Nathalie Hicks Champod

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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52 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 1998 | 1996 |
Commentary on: Hahn M, Anslinger K, Eckert M, Fimmers R, Grethe S, Hohoff C, et al. [Joint recommendations of the project group "Biostatistical DNA Calculations" and the Trace Commission on the Biostatistical Evaluation of Forensic DNA Analytical Findings with Fully Continuous Models (FCM)]. Rechtsmedizin (Berl). 2023; 33(1):3-12. doi: 10.1007/s00194-022-00599-5.
Berger CEH, Kruijver M., Hicks T., Champod C., Taylor D., Buckleton J., 2024/03. Journal of forensic sciences, 69 (2) pp. 730-735. Peer-reviewed.
DNA transfer when using gloves in burglary simulations.
Carrara L., Hicks T., Samie L., Taroni F., Castella V., 2023/03. Forensic science international. Genetics, 63 p. 102823. Peer-reviewed.
DNA Interpretation and Evaluative Reporting
Hicks Tacha, Taroni Franco, 2023. pp. 91-102 dans Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Third Edition, Elsevier.
A Logical Framework for Forensic DNA Interpretation.
Hicks T., Buckleton J., Castella V., Evett I., Jackson G., 2022/05/27. Genes, 13 (6) pp. 957/1-26. Peer-reviewed.
Use of Bayesian Networks for the investigation of the nature of biological material in casework.
Samie L., Champod C., Delémont S., Basset P., Hicks T., Castella V., 2022/02. Forensic science international, 331 p. 111174. Peer-reviewed.
A mixed DNA profile controversy revisited.
Kalafut T., Pugh S., Gill P., Abbas S., Semaan M., Mansour I., Curran J., Bright J.A., Hicks T., Wivell R. et al., 2022/01. Journal of forensic sciences, 67 (1) pp. 128-135. Peer-reviewed.
A Swiss collaborative exercise for Disaster Victim Identification (DVI): Covering situations with different levels of complexity.
Gehrig C., Delémont S., Comte J., Hicks T., Basset P., Grosjean F., Dion D., Cossu C., Bottinelli M., Hecht M. et al., 2021/10. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 83 p. 102254. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing multiple POI to DNA mixtures.
Hicks T., Kerr Z., Pugh S., Bright JA, Curran J., Taylor D., Buckleton J., 2021/05. Forensic science international. Genetics, 52 p. 102481. Peer-reviewed.
When evaluating DNA evidence within a likelihood ratio framework, should the propositions be exhaustive?
Buckleton J., Taylor D., Bright J.A., Hicks T., Curran J., 2021/01. Forensic science international. Genetics, 50 p. 102406. Peer-reviewed.
A review of likelihood ratios in forensic science based on a critique of Stiffelman "No longer the Gold standard: Probabilistic genotyping is changing the nature of DNA evidence in criminal trials".
Buckleton J., Robertson B., Curran J., Berger C., Taylor D., Bright J.A., Hicks T., Gittelson S., Evett I., Pugh S. et al., 2020/05. Forensic science international, 310 p. 110251. Peer-reviewed.
DNA commission of the International society for forensic genetics: Assessing the value of forensic biological evidence - Guidelines highlighting the importance of propositions. Part II: Evaluation of biological traces considering activity level propositions
Gill Peter, Hicks Tacha, Butler John M., Connolly Ed, Gusmão Leonor, Kokshoorn Bas, Morling Niels, van Oorschot Roland A.H., Parson Walther, Prinz Mechthild et al., 2020/01. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 44 p. 102186.
Structuring cases into propositions, assumptions, and undisputed case information
Taylor Duncan, Kokshoorn Bas, Hicks Tacha, 2020/01. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 44 p. 102199.
Problematic reporting in DNA cases: the need for accredited formats and certified reporting competence
Hicks Tacha, Biedermann Alex, Taroni Franco, Champod Christophe, 2019/12. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 7 (1) pp. 205-207. Peer-reviewed.
More on the question 'When does absence of evidence constitute evidence of absence?' How Bayesian confirmation theory can logically support the answer.
Taroni F., Bozza S., Hicks T., Garbolino P., 2019/08. Forensic science international, 301 pp. e59-e63. Peer-reviewed.
STRmix™ collaborative exercise on DNA mixture interpretation.
Bright J.A., Cheng K., Kerr Z., McGovern C., Kelly H., Moretti T.R., Smith M.A., Bieber F.R., Budowle B., Coble M.D. et al., 2019/05. Forensic science international. Genetics, 40 pp. 1-8. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the Editor: Commentary on "Dennis McNevin, Bayesian interpretation of discrete class characteristics, Forensic Science International, 292 (2018) 125-130"
Biedermann Alex, Hicks Tacha, 2019/04. Forensic Science International, 297 pp. e20-e21. Peer-reviewed.
