Caroline Nizard

Axes de recherche | Collaborations | Evénements

Axes de recherche

Apprentissage du yoga

Anthropologie du corps
Yoga : dimensions historiques, anthropologies et sociologies des pratiquants et professeurs
Terrains : France, Suisse romande et Inde
Méthode qualitative: entretiens semi-directifs, observations participantes
Thématiques : thérapie psycho-corporelle, santé, activité corporelle (sport), bien-être, spiritualité, religion, souffle, apprentissage

Santé et travail

Anthropologie de la santé et du travail
Terrain : Suisse romande
Méthode qualitative
Thématiques : santé, retour au travail, réinsertion professionnelle, qualité de vie, cancer, bien-être
Population vulnérable

Méditation, Retour au travail, Cancer

Cancer is a major public health problem. Thus, the question of professional reintegration of people undergoing oncology rehabilitation is an essential issue.
While the period of care often, but not systematically, implies a separation from the socio-professional environment, upon return to work, people find themselves confronted with transformations (reinforcement or ruptures) in their professional relationships and new challenges related to secondary effects (cognitive losses, fatigue, anxiety) that negatively affect work. Numerous studies on the use of MBCR (mindfulness-based cancer recovery) meditation have largely proven their usefulness in reducing the secondary effects on cognitive disorders. However, biomedical and social science research has never studied the links between cancer, MBCR and work. Do oncological rehabilitation programs based on MBSR facilitate professional reintegration? If so, is this related to the reduction of side effects, such as cognitive losses, as suggested by psycho-oncological research? Or is there an impact on relational networks? Starting from the idea that the more diversified relational networks people belong to (in terms of CSP, professional background, hobbies.), the more likely they are to integrate professionally, we can consider that participating in an oncological rehabilitation program would be favorable to create new networks, which would influence reintegration.
The objective of this project is to understand the transformations of the professional dynamics of people affected by cancer before, during and after the period of oncological rehabilitation and to know if oncological rehabilitation programs, in particular MBSR activities, can have an impact on professional reintegration, by the creation of new relational networks.

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