Michael Parviz Shahandeh

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3 publications

2023 | 2021 |
Evolution of circadian behavioral plasticity through cis-regulatory divergence of a neuropeptide gene
Shahandeh M.P., Abuin L., Lescuyer De Decker L., Cergneux J., Koch R., Nagoshi E., Benton R., 2023/07/06..
Odor-regulated oviposition behavior in an ecological specialist.
Álvarez-Ocaña R., Shahandeh M.P., Ray V., Auer T.O., Gompel N., Benton R., 2023/05/26. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 3041. Peer-reviewed.
Drosophila sechellia: A Genetic Model for Behavioral Evolution and Neuroecology.
Auer T.O., Shahandeh M.P., Benton R., 2021/11/23. Annual review of genetics, 55 pp. 527-554. Peer-reviewed.
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