, Grèce, 29 Mai - 1 juin 2019 pp. 549-554 dans Le changement climatique, la variabilité et les risques climatiques. Peer-reviewed, Pangiotis Maheras, Konstantia Tolika, Christina Anagnostopoulou.
Water Supply Basins of São Paulo Metropolitan Region: Hydro-Climatic Characteristics of the 2013–2015 Water Crisis
Milano M., Reynard E., Muniz-Miranda G., Guerrin J., 2018/10/25. Water, 10 (11) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse de l'événement pluviométrique intense du 11 novembre 2017 et ses effets sur le système hydraulique des Jessour (sud-est tunisien)
Ben Ouezdou H., Abderrahmen A., Abbassi M., Ben Fraj T., Calianno M., Fallot J.-M., Milano M., Reynard E., 2018/07., 31ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie pp. 251-256 dans Martin N. (eds.) Echelles spatiales et temporelles fines. Peer-reviewed, Association Internationale de Climatologie.
Impact of climate change and anthropogenic pressure on the groundwater resources in arid environment
Guermazi Emna, Milano Marianne, Reynard Emmanuel, Zairi Moncef, 2018/03/10. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change pp. 1-20. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing watercourse quality: challenges in implementing European and Swiss legal frameworks
Milano Marianne, Chèvre Nathalie, Reynard Emmanuel, 2018/01. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25 (1) pp. 805-823. Peer-reviewed.
Monitoring Water Use Regimes and Density in a Tourist Mountain Territory
Calianno M., Milano M., Reynard E., 2018. Water Resources Management, 32 (8) pp. 2783–2799.
Quantifier les usages de l'eau : une clarification terminologique et conceptuelle pour lever les confusions
Calianno M., Reynard E., Milano M., Buchs A., 2017/05/25. VertigO, 17 (1) pp. NA.
Diagnostic des eaux de surface. Application du système modulaire gradué au Boiron de Morges
Milano M., Reynard E., Chèvre N., Rubin J.-F., 2017. Aqua & Gas, 2 pp. 58-64.
Importance de la résolution spatiale et temporelle des approches régionales de modélisation du stress hydrique
Milano M., Reynard E., Ruelland D., Servat E., 2016/07., 29ème colloque de l'Association internationale de climatologie pp. 463-468 dans Climat et pollution de l'air. Peer-reviewed, Fallot J.-M., Joly D., Bernard N..
Les caractéristiques climatiques de la crise hydrique de 2013-2014 dans la région métropolitaine de São Paulo, Brésil
Miranda G.M., Reynard E., Milano M., Guerrin J., 2016., Association Internationale de Climatologie pp. 469-474 dans Fallot J.M., Joly D., Bernard N. (eds.) Climat et pollution de l'air. Actes du XXIXe Colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, Besançon (France) du 06 au 09 juillet 2016. Peer-reviewed.
Les Jessour dans le Sud-Est tunisien : un système hydro-agricole ancestral dans un milieu aride
Ben Fraj T., Abderrhahmen A., Ben Ouezdou H., Reynard E., Milano M., Calianno M., Fallot J.-M., 2016., Laboratoires ThéMA et Chrono-Environnement de l'Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, site de Besançon (France) et Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne (Suisse) pp. 193-198 dans Fallot J.-M., Joly D., Bernard N. (eds.) Climat et pollution de l'air. Actes du XXIXe colloque de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, Besançon (France) du 6 au 9 juillet 2016. Peer-reviewed.
Challenges for the prevision of future water demands. Learning from two case studies in Western Switzerland
Reynard E., Milano M., 2015. p. 9 dans Proceedings SHF Conference Water Tensions in Europe and in the Mediterranean: water crisis by 2050? October, 8-9 2015, Paris-Marne la Vallée. Peer-reviewed, Société hydrotechnique de France.
Climatic and anthropogenic changes in Western Switzerland: Impacts on water stress
Milano M., Reynard E., Köplin N., Weingartner R., 2015. Science of the Total Environment, 536 pp. 12-24. Peer-reviewed.
In light of seasonal climatic and anthropogenic changes, is the Vaud Canton (Switzerland) vulnerable to water stress by the medium-term?
