Marie Simonet - ARCHIVE

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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7 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 |
Cardiorespiratory fitness modulates prestimulus EEG microstates during a sustained attention task
Di Muccio Francesco, Simonet Marie, Brandner Catherine, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme, 2023/06/15. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17.
Inhibitory control expertise through sports practice: A scoping review
Simonet Marie, Beltrami Debra, Barral Jérôme, 2023/04/03. Journal of Sports Sciences, 41 (7) pp. 616-630. Peer-reviewed.
The field of expertise modulates the time course of neural processes associated with inhibitory control in a sport decision-making task
Simonet Marie, Ruggeri Paolo, Sallard Etienne, Barral Jérôme, 2022/12. Scientific Reports. Peer-reviewed.
Effector-Specific Characterization of Brain Dynamics in Manual vs. Oculomotor Go/NoGo Tasks.
Simonet Marie, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme, 2020. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 14 p. 600667. Peer-reviewed.
The modulation of event-related alpha rhythm during the time course of anticipation
Simonet Marie, Meziane Hadj Boumediene, Runswick Oliver Richard, North Jamie Stephen, Williams Andrew Mark, Barral Jérôme, Roca André, 2019/12. Scientific Reports, 9 (1).
Executive control training does not generalize, even when associated with plastic changes in domain-general prefrontal areas.
Simonet M., Roten FCV, Spierer L., Barral J., 2019/08/15. NeuroImage, 197 pp. 457-469. Peer-reviewed.
Vivre avec l’incertitude
Cornuz J., Gaspoz J.M., Simonet M.L., Perrier A., Waeber G., 2017/01/18. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (546) p. 131. Peer-reviewed.
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