Département d'économie

Equipe principale | DE/Doctoral students
Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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1070 publications

Who Bears the Burden of Local Taxes?
Brülhart Marius, Danton Jayson, Parchet Raphaël, Schläpfer Jörg American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
Conflict, Civil Wars and Human Development
Rohner Dominic dans Handbook of Labour, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer Nature.
Mediation, Military and Money: The Promises and Pitfalls of Outside Interventions to End Armed Conflicts
Rohner Dominic Journal of Economic Literature. Peer-reviewed.
News, Sentiment and Capital Flows
Benhima Kenza, Cordonier Rachel Journal of International Economics. Peer-reviewed.
Optimal Forward Guidance
Bilbiie F.O. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics . Peer-reviewed.
Monetary Neutrality with Sticky Prices and Free Entry
Bilbiie F.O. Review of Economics and Statistics. Peer-reviewed.
Is Government Spending at the Zero Lower Bound Desirable?
Bilbiie F.O., Monacelli T., Perotti R. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Peer-reviewed.
The Slow Road from Serfdom: Labor Coercion and Long-Run Development in the Former Russian Empire
Buggle Johannes, Nafziger Steven The Review of Economics and Statistics.
Pick-an-Object Mechanisms
Bó Inácio, Hakimov Rustamdjan Management Science.
A new ex-ante efficiency criterion and implications for the probabilistic serial mechanism
Dogan B., Dogan S., Yildiz K. Journal of Economic Theory. Peer-reviewed.
The Climate in Climate Economics
Folini Doris, Friedl Aleksandra, Kübler Felix, Scheidegger Simon Review of Economic Studies.
Cognitive functioning and sustained internet use amid the COVID-19 pandemic: longitudinal evidence from older adults in Switzerland
Wieczorek Maud, Reinecke Robert, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Meier Clément, Haas Maximilian, Ihle Andreas, Kliegel Matthias, Maurer Jürgen, 2024/08/13. Scientific Reports, 14 (1).
Pain and subjective well-being among older adults in the developing world : A comprehensive assessment based on the WHO Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health
Amo-Agyei Silas, Maurer Jürgen, 2024/08. Economics & Human Biology, 54 p. 101406.
Trade Wars, Nominal Rigidities and Monetary Policy
Auray Stéphane, Devereux Michael B, Eyquem Aurélien, 2024/07/11. Review of Economic Studies. Peer-reviewed.
Characterizing the typewise top-trading-cycles mechanism for multiple-type housing markets
Feng Di, Klaus Bettina, Klijn Flip, 2024/07. Games and Economic Behavior, 146 pp. 234-254. Peer-reviewed.
Optimal unemployment insurance in a THANK model
Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, 2024/07. Review of Economic Dynamics, 53 pp. 173-193. Peer-reviewed.
Aversion to Hiring Algorithms: Transparency, Gender Profiling, and Self-Confidence
Dargnies Marie-Pierre, Hakimov Rustamdjan, Kübler Dorothea, 2024/06/19. Management Science. Peer-reviewed.
The Demand for Trade Protection over the Business Cycle
AURAY STÉPHANE, DEVEREUX MICHAEL B., EYQUEM AURÉLIEN, 2024/06. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 56 (4) pp. 865-898. Peer-reviewed.
Fiscal Federalism in the Twenty-First Century
Agrawal David R., Brueckner Jan K., Brülhart Marius, 2024/05/20. Annual Review of Economics.
The role of self-confidence in teamwork: experimental evidence
Bruhin Adrian, Petros Fidel, Santos-Pinto Luís, 2024/05/18. Experimental Economics. Peer-reviewed.
Debt-stabilizing properties of GDP-linked securities: A macro-finance perspective
Mouabbi Sarah, Renne Jean-Paul, Sahuc Jean-Guillaume, 2024/05. Journal of Banking and Finance, 162 p. 107131. Peer-reviewed.
Multigame Contact: A Double-Edged Sword for Cooperation
Laferrière Vincent, Montez Joao, Roux Catherine, Thöni Christian, 2024/05/01. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 16 (2) pp. 39-61.
Solidarity to achieve stability
Alcalde-Unzu Jorge, Gallo Oihane, Inarra Elena, Moreno-Ternero Juan D., 2024/05. European Journal of Operational Research, 315 (1) pp. 368-377. Peer-reviewed.
How culture shapes choices related to fertility and mortality: causal evidence at the Swiss language border
Faessler Lisa, Lalive Rafael, Efferson Charles, 2024/04/12. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 6 pp. e28. Peer-reviewed.
Algorithm XXX: Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation With <tt>SQUIC</tt>
Eftekhari Aryan, Gaedke-Merzhäuser Lisa, Pasadakis Dimosthenis, Bollhöfer Matthias, Scheidegger Simon, Schenk Olaf, 2024/03/05. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software.
