Biancamaria Fontana

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71 publications

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1986 | 1985 | 1982 | 1980 | 1978 | 1977 |
The Political Thought of Montaigne
Biancamaria Fontana, 2016/11/01. dans Desan Philippe (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Montaigne, Oxford University Press.
Germaine de Staël : a Political Portrait
Biancamaria Fontana, 2016/05. 312, Princeton University Press.
Aurelien Craiutu: A Virtue for Corageous Minds: Moderation if French Political Thought 1748-1830
Fontana Biancamaria, 2016. Annales Benjamin Constant.
Literary History and Political Theory in Germaine de Staël's idea of Europe
Biancamaria Fontana, 2016/01. dans The Oxford Handbook of European Romanticism, ed. Paul Hamilton, Oxford University Press.
"Les deux faces du despotisme chez Germaine de Staël"
Biancamaria Fontana, 2015/11. Cahiers Staëliens N.65 2015, 69-88.
"The political passions of other nations": National Choices and European order in the Writings of Germaine de Staël
Biancamaria Fontana, 2015. dans The Political Culture of the Sister Republics, University of Amsterdam Press.
"Failing to control: accountability in historical perspective"
Biancamaria Fontana, 2014. dans Economics and Other Branches - in the Shade of the Oak Tree, ed. R. Baranzini et F. Allisson, Pickering & Chatto.
Du boudoir à la Révolution: Laclos et Les liaisons dangereuses dans leur siècle
Biancamaria Fontana, 2013., Editions Agone.
Grenzen der Fortschritts - Constant Wandlungen im Nachdenken über den geschichtlichen Wandel
Biancamaria Fontana, 2013. dans Republikanischer Liberalismus, ed. Oliver W. Lembcke et Florian Weber, Nomos.
Grenzen des Fortschritts: Constant Wandlungen im Nachdenken über den geschichtlichen Wandel
Biancamaria Fontana, 2013. pp. 157-182 dans Republikanischer Liberalismus, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
Montaigne en politique
Biancamaria Fontana, 2013., Editions Agone.
A Tentative Quest for Happiness: Jean-Jacques Rousseau , Reveries of the Solitary Walker
Biancamaria Fontana, 2011/12. The Times Literary Supplement.
"Mon triste écrit sur la reine": Mme de Staël et le fantôme de la révolution
Biancamaria Fontana, 2011/11. Cahiers Staëliens, Les biographies staëliennes (61) pp. 197-208.
Revolution and the Republic: a history of Political Thought in France since the 18th century
Biancamaria Fontana, 2011/09. The Times Higher Education Supplement.
Gallatin, America's Swiss founding father
Biancamaria Fontana, 2011/03. Times Literary Supplement 5634 pp. 26-27.
Montaigne or of being in touch with life
Biancamaria Fontana, 2011/03. The Times Higher Education Supplement 24 mars 2011.
Montaigne and the Art of free thinking
Biancamaria Fontana, 2011/02. The Times Higher Education Supplement 17 février 2011.
Auguste Comte:an intellectual biography
Biancamaria Fontana, 2011/01. The Times Literary Supplement, 28 janvier 2011 (5626).
Reimagining Politics after Terror: The Republican Origins of French Liberalism
Fontana B., 2010/09. The Journal of Modern History, 82 (3) pp. 710-12.
Benjamin Constant: Anche gli angeli hanno la loro crudeltà
Biancamaria Fontana, 2010. Annales Benjamin Constant, 35 pp. 163-64.
A New Kind of Federalism: Benjamin Constant and Modern Europe
Fontana B., 2009. pp. 161-179 dans Rethinking the Atlantic World:Europe and America in the Age of Democratic Revolutions, ed. M.Albertone, A.De Francesco, Palgrave Macmillan.
Accounting for Human Actions: Individual Agency and Political Judgement in Montaigne's Essais
Fontana B., 2009. pp. 229-253 dans Political Judgement: Essays in Honour of John Dunn, ed. R.Bourke, R.Geuss, Cambridge University Press.
Enlightened First Lady: Germaine de Staël and Benjamin Constant
Fontana B., 2008. Times Literary Supplement, 5 Sept 2008 pp. 1-8.
Founders of the Edinburgh Review
B. Fontana , 2008. pp. N/A dans Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, version éléctronique, Oxford University Press.
Les usages de la séparation des pouvoirs.
Baume S., Fontana B. (Eds) , 2008., Michel Houdiard, Paris.
Marie de Gournay: Apology for the Woman Writing
Fontana B., 2008. Times Literary Supplement 21 Nov 2008 p. 5.
Montaigne's Politics, Authority and Governance in the Essais.
Fontana B., 2008., Princeton University Press.
Tolérance religieuse et liberté de conscience dans les Essais
B. Fontana , 2008. Cahiers philosophiques, juin 2008 (114) pp. 27-39.
The Invention of the Modern Republic
Fontana Biancamaria, 2007/03/26. 248, Cambridge University Press.
Before the deluge: Elisabeth Badinter, Les passions intellectuelles
Fontana B., 2007. Times Literary Supplement, 28 Sept. 2007 pp. N/A.
Public Opinion in the French Enlightenment
Fontana B., 2006. pp. 305-319 dans Albertone M. (eds.) Il Repubblicanesimo moderno, Bibliopolis.
From republican polity to national community
Fontana B, 2005. History of Political Thought, vol. XXVI, 1 pp. 152-155.
Fontana B., 2004. pp. N/A dans Dictionnaire de Michel de Montaigne, éd. Ph.Desan, Champion Honoré.
