Blaise Genton

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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341 publications

In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | ...
MALrisk: a machne-learning based tool to predict imported malaria in returned travellers with fever.
Balerdi-Sarasola L., Pedro F., Bottieau E., Genton B., Petrone P., Muñoz J., Camprubí-Ferrer D. Journal of travel medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and predictors of residual antibiotics in children's blood in community settings in Tanzania.
Lotto T., Renggli S., Kaale E., Masanja H., Ternon B., Décosterd L.A., D'Acremont V., Genton B., Kulinkina A.V., 2024/08. Clinical microbiology and infection, 30 (8) pp. 1042-1048. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of soil transmitted helminth on malaria clinical presentation and treatment outcome: A case control study among children in Bagamoyo district, coastal region of Tanzania.
Salim Masoud N., Knopp S., Lenz N., Lweno O., Abdul Kibondo U., Mohamed A., Schindler T., Rothen J., Masimba J., S Mohammed A. et al., 2024/08. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 18 (8) pp. e0012412. Peer-reviewed.
Vaccins contre le paludisme : un nouvel outil pour l’élimination ? [Malaria vaccines: a new tool for elimination?]
Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2024/05/01. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (872) pp. 872-875. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing viral metagenomics for the diagnosis of acute undifferentiated fever in returned travellers: a multicenter cohort study.
Camprubí-Ferrer D., Tomazatos A., Balerdi-Sarasola L., Cobuccio L.G., Van Den Broucke S., Horváth B., Van Esbroeck M., Martinez M.J., Gandasegui J., Subirà C. et al., 2024/04/06. Journal of travel medicine, 31 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Usefulness of serial testing for the diagnosis of malaria in cases of fever upon return from travel.
Slack L., Genton B., 2024/04/06. Journal of travel medicine, 31 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Injuries and medical emergencies among international travellers.
Potin M., Carron P.N., Genton B., 2024/01/28. Journal of travel medicine, 31 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Safety and immunogenicity of a synthetic nanoparticle-based, T cell priming peptide vaccine against dengue in healthy adults in Switzerland: a double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled, phase 1 study.
Miauton A., Audran R., Besson J., Maby-El Hajjami H., Karlen M., Warpelin-Decrausaz L., Sene L., Schaufelberger S., Faivre V., Faouzi M. et al., 2024/01. EBioMedicine, 99 p. 104922. Peer-reviewed.
R21/Matrix-M™ malaria vaccine: a new tool to achieve WHO's goal to eliminate malaria in 30 countries by 2030?
Genton B., 2023/12/28. Journal of travel medicine, 30 (8) pp. taad140. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical evaluation of BioFire® multiplex-PCR panel for acute undifferentiated febrile illnesses in travellers: a prospective multicentre study.
Camprubí-Ferrer D., Cobuccio L., Van Den Broucke S., Balerdi-Sarasola L., Genton B., Bottieau E., Navero-Castillejos J., Martinez M.J., Jay C., Grange A. et al., 2023/05/18. Journal of travel medicine, 30 (3) pp. taad041. Peer-reviewed.
Doxycycline responding illnesses in returning travellers with undifferentiated non-malaria fever: a European multicentre prospective cohort study.
Camprubí-Ferrer D., Oteo J.A., Bottieau E., Genton B., Balerdi-Sarasola L., Portillo A., Cobuccio L., Van Den Broucke S., Santibáñez S., Cadar D. et al., 2023/02/18. Journal of travel medicine, 30 (1) pp. taac094. Peer-reviewed.
Should we treat Blastocystis sp.? A double-blind placebo-controlled randomized pilot trial.
Cobuccio L.G., Laurent M., Gardiol C., Wampfler R., Poppert S., Senn N., Eperon G., Genton B., Locatelli I., de Vallière S., 2023/02/18. Journal of travel medicine, 30 (1) pp. taac143. Peer-reviewed.
Antigen rapid tests, nasopharyngeal PCR and saliva PCR to detect SARS-CoV-2: A prospective comparative clinical trial.
Schwob J.M., Miauton A., Petrovic D., Perdrix J., Senn N., Gouveia A., Jaton K., Opota O., Maillard A., Minghelli G. et al., 2023. PloS one, 18 (2) pp. e0282150. Peer-reviewed.
Crise du Covid-19 : le testing et la vaccination à l’aune des rendements décroissants [Covid-19 crisis: testing and vaccination in the light of diminishing returns]
D'acremont V., Chambaz G., Genton B., 2022/05/04. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (780) pp. 904-908. Peer-reviewed.
Vaccins de voyage : quel horizon ? [Travel vaccines: what is in the pipeline?]
Miauton A., De Vallière S., Genton B., 2022/05/04. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (780) pp. 890-893. Peer-reviewed.
Voyager écolo : quelles recommandations ? [Eco-tourism: what recommendations?]
Tan R., Emery N., Miauton A., Genton B., D'acremont V., 2022/05/04. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (780) pp. 886-889. Peer-reviewed.
Causes of fever in returning travelers: a European multicenter prospective cohort study.
Camprubí-Ferrer D., Cobuccio L., Van Den Broucke S., Genton B., Bottieau E., d'Acremont V., Rodriguez-Valero N., Almuedo-Riera A., Balerdi-Sarasola L., Subirà C. et al., 2022/03/21. Journal of travel medicine, 29 (2) pp. taac002. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacovigilance - Vaccins à ARNm contre le Covid-19 : le point sur les effets indésirables [Pharmacovigilance - mRNA COVID-19 vaccines : current state of knowledge on their adverse effects]
Favre V., Ekobena P., Chtioui H., Rothuizen L.E., Livio F., Genton B., Buclin T., 2022/02/02. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (767) pp. 190-197. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical sign and biomarker-based algorithm to identify bacterial pneumonia among outpatients with lower respiratory tract infection in Tanzania.
Hogendoorn SKL, Lhopitallier L., Richard-Greenblatt M., Tenisch E., Mbarack Z., Samaka J., Mlaganile T., Mamin A., Genton B., Kaiser L. et al., 2022/01/06. BMC infectious diseases, 22 (1) p. 39. Peer-reviewed.
Haematological consequences of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network pooled analysis of individual patient data
Mansoor R., Commons R. J., Douglas N. M., Abuaku B., Achan J., Adam I., Adjei G. O., Adjuik M., Alemayehu B. H., Allan R. et al., 2022. BMC MEDICINE, 20 (1).
Hépatite B chez les patients migrants
Jaboyedoff Manon, Genton Blaise, Masserey Éric, Bodenmann Patrick, Rimaz Roland, De Vallière Serge, 2022. pp. 507-515 dans Bodenmann Patrick, Jackson Yves, Vu Francis, Wolff Hans (eds.) Vulnérabilités, diversités et équité en santé chap. 3.5, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
Impact global du dérèglement climatique sur la santé
D'Acremont Valérie, Genton Blaise, 2022. pp. 204-213 dans Senn Nicolas, Gaille Marie, del Río Carral María, Gonzalez Holguera Julia (eds.) Santé et environnement : vers une nouvelle approche globale chap. 17, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
Médecine des voyages : où allons-nous ?
Chappuis François, D'acremont Valérie, Genton Blaise, 2022. Revue Médicale Suisse, 18 (780) pp. 879-879. Peer-reviewed.