End-of-life health literacy, knowledge and behaviours towards advance care planning among older adults: cross-sectional evidence from Switzerland
Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Wieczorek Maud, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Jox Ralf J, Maurer Jürgen, 2024/03. BMJ Public Health, 2 (1) pp. e000600. Peer-reviewed.
Detecting Edgeworth Cycles
Holt Timothy, Igami Mitsuru, Scheidegger Simon, 2024/02/01. The Journal of Law and Economics, 67 (1) pp. 67-102.
Identifying culture as cause: Challenges and opportunities
Lonati Sirio, Lalive Rafael, Efferson Charles, 2024. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 6. Peer-reviewed.
Valuing life over the life cycle.
St-Amour P., 2024/01. Journal of health economics, 93 p. 102842. Peer-reviewed.
Overestimation of Survival Rates of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Is Associated with Higher Preferences to Be Resuscitated: Evidence from a National Survey of Older Adults in Switzerland
Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Wieczorek Maud, Borasio Gian Domenico, Jox Ralf J., Maurer Jürgen, 2023/12/29. Medical Decision Making.
Barker's Hypothesis Among the Global Poor: Positive Long-Term Cardiovascular Effects of in Utero Famine Exposure.
Ciancio A., Behrman J., Kämpfen F., Kohler I.V., Maurer J., Mwapasa V., Kohler H.P., 2023/12/01. Demography, 60 (6) pp. 1747-1766. Peer-reviewed.
Combating COVID-19 with charisma: Evidence on governor speeches in the United States
Jensen Ulrich Thy, Rohner Dominic, Bornet Olivier, Carron Daniel, Garner Philip, Loupi Dimitra, Antonakis John, 2023/12. The Leadership Quarterly, 34 (6) p. 101702.
Perceptions, connaissances et compétences de santé en matière de soins de fin de vie chez les adultes âgés en Suisse
Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Maurer Jürgen, Jox Ralf J., 2023/11/06. pp. 161-172 dans Les soins palliatifs à travers les humanités médicales, Georg éditeur.
Préférences, communication et planification des soins de fin de vie chez les adultes âgés en Suisse
Vilpert Sarah, Meier Clément, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Borasio Gian Domenico, Maurer Jürgen, 2023/11/06. pp. 173-188 dans Les soins palliatifs à travers les humanités médicales, Georg éditeur.
On portfolio frictions, asset returns and volatility
Eyquem Aurélien, Poilly Céline, Belianska Anna, 2023/11. European Economic Review, 160 p. 104623. Peer-reviewed.
Advance Care Planning: A Story of Trust Within the Family.
Iunius L.A., Vilpert S., Meier C., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., 2023/10. Journal of applied gerontology, 43 (4) pp. 349-362. Peer-reviewed.
The core for housing markets with limited externalities
Bettina Klaus, Claudia Meo, 2023/10. Economic Theory. Peer-reviewed.
Improvised herding: Mapping biobehavioral mechanisms that underlie group efficacy during improvised social interaction.
Greenberg D.M., Milstein N., Gilboa A., Cohen S., Haimovich N., Siegman S., Pinhasi S., Gordon I., 2023/09. Psychophysiology, 60 (9) pp. e14307. Peer-reviewed.
Uniformly self-justified equilibria
Kubler Felix, Scheidegger Simon, 2023/09. Journal of Economic Theory, 212 p. 105707.
Minimal-Access Rights in School Choice and the Deferred Acceptance Mechanism
Klaus Bettina, Klijn Flip, 2023/08/25. Mathematics of Operations Research. Peer-reviewed.
Sin Taxes and Self-Control
Schmacker Renke, Smed Sinne, 2023/08/01. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15 (3) pp. 1-34. Peer-reviewed.
Older adults' medical preferences for the end of life: a cross-sectional population-based survey in Switzerland.
Vilpert S., Meier C., Berche J., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2023/07/24. BMJ open, 13 (7) pp. e071444. Peer-reviewed.
Young people's mental and social distress in times of international crisis: evidence from helpline calls, 2019–2022
Brülhart Marius, Klotzbücher Valentin, Lalive Rafael, 2023/07/22. Scientific Reports, 13 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Health literacy across personality traits among older adults: cross-sectional evidence from Switzerland
Ryser Valérie-Anne, Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Maurer Jürgen, 2023/06/28. European Journal of Ageing. Peer-reviewed.
Normative Properties for Object Allocation Problems: Characterizations and Trade-Offs
Klaus Bettina, Ehlers Lars, 2023/05/31. dans Online and Matching-Based Market Design, Federico Echenique , Nicole Immorlica, Vijay V. Vazirani.
Random assignments with uniform preferences: An impossibility result
Hosseinzadeh Ranjbar Homa, Feizi Mehdi, 2023/05. Operations Research Letters, 51 (3) pp. 304-307. Peer-reviewed.
International Portfolio Choice with Frictions: Evidence from Mutual Funds
Bacchetta Philippe, Tièche Simon, van Wincoop Eric, 2023/04/17. The Review of Financial Studies.
