Cristina Scherrer-Schaub

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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10 publications

2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1997 |
Enacting Words. A Diplomatic Analysis of the Imperial Decrees (bkas bcad) and their Application in the sGra sbyor bam po gñis pa Tradition.
Scherrer-Schaub C, 2002. JIABS, 25/1-2 pp. 263-340.
La vie après la mort dans le bouddhisme.
Scherrer-Schaub C, 2001. BSASR pp. 49-62.
Dunhuang yu Tapo gu Zangwen xieben yanjiu de fangfalun wenti [traduction chinoise de "Towards a Methodology for the Study of Old Tibetan Manuscripts: Dunhuang and Tabo"].
Xiele-Xiaobu AK [Scherrer-Schaub CA] , 2000. Faguo hanxue [Sinologie française], 5 (numéro spécial Dunhuang) pp. 245-297.
Prière pour un apostat. Fragments d'histoire tibétaine.
Scherrer-Schaub CA, 2000. Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie, 11, Nouvelles études de Dunhuang pp. 217-246.
Tibetan Manuscripts around the First Millenium.
Scherrer-Schaub CA, 2000. Journal of the ICABS, 3 pp. 294-271.
Tabo Studies II. Manuscripts, Texts, Inscriptions, and the Arts
Scherrer-Schaub C., Steinkellner E. (eds.), 1999. Serie orientale Roma, 87, Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente.
Towards a Methodology for the Study of Old Tibetan Manuscripts: Dunhuang and Tabo.
Scherrer-Schaub C, 1999. pp. 3-36 dans Tabo studies II : manuscripts, texts, inscriptions, and the arts, Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente.
Translation, Transmission, Tradition: Suggestions from Ninth-Century Tibet.
Scherrer-Schaub C, 1999. JIP, 27 pp. 67-77.
Was Byang chub sems dpa' a Posthumous Title of King Ye shes 'od ? The Evidence of a Tabo Colophon.
Scherrer-Schaub C, 1999. pp. 207-225 dans Tabo studies II : manuscripts, texts, inscriptions, and the arts, Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente.
La transmission des textes canoniques hors de l'Inde : questions historiques et doctrinales.
Scherrer-Schaub C, 1997. Annuaire de l'École Pratique des hautes Études, 104 pp. 117-124.
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