Vaccination des requérants d’asile dans le canton de Vaud
De Vallière Serge, Landry Pierre, Masserey Éric, Genton Blaise, 2022. pp. 541-547 dans Bodenmann Patrick, Jackson Yves, Vu Francis, Wolff Hans (eds.) Vulnérabilités, diversités et équité en santé chap. 3.9, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
Vaccins à ARN messager contre le Covid-19 : piqûre de rappel [mRNA Covid vaccines: What do we know eight months after deployment]
Miauton A., Besson J., Muller Y., Genton B., 2021/11/10. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (758) pp. 1910-1914. Peer-reviewed.
Expert guidance for COVID-19 vaccine deployment in Switzerland: a Delphi process.
Selby K., Bornet M.A., Sancosme Y., von Elm E., d'Acremont V., de Valliere S., Cornuz J., Genton B., 2021/09/27. Swiss medical weekly, 151 pp. w30076. Peer-reviewed.
Performance of RT-PCR on Saliva Specimens Compared With Nasopharyngeal Swabs for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Children: A Prospective Comparative Clinical Trial.
Fougère Y., Schwob J.M., Miauton A., Hoegger F., Opota O., Jaton K., Brouillet R., Greub G., Genton B., Gehri M. et al., 2021/08/01. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 40 (8) pp. e300-e304. Peer-reviewed.
Causes of fever in Tanzanian adults attending outpatient clinics: a prospective cohort study.
Boillat-Blanco N., Mbarack Z., Samaka J., Mlaganile T., Kazimoto T., Mamin A., Genton B., Kaiser L., D'Acremont V., 2021/06. Clinical microbiology and infection, 27 (6) pp. 913.e1-913.e7. Peer-reviewed.
Incidence of human granulocytic anaplasmosis in returning travellers with fever.
Camprubí-Ferrer D., Portillo A., Santibáñez S., Almuedo-Riera A., Rodriguez-Valero N., Subirà C., Martinez M.J., Navero-Castillejos J., Fernandez-Pardos M., Genton B. et al., 2021/06/01. Journal of travel medicine, 28 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic du Covid-19 en milieu ambulatoire [COVID-19 Diagnosis]
Schwob J.M., Miauton A., Hostettler M., Thabard J., Genton B., D'acremont V., 2021/05/05. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (737) pp. 862-865. Peer-reviewed.
Recommandations sanitaires en temps de crise, aussi lentement que nécessaire.
Genton B., D'acremont V., Chappuis F., 2021/05/05. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (737) pp. 859-860. Peer-reviewed.
Maternal Infection and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Pregnant Travellers: Results of the International Zika Virus in Pregnancy Registry.
Vouga M., Pomar L., Soriano-Arandes A., Rodó C., Goncé A., Gratacos E., Merriam A., Eperon I., Martinez De Tejada B., Eggel B. et al., 2021/02/22. Viruses, 13 (2) p. 341. Peer-reviewed.
Aetiology of fever in returning travellers and migrants: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Buss I., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2020/12/23. Journal of travel medicine, 27 (8) pp. taaa207. Peer-reviewed.
Vaccine-associated measles in a patient treated with natalizumab: a case report
Miauton Alix, Tan Rainer, Pantazou Vasiliki, Du Pasquier Renaud, Genton Blaise, 2020/12. BMC Infectious Diseases, 20 (1) p. 753. Peer-reviewed.
« Dictature sanitaire », « Fin des libertés individuelles » : que répondre à ces arguments durant la pandémie? ["Health dictatorship", "end of individual freedom": How to respond to these arguments during the pandemic?]
Cornuz J., Bochud M., Genton B., 2020/11/04. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (713) pp. 2083-2084. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical relevance of low-density Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia in untreated febrile children: A cohort study.
Hartley M.A., Hofmann N., Keitel K., Kagoro F., Antunes Moniz C., Mlaganile T., Samaka J., Masimba J., Said Z., Temba H. et al., 2020/09. PLoS medicine, 17 (9) pp. e1003318. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy and tolerability of artemisinin-based and quinine-based treatments for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis.
Saito M., Mansoor R., Kennon K., Anvikar A.R., Ashley E.A., Chandramohan D., Cohee L.M., D'Alessandro U., Genton B., Gilder M.E. et al., 2020/08. The Lancet. Infectious diseases, 20 (8) pp. 943-952. Peer-reviewed.
Pregnancy outcomes and risk of placental malaria after artemisinin-based and quinine-based treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis.
Saito M., Mansoor R., Kennon K., Anvikar A.R., Ashley E.A., Chandramohan D., Cohee L.M., D'Alessandro U., Genton B., Gilder M.E. et al., 2020/06/02. BMC medicine, 18 (1) p. 138. Peer-reviewed.
Safety profile of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (Menafrivac™) in clinical trials and vaccination campaigns: a review of published studies
Ateudjieu Jerome, Stoll Beat, Bisseck Anne Cecile, Tembei Ayok M., Genton Blaise, 2020/06/02. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 16 (6) pp. 1245-1259. Peer-reviewed.
Covid-19 : et notre monde se referma comme une huître…
Chappuis F., Genton B., 2020/05/13. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (693) pp. 975-976. Peer-reviewed.
Séjours prolongés en zone endémique de malaria : quelles stratégies de prévention ? [Long-term travelers to malaria endemic areas : What prevention strategies ?]
Miauton A., Genton B., 2020/05/13. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (693) pp. 978-983. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum to "LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of seven antimalarials and two active metabolites in dried blood spots for applications in field trials: Analytical and clinical validation" [J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 154 (2018) 263-277].
Gallay J., Prod'hom S., Mercier T., Bardinet C., Spaggiari D., Pothin E., Buclin T., Genton B., Decosterd L.A., 2020/04/15. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 182 p. 112759. Peer-reviewed.
Performance du frottis nasopharyngé-PCR pour le diagnostic du Covid-19 - Recommandations pratiques sur la base des premières données scientifiques [Covid-19 diagnosis : clinical recommendations and performance of nasopharyngeal swab-PCR]
Kokkinakis I., Selby K., Favrat B., Genton B., Cornuz J., 2020/04/08. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (689) pp. 699-701. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical Outcome of Febrile Tanzanian Children with Severe Malnutrition Using Anthropometry in Comparison to Clinical Signs.
Tan R., Kagoro F., Levine G.A., Masimba J., Samaka J., Sangu W., Genton B., D'Acremont V., Keitel K., 2020/02. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 102 (2) pp. 427-435. Peer-reviewed.
Dengue, Zika and chikungunya during pregnancy: pre- and post-travel advice and clinical management.
Vouga M., Chiu Y.C., Pomar L., de Meyer S.V., Masmejan S., Genton B., Musso D., Baud D., Stojanov M., 2019/12/23. Journal of travel medicine, 26 (8) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Safety and Efficacy of C-reactive Protein-guided Antibiotic Use to Treat Acute Respiratory Infections in Tanzanian Children: A Planned Subgroup Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Noninferiority Trial Evaluating a Novel Electronic Clinical Decision Algorithm (ePOCT).
Keitel K., Samaka J., Masimba J., Temba H., Said Z., Kagoro F., Mlaganile T., Sangu W., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2019/11/13. Clinical infectious diseases, 69 (11) pp. 1926-1934. Peer-reviewed.
Performance of prediction rules and guidelines in detecting serious bacterial infections among Tanzanian febrile children.