Risk factor contributions to socioeconomic inequality in cardiovascular risk in the Philippines: a cross-sectional study of nationally representative survey data.
Brindley C., Van Ourti T., Capuno J., Kraft A., Kudymowa J., O'Donnell O., 2023/04/12. BMC public health, 23 (1) p. 689. Peer-reviewed.
Sociodemographic and geographic inequalities in diagnosis and treatment of older adults' chronic conditions in India: a nationally representative population-based study.
Mohanty S.K., Abhilasha X., Mishra R.S., Upadhyay A.K., O'Donnell O., Maurer J., 2023/04/03. BMC health services research, 23 (1) p. 332. Peer-reviewed.
Fiscal Limits and the Pricing of Eurobonds
Pallara Kevin, Renne Jean-Paul, 2023/03/29. Management Science. Peer-reviewed.
Free Movement of Workers and Native Demand for Tertiary Education
Bächli Mirjam, Tsankova Teodora, 2023/03/08. Journal of Human Resources pp. 0721-11805R2. Peer-reviewed.
Decentralized green energy transition promotes peace
Rohner Dominic, Lehning Michael, Steinberger Julia, Tetreault Nicolas, Trutnevyte Evelina, 2023/03/03. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11. Peer-reviewed.
Charitable Giving by the Poor: A Field Experiment in Kyrgyzstan
Adena Maja, Hakimov Rustamdjan, Huck Steffen, 2023/02/21. Management Science.
Association between multiple chronic conditions and insufficient health literacy: cross-sectional evidence from a population-based sample of older adults living in Switzerland.
Wieczorek M., Meier C., Vilpert S., Reinecke R., Borrat-Besson C., Maurer J., Kliegel M., 2023/02/06. BMC public health, 23 (1) p. 253. Peer-reviewed.
Can Optimism Solve the Entrepreneurial Earnings Puzzle?
Santos Pinto Luis, Dell'Era Michele, Opromolla Luca David, 2023/01/01. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 0 (0) pp. 1-31. Peer-reviewed.
Costly information acquisition in centralized matching markets
Hakimov Rustamdjan, Kübler Dorothea, Pan Siqi, 2023. Quantitative Economics, 14 (4) pp. 1447-1490.
Development and validation of a subjective end-of-life health literacy scale.
Meier C., Vilpert S., Wieczorek M., Borrat-Besson C., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2023. PloS one, 18 (10) pp. e0292367. Peer-reviewed.
Explaining Excess Entry in Winner-Take-All Markets
Laferrière Vincent, Staubli David, Thöni Christian, 2023. Management Science, 69 (2) pp. 1050-1069.
How Culture Shapes Choices Related to Fertility and Mortality: Causal Evidence at the Swiss Language Border
Faessler Lisa, Lalive Rafael, Efferson Charles, 2023. CESifo Working Paper Series.
How Personal Relationships Affect Employment Outcomes: On the Role of Social Networks and Family Obligations
Lalive Rafael, Oesch Daniel, Pellizzari Michele, 2023. pp. 49-66 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.
Relationship Between Health Literacy and Unhealthy Lifestyle Behaviours in Older Adults Living in Switzerland: Does Social Connectedness Matter?
Wieczorek M., Meier C., Kliegel M., Maurer J., 2023. International journal of public health, 68 p. 1606210. Peer-reviewed.
The rise in foreign currency bonds: The role of US monetary policy and capital controls
Bacchetta Philippe, Cordonier Rachel, Merrouche Ouarda, 2023/01. Journal of International Economics, 140 p. 103709. Peer-reviewed.
Full GSA 2022 Abstract Book PDF
Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Borasio Gian Domenico, Jox Ralf, Maurer Jürgen, 2022/12/20. Innovation in Aging, 6 (Supplement_1) pp. NP-NP.
The restart effect in social dilemmas shows humans are self-interested not altruistic.
Burton-Chellew M.N., 2022/12/06. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (49) pp. e2210082119. Peer-reviewed.
Buddy or burden? Patterns, perceptions, and experiences of pet ownership among older adults in Switzerland.
Meier C., Maurer J., 2022/12. European journal of ageing, 19 (4) pp. 1201-1212. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding Swiss real interest rates in a financially globalized world
Bacchetta Philippe, Benhima Kenza, Renne Jean-Paul, 2022/12. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 158 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Sparse Grids for Dynamic Economic Models
Brumm Johannes, Krause Christopher, Schaab Andreas, Scheidegger Simon, 2022/11/22..
Behavioral Responses to Wealth Taxes: Evidence from Switzerland
Brülhart Marius, Gruber Jonathan, Krapf Matthias, Schmidheiny Kurt, 2022/11/01. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14 (4) pp. 111-150. Peer-reviewed.
Azinovic Marlon, Gaegauf Luca, Scheidegger Simon, 2022/11. International Economic Review, 63 (4) pp. 1471-1525.
