Jérôme Rossier

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Projects FNS

NEETs' Professional Integration
2015 - 2019
Applicant : Prof. J. Rossier, Prof. K. Massoudi, Prof. V. Pomini, Prof. C. Bonsack
Influence of maladaptive personality traits, career adaptability, and self efficacy on the professional integration of marginalized young adults in the State of Vaud

Les difficultés d'intégration des jeunes adultes peu qualifiés représente un défi pour nombre de sociétés modernes et le terme NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) est utilisé pour signifier une population de jeunes adultes vulnérables, sans emploi et pourvus d'un niveau de qualification professionnelle faible, qui courent le risque d'une marginalisation socioprofessionnelle et d'une dépendance durable de l'aide sociale. En suisse, comme dans l'ensemble des pays de l'OCDE, les responsables politiques reconnaissent aujourd'hui la nécessité d'agir afin d'endiguer ce phénomène et différents programmes d'aide à l'insertion sont proposés.

L'objectif global est l'étude du rôle de certaines ressources personnelles (sentiment d'efficacité et capacités d'adaptation de carrière) en tant que facteurs modérateurs de l'impact des traits dysfonctionnels (évalués selon une approche dimensionnelle des troubles de la personnalité) sur les tentatives d'insertion professionnelle d'une population NEET inscrite dans des mesures d'aide à l'insertion. Le projet prévoit l'étude de l'évolution des caractéristiques des bénéficiaires à travers la mesure, l'évaluation de l'effet de ces caractéristiques sur l'insertion professionnelle effective des bénéficiaires (suivi à 9 et 18 mois), ainsi qu'une comparaison avec un groupe de contrôle, présentant des caractéristiques similaires en termes d'âge et de niveau de formation, mais non inscrit dans une mesure d'aide sera également évalué

Analysis with Particular Focus on Gender and Psychological Type of Work
2015 - 2018
Applicant : Prof. A. Hirschi, Prof. J. Rossier
People choose different professions in part based on their personal characteristics. One such individual difference with established links to career choice and work outcomes are people's relatively enduring patterns of behavioral preferences - their basic personality traits. The present project aims to increase our understanding of how personality traits are related to occupational choice and work success, with a specific focus on gender differences. First, based on the Swiss Labor Force Survey (SLFS), the project will provide a representative analysis of the current state and historic development of the Swiss labor market in terms of the number of people employed in realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (RIASEC) types of occupations, including differences in gender distribution across these psychological types of work. Second, based on the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) data, we will explore how personality traits predict the RIASEC type of a person's exercised occupation and whether the relation between personality traits and type of work is different among men and women. Finally, we will examine how a person's personality traits predict work success in terms of job satisfaction, salary, and skill level of occupation. We will also explore if personality has a different effect on work success for men as compared to women. In sum, this project will significantly advance our understanding of the structure of the Swiss labor market from a psychological perspective and enrich our knowledge regarding the link between personality traits, gender, and work success in Switzerland.

Professional transitions and pathways
2011 - 2018
Applicant : Prof. J. Rossier, Prof. F. Krings, Prof. B. Wiese, Dr. K. Massoudi, Prof. A. Freund, Prof. C. Maggiori, and Prof. W. Ruch.
Other partners : Dr. L. Freydefont, Dr. F. Gander, Dr. J. Hofmann, Dr. I. Urbanaviciute
- 2015-2018 : Professional transitions and pathways: Impact of personal characteristics and resources, and cultural background in middle-aged adults.

Adopting a broad psychological perspective and considering the roles of environmental resources and cultural background, this project studies the direct and moderating/mediating effects of 1) individual characteristics (such as personality, character strengths, or justice beliefs), 2) professional conditions and demands (e.g., job strain, discrimination at the work place, job insecurity), and 3) individual resources (such as adapt-abilities resources, self-efficacy or self-regulatory skills) on adults' career transitions and pathways and their successful development. A longitudinal approach with a sample of middle-aged employed and unemployed adults (25-55 years) focus on identifying vulnerabilities and the psychological resources - or resilience factors - that enable them to be overcome, in order to predict both objective and subjective career pathways.