Keitel K., Kilowoko M., Kyungu E., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2019/09/03. BMC infectious diseases, 19 (1) p. 769. Peer-reviewed.
Ebola vaccines: ready to use for humanitarian health workers?
Genton B., 2019/06/11. Journal of travel medicine, 26 (5) pp. 1–3. Peer-reviewed.
Malaria standby emergency treatment (SBET) for travellers visiting malaria endemic areas: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Tan R., Elmers J., Genton B., 2019/06/01. Journal of travel medicine, 26 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Bilan de santé chez le voyageur asymptomatique au retour des tropiques [Screening the asymptomatic traveler returning from the tropics]
Carron C., Cobuccio L., Genton B., 2019/05/01. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (649) pp. 901-904. Peer-reviewed.
« Attention, l’avion nuit gravement à la santé »
Genton B., D'Acremont V., Chappuis F., 2019/05/01. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (649) pp. 895-896. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic Performance of Conventional and Ultrasensitive Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria in Febrile Outpatients in Tanzania.
Hofmann N.E., Antunes Moniz C., Holzschuh A., Keitel K., Boillat-Blanco N., Kagoro F., Samaka J., Mbarack Z., Ding X.C., González I.J. et al., 2019/04/16. The Journal of infectious diseases, 219 (9) pp. 1490-1498. Peer-reviewed.
Screening strategy for Chagas disease in a non-endemic country (Switzerland): a prospective evaluation
Da Costa-Demaurex C., Cárdenas M.T., Aparicio H., Bodenmann P., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2019/03/25. Swiss medical weekly, 149 pp. w20050. Peer-reviewed.
The Candidate Blood-stage Malaria Vaccine P27A Induces a Robust Humoral Response in a Fast Track to the Field Phase 1 Trial in Exposed and Nonexposed Volunteers.
Steiner-Monard V., Kamaka K., Karoui O., Roethlisberger S., Audran R., Daubenberger C., Fayet-Mello A., Erdmann-Voisin A., Felger I., Geiger K. et al., 2019/01/18. Clinical infectious diseases, 68 (3) pp. 466-474. Peer-reviewed.
Adherence to intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in Papua New Guinean infants: A pharmacological study alongside the randomized controlled trial.
Sottas O., Guidi M., Thieffry B., Schneider M., Décosterd L., Mueller I., Genton B., Csajka C., Senn N., 2019. PloS one, 14 (2) pp. e0210789. Peer-reviewed.
Retrospective study on the usefulness of pulse oximetry for the identification of young children with severe illnesses and severe pneumonia in a rural outpatient clinic of Papua New Guinea.
Blanc J., Locatelli I., Rarau P., Mueller I., Genton B., Boillat-Blanco N., Gehri M., Senn N., 2019. PloS one, 14 (4) pp. e0213937. Peer-reviewed.
Mass drug administration for malaria elimination: do we understand the settings well enough?
Hetzel M.W., Genton B., 2018/12/19. BMC medicine, 16 (1) p. 239. Peer-reviewed.
Dengue fever in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: clinical features and outcome in populations of black and non-black racial category.
Boillat-Blanco N., Klaassen B., Mbarack Z., Samaka J., Mlaganile T., Masimba J., Franco Narvaez L., Mamin A., Genton B., Kaiser L. et al., 2018/12/12. BMC infectious diseases, 18 (1) p. 644. Peer-reviewed.
Multidisciplinary Collaboration between a Community Pharmacy and a Travel Clinic in a Swiss University Primary Care and Public Health Centre.
Berger J., Barbalat M.J., Pavón Clément V., Genton B., Bugnon O., 2018/12/05. Pharmacy, 6 (4) p. 126. Peer-reviewed.
LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of seven antimalarials and two active metabolites in dried blood spots for applications in field trials: Analytical and clinical validation.
Gallay J., Prod'hom S., Mercier T., Bardinet C., Spaggiari D., Pothin E., Buclin T., Genton B., Decosterd L.A., 2018/05/30. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 154 pp. 263-277. Peer-reviewed.
Appropriateness of malaria diagnosis and treatment for fever episodes according to patient history and anti-malarial blood measurement: a cross-sectional survey from Tanzania.
Gallay J., Mosha D., Lutahakana E., Mazuguni F., Zuakulu M., Decosterd L.A., Genton B., Pothin E., 2018/05/21. Malaria journal, 17 (1) p. 209. Peer-reviewed.
Consultation prévoyage : plus précise, plus complexe
Chappuis F., Genton B., 2018/05/02. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (605) pp. 915-916. Peer-reviewed.
Le voyageur face au VIH et le voyageur vivant avec le VIH [Travelers' exposure to HIV and HIV-infected travelers]
Boillat-Blanco N., Cavassini M., Genton B., 2018/05/02. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (605) pp. 918-921. Peer-reviewed.
Travel Apps : applications et sites web en médecine des voyagess [Travel Apps: applications and websites of travel medicine]
Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2018/05/02. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (605) pp. 938-940. Peer-reviewed.
Predictors of residual antimalarial drugs in the blood in community surveys in Tanzania.
Gallay J., Pothin E., Mosha D., Lutahakana E., Mazuguni F., Zuakulu M., Decosterd L.A., Genton B., 2018. PloS one, 13 (9) pp. e0202745. Peer-reviewed.
Prognostic value of quickSOFA as a predictor of 28-day mortality among febrile adult patients presenting to emergency departments in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Boillat-Blanco N., Mbarack Z., Samaka J., Mlaganile T., Mamin A., Genton B., Kaiser L., Calandra T., D'Acremont V., 2018. PloS one, 13 (6) pp. e0197982. Peer-reviewed.
Telemedicine for health issues while abroad: interest and willingness to pay among travellers prior to departure.
Rochat L., Genton B., 2018/01/01. Journal of travel medicine, 25 (1) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Self-diagnosis of malaria by travellers: a cohort study on the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests provided by a Swiss travel clinic.
Berthod D., Rochat J., Voumard R., Rochat L., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2017/10/28. Malaria journal, 16 (1) p. 436. Peer-reviewed.
A novel electronic algorithm using host biomarker point-of-care tests for the management of febrile illnesses in Tanzanian children (e-POCT): A randomized, controlled non-inferiority trial.
Keitel K., Kagoro F., Samaka J., Masimba J., Said Z., Temba H., Mlaganile T., Sangu W., Rambaud-Althaus C., Gervaix A. et al., 2017/10. PLoS medicine, 14 (10) pp. e1002411. Peer-reviewed.
Malaria prevention strategies and recommendations, from chemoprophylaxis to stand-by emergency treatment: a 10-year prospective study in a Swiss Travel Clinic.
Boubaker R., Hérard Fossati A., Meige P., Mialet C., Ngarambe Buffat C., Rochat J., Souvannaraj-Blanchant M., Uwanyiligira M., Widmer F., Payot S. et al., 2017/09/01. Journal of travel medicine, 24 (5) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Standby emergency treatment of malaria in travellers (SBET): So Be Eager to Test ….
Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2017/09/01. Journal of travel medicine, 24 (5) pp. 1-2. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical and laboratory predictors of death in African children with features of severe malaria: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Sypniewska P., Duda J.F., Locatelli I., Althaus C.R., Althaus F., Genton B., 2017/08/03. BMC medicine, 15 (1) p. 147. Peer-reviewed.
