Michel Maignan

Fields | Projects and contracts | Collaborations |


Projects FNS

Cartography by Artificial Neural Networks
1998 - 2000

Environmental data mining: learning algorithms and statistical tools for monitoring and forecasting
2000 - 2001

European Programs

Soil pollution: cartography, risks, decision support system
1995 - 1997

Information and modeling system of the Aral Sea coastal region
1997 - 1999

Environmental data analysis with learning based algorithms
1995 - 2000

Soil pollution: cartography, risks, decision support system, advanced research
1999 - 2000

Risques de pollution radioactive de la mer Caspienne par le lac de déchets Kashkar-Ata

Others projects

Contribution to the development of software prototype VSS
1997 - 2000
grant-giving organisation : Center for Information and Valorization of the Radionucleides Contaminated Territories

6 Séminaires "Geostatistics for pollution" en Suisse, France, Italie, Allemagne
1993 - 1995
grant-giving organisation : COMETT

Réseaux neuronaux et géostatistique sur des données de pollution

Natural and Pollution Risk Assessment Pending Authorization

Value at Risk pour les instruments financiers de change et de taux

A modular package for environmental geostatistics

grant-giving organisation : Geostat Office

SVM support vector machine programming
grant-giving organisation : CTI

Contracts and Mandates

Cartographie du risque de radon en Suisse

1998 - 1999

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University