Olivier Glassey

Projects and contracts |


Projects FNS

The digital divide: its emergence and evolution, the issues it raises and its future prospects
2003 - 2005
Applicant : L. Vodoz, P. Rossel, M. Rey (EPFL)
Other partners : O. Glassey, B. Pfister Giauque, Y. Steiner
Within the research program PNR 51 ''Intégration et exclusion'',

With C.E.A.T. and l'ILEMT-EPFL, and the support from Neuchâtel and Geneva cantons, and Federal Office for communication.

The purpose of the project is to examine the integration and/or exclusion mechanisms associated with the "digital divide" in Switzerland. It separates those who are, or feel they are, part of the so-called "information society" and those who are, or feel they are, excluded from it.

Intermodalité et interfaçages: Les enjeux d'une méthodologie d'évaluation globale des choix technologiques en matière de transport à très grande vitesse.
1998 - 1999
Applicant : P. Rossel (ESST-EPFL)
Other partners : O. Glassey, F. Tufo, R. Mantilleri, F. Bosset
Dans le cadre du PNR 41 "Transport et Environnement: Interactions Suisse - Europe "

Etude du cas de Swissmetro

European Programs

Projet européen du 5éme programme cadre, ESST/EPFL et IDHEAP et partenaires de Finlande, Allemagne, Gréce et Autriche

2001 - 2003
Projet européen du 5ème programme cadre.
One-stop government refers to the integration of public services from a citizen's point of view. Currently, the realisation of online one-stop government in Europe is in an infant state. The eGOV project recognises that online one-stop government can only realise its full potential if supported by an integrated, open and extensible platform. The aim of the project is to develop and evaluate this platform, which will include the next generation of governmental portals, the service repository and service creation environment, the Governmental Markup Language, and the supporting network architecture. The use of the platform is expected to provide significant benefits to both citizens and public authorities. This platform will be evaluated in three European counties by two ministries in charge of realising online one-shop government, as well as other public authorities.

PRECEPT, The transformation of Management Concepts: the Social Shaping of Business Process Reenginering programmes
1999 - 2001
Applicant : ESST-EPFL
European project TSER (Targeted Socio-Economic Research)

HAT "Home Automation and Telematics"
1996 - 1998
Applicant : ESST-EPFL
Within the projet COST A4 «Social Shaping of Technologies», which aimed at initiating international research co-operation in studies based on the methodological approach to the social shaping of technology; analysing the state of the art of research in social shaping of technology in the participating countries; supporting research networks and workshops that further the state of the art of social shaping of technology both in general and specific fields; supporting international comparative research efforts to understand the different patterns of social shaping of technology; furthering the development of the theoretical understanding of social shaping of technology and related theoretical concepts, and promote its application as a tool in research and technology policy within the EC and in the participating countries.

SLIM "Social Learning in Multimedia"
1996 - 1998
Applicant : ESST-EPFL
European project within the 4th Framework programme, TSER "Targeted Socio Economic Research", ESST-EPFL

Others projects

ASPU «De l'analyse sociale au projet urbain: exploration d'un champ interdisciplinaire émergent»
1996 - 1996
Projet conjoint UNIL-EPFL, Institut de Géographie de l'Université de Lausanne (IGUL)

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Swiss University