Artemether-Lumefantrine Treatment Failure in Nonimmune European Travelers With Plasmodium falciparum Malaria: Do We Need to Reconsider Dosing in Patients From Nonendemic Regions?
Neumayr A., Paris D.H., Genton B., Hatz C., 2017/05/15. Clinical infectious diseases, 64 (10) pp. 1466-1467. Peer-reviewed.
Panels gastro-intestinaux par PCR multiplex pour la prise en chargedes diarrhées du voyageur : performants et utiles ? [Multiplex PCR gastro-intestinal panels for the management of traveller's diarrhea : are they accurate and useful?]
Rochat L., Croxatto A., De Vallière S., D'Acremont V., Genton B., 2017/05/03. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (561) pp. 963-967. Peer-reviewed.
Prévenir et gérer les problèmes médicaux en navigation [To prevent and deal with medical problems on board]
Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2017/05/03. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (561) pp. 934-937. Peer-reviewed.
First-trimester artemisinin derivatives and quinine treatments and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in Africa and Asia: A meta-analysis of observational studies.
Dellicour S., Sevene E., McGready R., Tinto H., Mosha D., Manyando C., Rulisa S., Desai M., Ouma P., Oneko M. et al., 2017/05. PLoS medicine, 14 (5) pp. e1002290. Peer-reviewed.
Performance of Health Workers Using an Electronic Algorithm for the Management of Childhood Illness in Tanzania: A Pilot Implementation Study.
Rambaud-Althaus C., Shao A., Samaka J., Swai N., Perri S., Kahama-Maro J., Mitchell M., D'Acremont V., Genton B., 2017/01/11. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 96 (1) pp. 249-257. Peer-reviewed.
Sentinel surveillance of imported dengue via travellers to Europe 2012 to 2014: TropNet data from the DengueTools Research Initiative.
Neumayr A., Muñoz J., Schunk M., Bottieau E., Cramer J., Calleri G., López-Vélez R., Angheben A., Zoller T., Visser L. et al., 2017/01/05. Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 22 (1) pp. 39-47. Peer-reviewed.
Predictive value of clinical and laboratory features for the main febrile diseases in children living in Tanzania: A prospective observational study.
De Santis O., Kilowoko M., Kyungu E., Sangu W., Cherpillod P., Kaiser L., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2017. PloS one, 12 (5) pp. e0173314. Peer-reviewed.
Community-Based Surveillance to Monitor Mortality in a Malaria-Endemic and Ebola-Epidemic Setting in Rural Guinea.
Tiffany A., Moundekeno F.P., Traoré A., Haile M., Sterk E., Guilavogui T., Serafini M., Genton B., Grais R.F., 2016/12/07. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 95 (6) pp. 1389-1397. Peer-reviewed.
Incidence and types of adverse events during mass vaccination campaign with the meningococcal a conjugate vaccine (MENAFRIVAC™) in Cameroon.
Ateudjieu J., Stoll B., Nguefack-Tsague G., Yakum M.N., Mengouo M.N., Genton B., 2016/10. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 25 (10) pp. 1170-1178. Peer-reviewed.
Astrovirus VA1 identified by next-generation sequencing in a nasopharyngeal specimen of a febrile Tanzanian child with acute respiratory disease of unknown etiology.
Cordey S., Brito F., Vu D.L., Turin L., Kilowoko M., Kyungu E., Genton B., Zdobnov E.M., D'Acremont V., Kaiser L., 2016/07/06. Emerging microbes & infections, 5 pp. e67. Peer-reviewed.
Encouraging impact following 2.5 years of reinforced malaria control interventions in a hyperendemic region of the Republic of Guinea.
Tiffany A., Moundekeno F.P., Traoré A., Haile M., Sterk E., Guilavogui T., Genton B., Serafini M., Grais R.F., 2016/05/28. Malaria journal, 15 (1) p. 298. Peer-reviewed.
Médecine tropicale et des voyages: au service des voyageurs de .. et vers ...
Chappuis F., Genton B., De Vallière S., 2016/05/04. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (517) p. 867. Peer-reviewed.
Nouvelles approches pour la prévention de la malaria chez le voyageur [New approaches of malaria prevention for travelers]
Voumard R., Berthod D., Rochat L., D'Acremont V., Genton B., De Vallière S., 2016/05/04. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (517) pp. 885-888.
Harness shared data in international Zika registry.
Baud D., Gérardin P., Merriam A., Alves M.P., Musso D., Genton B., Panchaud A., 2016/04/05. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 355 pp. i5319. Peer-reviewed.
Travel-related health risks in moderately and severely immunocompromised patients: a case-control study.
Dekkiche S., de Vallière S., D'Acremont V., Genton B., 2016/02. Journal of Travel Medicine, 23 (3) p. 6. Peer-reviewed.
Gametocyte carriage in uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria following treatment with artemisinin combination therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data.
WWARN Gametocyte Study Group, Genton Blaise, 2016. Bmc Medicine, 14 (1) p. 79. Peer-reviewed.
Increased Nasopharyngeal Density and Concurrent Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis Are Associated with Pneumonia in Febrile Children.
Chochua S., D'Acremont V., Hanke C., Alfa D., Shak J., Kilowoko M., Kyungu E., Kaiser L., Genton B., Klugman K.P. et al., 2016. PloS one, 11 (12) pp. e0167725. Peer-reviewed.
Safety and immunogenicity of a chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored Ebola vaccine in healthy adults: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding, phase 1/2a study.
De Santis O., Audran R., Pothin E., Warpelin-Decrausaz L., Vallotton L., Wuerzner G., Cochet C., Estoppey D., Steiner-Monard V., Lonchampt S. et al., 2016. Lancet. Infectious Diseases, 16 (3) pp. 311-320. Peer-reviewed.
Travellers' profile, travel patterns and vaccine practices—a 10-year prospective study in a Swiss Travel Clinic
Boubaker Rim, Meige Pierrette, Mialet Catherine, Ngarambe Buffat Chantal, Uwanyiligira Mediatrice, Widmer Francine, Rochat Jacynthe, Hérard Fossati Annie, Souvannaraj-Blanchant Manisinh, Payot Sylvie et al., 2016/01. Journal of Travel Medicine, 23 (1) pp. tav017.
Ma santé en voyage
Minet Pascaline , Genton Blaise , Rochat Laurence , 2015/06/25., 1ère édition J'ai envie de comprendre , 1 155, Médecine et Hygiène .
Horizon 00 [Horizon 00]
Genton B., 2015/05/06. Revue medicale suisse, 11 (473) pp. 1003-1004.
Communication du risque en médecine des voyages [Risk communication in travel medicine].
Auer R., Voumard R., Benaroyo L., Genton B., 2015/05. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (473) pp. 1006, 1008-1006, 1011. Peer-reviewed.
Atrophie de Lichtenberg post-vaccinale
Rochat Laurence, Gaide Olivier, Rothuizen Laura E., Genton Blaise, 2015/04/14. Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum, 15 (16) pp. 350-352.
Malaria real-time PCR: correlation with clinical presentation.
Dormond L., Jaton K., de Vallière S., Genton B., Greub G., 2015/02. New Microbes and New Infections, 5 pp. 10-12. Peer-reviewed.
Ability of physicians to diagnose influenza and usefulness of a rapid influenza antigen test in febrile returning travelers: A randomized controlled trial.
Berthod D., Genton B., Hatz C., Blum J., de Vallière S., 2015. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 13 (5) pp. 394-399. Peer-reviewed.
