Odile Ammann

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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71 publications

Ammann Odile dans Grote Rainer, Lachenmann Frauke, Wolfrum Rüdiger, Mantovani Martina (eds.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, 2024, in preparation, Oxford University Press.
Influencing Lawmakers: A Comparative Constitutional Analysis of Legislative Lobbying
Ammann Odile, tbc.
Onlinekommentar zur Schweizerischen Bundesverfassung / Commentaire en ligne de la Constitution fédérale suisse / Commento online sulla Costituzione federale svizzera (Online Commentary of the Swiss Federal Constitution) [several rounds of editorial review and coordination of several peer reviews for each contribution]
Stefan Schlegel, Ammann Odile (eds.), Onlinekommentar.
'Book Review: Nathalie Clarenc Bicudo, Florian Couveinhes Matsumoto, Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach and Anne-Thida Norodom (eds), Un droit international français? Pratiques françaises du droit international, Paris: Pedone 2022’
Ammann Odile International Journal of Constitutional Law. Peer-reviewed.
English Language Bias in Comparative Constitutional Law Scholarship
Ammann Odile dans De Visser Maartje, Arban Erika, Yun Jeong-In (eds.) The Language of Comparative Constitutional Law: Questioning Hegemonies, Hart Publishing.
Residency by Investment and Citizenship by Investment: Just the Tip of the Iceberg? The Pervasiveness of Meritocratic Considerations in Immigration and Citizenship Law
Ammann Odile dans Kochenov Dimitry, Surak Kristin, van den Brink Martijn (eds.) The Politics of (Il)Legality of Citizenship and Residence by Investment, Hart Publishing.
The Power of Agricultural Interest Groups in Legislative Processes
Ammann Odile dans Peters Anne, Stilt Kristen, Stucki Saskia (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Global Animal Law, Oxford University Press.
The Regulation of Legislative Lobbying in Switzerland: Superfluous or Overdue?
Ammann Odile Interest Groups & Advocacy. Peer-reviewed.
Nur vom Volk abhängig? Warum die Regulierung des parlamentarischen Lobbyismus nicht vom Tisch ist
Ammann Odile, 2024/07/08. Unser Recht.
Nur vom Volk abhängig? Warum es in der Schweiz wohl eine Volksinitiative braucht, um den parlamentarischen Lobbyismus zu regulieren
Ammann Odile, 2024/06/05. Verfassungsblog. Peer-reviewed.
‘Who Gets Heard? The Participation of Academic Experts in Hearings Held by the Swiss Parliament’s Specialist Committees’, (2023) 18:3 Swiss Academies Communications (53 pages)
Wyss Reja, Maier Silvia, Ammann Odile, Grüninger Servan L., Farman Darius, 2024., Swiss Young Academy (Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences).
Function Follows Form: Die Digitalisierung juristischer Kommentare als Labor für den Funktionswandel des Rechts
Schlegel Stefan, Ammann Odile, 2023/06/14. Verfassungsblog.
Qui est entendu ? Communauté scientifique et auditions des commissions thématiques du Parlement, (2023) 18:3 Swiss Academies Communications (57 pages)
Wyss Reja, Maier Silvia, Ammann Odile, Grüninger Servan L., Farman Darius, 2023/06/14., Swiss Young Academy (Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences).
Civil Society Participation in EU Climate Law-Making: A Critical Evaluation of the European Commission’s Consultations in Connection with the European Climate Law
Ammann Odile, Boussat Audrey, 2023/03/10. REALaw (blog of the Review of European and Administrative Law.
Book Review: Yuji Iwasawa, Domestic Application of International Law: Focusing on Direct Applicability, Leiden/Boston: Brill 2022
Ammann Odile, 2023. Canadian Yearbook of International Law = Annuaire canadien de droit international. Peer-reviewed.
Case Report, ILDC 3193 (CH 2020), Decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, no. 1C_37/2019, of 5 May 2020, partly published in BGE 146 I 145 (on whether, given that global warming was expected to reach 1.5°C approximately by the year 2040, the failure of Swiss authorities to take effective measures to achieve reductions of emissions sufficiently affected the appellants’ right to life and right to privacy and family life to warrant legal protection under Article 25a of the Federal Act on Administrative Procedure)
Ammann Odile, Marti Cedric, 2023. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (Oxford University Press). Peer-reviewed.
The Participation of Civil Society in European Union Environmental Law-Making Processes: A Critical Assessment of the European Commission’s Consultations in Connection with the European Climate Law
Ammann Odile, Boussat Audrey, 2023. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 14 (2) pp. 235-252. Peer-reviewed.