Milano M., Reynard E., Köplin N., Weingartner R., 2015. p. 10 dans Proceedings SHF Conference Water Tensions in Europe and in the Mediterranean: water crisis by 2050? October, 8-9 2015, Paris-Marne la Vallée. Peer-reviewed, Société hydrotechnique de France.
Simulating future trends in hydrological regimes in Western Switzerland
Milano M., Reynard E., Bosshard N., Weingartner R., 2015. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 4 pp. 748-761.
Assessing the long-term evolution of water supply capacity: comparison of two Mediterranean catchments.
Fabre J., Collet L., Milano M., Ruelland D., Dezetter A., Ardoin-Bardin S., Servat E., 2014. pp. 203-208 dans Hydrology in a Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions., IAHS Publication. Peer-reviewed.
Regards croisés sur la notion de pénurie d'eau en Espagne : vers un rapprochement interdisciplinaire.
Buchs A., Milano M., 2014. Lettre, 100 pp. 13-18.
Réflexions sur la notion d'usage de l'eau
Calianno M., Buchs A., Milano M., Reynard E., 2014. La Lettre 100 pp. 6-12.
Anticipation du stress hydrique en Méditerranée : un outil d'aide à la décision pour une meilleure gestion des ressources en eau
Milano M., Ruelland D., Dezetter A., 2013. Les Notes du Plan Bleu 26 p. 4.
Assessing the capacity of water resources to meet current and future water demands over the Ebro catchment (Spain)
Milano M., Ruelland D., Dezetter A., Fabre J., Ardoin-Bardin S., Servat E., 2013. pp. 199-206 dans Considering Hydrological Change in Reservoir Planning and Management. Proceedings of H09, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013., IAHS Publication, IAHS Press.
Current state of Mediterranean water resources and future trends under climatic and anthropogenic changes
Milano M., Ruelland D., Fernandez S., Dezetter A., Fabre J., Servat E., Fritsch J.-M., Ardoin-Bardin S., Thivet G., 2013. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3) pp. 498-518.
Modeling the current and future capacity of water resources to meet water demands in the Ebro basin
Milano M., Ruelland D., Dezetter A., Fabre J., Ardoin-Bardin S., Servat E., 2013. Journal of Hydrology, 500 pp. 114-126. Peer-reviewed.
Facing climatic and anthropogenic changes in the Mediterranean basin: What will be the medium-term impact on water stress?
Milano M., Ruelland D., Fernandez S., Dezetter A., Fabre J., Servat E., 2012/07. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 344 (9) pp. 432-440.
In light of climatic and anthropogenic changes will water demands still be met in the Mediterranean basin by the 2050 horizon?
Milano M., 2012. Les Notes du Plan Bleu 25 p. 4.
Assessing the impacts of global changes on the water resources of the Mediterranean basin.
Milano M., Ruelland D., Fernandez S., Dezetter A., Ardoin-Bardin S., Fabre J., Thivet G., Servat E., 2011. pp. 165-172 dans Risk in Water Resources Management. Proceedings of symposium H03, IUGG2011, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011., IAHS Publication. Peer-reviewed, IAHS Press.
Evaluation d'impacts potentiels de changements climatiques sur l'hydrologie du bassin versant de la Moulouya. au Maroc.
Driouech F., Mahé G., Déqué M., Dieulin C., El Heirech T., Milano M., Benabdelfadel A., Rouché N., 2010. pp. 561-567 dans Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources. Proceedings of the Sixth World FRIEND Conference, Fez, Morocco, October 2010., IAHS Publication. Peer-reviewed, IAHS Press.
Evolution des relations pluie-débit sur des bassins versants du Maroc.
Singla S., Mahé G., Dieulin C., Dirouech F., Milano M., El Guelai F., Ardoin-Bardin S., 2010. pp. 679-687 dans Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources. Proceedings of the Sixth World FRIEND Conference, Fez, Morocco, October 2010., IAHS Publication. Peer-reviewed, IAHS Press.
Ressources en eau et changement climatique : évolution comparée de bassins versants en Méditerranée et Afrique de l'Ouest.
Ardoin-Bardin S., Milano M., Thivet G., Servat E., 2010. pp. 521-528 dans Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources. Proceedings of the Sixth World FRIEND Conference, Fez, Morocco, October 2010., IAHS Publication. Peer-reviewed, IAHS Press.
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