Acute schistosomiasis: a risk underestimated by travelers and a diagnosis frequently missed by general practitioners-a cluster analysis of 42 travelers.
Rochat L., Bizzini A., Senn N., Bochud P.Y., Genton B., de Vallière S., 2015. Journal of Travel Medicine, 22 (3) pp. 168-173. Peer-reviewed.
Biomarkers of Host Response Predict Primary End-Point Radiological Pneumonia in Tanzanian Children with Clinical Pneumonia: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Erdman L.K., D'Acremont V., Hayford K., Rajwans N., Kilowoko M., Kyungu E., Hongoa P., Alamo L., Streiner D.L., Genton B. et al., 2015. Plos One, 10 (9) pp. e0137592. Peer-reviewed.
Can smartphones and tablets improve the management of childhood illness in Tanzania? A qualitative study from a primary health care worker's perspective.
Shao A.F., Rambaud-Althaus C., Swai N., Kahama-Maro J., Genton B., D'Acremont V., Pfeiffer C., 2015. Bmc Health Services Research, 15 p. 135. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical determinants of early parasitological response to ACTs in African patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a literature review and meta-analysis of individual patient data.
Abdulla Salim, Adam Ishag, Adjei George O., Adjuik Martin A., Alemayehu Bereket, Allan Richard, Arinaitwe Emmanuel, Ashley Elizabeth A., Ba Mamadou S., Barennes Hubert et al., 2015. Bmc Medicine, 13 (1) p. 212. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical features for diagnosis of pneumonia in children younger than 5 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Rambaud-Althaus C., Althaus F., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2015. Lancet. Infectious Diseases, 15 (4) pp. 439-450. Peer-reviewed.
Distribution and risk factors for Plasmodium and helminth co-infections: a cross-sectional survey among children in Bagamoyo district, coastal region of Tanzania.
Salim N., Knopp S., Lweno O., Abdul U., Mohamed A., Schindler T., Rothen J., Masimba J., Kwaba D., Mohammed A.S. et al., 2015. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (4) pp. e0003660. Peer-reviewed.
Les étudiant·e·s en médecine mènent une recherche dans La communauté. [Male/female medical students conduct research in the community]
Daeppen J.B., Bodenmann P., Burnand B., Gaume J., Genton B., Hofner M.C., Spencer B., Widmer D., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (483) p. 1564. Peer-reviewed.
Managing the Sick Child in the Era of Declining Malaria Transmission: Development of ALMANACH, an Electronic Algorithm for Appropriate Use of Antimicrobials.
Rambaud-Althaus C., Shao A.F., Kahama-Maro J., Genton B., d'Acremont V., 2015. Plos One, 10 (7) pp. e0127674. Peer-reviewed.
Mefloquine at the crossroads? Implications for malaria chemoprophylaxis in Europe.
Schlagenhauf P., Hatz C., Behrens R., Visser L., Funk M., Holzer B., Beck B., Bourquin C., Etter H., Furrer H. et al., 2015. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 13 (2) pp. 192-196. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular Epidemiology of Human Rhinoviruses and Enteroviruses Highlights Their Diversity in Sub-Saharan Africa.
L'Huillier A.G., Kaiser L., Petty T.J., Kilowoko M., Kyungu E., Hongoa P., Vieille G., Turin L., Genton B., D'Acremont V. et al., 2015. Viruses, 7 (12) pp. 6412-6423. Peer-reviewed.
New Algorithm for Managing Childhood Illness Using Mobile Technology (ALMANACH): A Controlled Non-Inferiority Study on Clinical Outcome and Antibiotic Use in Tanzania.
Shao A.F., Rambaud-Althaus C., Samaka J., Faustine A.F., Perri-Moore S., Swai N., Kahama-Maro J., Mitchell M., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2015. Plos One, 10 (7) pp. e0132316. Peer-reviewed.
Recommendations for malaria prevention in moderate to low risk areas: travellers' choice and risk perception.
Voumard R., Berthod D., Rambaud-Althaus C., D'Acremont V., Genton B., 2015. Malaria Journal, 14 (1) p. 139. Peer-reviewed.
Schistosomiase aiguë au retour de voyage. Enseignements tirés d'une cohorte de 42 voyageurs exposés [Acute schistosomiasis: lessons learned from a cohort of 42 exposed travelers].
Rochat L., Bizzini A., Bochud P.Y., Senn N., De Vallière S., Genton B., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (473) pp. 1017-1022.
The effect of dose on the antimalarial efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine: a systematic review and pooled analysis of individual patient data.
Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) AL Dose Impact Study Group, Anstey NM;, Price RN;, Davis TME;, Karunajeewa HA;, Mueller I;, Karunajeewa HA;, D'Alessandro U;, Massougbodji A;, Nikiema F; et al., 2015. Lancet. Infectious Diseases, 15 (6) pp. 692-702. Peer-reviewed.
Using an eIMCI-Derived Decision Support Protocol to Improve Provider-Caretaker Communication for Treatment of Children Under 5 in Tanzania.
Perri-Moore S., Routen T., Shao A.F., Rambaud-Althaus C., Swai N., Kahama-Maro J., D'Acremont V., Genton B., Mitchell M., 2015. Global health communication, 1 (1) pp. 41-47.
Introduction : Les futurs médecins enquêtent dans la communauté
Daeppen J.B., Bodenmann P., Burnand B., Diserens C., Genton B., Spencer B., Widmer D., 2014/09. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (440) p. 1624.
Population pharmacokinetics and clinical response for artemether-lumefantrine in pregnant and nonpregnant women with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Tanzania.
Mosha D., Guidi M., Mwingira F., Abdulla S., Mercier T., Decosterd L.A., Csajka C., Genton B., 2014/08. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58 (8) pp. 4583-4592. Peer-reviewed.
Hépatite B et migrants: doit-on mieux faire? [Hepatitis B and migrants: should we do better?
Jaboyedoff M., Genton B., Masserey E., Bodenmann P., Rimaz R., de Vallière S., 2014/03. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (421) pp. 617-621. Peer-reviewed.
A molecular marker of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Ariey F., Witkowski B., Amaratunga C., Beghain J., Langlois A.C., Khim N., Kim S., Duru V., Bouchier C., Ma L. et al., 2014. Nature, 505 (7481) pp. 50-55.
Beyond malaria--causes of fever in outpatient Tanzanian children.
D'Acremont V., Kilowoko M., Kyungu E., Philipina S., Sangu W., Kahama-Maro J., Lengeler C., Cherpillod P., Kaiser L., Genton B., 2014. New England Journal of Medicine, 370 (9) pp. 809-817. Peer-reviewed.
Causes of fever in outpatient Tanzanian children.
D'Acremont V., Kaiser L., Genton B., 2014. New England Journal of Medicine, 370 (23) pp. 2243-2244. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of detection methods to estimate asexual Plasmodium falciparum parasite prevalence and gametocyte carriage in a community survey in Tanzania.
Mwingira F., Genton B., Kabanywanyi A.N., Felger I., 2014. Malaria Journal, 13 p. 433. Peer-reviewed.
Consultation des voyageurs: messages... mais sages.. [Consultations for travelers: messages...but with wisdom].
Chappuis F., Genton B., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (429) p. 995.