Debate: Séparation des pouvoirs et indépendance du judiciaire = Separation of Powers and Independence of the Judiciary: An Ongoing Debate
Fontana B., 2003/10. Revue suisse de science politique, 9 (3) pp. 113-153.
Republicanism, a shared Heritage
Fontana B., 2003. The Times Literary Supplement, July pp. N/A.
The Rule of Law and the Problem of Legal reform in Michel de Montaigne's Essais.
Fontana B., 2003. pp. 302-315 dans Maravall J.M., Przeworski A. (eds.) Democracy and the Rule of Law, Cambridge University Press.
The Napoleonic empire and the Europe of nations.
Fontana B., 2002. pp. 116-128 dans The Idea of Europe, from antiquity to the European Union, Woodrow Wilson Center Series, Washington and Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Tocqueville between two words, a craving for new certainties
Fontana B., 2002. The Times Literary Supplement, 8 March pp. N/A.
La Correspondance de Mme de Graffigny
Fontana B., 2001/07. The Times Literary Supplement, 20 pp. N/A.
"Benjamin Constant, la méthodologie historique et l'Esprit des lois", dans le Temps de Montesquieu
Fontana B., 2001. Actes du Colloque international de Genève, 28-31 octobre 1998, , Porret M., Volpilhac-Auger C. eds, Droz, Genève pp. N/A.
Alternance démocratique et contrôle des gouvernants: réflexions sur les élections italiennes
Fontana B., 2001. Raisons politiques, 3 pp. 161-173.
Corruption et partis politiques: quelques réflexions historiques
Fontana B., 2000. pp. N/A dans Callot EF. (eds.) Corruption: Enjeu des Démocraties, Presses Interpol.
Rugby balls and tangerines.
Fontana B., 2000. Times Literary, Supplement pp. N/A.
What price freedom ?
Fontana B., 1999. Times Literary Supplement, May pp. N/A.
The Failure of Human Agency: political accountability in historical perspective
Fontana B., 1997. Papers of the International Forum for Democracy, III/June pp. N/A.
The Rights of Women.
Fontana B., 1997. The Times Literary Supplement, 28 février pp. N/A.
Benjamin Constant e il pensiero post-rivoluzionario.
Fontana B., 1996., Baldini Castoldi Dalai.
La corruption: les racines d'une longue tradition.
Fontana B., 1996. Le Courrier de l'Unesco pp. N/A.
Politique de Laclos
Fontana B., 1996. Détours Littéraires, Editions Kimé.
The superior sex
Fontana B., 1996. The Times Literary Supplement, 3 mai pp. N/A.
Author without a book: Les Carnets de Joseph Joubert.
Fontana B., 1995. The Times Literary Supplement, 27 janvier pp. N/A.
Rousseau's ambiguity.
Fontana B., 1995. The Times Literary Supplement, 22 septembre pp. N/A.
Démocratie et histoire des idées.
Fontana B., 1994. Revue européenne des sciences sociales, tome XXXII, n° 98 pp. N/A.
Plastic sex and the sociologist: the transformation of intimacy.
Fontana B., 1994. Economy and Society, tome XXIII, n°3 (août) pp. N/A.
The Invention of the Modern Republic.
Fontana B., 1994., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
L'Idea di Repubblica nell'Europa Moderna.
Fontana B., 1993., Bari: Laterza.
La République de Thérmidor et ses principes.
Fontana B., 1993. pp. 257-284 dans Furet F. Ozouf M. (eds.) Le siècle de l'avènement républicain, Gallimard.
Democracy and the French Revolution.
Fontana B., 1992. pp. N/A dans Dunn J. (eds.) Democracy, the unfinished journey, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Les liaisons dangereuses: nostalgia for the guilded boudoir
Fontana B., 1992. The Guardian, 3 janvier pp. N/A.
Benjamin Constant and the post-revolutionary mind.
Fontana B., 1991., New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Whigs and Liberals: the liberal movement in 19th century Britain.
Fontana B., 1990. pp. 45-56 dans Bellamy R. (eds.) Victorian Liberalism, London: Methuen.
Mme de Staël, le gouvernement des passions et la révolution française.
Fontana B., 1989. Actes du Colloque de Coppet 1988, Genève pp. 175-181.
The Political Writings of Benjamin Constant.
Fontana B., 1988., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Democracy and civilization: John Stuart and the critique of political economy.
Fontana B., 1986. Economies et sociétés, n° 1 pp. 3-24.
Rethinking the politics of commercial society: the "Edinburgh Review", 1802-1832
Fontana B., 1985., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The shaping of modern liberty: commerce and civilization in the writings of Benjamin Constant.
Fontana B., 1985. Annales Benjamin Constant, n° 5 pp. 3-15.
Henry Brougham and the political economy of the Edinburgh Review.
Fontana B., 1982. Annali della Fondazione Einaudi, n° 16 pp. 250-294.
Auguste Comte: positivismo ed economia politica.
Fontana B., 1980. Quaderni della Fondazione Feltrinelli, n° 7/8 pp. N/A.
L'economia come fisica sociale: etica e sociologia nell'opera di Alfred Marshall.
Fontana B., 1978. Annali della Fondazione Einaudi, n° 12 pp. 369-404.
Materialismo storico e prasseologia: note su Oskar Lange.
Fontana B., 1978. Quaderni della Fondazione Feltrinelli, n°3 pp. N/A.
Walter Bagehot e la struttura della società politica inglese.
Fontana B., 1977. Quaderni della Fondazione Feltrinelli, n° 1 pp. N/A.
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