René Levy

Education and work experience


Student of sociology, psychology and economics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland

Work experience

Co-responsable researcher: Women in Switzerland
Nationwide study on the situation of women in Switzerland, mandate by the Swiss national commission for the UNESCO
1970 - 1974

Co-responsable researcher: The active citizen
Study within the framework of the National research program 6, "Decision processes in Swiss democracy", about the political mobilisations in Switzerland from 1945 to 1978
1977 - 1980

1976-1977 invited professor, University of Ottawa
1980-1996 extraordinary professor
1998-2003 invited professor, University of Fribourg
1996-2001 associated professor
2001-2006 ordinary professor
2006 emeritus

Director of the Institute of interdisciplinary studies of life trajectories (ITB)

Head of project for the creation of the Lemanic Center for interdisciplinary studies of life courses and life styles (Pavie) withing the IRIS axis of the SVS project and director of the Center

Visiting professor at the University of Fribourg (teaching of "Sociology of Social Stratification", alternately in Germand and French)

Rectorate's delegate for building up the Service of Continuing Education at Lausanne University

Assistant researcher at the Center for conflict research, University of Zurich, co-responsible of the project "The active citizen" (National research program 6, "Decisional processes in Swiss democracy")

Visiting professor, Ottawa University, Canada, Dept. of sociology (winter and summer semester)

Assistant researcher at the Center for conflict research, University of Zurich

Researcher and co-responsible of the projet "The social position of women in Switzerland" (contract of Swiss national commission for the UNESCO)

Others activities

National research programme 60 "Equality between men and women"
Member of the steering committee and of its executive bureau, as such diverse activities of expertise, publication and valorisation
2009 - 2014

Creation and follow-up of Seismo publishing for the social sciences
Co-founder and President of its administrative council 1988-2001
1988 - 2001

Creation and follow-up of SIDOS (Information and documentary service for the social sciences)
Member of the SIDOS endowment committee, member of the committee's executive bureau and president of its Scientific council (1992-2001, Scientific council 1992-1997).
1992 - 2001

President, Swiss society of sociology (SSS)
Member of the SSS steering committee 1983-1994, various initiatives of scientific politics in favour of the social sciences, member of several sub-committees and working groups since 1975, advisory committee since 1999, honorary member of the SSS in 2001.
1989 - 1994

Directing committee of the Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv, Zurich
Member of the committee (1987-2016) and member of the committee of the Ellen Rifkin Hill endowment (2006-2016)
1987 - 2016

Member of the National Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation
Division IV, Section National Centres of Competence in Research, from 2000 to 2008, as such president and vice-president of several international expert panels


Direction of large-scale surveys

quantitative analysis, theory construction on the meso- and macroscopic level in a perspective of general sociology

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Swiss University