Diagnostic accuracy of Kato-Katz, FLOTAC, Baermann, and PCR methods for the detection of light-intensity hookworm and Strongyloides stercoralis infections in Tanzania.
Knopp S., Salim N., Schindler T., Karagiannis Voules D.A., Rothen J., Lweno O., Mohammed A.S., Singo R., Benninghoff M., Nsojo A.A. et al., 2014. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 90 (3) pp. 535-545. Peer-reviewed.
Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during pregnancy on placental malaria, maternal anaemia and birthweight in areas with high and low malaria transmission intensity in Tanzania.
Mosha D., Chilongola J., Ndeserua R., Mwingira F., Genton B., 2014. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 19 (9) pp. 1048-1056. Peer-reviewed.
Enterobiasis and strongyloidiasis and associated co-infections and morbidity markers in infants, preschool- and school-aged children from rural coastal Tanzania: a cross-sectional study.
Salim N., Schindler T., Abdul U., Rothen J., Genton B., Lweno O., Mohammed A.S., Masimba J., Kwaba D., Abdulla S. et al., 2014. Bmc Infectious Diseases, 14 (1) p. 644. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility and clinical outcomes when using practice guidelines for evaluation of fever in returning travelers and migrants : a validation study.
Mueller Y., D'Acremont V., Ambresin A.E., Rossi I., Martin O., Burnand B., Genton B., 2014. Journal of Travel Medicine, 21 (3) pp. 169-182. Peer-reviewed.
Fièvre jaune: nouvelles recommandations [Yellow fever: new recommendations].
Rochat L., Genton B., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (429) pp. 1014-1019.
Medication exposure during pregnancy: a pilot pharmacovigilance system using health and demographic surveillance platform.
Mosha D., Mazuguni F., Mrema S., Abdulla S., Genton B., 2014. Bmc Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14 p. 322. Peer-reviewed.
Mort des voyageurs: risques réels, risques virtuels [True and virtual risks of travellers].
Hatz C., Walz A., Genton B., Behrens R., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (429) pp. 1001-1003.
Observational study on the consumption of recreational drugs and alcohol by Swiss travelers.
Klunge-de Luze C., de Vallière S., Genton B., Senn N., 2014. Bmc Public Health, 14 p. 1199. Peer-reviewed.
Réponse [Reply].
Jaboyedoff M., Genton B., de Valière S., Bodenmann P., Rimaz R., Genton B., Masserey E., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (432) pp. 1216-1217.
Safety of artemether-lumefantrine exposure in first trimester of pregnancy: an observational cohort.
Mosha D., Mazuguni F., Mrema S., Sevene E., Abdulla S., Genton B., 2014. Malaria Journal, 13 (1) p. 197. Peer-reviewed.
Vaccines safety; effect of supervision or SMS on reporting rates of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) with meningitis vaccine (MenAfriVac?): a randomized controlled trial.
Ateudjieu J., Stoll B., Nguefack-Tsague G., Tchangou C., Genton B., 2014. Vaccine, 32 (43) pp. 5662-5668. Peer-reviewed.
"Skill mix", rien de nouveau sous le soleil... ["Skill mix", nothing new under the sun...].
Genton B., Loutan L., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (385) pp. 955-956.
Effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms in cytochrome P450 isoenzyme and N-acetyltransferase 2 genes on the metabolism of artemisinin-based combination therapies in malaria patients from Cambodia and Tanzania.
Staehli Hodel E.M., Csajka C., Ariey F., Guidi M., Kabanywanyi A.M., Duong S., Decosterd L.A., Olliaro P., Beck H.P., Genton B., 2013. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 57 (2) pp. 950-958.
Effectiveness of artemether/lumefantrine for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum malaria in young children in Papua New Guinea.
Senn N., Rarau P., Manong D., Salib M., Siba P., Reeder J.C., Rogerson S.J., Genton B., Mueller I., 2013. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 56 (10) pp. 1413-1420.
Malaria importée: des médicaments toujours plus efficaces et plus sûrs [Imported malaria: safer and more efficacious drugs?].
Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (385) pp. 979-984.
Population pharmacokinetics of mefloquine, piperaquine and artemether-lumefantrine in Cambodian and Tanzanian malaria patients.
Staehli Hodel E.M., Guidi M., Zanolari B., Mercier T., Duong S., Kabanywanyi A.M., Ariey F., Buclin T., Beck H.P., Decosterd L.A. et al., 2013. Malaria Journal, 12 p. 235. Peer-reviewed.
Vaccination des requérants d'asile dans le canton de Vaud [Vaccination of asylum seekers in the canton Vaud, Switzerland].
de Vallière S., Landry P., Masserey E., Genton B., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (385) pp. 985-989.
A review of malaria vaccine clinical projects based on the WHO rainbow table.
Schwartz L., Brown G.V., Genton B., Moorthy V.S., 2012. Malaria Journal, 11 (11) pp. 1-22.
Development and validation of a clinical decision rule for the diagnosis of influenza.
Ebell M.H., Afonso A.M., Gonzales R., Stein J., Genton B., Senn N., 2012. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 25 (1) pp. 55-62.
Fièvres virales d'ailleurs [Viral fevers from elsewhere].
D'Acremont V., Genton B., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (340) pp. 994-999.
L'efficacité c'est bien, l'impact c'est top [Efficacy is good, impact is great].
Senn N., Lengeler C., Cornuz J., Genton B., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (364) pp. 2260-2265.
Malaria prevention in travelers.
Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2012. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, 26 (3) pp. 637-654.
Measuring force of infection and vaccine effects on transmission stages in clinical trials of experimental malaria vaccines
Felger I., Genton B., Beck H.P., Smith T., 2012. pp. O50 dans 2nd Malaria Conference, Challenges in Malaria Research, Malaria Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Penser la médecine communautaire s'apprend avec les pairs. [The spirit of community medicine: students learning from students].
Diserens Chantal, Bonvin Raphaël, Burnand Bernard, Genton Blaise, Hofner Marie-Claude, Spencer Brenda, Widmer Daniel, Daeppen Jean-Bernard, 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (346) pp. 1353-1355.
Rabies postexposure prophylaxis in routine practice in view of the new centers for disease control and prevention and world health organization recommendations.
Uwanyiligira M., Landry P., Genton B., de Valliere S., 2012. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 55 (2) pp. 201-205.
Rapid Diagnostic Test-Based Management of Malaria: An Effectiveness Study in Papua New Guinean Infants With Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax Malaria.
Senn N., Rarau P., Manong D., Salib M., Siba P., Robinson L.J., Reeder J., Rogerson S., Mueller I., Genton B., 2012. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 54 (5) pp. 644-651. Peer-reviewed.
Routine delivery of artemisinin-based combination treatment at fixed health facilities reduces malaria prevalence in Tanzania: an observational study.
Khatib R.A., Skarbinski J., Njau J.D., Goodman C.A., Elling B.F., Kahigwa E., Roberts J.M., MacArthur J.R., Gutman J.R., Kabanywanyi A.M. et al., 2012. Malaria Journal, 11 (140) pp. 1-13.
Safety of falciparum malaria diagnostic strategy based on rapid diagnostic tests in returning travellers and migrants: a retrospective study.
Rossi I.A., D'Acremont V., Prod'hom G., Genton B., 2012. Malaria Journal, 11 p. 377. Peer-reviewed.
The Reliability of Pre-travel History to Decide on Appropriate Counseling and Vaccinations: A Prospective Study.