Wer wird gehört? Wissenschafter:innen in den Anhörungen der parlamentarischen Sachbereichskommissionen, (2023) 18:3 Swiss Academies Communications (58 pages)
Wyss Reja, Maier Silvia, Ammann Odile, Grüninger Servan L., Farman Darius, 2023., Swiss Young Academy (Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences).
Höher, schneller, weiter? Ein paar Gedanken zur Zukunft der JTÖR
Ammann Odile, Chatziathanasiou Konstantin, 2022/06/29. JuWiss.
Qui dirige la Suisse ? Une perspective de droit constitutionnel
Ammann Odile, 2022/06/27. décodage (blog of the Swiss Academy of the Humanities and Social Sciences).
Avis de droit sur l'avant-projet de nouvelle Constitution valaisanne (Legal opinion on the preliminary draft of the new Constitution of the Canton of Valais, in French, publicly available at bit.ly/3HjjnN4)
Ammann Odile, Mahon Pascal, 2022., University of Lausanne/University of Neuchâtel.
Language Bias in International Legal Scholarship: Symptoms, Causes, Risks, and Remedies
Ammann Odile, 2022. European Journal of International Law, 33 (3) pp. 821-850. Peer-reviewed.
Rechtsgutachten zum Vorentwurf der neuen Walliser Kantonsverfassung (Legal opinion on the preliminary draft of the new Constitution of the Canton of Valais, in German, publicly available at bit.ly/3JNR7nn)
Ammann Odile, Mahon Pascal, 2022., University of Lausanne/University of Neuchâtel.
Verantwortung und Recht, 62. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht, Zürich 2022
Ammann Odile, Bottega Fiona, Bukovac Jasmina, Lehner Irina, Meier Julia, Piskóty Réka, Rausch Caroline, Rehmann Meret, Schneider Lea Ina, Weder Regina, Wilhelm Martin (eds.), 2022., Nomos.
Zoom-Fatigue? Methoden zur Aktivierung von Studierenden der Rechtswissenschaften im digitalen Unterricht
Ammann Odile, 2022. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft, 9 (4) pp. 329-341. Peer-reviewed.
Zum Wiederaufbau der internationalen Institutionenordnung (German translation of Prof. Samantha Besson's inaugural lecture at the Collège de France), Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn, 2022 (with D. Wohlwend)
Besson Samantha, Wohlwend Denise, Ammann Odile, 2022..
Richterinnen und Richter sollten keine Parteienvertreter mehr sein
Ammann Odile, Schärli Markus, 2021/11/11. Unser Recht.
Wissenschaftsfreiheit als Pflicht zur Ergebnisoffenheit - Verfassungsrechtliche Politikberatung in der Schweiz
Ammann Odile, 2021/04/10. Verfassungsblog.
Switzerland and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Look Back and a Look Into the Future
Uhlmann Felix, Ammann Odile, 2021/03/01. Verfassungsblog.
Back to Beginnings: Revisiting the Preambles of European Treaties
Neier Christina, Ammann Odile, Walther Reto, Beier Marisa, Achermann Katja, 2021. Swiss Review of International and European Law, 31 pp. 687-690.
Das freie Mandat (Art. 38 Abs. 1 S. 2 GG) – ein verfassungsrechtliches Fossil? Von der unzureichenden Berücksichtigung des parlamentarischen Lobbyismus in der zeitgenössischen deutschen Verfassungslehre
Ammann Odile, 2021. pp. 371-392 dans Zugang zu Recht, 61. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht, Nomos.
Food Security and Symbolic Legislation in Switzerland: A False Sense of Security?
Blattner Charlotte, Ammann Odile, 2021. pp. 349-355 dans Schübel Hanna, Wallimann-Helmer Ivo (eds.) Justice and Food Security in a Changing Climate, Proceedings of the 2021 EurSafe Conference. Peer-reviewed, Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Le lobbying en temps de pandémie : quelques réflexions sur une pratique en pleine mutation
Ammann Odile, 2021. pp. 75-80 dans Ewert Christian, Heyne Lea (eds.) One Year with COVID-19, DemocracyNet.
Rezension: Jörg Paul Müller, “Dialog als Lebensnerv der Demokratie – Vom Athen des Sokrates zur Politik der Gegenwart” (Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2021)
Ammann Odile, 2021. Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht / Revue de droit suisse 5 pp. 607-611.
Sollten die höchsten Richterinnen und Richter im Losverfahren bestimmt werden? Überlegungen zur richterlichen Unabhängigkeit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der schweizerischen «Justiz-Initiative»
Ammann Odile, 2021. pp. 7-22 dans Urbanik Jakub, Bodnar Adam (eds.) Περιμένοντας τους Bαρβάρους. Law in the Days of Constitutional Crisis, Studies Offered to Mirosław Wyrzykowski, C.H. Beck/Nomos.
