Antoine Benard

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2018 |
Spinel Harzburgite-Derived Silicate Melts Forming Sulfide-Bearing Orthopyroxenite in the Lithosphere. Part 1: Partition Coefficients and Volatile Evolution Accompanying Fluid- and Redox-Induced Sulfide Formation
Bénard A., Le Losq C., Müntener O., Robyr M., Nebel O., Arculus R. J., Ionov D. A., 2022/07/12. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10. Peer-reviewed.
Silica-rich spinel harzburgite residues formed by fractional hybridization-melting of the intra-oceanic supra-subduction zone mantle: New evidence from TUBAF seamount peridotites
Bénard A., Müntener O., Pilet S., Arculus R.J., Nebel O., 2021/01. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 293 pp. 477-506.
Oxidising agents in sub-arc mantle melts link slab devolatilisation and arc magmas.
Bénard A., Klimm K., Woodland A.B., Arculus R.J., Wilke M., Botcharnikov R.E., Shimizu N., Nebel O., Rivard C., Ionov D.A., 2018/08/29. Nature communications, 9 p. 3500. Peer-reviewed.
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