Rossi I.A., Genton B., 2012. Journal of Travel Medicine, 19 (5) pp. 284-288. Peer-reviewed.
The use of classification and regression trees to predict the likelihood of seasonal influenza.
Afonso A.M., Ebell M.H., Gonzales R., Stein J., Genton B., Senn N., 2012. Family Practice, 29 (6) pp. 671-677. Peer-reviewed.
Zoonoses négligées: nouvelles réalités d'un monde globalisé [Neglected zoonosis: new realities in a global world].
Loutan L., Genton B., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (340) pp. 971-972.
Comment la sérologie peut-elle aider à l'établissement du diagnostic des parasites [How can serology contribute to the diagnosis of parasitic diseases?].
Kramme S., Marti H., Genton B., Hatz C., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (294) pp. 995-999. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacité, adéquation, économicité: la leçon des pays pauvres aux nantis.. [Efficiency, adequacy, economic efficiency: the lessons of poor countries to rich ...].
Genton B., Loutan L., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (294) pp. 981-982. Peer-reviewed.
Low quality of routine microscopy for malaria at different levels of the health system in Dar es Salaam.
Kahama-Maro J., D'Acremont V., Mtasiwa D., Genton B., Lengeler C., 2011. Malaria Journal, 10 p. 332. Peer-reviewed.
Malaria chemoprophylaxis recommendations for immigrants to Europe, visiting relatives and friends--a Delphi method study.
Calleri G., Behrens R.H., Schmid M.L., Gobbi F., Grobusch M.P., Castelli F., Gascon J., Bisoffi Z., Jelinek T., Caramello P. et al., 2011. Malaria Journal, 10 p. 137. Peer-reviewed.
Motivational brief intervention for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections in travelers: a randomized controlled trial.
Senn N., de Valliere S., Berdoz D., Genton B., 2011. BMC Infectious Diseases, 11 p. 300.
Multiplex real-time PCR for the diagnosis of malaria: correlation with microscopy.
Dormond L., Jaton-Ogay K., de Vallière S., Genton B., Bille J., Greub G., 2011. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 17 (3) pp. 469-475.
Prevalence of respiratory viruses among febrile children with or without acute respiratory symptoms in Tanzania
D'Acremont V., Cherpillod P., Kilowoko M., Kyungu E., Philip-pina X. X. X., Sangu W., Kahama-Maro J., Thomas Y., Alamo L., Lengeler C. et al., 2011. p. 77 dans 7th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, Tropical Medicine and International Health. Peer-reviewed.
Real-life versus package insert: a post-marketing study on adverse-event rates of the virosomal hepatitis A vaccine Epaxal® in healthy travellers.
Hatz C., Beck B., Steffen R., Genton B., d'Acremont V., Loutan L., Hartmann K., Herzog C., 2011. Vaccine, 29 (31) pp. 5000-5006. Peer-reviewed.
Reduction of anti-malarial consumption after rapid diagnostic tests implementation in Dar es Salaam: a before-after and cluster randomized controlled study.
D'Acremont V., Kahama-Maro J., Swai N., Mtasiwa D., Genton B., Lengeler C., 2011. Malaria Journal, 10 p. 107. Peer-reviewed.
Safety of a new algorithm for the management of childhood illness (Almanach) to improve quality of care and rational use of drugs
Shao A., Rambaud-Althaus C., Perri S., Swai N., Kahama-Maro J., Mitchell M., Genton B., D'Acremont V., 2011. p. 60 dans 7th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health, Tropical Medicine and International Health. Peer-reviewed.
Tests diagnostiques rapides (TDR): la panacée pour le praticien [Rapid diagnostic tests (RDT): the cure-all for the practitioner?].
D'Acremont V., Greub G., Genton B., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (294) pp. 984-990.
Virosome-Formulated Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1 & CSP Derived Peptides as Malaria Vaccine: Randomized Phase 1b Trial in Semi-Immune Adults & Children.
Cech P.G., Aebi T., Abdallah M.S., Mpina M., Machunda E.B., Westerfeld N., Stoffel S.A., Zurbriggen R., Pluschke G., Tanner M. et al., 2011. Plos One, 6 (7) pp. e22273.
Adherence to and acceptability of artemether-lumefantrine as first-line anti-malarial treatment: evidence from a rural community in Tanzania.
Kabanywanyi A.M., Lengeler C., Kasim P., King'eng'ena S., Schlienger R., Mulure N., Genton B., 2010. Malaria Journal, 9 p. 48.
African tick-bite fever: a new entity in the differential diagnosis of multiple eschars in travelers. Description of five cases imported from South Africa to Switzerland.
Althaus F., Greub G., Raoult D., Genton B., 2010. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 14 Suppl 3 pp. e274-e276.
Decreased in vitro susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum isolates to artesunate, mefloquine, chloroquine, and quinine in Cambodia from 2001 to 2007.
Lim P., Wongsrichanalai C., Chim P., Khim N., Kim S., Chy S., Sem R., Nhem S., Yi P., Duong S. et al., 2010. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 54 (5) pp. 2135-2142.
Encéphalite japonaise: risque pour les populations vivant en zones d'endémie et pour les voyageurs [The importance of Japanese encephalitis: for endemic populations and for travellers]
Hatz C., Inoubli S., Loutan L., Genton B., Behrens R., Hufnagel M., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (248) pp. 956-959.
Experience of safety monitoring in the context of a prospective observational study of artemether-lumefantrine in rural Tanzania: lessons learned for pharmacovigilance reporting.
Kabanywanyi A.M., Mulure N., Migoha C., Malila A., Lengeler C., Schlienger R., Genton B., 2010. Malaria Journal, 9 (205) pp. 1-10.
Haïti 2010: médecine humanitaire ou santé globale
Loutan L., Genton B., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (248) pp. 947-948.
Malaria: une espèce en voie de disparition [Malaria: an endangered species?].
D'Acremont V., Genton B., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (248) pp. 950-954.
MALVAC 2009: Progress and Challenges in Development of Whole Organism Malaria Vaccines for Endemic Countries, 3-4 June 2009, Dakar, Senegal.
Pinder M., Moorthy V.S., Akanmori B.D., Genton B., Brown G.V., 2010. Vaccine, 28 pp. 4695-4702.
Monitoring of malaria parasite resistance to chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in the Solomon Islands by DNA microarray technology.
Ballif M., Hii J., Marfurt J., Crameri A., Fafale A., Felger I., Beck H.P., Genton B., 2010. Malaria Journal, 9 p. 270.
Plasmodium falciparum resistance to anti-malarial drugs in Papua New Guinea: evaluation of a community-based approach for the molecular monitoring of resistance.
Marfurt J., Smith T.A., Hastings I.M., Müller I., Sie A., Oa O., Baisor M., Reeder J.C., Beck H.P., Genton B., 2010. Malaria Journal, 9 p. 8.
Quantifying the evolution and impact of antimalarial drug resistance: drug use, spread of resistance, and drug failure over a 12-year period in Papua New Guinea.
Nsanzabana C., Hastings I.M., Marfurt J., Müller I., Baea K., Rare L., Schapira A., Felger I., Betschart B., Smith T.A. et al., 2010. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 201 (3) pp. 435-443.
Randomized double-blind controlled Phase I/IIa trial to assess the efficacy of malaria vaccine PfCS102 to protect against challenge with P. falciparum.