Required Capital for Long-Run Risks
Gouriéroux C., Monfort A., Renne J.-P., 2022/11. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 144 p. 104502. Peer-reviewed.
Socioeconomic inequalities in the 90–90–90 target, among people living with HIV in 12 sub-Saharan African countries — Implications for achieving the 95–95–95 target — Analysis of population-based surveys
Chipanta David, Amo-Agyei Silas, Giovenco Danielle, Estill Janne, Keiser Olivia, 2022/11. eClinicalMedicine, 53. Peer-reviewed.
The Strategy Method Risks Conflating Confusion with a Social Preference for Conditional Cooperation in Public Goods Games
Burton-Chellew Maxwell N., D'Amico Victoire, Guérin Claire, 2022/10/25. Games, 13 (6) p. 69. Peer-reviewed.
Risk and Rationality: The Relative Importance of Probability Weighting and Choice Set Dependence
Bruhin Adrian, Manai Maha, Santos-Pinto Luis, 2022/10/15. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 65 (2) pp. 139-184. Peer-reviewed.
Threat of taxation, stagnation and social unrest: Evidence from 19th century Sicily
Lax-Martinez Gema, Rohner Dominic, Saia Alessandro, 2022/10. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 202 pp. 361-371. Peer-reviewed.
Women with disabilities in hearing: the last mile in the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV – a cross-sectional study from Zambia
Chipanta David, Stöckl Heidi, Toska Elona, Amo-Agyei Silas, Chanda Patrick, Mwanza Jason, Kaila Kelly, Matome Chisangu, Tembo Gelson, Thiabaud Amaury et al., 2022/09/02. AIDS Care, 34 (9) pp. 1203-1211. Peer-reviewed.
The iterative deferred acceptance mechanism
Bó Inácio, Hakimov Rustamdjan, 2022/09. Games and Economic Behavior, 135 pp. 411-433. Peer-reviewed.
Infrequent Random Portfolio Decisions in an Open Economy Model
Bacchetta Philippe, van Wincoop Eric, Young Eric R, 2022/08/04. The Review of Economic Studies. Peer-reviewed.
Dimensions of end-of-life preferences in the Swiss general population aged 55+
Borrat-Besson C., Vilpert S., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., 2022/08/02. Age and ageing, 51 (8) pp. afac162. Peer-reviewed.
Required Capital for Long-Run Risks
Gouriéroux C., Monfort A., Renne J.-P., 2022/08. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control p. 104502. Peer-reviewed.
Social closeness can help, harm and be irrelevant in solving pure coordination problems
Gächter Simon, Starmer Chris, Thöni Christian, Tufano Fabio, Weber Till O., 2022/07. Economics Letters, 216 p. 110552. Peer-reviewed.
Salience in Public Goods Games
Thoeni Christian, Kistler Déborah, Nanxu Su, 2022/06/20., Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne.
High-Dimensional Dynamic Stochastic Model Representation
Eftekhari Aryan, Scheidegger Simon, 2022/06. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 44 (3) pp. C210-C236.
Selection into experiments: New evidence on the role of preferences, cognition, and recruitment protocols
Thiemann Petra, Schulz Jonathan, Sunde Uwe, Thöni Christian, 2022/06. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 98 p. 101871. Peer-reviewed.
Views on a "Good Death": End-of-Life Preferences and Their Association With Socio-Demographic Characteristics in a Representative Sample of Older Adults in Switzerland.
Borrat-Besson C., Vilpert S., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., 2022/06. Omega, 85 (2) pp. 409-428. Peer-reviewed.
Parallel markets in school choice
Afacan Mustafa Oğuz, Evdokimov Piotr, Hakimov Rustamdjan, Turhan Bertan, 2022/05. Games and Economic Behavior, 133 pp. 181-201.
Perceptions and Knowledge Regarding Medical Situations at the End of Life among Older Adults in Switzerland.
Meier C., Vilpert S., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., Jox R.J., 2022/05. Journal of palliative medicine, 26 (1) pp. 35-46. Peer-reviewed.
Valuing Life as an Asset, as a Statistic, and at Gunpoint
Hugonnier Julien, Pelgrin Florian, St-Amour Pascal, 2022/04/01. The Economic Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Health literacy among older adults in Switzerland: cross-sectional evidence from a nationally representative population-based observational study.
Meier C., Vilpert S., Borrat-Besson C., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2022/03/28. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30158. Peer-reviewed.
Preference revelation games and strict cores of multiple‐type housing market problems
Feng Di, Klaus Bettina, 2022/03. International Journal of Economic Theory, 18 (1) pp. 61-76. Peer-reviewed.
Countercyclical Foreign Currency Borrowing: Eurozone Firms in 2007–09
BACCHETTA PHILIPPE, MERROUCHE OUARDA, 2022/02. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 54 (1) pp. 203-245.
Ethnic Violence Across Space
Rohner Dominic, Mueller Hannes, Schönholzer David, 2022/02/01. Economic Journal.
