Irene Maffi

Education and work experience


1999 - 2003

Master Degree
1997 - 1998

Work experience

August 2010-present, Professor of social anthropology at the Institute of social sciences, Faculty of social and political sciences, University of Lausanne

September 2005-July 2010, Assistant professor of social anthropology at the Institute of anthropology and sociology, Faculty of social and political sciences, University of Lausanne

During Summer term 2005, Substitute professor (professeure remplaçante) in social anthropology at the Institute of anthropology and sociology, Faculty of social and political sciences, University of Lausanne

September 2004-September 2006, responsible for the seminar of methodology within the frame of the Master in specialized and advanced studies (Diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées (DESS)) in Contemporary Arab and Muslim worlds (Mondes arabes mondes musulmans contemporains), co-ordinated by the University of Lausanne, the University of Genève and IUED (Institut Universitaire d'Etudes sur le Développement) de Genève

September 2003-September 2004, Substitute professor (professeure remplaçante) in social anthropology at the Institute of anthropology and sociology, Faculty of social and political sciences, University of Lausanne

August 2000-August 2002, fellow at the University Bicocca of Milan (Italy) and holder of a two-year scholarship (assegno di ricerca). In charge of some modules and a seminar at MA level.

August 1998- July 2000, fellow at the University of Florence and holder of a two-year scholarship (assegno di ricerca). In charge of some modules and a seminar at MA level.
1998 - 2005

Others activities

Editorial activities
- Member of the editorial board of L'Année du Maghreb
- Member of the editorial board of Anthropologie & Santé

Scientific evaluation

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Swiss University