Genton B., D'Acremont V., Lurati-Ruiz F., Verhage D., Audran R., Hermsen C., Wolters L., Reymond C., Spertini F., Sauerwein R., 2010. Vaccine, 28 (40) pp. 6573-6580.
Reduction in the proportion of fevers associated with Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia in Africa: a systematic review.
D'Acremont V., Lengeler C., Genton B., 2010. Malaria Journal, 9 p. 240.
Residual antimalarial concentrations before treatment in patients with malaria from Cambodia: indication of drug pressure.
Hodel Eva Maria, Genton Blaise, Zanolari Boris, Mercier Thomas, Duong Socheat, Beck Hans-Peter, Olliaro Piero, Decosterd Laurent A., Ariey Frederic, 2010. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 202 (7) pp. 1088-1094.
Troubles digestifs associés aux protozoaires et aux helmintes: prise en charge par le médecin de famille [Gastrointestinal complaints associated to helminth and protozoan: management by the general practitioner].
Senn N., Fasel E., de Vallière S., Genton B., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (273) pp. 2292-2301.
Vaccines against malaria: perspectives from Papua New Guinea.
Mueller I., Genton B., Betuela I., Alpers M.P., 2010. Human Vaccines, 6 (1) pp. 17-20.
Withholding antimalarials in febrile children who have a negative result for a rapid diagnostic test.
d'Acremont V., Malila A., Swai N., Tillya R., Kahama-Maro J., Lengeler C., Genton B., 2010. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 51 (5) pp. 506-511.
Residual antimalarials in malaria patients from Tanzania--implications on drug efficacy assessment and spread of parasite resistance.
Hodel E.M., Kabanywanyi A.M., Malila A., Zanolari B., Mercier T., Beck H.P., Buclin T., Olliaro P., Decosterd L.A., Genton B., 2009/12/14. PloS one, 4 (12) pp. e8184. Peer-reviewed.
Mauvais accès aux soins ou accès aux mauvais soins. [Bad access of nurses, or access to bad nurses]
Genton B., Loutan L., 2009/05/06. Revue medicale suisse, 5 (202) pp. 995-996. Peer-reviewed.
A microarray-based system for the simultaneous analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in human genes involved in the metabolism of anti-malarial drugs
Hodel Eva Maria, Ley Serej D., Qi Weihong, Ariey Frederic, Genton Blaise, Beck Hans-Peter, 2009. Malaria Journal, 8 p. 285. Peer-reviewed.
A single LC-tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of 14 antimalarial drugs and their metabolites in human plasma.
Hodel Eva Maria, Zanolari Boris, Mercier Thomas, Biollaz Jérôme, Keiser J., Olliaro P., Genton B., Decosterd Lurent-Arthur, 2009. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies In the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 877 (10) pp. 867-886.
Acute hepatitis A in a young returning traveler from Kenya despite immunization before departure.
Senn N., Genton B., 2009. Journal of Travel Medicine, 16 (1) pp. 72-73.
Evaluation of Plasmodium vivax genotyping markers for molecular monitoring in clinical trials.
Koepfli C., Mueller I., Marfurt J., Goroti M., Sie A., Oa O., Genton B., Beck H.P., Felger I., 2009. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 199 (7) pp. 1074-1080.
Guidance on the evaluation of Plasmodium vivax vaccines in populations exposed to natural infection.
Mueller I., Moorthy V.S., Brown G.V., Smith P.G., Alonso P., Genton B., WHO Malaria Vaccine Advisory Committee (MALVAC), 2009. Vaccine, 27 (41) pp. 5633-5643.
Prévention de la malaria pour les séjours de tongue durée [Malaria prevention for long-term travelers]
Rossi I., Genton B., 2009. Revue Médicale Suisse, 5 (202) pp. 1007-1011.
The synthetic Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite peptide PfCS102 as a malaria vaccine candidate: a randomized controlled phase I trial.
Audran Regine, Lurati-Ruiz Floriana, Genton Blaise, Blythman Hildur E., Ofori-Anyinam Opokua, Reymond Christophe, Corradin Giampietro, Spertini Francois, 2009. PloS One, 4 (10) p. 7304. Peer-reviewed.
Three different Plasmodium species show similar patterns of clinical tolerance of malaria infection.
Müller I., Genton B., Rare L., Kiniboro B., Kastens W., Zimmerman P., Kazura J., Alpers M., Smith T.A., 2009. Malaria Journal, 8 p. 158.
Time to move from presumptive malaria treatment to laboratory-confirmed diagnosis and treatment in African children with fever.
D'Acremont V., Lengeler C., Mshinda H., Mtasiwa D., Tanner M., Genton B., 2009. Plos Medicine, 6 (1) pp. e252.
Fatal case of Israeli spotted fever after Mediterranean cruise.
Boillat N., Genton B., D'Acremont V., Raoult D., Greub G., 2008. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14 (12) pp. 1944-1946.
Genève, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Asunción, La Réunion et retour: santé globale--responsabilité globale [Geneva, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Asuncion, Reunion Island and return: world health - world responsibility]
Loutan L., Genton B., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (157) pp. 1187-1188.
Impact of vaccines given during pregnancy on the offspring of women consulting a travel clinic: a longitudinal study
D'Acremont V., Tremblay S., Genton B., 2008. Journal of Travel Medicine, 15 (2) pp. 77-81. Peer-reviewed.
Lack of multiple copies of pfmdr1 gene in Papua New Guinea.
Hodel E.M., Marfurt J., Müller D., Rippert A., Borrmann S., Müller I., Reeder J.C., Siba P., Genton B., Beck H.P., 2008. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102 (11) pp. 1151-1153.
Malaria vaccines: a toy for travelers or a tool for eradication?
Genton B., 2008. Expert Review of Vaccines, 7 (5) pp. 597-611.
Molecular markers of in vivo Plasmodium vivax resistance to amodiaquine plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine: mutations in pvdhfr and pvmdr1.
Marfurt J., de Monbrison F., Brega S., Barbollat L., Müller I., Sie A., Goroti M., Reeder J.C., Beck H.P., Picot S. et al., 2008. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 198 (3) pp. 409-417.
Plasmodium vivax and mixed infections are associated with severe malaria in children: a prospective cohort study from Papua New Guinea.
Genton B., D'Acremont V., Rare L., Baea K., Reeder J.C., Alpers M.P., Müller I., 2008. Plos Medicine, 5 (6) pp. e127.
The usefulness of twenty-four molecular markers in predicting treatment outcome with combination therapy of amodiaquine plus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine against falciparum malaria in Papua New Guinea.
Marfurt J., Müller I., Sie A., Oa O., Reeder J.C., Smith T.A., Beck H.P., Genton B., 2008. Malaria Journal, 7 p. 61.
Towards a comprehensive simulation model of malaria epidemiology and control.
Smith T., Maire N., Ross A., Penny M., Chitnis N., Schapira A., Studer A., Genton B., Lengeler C., Tediosi F. et al., 2008. Parasitology, 135 (13) pp. 1507-1516.
Treatment of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria with artemether-lumefantrine in nonimmune populations: a safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetic study.
Hatz C., Soto J., Nothdurft H.D., Zoller T., Weitzel T., Loutan L., Bricaire F., Gay F., Burchard G.D., Andriano K. et al., 2008. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 78 (2) pp. 241-247.
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