Ermindo Di Paolo

Fields |

Research directions

Pediatric drugs - Aerosolterapy

Children are the "orphans" of pharmaceutical research for practical, ethical and financial reasons. Many medicines are used outside the marketing authorization. In addition, as most medicines are intended for the adult population, the dosage forms are not necessarily suitable for children. This leads to a higher risk of medication errors in the prescription and administration of medicines. Our research consists of evaluating laboratory and clinical practices with the aim of improving the use of medicines in pediatrics:
- Safety of drug use in pediatrics,
- Aerosol therapy.

Recent references:
Spaggiari S, Gehri M, Di Benedetto L, Hafen GM, Pauchard JY, Gervaix A, Pannatier A, Sadeghipour F, Di Paolo ER. Inhalation technique practical skills among physicians and nurses in two pediatric emergency settings. J Asthma ;58:190-6. DOI 10.1080/02770903.2019.1674329.
Palmero D, Di Paolo ER, C. Stadelmann C, A. Pannatier A, Sadeghipour F, Tolsa JF. Incident reports versus direct observation to identify medication errors and risk factors in newborns. Eur J Pediatr 2019; 178:259-66.

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Swiss University