DNA commission of the International society for forensic genetics: Assessing the value of forensic biological evidence - Guidelines highlighting the importance of propositions
Gill Peter, Hicks Tacha, Butler John M., Connolly Ed, Gusmão Leonor, Kokshoorn Bas, Morling Niels, van Oorschot Roland A.H., Parson Walther, Prinz Mechthild et al., 2018/09. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 36 pp. 189-202.
A template for constructing Bayesian networks in forensic biology cases when considering activity level propositions
Taylor Duncan, Biedermann Alex, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2018/03. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 33 pp. 136-146. Peer-reviewed.
What is the error margin of your signature analysis?
Marquis Raymond, Cadola Liv, Mazzella Williams David, Hicks Tacha, 2017/12. Forensic Science International, 281 pp. e1-e8. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to Morrison et al. (2016) Refining the relevant population in forensic voice comparison – A response to Hicks et alii (2015) The importance of distinguishing information from evidence/observations when formulating propositions
Hicks T., Biedermann A., de Koeijer J.A., Taroni F., Champod C., Evett I.W., 2017/09. Science & Justice, 57 (5) pp. 401-402. Peer-reviewed.
Helping to distinguish primary from secondary transfer events for trace DNA.
Taylor D., Biedermann A., Samie L., Pun K.M., Hicks T., Champod C., 2017/05. Forensic science international. Genetics, 28 pp. 155-177. Peer-reviewed.
Cartridge Case and Bullet Comparison : Examples of Evaluative Reporting
Kerkhoff W., Stoel R., Mattijssen E., Hermsen R., Hertzman P., Hazard D. Durdica, Gallidabino Matteo, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2017. AFTE Journal, 49 (2) pp. 111-121. Peer-reviewed.
Cartridge case and bullet comparison: Examples of evaluative reporting
Kerkhoff W, Stoel R, Mattijssen E, Hermsen P, Hazard D, Gallibadino M, Hicks T, Champod C, 2017. AFTE Journal, 42 (2) pp. 111-121. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of Forensic DNA Traces When Propositions of Interest Relate to Activities : Analysis and Discussion of Recurrent Concerns
Biedermann A., Champod C., Jackson G., Gill P., Duncan T., Butler J., Morling N., Hicks T., Vuille J., Taroni F., 2016/12/12. frontiers in Genetics, 7 (Article 215) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Discussion on how to implement a verbal scale in a forensic laboratory: benefits, pitfalls and suggestions to avoid misunderstandings
Marquis R., Biedermann A., Cadola L., Champod C., Gueissaz L., Massonnet G., Mazzella W., Taroni F., Hicks T., 2016/10. Science & Justice, 56 (5) pp. 364-370. Peer-reviewed.
Using sensitivity analyses in Bayesian Networks to highlight the impact of data paucity and direct future analyses: a contribution to the debate on measuring and reporting the precision of likelihood ratios
Taylor Duncan, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2016/09. Science & Justice, 56 (5) pp. 402-410. Peer-reviewed.
Stabbing simulations and DNA transfer.
Samie L., Hicks T., Castella V., Taroni F., 2016/05. Forensic science international. Genetics, 22 pp. 73-80. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating forensic biology results given source level propositions
Taylor Duncan, Abarno Damien, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2016/03. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 21 pp. 54-67. Peer-reviewed.
The Importance of Critically Examining the Level of Propositions When Evaluating Forensic DNA Results
Biedermann A., Hicks T., 2016/02. Frontiers in Genetics, 7 (8) pp. 1-4. Peer-reviewed.
A practical guide for the formulation of propositions in the bayesian approach to DNA evidence interpretation in an adversarial environment
Gittelson S., Kalafut T., Myers S., Taylor D., Hicks T., Taroni F., Evett I., Bright J.-A., Buckleton J., 2016/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 61 (1) pp. 86-95. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation and Examination of a Possible Shoe-polish Trace in a Hold-up Case
Gueissaz Line, Hicks Tacha, Muehlethaler Cyril, Massonnet Geneviève, 2016. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 2 (4) p. 233. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of infrared spectra analyses using a likelihood ratio approach: A practical example of spray paint examination
Muehlethaler Cyril, Massonnet Geneviève, Hicks Tacha, 2016. Science and Justice, 56 (2) pp. 61-72. Peer-reviewed.
