Laure Allenbach Petrolati

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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10 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2016 | 2014 | 2003 | 2000 |
Protein S-acylation controls the subcellular localization and biological activity of PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE.
Lopez Vazquez A., Allenbach Petrolati L., Legris M., Dessimoz C., Lampugnani E.R., Glover N., Fankhauser C., 2023/06/26. The Plant cell, 35 (7) pp. 2635-2653. Peer-reviewed.
Shade suppresses wound-induced leaf repositioning through a mechanism involving PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE (PKS) genes.
Fiorucci A.S., Michaud O., Schmid-Siegert E., Trevisan M., Allenbach Petrolati L., Çaka Ince Y., Fankhauser C., 2022/05. PLoS genetics, 18 (5) pp. e1010213. Peer-reviewed.
Phototropin-mediated perception of light direction in leaves regulates blade flattening.
Legris M., Szarzynska-Erden B.M., Trevisan M., Allenbach Petrolati L., Fankhauser C., 2021/11/03. Plant physiology, 187 (3) pp. 1235-1249. Peer-reviewed.
Low Blue Light Enhances Phototropism by Releasing Cryptochrome1-Mediated Inhibition of PIF4 Expression.
Boccaccini A., Legris M., Krahmer J., Allenbach-Petrolati L., Goyal A., Galvan-Ampudia C., Vernoux T., Karayekov E., Casal J.J., Fankhauser C., 2020/08. Plant physiology, 183 (4) pp. 1780-1793. Peer-reviewed.
PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 7 is important for early responses to elevated temperature in Arabidopsis seedlings.
Fiorucci A.S., Galvão V.C., Ince Y.Ç., Boccaccini A., Goyal A., Allenbach Petrolati L., Trevisan M., Fankhauser C., 2020/04. The New phytologist, 226 (1) pp. 50-58. Peer-reviewed.
Neighbor Detection Induces Organ-Specific Transcriptomes, Revealing Patterns Underlying Hypocotyl-Specific Growth.
Kohnen M.V., Schmid-Siegert E., Trevisan M., Petrolati L.A., Sénéchal F., Müller-Moulé P., Maloof J., Xenarios I., Fankhauser C., 2016/12. The Plant cell, 28 (12) pp. 2889-2904. Peer-reviewed.
Plasma membrane H⁺ -ATPase regulation is required for auxin gradient formation preceding phototropic growth.
Hohm T., Demarsy E., Quan C., Allenbach Petrolati L., Preuten T., Vernoux T., Bergmann S., Fankhauser C., 2014. Molecular Systems Biology, 10 (9) p. 751. Peer-reviewed.
Reduced phototropism in pks mutants may be due to altered auxin-regulated gene expression or reduced lateral auxin transport.
Kami C., Allenbach L., Zourelidou M., Ljung K., Schütz F., Isono E., Watahiki M.K., Yamamoto K.T., Schwechheimer C., Fankhauser C., 2014. Plant Journal, 77 (3) pp. 393-403. Peer-reviewed.
The Arabidopsis SRR1 gene mediates phyB signaling and is required for normal circadian clock function.
Staiger D., Allenbach L., Salathia N., Fiechter V., Davis S.J., Millar A.J., Chory J., Fankhauser C., 2003/01. Genes and Development, 17 (2) pp. 256-268.
Analysis of the alternative pathways for the beta-oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids using transgenic plants synthesizing polyhydroxyalkanoates in peroxisomes.
Allenbach L., Poirier Y., 2000. Plant Physiology, 124 (3) pp. 1159-1168.
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