Acceptability of COVID-19 Vaccine Among Hospital Employees in the Department of Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Obstetrics in the University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland
Peirolo Anna, Posfay-Barbe Klara M., Rohner Dominic, Wagner Noémie, Blanchard-Rohner Geraldine, 2022/01/27. Frontiers in Public Health, 9.
Protecting the ego: Motivated information selection and updating
Alessandro Castagnetti, Renke Schmacker, 2022/01/12. European Economic Review, 142 p. 104007. Peer-reviewed.
Associations between health-related quality of life and measures of adiposity among Filipino adults.
Capuno J., Kraft A., Calicdan K.G., O'Donnell O., 2022. PloS one, 17 (10) pp. e0275798. Peer-reviewed.
Cost-Effectiveness and Distributional Impact of Opportunistic Screening for People at High-Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Sri Lanka: A Modelling Study.
Wijemunige N., Rannan-Eliya R.P., Maurer J., O'Donnell O., 2022. Global heart, 17 (1) p. 89. Peer-reviewed.
De l’économie sociale à la sociologie
Baranzini Roberto, Mornati Fiorenzo, 2022. pp. 89-102 dans Récis facultaires: De l’École à la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1902-2022), Récis facultaires: De l’École à la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1902-2022).
Knowledge Gaps in End-of-Life Care and Planning Options Among Older Adults in Switzerland.
Vilpert S., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., 2022. International journal of public health, 67 p. 1604676. Peer-reviewed.
Self-Enforcing Trade Policy and Exchange Rate Adjustment
Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, Devereux Michael B., 2022. Journal of International Economics, 134 p. 103552. Peer-reviewed.
A preference to learn from successful rather than common behaviours in human social dilemmas.
Burton-Chellew M.N., D'Amico V., 2021/12/22. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 288 (1965) p. 20211590. Peer-reviewed.
Pareto-improving carbon-risk taxation
Kotlikoff Laurence, Kubler Felix, Polbin Andrey, Scheidegger Simon, 2021/12/01. Economic Policy, 36 (107) pp. 551-589.
Mental health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic as revealed by helpline calls
Brülhart Marius, Klotzbücher Valentin, Lalive Rafael, Reich Stephanie K., 2021/11/17. Nature.
Disastrous Defaults
Gouriéroux Christian, Monfort Alain, Mouabbi Sarah, Renne Jean-Paul, 2021/11/12. Review of Finance, 25 (6) pp. 1727-1772. Peer-reviewed.
Decoupling cooperation and punishment in humans shows that punishment is not an altruistic trait.
Burton-Chellew M.N., Guérin C., 2021/11/10. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 288 (1962) p. 20211611. Peer-reviewed.
Payoff-based learning best explains the rate of decline in cooperation across 237 public-goods games.
Burton-Chellew M.N., West S.A., 2021/10. Nature human behaviour, 5 (10) pp. 1330-1338. Peer-reviewed.
The Transmission of Monetary Policy under the Microscope
Holm Martin Blomhoff, Paul Pascal, Tischbirek Andreas, 2021/10/01. Journal of Political Economy, 129 (10) pp. 2861-2904. Peer-reviewed.
Globalization mitigates the risk of conflict caused by strategic territory
Rohner Dominic, Gallea Quentin, 2021/09/22. PNAS.
National interest may require distributing COVID-19 vaccines to other countries.
Rotesi T., Pin P., Cucciniello M., Malik A.A., Paintsil E.E., Bokemper S.E., Willebrand K., Huber G.A., Melegaro A., Omer S.B., 2021/09/14. Scientific reports, 11 (1) p. 18253. Peer-reviewed.
How lotteries in school choice help to level the playing field
Basteck Christian, Klaus Bettina, Kübler Dorothea, 2021/09. Games and Economic Behavior, 129 pp. 198-237.
Measuring urban economic density
Henderson J. Vernon, Nigmatulina Dzhamilya, Kriticos Sebastian, 2021/09. Journal of Urban Economics, 125 p. 103188.
Beauty Contests and the Term Structure
Ellison Martin, Tischbirek Andreas, 2021/08/11. Journal of the European Economic Association, 19 (4) pp. 2234-2282. Peer-reviewed.
The Elusive Peace Dividend of Development Policy: From War Traps to Macro-Complementarities
Rohner Dominic, Thoenig Mathias, 2021/08. Annual Review of Economics, 13 p. 111. Peer-reviewed.
Block-enhanced precision matrix estimation for large-scale datasets
Eftekhari Aryan, Pasadakis Dimosthenis, Bollhöfer Matthias, Scheidegger Simon, Schenk Olaf, 2021/07. Journal of Computational Science, 53 p. 101389.
How to Avoid Black Markets for Appointments with Online Booking Systems
Hakimov Rustamdjan, Heller C.-Philipp, Kübler Dorothea, Kurino Morimitsu, 2021/07/01. American Economic Review, 111 (7) pp. 2127-2151.
