Emmanuel Reynard

Fields | Projects and contracts | Collaborations |

Research directions

Geomorphosites, geoconservation and geotourism

Research on the assessment, cartography, protection and promotion of geomorphological heritage.

The aim is to develop methods for assessing and mapping the geomorphological heritage, as well as strategies for protecting and promoting, through the development of geotourism, this heritage.

Water Management

Analysis of institutional management of water resources, in particular in the Alps, and modelling of water uses in the future.

The aim of our research is to analyse the institutional mechanisms (property rights, public policy, collective action, integrated management) of water management, especially some uses (irrigation, drinking water, tourism, flood hazards). Modelling of future water uses is also carried out taking into account climatic and socio-economic changes.

Mountain Geomorphology

Research on the morphodynamics of mountain slopes (talus, rockglaciers, glacier forefields, torrential sytems). Geomorphological mapping.

Research aims at analysing mountain landscapes and morphodynamics through cartographic methods.

Geohistory of Landscapes

Landscape evolution is analysed using geohistorical approaches.

Landscapes (in particular rivers and vineyards) are analysed using geohistorical approaches (combination of cartographic methods and research in archives).

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Swiss University