NCCR, Overcoming vulnerability: Life course perspective (LIVES) (Budget year 5-8 ≈ 1'600'000 CHF)

- 2011-2015 : Trajectoires professionnelles: Impact des ressources et caractéristiques personnelles et du contexte culturel (PRN LIVES - IP7). Cette étude a pour objectif d'étudier les trajectoires professionnelles d'un échantillon représentatif de la population Suisse sur une durée de 7 ans. L'impact de différentes variables individuelles et contextuelles sur ces trajectoires sera évaluée.

NCCR, Overcoming vulnerability: Life course perspective (LIVES) (Budget year 1-4 ≈ 2'000'000 CHF)

Long-term stability of the WISC-IV : Standard and CHC composite scores
2011 - 2013
Applicant : Dr. T. Lecerf, Prof. N. Favez, & Prof. J. Rossier

The validity of national mean scores of conscientiousness
2010 - 2010
Applicant : Prof. J. Rossier, & Prof. J. Allik

The impact of personality characteristics on the clinical expression of MCI
2008 - 2011
Applicant : Dr. Armin von Gunten, Prof. Alain Malafosse, Prof. Jérôme Rossier, & Prof. Reto Antoine Meuli

Short- and long-term impacts of career counseling: Investigation of cognitive and relational components
2008 - 2010
Applicant : Prof. Jérôme Rossier, Dr. Jonas Masdonati, & Prof. Jean-Pierre Dauwalder

Analysis of the French WISC-IV structure according to Cattell-Horn-Carroll narrow ability classification
2007 - 2010
Applicant : Dr. Thierry Lecerf, Prof. Nicolas Favez, & Prof. Jérôme Rossier

Relation between personality and personality disorders in three African regions, France, and Switzerland
2005 - 2009
Applicant : Prof. Jérôme Rossier, Prof. Jean Retschitzki, & Dr. Franz Meyer de Stadelhofen

Cross-cultural study of personality and personality descriptors according to demographic variables in Burkina Faso, France, and Switzerland
2003 - 2003
Applicant : Dr. Jérôme Rossier

Others projects

Relations of the job demands-control-support model of job strain with personality attributes: A cross-national study in Switzerland and South Africa
2009 - 2012
Applicant : Jérome Rossier et G. de Bruin
Other partners : Koorosch Massoudi, Christina Györkös
Research grant from the Swiss Confederation, number SSAJRP 11 (254'125 CHF, contribution for the Swiss team)
Requérants: Prof. Jérôme Rossier & Dr. Koorosh Massoudi (for Switzerland), Prof. Gedeon de Bruin, University of Johannesburg (for South Africa)

La relation entre personnalité prémorbide, symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques (SCP) et déclin cognitif ultérieur dans les démences débutantes: Une étude pilote
2009 - 2010
grant-giving organisation : Swiss Alzheimer Association (Switzerland)
Applicant : Prof. J. Rossier, Dr. A. von Gunten

Development of a new methodology for the study of spatial memory in rats, a model of episodic memory in humans

Applicant : Jérôme Rossier & Prof. Françoise Schenk
Research grant from the Société Académique Vaudoise (SAV)

Contracts and Mandates

Development of a cognitive abilities battery

2007 - 2009
grant-giving organisation : Conférence Intercantonale de l'Instruction Publique (CIIP)
Applicant : Prof. Jérôme Rossier & Dr. Jean-Philippe Antonietti
Development of a cognitive abilities battery for vocational guidance services of the French-speaking part of Switzerland (75'000 CHF)

Development of management indicators

grant-giving organisation : Qualintra SA
Applicant : Prof. Jérôme Rossier
Development of statistically validated management indicators adapted to the business culture of each company, usually large international companies

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
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Swiss University