Catherine Schlegel Rey

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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3 publications

2004 | 2002 | 2000 |
Dispersion of natural arsenic in the Malcantone watershed, Southern Switzerland: field evidence for repeated sorption-desorption and oxidation-reduction processes
Pfeifer H.R., Gueye-Girardet A., Reymond D., Schlegel C., Temgoua E., Hesterberg D.L., Chou J.W.Q., 2004. Geoderma, 122 pp. 205-234. Peer-reviewed.
Natural arsenic-contamination of surface and ground waters in Southern Switzerland (Ticino).
Pfeifer H.R., Beatrizotti G., Berthoud J., De Rossa M., Girardet A., Jäggli M., Lavanchy J.C., Reymond D., Righetti G., Schlegel C. et al., 2002. Bulletin for Applied Geology, 7 pp. 81-103. Peer-reviewed.
Natural trace element input to the soil-water-plant system, examples of background and contaminated situations in Switzerland, Eastern France and Northern Italy.
Pfeifer H.R., Derron M.H., Rey D., Schlegel C., Dalla Piazza R., Dubois J.D., Mandia Y., 2000. pp. 33- 86 dans Markert B., Friese K. (eds.) Trace metals - Their distribution and effects in the environment, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
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