The importance of distinguishing information from evidence/observations when formulating propositions
Hicks T., Biedermann A., de Koeijer J. A., Taroni F., Champod C., Evett I. W., 2015. Science & Justince, 55 (6) pp. 520-525. Peer-reviewed.
Helping formulate propositions in forensic DNA analysis
Buckleton John, Bright Jo-Anne, Taylor Duncan, Evett Ian, Hicks Tacha, Jackson Graham, Curran James M., 2014/07. Science & Justice, 54 (4) pp. 258-261. Peer-reviewed.
On the use of the likelihood ratio for forensic evaluation: response to Fenton et al.
Biedermann A., Hicks T., Taroni F., Champod C., Aitken C., 2014/07. Science & Justice, 54 (4) pp. 316-318. Peer-reviewed.
E-learning initiatives in forensic interpretation: report on experiences from current projects and outlook
Biedermann A., Hicks T., Voisard R., Taroni F., Champod C., Aitken C., Evett I., 2013/07. Forensic Science International, 230 (1-3) pp. 2-7. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation de liens de parenté à l'aide de l'ADN: lecture différentielle de rapports d'expertise
Biedermann A., Vuille J., Hicks Champod T., Taroni F., 2013/04. Jusletter pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Les recherches familiales basées sur les profils d'ADN (ou recherches en parentèle) en droit suisse
Vuille J., Hicks T., Kuhn A., 2013. Revue pénale suisse, 131 (2) pp. 141-176.
Statistische Bewertung von DNA-Datenbank-Treffern
Taroni F., Biedermann A., Coquoz R., Hicks T., Champod C., 2010/12. Rechtsmedizin, 21 pp. 55-57. Peer-reviewed.
Use of DNA profiles for investigation using a simulated national DNA database: Part I. Partial SGM Plus profiles.
Hicks T., Taroni F., Curran J., Buckleton J., Ribaux O., Castella V., 2010. Forensic Science International. Genetics, 4 (4) pp. 232-238. Peer-reviewed.
Use of DNA profiles for investigation using a simulated national DNA database: Part II. Statistical and ethical considerations on familial searching.
Hicks T., Taroni F., Curran J., Buckleton J., Castella V., Ribaux O., 2010. Forensic Science International. Genetics, 4 (5) pp. 316-322.
Gremaud J.-L., Cartier J., Rossy Q., Dessimoz D., Hicks T., Comte J., 2009/06. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXII (2) pp. 68-79.
Glass evidence: bayesian approach to
Curran J., Hicks T., 2009/05. pp. 1351-60 dans Moensseens A. Jamieson A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, J. Wiley & Sons.
Forensic evidence of DNA
Hicks T., Coquoz R., 2009. pp. 573-579 dans Encyclopaedia of Biometrics, Springer.
Interpretation of glass evidence using likelihood ratios
Curran J., Hicks T., 2009. pp. 1348-1360 dans Allan Jamieson, André Moenssens (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Forensic Science, J. Wiley & Sons.
Addressing activity levels when interpreting glass or trace evidence: what else ?
Hicks T., 2007. Global forensic science today, 3 pp. 16-21.
A model for estimating the number of glass fragments transferred when breaking a bane : experiments with firearms and hammer.
Hicks T., Schütz F., Curran J.M., Triggs C.M., 2005. Science and Justice, 45 (2) pp. 65-74. Peer-reviewed.
A study in relation to the random distribution of four fibre types on clothing (incorporating a review of previous target fibre studies)
Wiggins K., Drummond P., Hicks Champod T., 2004/07. Science & Justice, 44 (3) pp. 141-148. Peer-reviewed.
The classification and discrimination of glass fragments using non destructive energy dispersive X-ray microfluorescence.
Hicks T., Monard Sermier F., Goldmann T., Brunelle A., Champod C., Margot P., 2003/11/26. Forensic science international, 137 (2-3) pp. 107-118. Peer-reviewed.
"Assessing Transfer Probabilities in a Bayesian Interpretation of Forensic Glass Evidence".
Curran J.M., Triggs C.M., Buckleton J., Walsh K.A.J., Hicks T., 1998. Science and Justice, 38 (1) pp. 15-21. Peer-reviewed.
Transfer and persistence of glass fragments on garments
Hicks T., Vanina R., Margot P., 1996/04. Science & Justice, 36 (2) pp. 101-107. Peer-reviewed.
Ink Aging: Perspectives on Standardization.
Hicks Champod T., Khanmy A., Margot P., 1996. pp. 304-309 dans Dr. Köster (eds.) Advances in Forensic Sciences, Vol. 3, Berlin, Jacob & Bonte.
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