Planning Ahead for Better Neighborhoods: Long-Run Evidence from Tanzania
Michaels Guy, Nigmatulina Dzhamilya, Rauch Ferdinand, Regan Tanner, Baruah Neeraj, Dahlstrand Amanda, 2021/07/01. Journal of Political Economy, 129 (7) pp. 2112-2156. Peer-reviewed.
Saving the world from your couch: the heterogeneous medium-run benefits of COVID-19 lockdowns on air pollution
Bonardi Jean-Philippe, Gallea Quentin, Kalanoski Dimitrija, Lalive Rafael, Madhok Raahil, Noack Frederik, Rohner Dominic, Sonno Tommaso, 2021/07/01. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (7) p. 074010.
Serial dictatorship mechanisms with reservation prices: heterogeneous objects
Klaus Bettina, Nichifor Alexandru, 2021/07/01. Social Choice and Welfare, 57.
Converging evidence for greater male variability in time, risk, and social preferences.
Thöni Christian, Volk Stefan, 2021/06/08. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (23). Peer-reviewed.
Affine Modeling of Credit Risk, Pricing of Credit Events, and Contagion
Monfort Alain, Pegoraro Fulvio, Renne Jean-Paul, Roussellet Guillaume, 2021/06. Management Science, 67 (6) pp. 3674-3693.
Impact of COVID-19 and intensive care unit capacity on vaccination support: Evidence from a two-leg representative survey in the United Kingdom.
Blanchard-Rohner G., Caprettini B., Rohner D., Voth H.J., 2021/06. Journal of virus eradication, 7 (2) p. 100044. Peer-reviewed.
Energy efficiency and heating technology investments: Manipulating financial information in a discrete choice experiment
Lang Ghislaine, Farsi Mehdi, Lanz Bruno, Weber Sylvain, 2021/05. Resource and Energy Economics, 64 p. 101231.
"How to curb conflict: Policy lessons from the economic literature"
Rohner Dominic, 2021/03/13. dans New Paths and Policies towards Conflict Prevention: Chinese and Swiss Perspectives, Routledge.
Kotlikoff Laurence, Kubler Felix, Polbin Andrey, Sachs Jeffrey, Scheidegger Simon, 2021/02. International Economic Review, 62 (1) pp. 3-46.
Comparing school choice and college admissions mechanisms by their strategic accessibility
Bonkoungou Somouaoga, Nesterov Alexander, 2021. Theoretical Economics, 16 (3) pp. 881-909. Peer-reviewed.
Does demand noise matter? Identification and implications
Benhima Kenza, Poilly Céline, 2021/01/01. Journal of Monetary Economics. Peer-reviewed.
Greater Male Variability in Cooperation: Meta-Analytic Evidence for an Evolutionary Perspective.
Thöni C., Volk S., Cortina J.M., 2021/01. Psychological science, 32 (1) pp. 50-63. Peer-reviewed.
Heterogeneity, Convergence and Imbalances in the Euro Area
Eyquem Aurélien, Auray Stéphane, 2021. Revue de l’OFCE, 173 pp. 117-150. Peer-reviewed.
Taking off into the Wind: Unemployment Risk and State-Dependent Government Spending Multipliers
Auray Stéphane, Albertini Julien, Bouakez Hafedh, Eyquem Aurélien, 2021. Journal of Monetary Economics, 117 pp. 990-1007. Peer-reviewed.
The Welfare Gains of Cooperative Public Infrastructure Policies: A Trade and Supply-Side View
Aloui Rym, Eyquem Aurélien, 2021. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 141 pp. 27-44. Peer-reviewed.
On strategy-proofness and single-peakedness: median-voting over intervals
Bettina Klaus, Panos Protopapas, 2020/12/17. International Journal of Game Theory. Peer-reviewed.
COVID-19 financial support to small businesses in Switzerland: evaluation and outlook
Brülhart Marius, Lalive Rafael, Lehmann Tobias, Siegenthaler Michael, 2020/12. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 156 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Money and Capital in a Persistent Liquidity Trap
Bacchetta Philippe, Benhima Kenza, Kalantzis Yannick, 2020/12. Journal of Monetary Economics. Peer-reviewed.
Uncovering the Heterogeneity behind Cross-Cultural Variation in Antisocial Punishment
Bruhin Adrian, Janizzi Kelly, Thoeni Christian, 2020/12/01. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 180 pp. 291-308. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of ERAS compliance on the delay between surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy in hepatobiliary and pancreatic malignancies.
St-Amour P., St-Amour P., Joliat G.R., Eckert A., Labgaa I., Roulin D., Demartines N., Melloul E., 2020/11. Langenbeck's archives of surgery, 405 (7) pp. 959-966. Peer-reviewed.
Human Capital Accumulation and the Evolution of Overconfidence
Santos Pinto Luis, 2020/10/14. Games, 11.