Switzerland: The (Missing) Role of Parliament in Times of Crisis
Ammann Odile, Uhlmann Felix, 2021. pp. 179-200 dans Kettemann Matthias C., Lachmayer Konrad (eds.) Pandemocracy in Europe: Power, Parliaments and People in Times of Covid-19, Hart Publishing.
Transparency at the Expense of Equality and Integrity: Present and Future Directions of Lobby Regulation in the European Parliament
Ammann Odile, 2021. European Papers, 6 (1) pp. 239-268. Peer-reviewed.
Transparente Politikfinanzierung in der direkten Demokratie: Überflüssig oder überfällig? Zur Tragweite von Art. 34 Abs. 2 BV in der Transparenzdebatte
Ammann Odile, 2021. pp. 88-113 dans Braun Binder Nadja, Feld Lars P., Huber Peter M., Poier Klaus, Wittreck Fabian (eds.) Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie 2020, Nomos.
Zur unscharfen Grenze zwischen Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Meinungsäusserungsfreiheit: Eine verfassungsrechtliche Analyse universitärer Social-Media-Leitlinien
Ammann Odile, 2021. Recht und Zugang, 3 (2) pp. 194-229. Peer-reviewed.
“Zugang zu Recht”: Tagungsbericht zur 61. Jungen Tagung Öffentliches Recht in Münster
Bottega Fiona, Rausch Caroline, Wilhelm Martin, Ammann Odile, 2021. Rechtswissenschaft 2 pp. 264-272.
Passports for Sale: How (Un)Meritocratic Are Citizenship by Investment Programmes?
Ammann Odile, 2020/10/07. European Journal of Migration and Law, 22 (3) pp. 309-337. Peer-reviewed.
Lobbying et corruption : des liaisons dangereuses ?
Ammann Odile, 2020. pp. 229-242 dans Perrin Bertrand, Meylan Patricia, Fiolka Gerhard, Niggli Marcel Alexander, Riedo Christof (eds.) Droit pénal et criminologie – Mélanges en l’honneur de Nicolas Queloz, Helbing & Lichtenhahn.
L’interprétation du droit international par les tribunaux nationaux : méthodes et raisonnement à la lumière de l’exemple suisse (dissertation summary)
Ammann Odile, 2020. ex ante, 5 (1) pp. 27-31. Peer-reviewed.
Nationale Gerichte und die Auslegung des Völkerrechts: Methoden und Argumentation am Beispiel der Schweiz (dissertation summary)
Ammann Odile, 2020. Swiss Review of International and European Law, 30 (1) pp. 119-121.
Rechtswissenschaft und Politik: Fliessende Grenzen?
Ammann Odile, 2020. pp. 139-157 dans Mertens Christian, Köhler Thomas (eds.) Jahrbuch für politische Beratung 2019/2020, mezzogiorno.
Regulatory Uncertainty Over Emergency Powers in Switzerland (Series: Comparing Nations’ Responses to COVID-19)
Ammann Odile, 2020. The Regulatory Review. Peer-reviewed.
Domestic Courts and the Interpretation of International Law : Methods and Reasoning Based on the Swiss Example
Ammann Odile, 2019/11/11., Brill/Nijhoff.
On the Interpretability of Customary International Law: A Response to Nina Mileva and Marina Fortuna
Ammann Odile, 2019/10/07. Opinio Juris. Peer-reviewed.
How Do and Should Domestic Courts Interpret International Law? Insights from the Jurisprudence of HLA Hart and Duncan Kennedy
Ammann Odile, 2019/10/02. Transnational Legal Theory, 10 (3-4) pp. 385-420. Peer-reviewed.
Review of Jon Elster, Roberto Gargarella, Vatsal Naresh & Bjorn Erik Rasch (eds), "Constituent Assemblies" (Cambridge 2018)
Ammann Odile, 2019/02/12. I·CONnect (Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law).
Agricultural Exceptionalism and Industrial Animal Food Production: Exploring the Human Rights Nexus
Blattner Charlotte, Ammann Odile, 2019. Journal of Food Law and Policy, 15 (2) pp. 92-151.
Case Report, ILDC 2961 (2018), Decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, no. 4A_398/2017, of 16 October 2018 (on the Russian-Ukrainian investment treaty and the ‘moving treaty frontiers rule’)
Ammann Odile, 2019. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (Oxford University Press). Peer-reviewed.
Case Report, ILDC 2968 (2018), Decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, no. 1C_443/2017, of 28 August 2018 (on whether a domestic anti-begging law violates art. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 14 ECHR)
Ammann Odile, 2019. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (Oxford University Press). Peer-reviewed.
