Enes Salih Arpa

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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4 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 |
Diurnal control of iron responsive element containing mRNAs through iron regulatory proteins IRP1 and IRP2 is mediated by feeding rhythms.
Nadimpalli H.P., Katsioudi G., Arpa E.S., Chikhaoui L., Arpat A.B., Liechti A., Palais G., Tessmer C., Hofmann I., Galy B. et al., 2024/05/21. Genome biology, 25 (1) p. 128. Peer-reviewed.
Diurnal control of iron responsive element (IRE)-containing mRNAs through iron regular proteins IRP1 and IRP2 is mediated by feeding rhythms
Nadimpalli Hima Priyanka, Katsioudi Georgia, Arpa Enes S., Chikhaoui Lies, Bulak Arpat A., Liechti Angelica, Palais Gaël, Tessmer Claudia, Hofmann Ilse, Galy Bruno et al., 2023/10/23..
A conditional Smg6 mutant mouse model reveals circadian clock regulation through the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway.
Katsioudi G., Dreos R., Arpa E.S., Gaspari S., Liechti A., Sato M., Gabriel C.H., Kramer A., Brown S.A., Gatfield D., 2023/01/13. Science advances, 9 (2) pp. eade2828. Peer-reviewed.
A novel Smg6 mouse model reveals regulation of circadian period and daily CRY2 accumulation through the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway
Katsioudi G., Dreos R., Arpa E.S., Gaspari S., Liechti A., Sato M., Gabriel C.H., Kramer A., Brown S.A., Gatfield D., 2022/07/03..
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