Orlan Moret

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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9 publications

In press | 2023 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 | 2011 | 2009 |
Antisocial behavior in soccer: A qualitative study of moral disengagement
Traclet A., Romand P., Moret O., Kavussanu M. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Marqués. Carrières et après-carrières des hockeyeurs suisses
Moret Orlan, 2023. 492, Éditions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses.
En hockey, quatre modèles de club pour un succès collectif
Bayle Emmanuel, Lang Markus, Moret Orlan, 2020/01/02. Le Temps.
How Professional Sports Clubs Exploit A Heterogeneous Local Potential: The Case of Swiss Professional Ice Hockey
Bayle Emmanuel, Lang Markus, Moret Orlan, 2020/01/01. Sport in Society, 23 (3) pp. 433-451. Peer-reviewed.
Social class, the elite hockey player career and educational paths
Moret Orlan, Ohl Fabien, 2019. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 8 (54) pp. 899–920.. Peer-reviewed.
The aggressive style: genesis of an ambiguous resource for Swiss hockey and football players
Moret Orlan, Traclet Alan, Clémence Alain, Ohl Fabien, 2018/10/04. Sport in Society. Peer-reviewed.
Moral Disengagement in the Legitimation and Realization of Aggressive Behaviors in Soccer and Ice Hockey
Traclet A., Moret O., Ohl F., Clémence A., 2015/03. Aggressive Behavior, 41 pp. 123-133. Peer-reviewed.
«Où, quand, et comment ?» : Évolution des conduites agressives en football et en hockey sur glace
Traclet A., Moret O., Romand P., Ohl F., Clémence A., 2011. Sciences et motricité 72 pp. 19-26. Peer-reviewed.
Etude de l'arbitrage des actes agressifs : comparaison de méthodologies en hockey sur glace
Traclet A., Moret O., Romand Ph., Ohl F., Clémence A., 2009/10., ACAPS, Lyon dans Conférence Internationale de l'ACAPS.
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