Serial dictatorship mechanisms with reservation prices
Klaus Bettina, Nichifor Alexandru, 2020/10. Economic Theory, 70 (3) pp. 665-684.
Solidarity for public goods under single-peaked preferences: characterizing target set correspondences
Klaus Bettina, Protopapas Panos, 2020/10. Social Choice and Welfare, 55 (3) pp. 405-430.
Overconfidence and Timing of Entry
Santos Pinto Luis, Pires Tiago, 2020/09/22. Games, 11.
Overconfidence in Labor Markets
Santos Pinto Luis, De la Rosa Leonidas Enrique, 2020/09/07. dans Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population and Economics, Springer.
COVID-19 and Conflict: Major Risks and Policy Responses.
Rohner D., 2020/09/01. Peace economics, peace science and public policy, 26 (3) p. 20200043. Peer-reviewed.
The shrinking advantage of market potential
Brülhart Marius, Desmet Klaus, Klinke Gian-Paolo, 2020/08. Journal of Development Economics p. 102529.
Experiments on centralized school choice and college admissions: a survey
Hakimov Rustamdjan, Kübler Dorothea, 2020/07/17. Experimental Economics. Peer-reviewed.
Ethnolinguistic diversity and urban agglomeration
Eberle Ulrich, Henderson Vernon, Rohner Dominic, Schmidheiny Kurt, 2020/07/14. PNAS.
Identification and Estimation in Non-Fundamental Structural VARMA Models
Gouriéroux C., Monfort A., Renne J.-P., 2020/07. The Review of Economic Studies, 87 (4) pp. 1915-1953. Peer-reviewed.
Social, cultural and experiential patterning of attitudes and behaviour towards assisted suicide in Switzerland: evidence from a national population-based study.
Vilpert S., Bolliger E., Borrat-Besson C., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., 2020/06/15. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20275. Peer-reviewed.
Growing collectivism: irrigation, group conformity and technological divergence
Buggle Johannes C., 2020/06. Journal of Economic Growth, 25 (2) pp. 147-193.
The Impact of Interest Rate Risk on Bank Lending
Beutler Toni, Bichsel Robert, Bruhin Adrian, Danton Jayson, 2020/06/01. Journal of Banking and Finance, 115 p. 105797. Peer-reviewed.
The Case for Reopening Economies by Sectors
Bonardi Jean-Philippe, Bris Arturo, Brülhart Marius, Danthine Jean-Pierre, Jondeau Eric, Rohner Dominic, Thoenig Mathias, 2020/05/19. Harvard Business Review.
Do prices and purchases respond similarly to soft drink tax increases and cuts?
Schmacker Renke, Smed Sinne, 2020/05. Economics & Human Biology, 37. Peer-reviewed.
Education and Conflict Evidence from a Policy Experiment in Indonesia*
Rohner Dominic, Saia Alessandro, 2020/05., Working paper.
Optimal Monetary Policy when Information is Market-Generated†
Benhima Kenza, Blengini Isabella, 2020/05/01. The Economic Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Associations of end-of-life preferences and trust in institutions with public support for assisted suicide evidence from nationally representative survey data of older adults in Switzerland
Vilpert Sarah, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Borasio Gian Domenico, Maurer Jürgen, 2020/04/23. PLOS ONE, 15 (4) pp. e0232109. Peer-reviewed.
Spillovers of Prosocial Motivation: Evidence from an Intervention Study on Blood Donors
Bruhin Adrian, Goette Lorenz, Haenni Simon, Jiang Lingqing, 2020/03/01. Journal of Health Economics, 70 p. 102244. Peer-reviewed.
Pourquoi et comment informer le patient sur les coûts ?
Junod Valérie, Wasserfallen Jean-Blaise, 2020/02/05. BMS 101 (06) pp. 184-186.
Closing down the shop: Optimal health and wealth dynamics near the end of life
Hugonnier Julien, Pelgrin Florian, St-Amour Pascal, 2020/02. Health Economics, 29 (2) pp. 138-153. Peer-reviewed.
The Macroeconomic Effects of Lockdown Policies
Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, 2020. Journal of Public Economics, 190 p. 104260. Peer-reviewed.
The Sting of Rejection: Deferring Blood Donors due to Low Hemoglobin Values Reduces Future Return
Bruhin A., Goette L., Haenni S., Jiang L., Markovicc A., Roethlisberger A., Buchli R., Frey B.M., 2020. Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 4 (47) pp. 119-128. Peer-reviewed.
Self-Confidence and Unraveling in Matching Markets
Dargnies Marie-Pierre, Hakimov Rustamdjan, Kübler Dorothea, 2019/12. Management Science, 65 (12).
Patterns of patient experience with primary care access in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland: a comparative study.
Senn N., Cohidon C., Breton M., Levesque J.F., Zuchuat J.C., 2019/11/30. International journal for quality in health care, 31 (9) pp. G126-G132. Peer-reviewed.
