Christophe Hauert

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19 publications

2019 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 |
Translating Technical Diplomacy : The Participation of Civil Society Organisations in International Standardisation
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2019/01/16. Global Society, 33 (2) pp. 163-183. Peer-reviewed.
Les arènes de la normalisation internationale à l'épreuve de la participation : le projet INTERNORM
Hauert Christophe, Audétat Marc, Bütschi Danielle, Kaufmann Alain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2016. Participations, 1 (14) pp. 207-235. Peer-reviewed.
The international standardisation arena and the civil society participation stakes : results of the INTERTERM project
Hauert C., Bütschi D., Graz J.-C., Audétat M., Kaufmann A., 2015/10. ETUI Policy Brief. European Economic, Employment and Social Policy 14 pp. 1-5.
Les arènes de la normalisation internationale à l'épreuve de la participation de la société civile : résultats du projet INTERNORM
Hauert C., Bütschi D., Graz J.-C., Audétat M., Kaufmann A., 2015/09. ETUI Policy Brief. Politiques économiques, sociales et de l'emploi en Europe 14 pp. 1-5.
Beyond the Transatlantic Divide: The Multiple Authorities of Standards in the Global Political Economy of Services
Hauert Christophe, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2014/04. Business & Politics, 16 (1) pp. 113-150. Peer-reviewed.
La normalisation des services aux Etats-Unis et en Europe : une analyse institutionnelle des formes d'autorité privée
Hauert Christophe, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2013/03. pp. 65-101 dans Graz Jean-Christophe, Niang Nafi (eds.) Services sans frontières : mondialisation, normalisation et régulation de l'économie des services, Presses de Science Po.
Civil society organisations participating in ISO TC 228 and ISO TC 229: the INTERNORM project and its future
Hauert Christophe, Audétat Marc, Bütschi-Häberlin Danielle, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kaufmann Alain, 2013. pp. 171-186 dans Jakobs Kai, de Vries Henk J., Ganesh Ashok, Gulacsi Andrea, Soetert Ingrid (eds.) EURAS Proceedings 2013. Peer-reviewed, Verlag Mainz, Aachen.
The INTERNORM Project: Bridging Two Worlds of Expert- and Lay-Knowledge in Standardization
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2013. pp. 154-164 dans Jaobs K. (eds.) Innovations in Organizational IT Specification and Standards Development, IGI Global.
Where Are You? Consumers' Associations in Standardization: A Case Study on Switzerland
Hauert Christophe, 2013. pp. 139-153 dans Jakobs K. (eds.) Innovations in Organizational IT Specification and Standards Development chap. 8, IGI Global.
International Standardisation and Local Participatory Dynamics : The INTERNORM Project
Hauert Christophe, Audétat Marc, Buetschi Haeberlin Danielle, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kaufmann Alain, 2012/10. dans Quadrennial joint conference of The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST): "Design and displacement - social studies of science and technology". Peer-reviewed.
Les arènes de la normalisation internationale à l'épreuve de la participation : le projet INTERNORM
Hauert Christophe, Audétat Marc, Bütschi Häberlin Danielle, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kaufmann Alain, 2012/02. dans Fourniau J.-M. (eds.) Actes de la journée d'études sur les effets de la participation - Congrès du GIS Démocratie et Participation. Peer-reviewed.
Consumers' experts and consumers' standards: between controversies and rewards
Hauert Christophe, 2012. dans Ovriska Marta, Jakobs Kai (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference. Peer-reviewed, Verlag Mainz.
All standards are labor standards. Trade unions' participation in European standardisation bodies
Hauert Christophe, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2011. pp. 119-132 dans Fomin Vladislav V. Jakobs Kai (eds.) Proceedings of the 16th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference. Peer-reviewed, Verlag Mainz.
The INTERNORM project : bridging two worlds of expert- and layknowledge in standardization
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2011/01. The International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 9 (1) pp. 52-62. Peer-reviewed.
La normalisation des services aux Etats-Unis et en Europe: une analyse institutionnelle des formes d'autorité privée.
Hauert Christophe, 2010. dans Journée d'étude "Des services hors normes?", 11 et 12 mars 2010, Université de Lausanne.
Services standardization in the United-States and in Europe: an institutional analysis of private authority
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2010., Mainz pp. 203-222 dans Graz Jean-Christophe, Jacobs Kai (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference 'Services Standardisation'. Peer-reviewed, Verlagshaus.
Where Are You? Consumers'Associations in Standardization: A Case Study on Switzerland
Hauert Christophe, 2010. International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 8 (1) pp. 11-27. Peer-reviewed.
The INTERNORM project : bridging two worlds of expert- and layknowledge in standardization
Graz Jean-Christophe, Hauert Christophe, 2009. pp. 59-68 dans Beauvais-Schwartz N, Bousquet F, Jacobs K (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference. Peer-reviewed, Aachen Beitrage für Informatik.
Normierung: Welchen Stellenwert haben die Verbraucher? / Normalisation, quelle place pour les consommateurs ?
Hauert C., 2008. Bulletin SNV, 57 (juillet/août) pp. 194-197.
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