Drittplattformverbote im selektiven Vertrieb – Das Coty-Urteil und dessen Rezeption aus Sicht der Schweiz
Sturny Monique, Ammann Odile, 2019. sic! (Swiss Review of Intellectual Property Law, Information Law, and Competition Law), 5 pp. 293-303.
The Thoughtful Judge: A Timely Reminder under Populism
Ammann Odile, 2019. Ancilla Juris pp. 96-100.
The European Court of Human Rights and Swiss Politics: How Does the Swiss Judge Fit In?
Ammann Odile, 2018/06/01. pp. 262-295 dans International Courts and Domestic Politics, Cambridge University Press.
Case Report, ILDC 1933 (2012), Decision of the Swiss Federal Criminal Court, no. BB.2011.140, of 25 July 2012, partly published in TPF 2012 97 (on whether a former foreign Defence Minister enjoys jurisdictional immunity)
Ammann Odile, 2018. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (Oxford University Press). Peer-reviewed.
Case report, ILDC 2564 (2014), Decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, Second Social Law Chamber, no. 9C_810/2013, of 15 September 2014, partly published as BGE 140 I 305 (on paternity leave or parental leave under Swiss and international law)
Ammann Odile, 2018. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (Oxford University Press). Peer-reviewed.
Case Report, ILDC 2835 (2015), Decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, no. 2C_121/2015, of 11 December 2015, partly published in BGE 142 I 49 (on the prohibition for female pupils to wear headscarves in a public school)
Ammann Odile, 2018. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (Oxford University Press). Peer-reviewed.
International Law in Domestic Courts Through an Empirical Lens: The Swiss Federal Tribunal’s Practice of International Law in Figures
Ammann Odile, 2018. Swiss Review of International and European Law 4 pp. 489-516.
Iris von Rotens “Frauen im Laufgitter” sechzig Jahre später: has been oder stets aktuell? Buchbesprechung: Iris von Roten, Frauen im Laufgitter – Offene Worte zur Stellung der Frau, 6. Aufl., eFeF-Verlag, Wettingen, 2014 (Originalausgabe 1958)
Ammann Odile, 2018. Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht = Revue de droit suisse 5 pp. 579-598.
Die Umsetzung der schweizerischen Volksinitiative "gegen Masseneinwanderung" - Ein Vergleich mit dem Brexit
Ammann Odile, 2017/02/17. Völkerrechtsblog. Peer-reviewed.
Verhältnis von nationalem und internationalem Recht in den USA – eine Analyse aus der Perspektive des Völkerrechts und des IPR
Ammann Odile, Meier Niklaus, 2017. Aktuelle juristische Praxis = Pratique juridique actuelle, 1 pp. 90-98.
When Are Judges Influenced by Public Opinion? Switzerland and the US Compared
Ammann Odile, 2017. Jean Monnet Working Paper Series.
Dualism Is Overrated - As Is Monism: A Response to Julian Ku
Ammann Odile, Pirker Benedikt, 2016/11/15. Opinio Juris. Peer-reviewed.
International Legal Interpretation as a Game: A Compelling Analogy?
Ammann Odile, 2016/06/05. Harvard International Law Journal (Online Edition). Peer-reviewed.
Case report, ILDC 2372 (CH 2012), Decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, Second Public Chamber, no. 9C_540/2011, of 15 March 2012, partly published as BGE 138 I 205 (on the rights of members of the Roma community in terms of social security payments)
Ammann Odile, 2016. Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts (Oxford University Press). Peer-reviewed.
The Swiss Practice Pertaining to the Determination of Customary International Law, Legal Opinion for the Swiss Foreign Office at the Request of the International Law Commission
Besson Samantha, Ammann Odile, 2016/01/01., Cahier fribourgeois de droit européen = Freiburger Schriften zum Europarecht.
The Court of Justice of the European Union and the Interpretation of International Legal Norms: To Be or Not to Be a “Domestic” Court?
Ammann Odile, 2015. pp. 153-178 dans Besson Samantha, Ziegler Andreas (eds.) The European Union and International Law / L’Union européenne et le droit international, Schulthess.
L'interprétation des accords bilatéraux Suisse-UE - Une lecture de droit international
Besson Samantha, Ammann Odile, 2014. dans Epiney Astrid, Diezig Stefan (eds.) Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2013/2014 = Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht 2013/2014, Schulthess.
La non-discrimination, principe charnière d’interprétation : l’exemple de l’art. 2 ALCP
Ammann Odile, 2014. dans Besson Samantha, Ziegler Andreas (eds.) Egalité et non-discrimination en droit international et européen – Equality and Non-Discrimination in International and European Law, Schulthess.
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