Muriel Katz

Fields | Projects and contracts | Collaborations | Events

Research directions

Transmission psychique entre les g�n�rations : � propos du remaniement des contrats narcissiques dans les familles juives vivant en Suisse apr�s la Shoah (un projet financ� entre autres par la Fondation pour la M�moire de la Shoah)

Filiation and affiliation from genocide's victims and their descendants

Migration, transitions de vie, violences collectives et constructions identitaires

From enforced disappearance of persons to the victims' relatives' complicated grief : observing the historicization process

Enforced disappearance is a widespread occurrence within the context of Latin American military dictatorships, which received unfortunate fame in the 1970s. A unique means of political repression, it aims at spreading terror with arbitrary arrest, kidnapping, torturing and assassination of victims, whose remains then disappear. The right to justice is now officially recognised, alongside the right to the truth and reparations for the disappeared person and their family. The disappearance of the remains and any trace of the victims confer an ambiguous character on this form of loss, which complicates the grieving process in a unique manner. Therefore the relatives of disappeared persons are also considered victims in their own right by the UN. The multiple repercussions of this form of political repression are rarely addressed in literature, but deserve to be documented.
The principal aim of this project is to explore the psychological, social, generational and symbolic impact of ambiguous loss which characterises and complicates the grieving process for the relatives of victims. More specifically, it aims at: 1. identifying the psychological impact of this type of ambiguous loss on the mourning process; 2. studying the social repercussions of this type of ambiguous loss on the bereaved; 3. exploring how this type of complicated grieving hinders the historicization process of the relatives of the disappeared person; 4. considering how it disrupts the process of psychical transmission between generations.
The complexity of this type of social and psychological catastrophe requires to create an original theoretical frame.
We ask to what extent the bereaved alleviate the incertitude surrounding the loss by creating polyphonic narratives that call on several symbolic resources to initiate the memory work necessary for achieving official recognition of the crimes committed.

Antigone et le devoir de sépulture. Approches psychanalytiques et anthropologiques

Anthropologie psychanalytique
Ritualité funéraire
Traumatismes collectifs
Droits humains

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Swiss University