Tomas Kay - ARCHIVE

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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13 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
2-Methoxybenzaldehyde effectively repels ants.
Kay T., Siegenthaler G., Kench T., Keller L., 2024/02/12. Journal of economic entomology, 117 (1) pp. 24-33. Peer-reviewed.
Social isolation shortens lifespan through oxidative stress in ants.
Koto A., Tamura M., Wong P.S., Aburatani S., Privman E., Stoffel C., Crespi A., McKenzie S.K., La Mendola C., Kay T. et al., 2023/09/27. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 5493. Peer-reviewed.
Social network position is a major predictor of ant behavior, microbiota composition, and brain gene expression.
Kay T., Liberti J., Richardson T.O., McKenzie S.K., Weitekamp C.A., La Mendola C., Rüegg M., Kesner L., Szombathy N., McGregor S. et al., 2023/07. PLoS biology, 21 (7) pp. e3002203. Peer-reviewed.
A complete absence of indirect genetic effects on brain gene expression in a highly social context.
Kay T., Alciatore G., La Mendola C., Reuter M., Ulrich Y., Keller L., 2022/11. Molecular ecology, 31 (21) pp. 5602-5607. Peer-reviewed.
The gut microbiota affects the social network of honeybees.
Liberti J., Kay T., Quinn A., Kesner L., Frank E.T., Cabirol A., Richardson T.O., Engel P., Keller L., 2022/10. Nature ecology & evolution, 6 (10) pp. 1471-1479. Peer-reviewed.
Iterative evolution of supergene-based social polymorphism in ants.
Kay T., Helleu Q., Keller L., 2022/08. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 377 (1856) p. 20210196. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to Leimar and Hammerstein: Limited gene flow leads to individuals being related within groups.
Kay T., Keller L., Lehmann L., 2021/08/31. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (35) pp. e2108545118. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of master sex determiners: TGF-β signalling pathways at regulatory crossroads.
Pan Q., Kay T., Depincé A., Adolfi M., Schartl M., Guiguen Y., Herpin A., 2021/08/30. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 376 (1832) p. 20200091. Peer-reviewed.
Ant behavioral maturation is mediated by a stochastic transition between two fundamental states.
Richardson T.O., Kay T., Braunschweig R., Journeau O.A., Rüegg M., McGregor S., Los Rios P., Keller L., 2021/05/24. Current biology, 31 (10) pp. 2253-2260.e3. Peer-reviewed.
The evolution of altruism and the serial rediscovery of the role of relatedness.
Kay T., Keller L., Lehmann L., 2020/11/17. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (46) pp. 28894-28898. Peer-reviewed.
Kinship Theory
Kay T., Lehmann L., Keller L., 2020. pp. 1-5 dans Encyclopedia of Social Insects, Springer International Publishing.
Kin selection and altruism.
Kay T., Lehmann L., Keller L., 2019/06/03. Current biology, 29 (11) pp. R438-R442. Peer-reviewed.
How to estimate kinship.
Goudet J., Kay T., Weir B.S., 2018/10. Molecular ecology, 27 (20) pp. 4121-4135. Peer-reviewed.
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