Top trading cycles, consistency, and acyclic priorities for house allocation with existing tenants
Mehmet Karakaya, Bettina Klaus, Jan Christoph Schlegel, 2019/11. Journal of Economic Theory, 184 p. 104948. Peer-reviewed.
Does Tax Competition Tame the Leviathan?
Brülhart Marius, Jametti Mario, 2019/09. Journal of Public Economics, 177. Peer-reviewed.
The Many Faces of Human Sociality - Uncovering the Distribution and Stability of Social Preferences
Bruhin A., Fehr E., Schunk D., 2019/08/24. Journal of the European Economic Association, 17 (4) pp. 1025-1069. Peer-reviewed.
Random matching under priorities: stability and no envy concepts
Haris Aziz, Bettina Klaus, 2019/08/03. Social Choice and Welfare. Peer-reviewed.
Iterative Versus Standard Deferred Acceptance: Experimental Evidence★
Bó Inácio, Hakimov Rustamdjan, 2019/07/25. The Economic Journal, 130 (626). Peer-reviewed.
Measuring Inflation Anchoring and Uncertainty: A U.S. and Euro Area Comparison
GRISHCHENKO O., MOUABBI S., RENNE J.-P., 2019/05/20. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Corrigendum to “Limited asset markets participation, monetary policy and (inverted) aggregate demand logic” [J. Econ. Theory 140 (1) (2008) 162–196]
Bilbiie F.O., 2019/05. Journal of Economic Theory, 181 pp. 421-422. Peer-reviewed.
Machine learning for high-dimensional dynamic stochastic economies
Scheidegger Simon, Bilionis Ilias, 2019/04. Journal of Computational Science, 33 pp. 68-82.
Can unemployment benefit cuts improve employment and earnings?
Cottier Lionel, Degen Kathrin, Lalive Rafael, 2019/03/29. Empirical Economics.
Buyer power and mutual dependency in a model of negotiations
Inderst Roman, Montez Joao, 2019/03. The RAND Journal of Economics, 50 (1) pp. 29-56.
The New Keynesian cross
Bilbiie F.O., 2019/03. Journal of Monetary Economics. Peer-reviewed.
Booms and Busts with Dispersed Information
Benhima K., 2019. Journal of Monetary Economics, 107 pp. 32-47. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive Reserve Mediates the Relation between Openness to Experience and Smaller Decline in Executive Functioning
Ihle Andreas, Zuber Sascha, Gouveia Élvio R, Gouveia Bruna R, Mella Nathalie, Desrichard Olivier, Cullati Stéphane, Oris Michel, Maurer Jürgen, Kliegel Matthias, 2019. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders pp. 1-6.
Corporate Cash and Employment
Bacchetta P., Benhima K., Poilly C., 2019. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 11 (3) pp. 30-66. Peer-reviewed.
Cross-lagged relation of leisure activity participation to Trail Making Test performance 6 years later: Differential patterns in old age and very old age.
Ihle Andreas, Fagot Delphine, Vallet Fanny, Ballhausen Nicola, Mella Nathalie, Baeriswyl Marie, Sauter Julia, Oris Michel, Maurer Jürgen, Kliegel Matthias, 2019. Neuropsychology, 33 (2) p. 234.
Debt Hangover in the Aftermath of the Great Recession
Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, Gomme Paul, 2019. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 105 pp. 107-133.
Episodes of War and Peace in an Estimated Open Economy Model
Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, 2019. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 105 pp. 203-249.
Gesundheit der älteren Bevölkerung in der Schweiz: eine Studie basierend auf Daten der Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Gesundheit
Höglinger Marc, Francisca Ehrler, Maurer Jürgen, 2019., Université de Lausanne.
Large-scale Sparse Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation
Bollhöfer Matthias, Eftekhari Aryan, Scheidegger Simon, Schenk Olaf, 2019/01. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41 (1) pp. A380-A401. Peer-reviewed.
Long‐term government debt and household portfolio composition
Tischbirek Andreas, 2019. Quantitative Economics, 10 (3) pp. 1109-1151. Peer-reviewed.
On the Role of Debt Maturity in a Model with Sovereign Risk and Financial Frictions
Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, 2019. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 23 (5) pp. 2114-2131.
Spending Multipliers with Distortionary Taxes: Does the Level of Public Debt Matter?
Aloui Rym, Eyquem Aurélien, 2019. Journal of Macroeconomics, 60 pp. 275-293.
The Longitudinal Relationship of Perceived Stress Predicting Subsequent Decline in Executive Functioning in Old Age Is Attenuated in Individuals with Greater Cognitive Reserve
Ihle Andreas, Rimmele Ulrike, Oris Michel, Maurer Jürgen, Kliegel Matthias, 2019. Gerontology pp. 1-9.
The relationship of obesity predicting decline in executive functioning is attenuated with greater leisure activities in old age
Ihle Andreas, Gouveia Élvio R, Gouveia Bruna R, Zuber Sascha, Mella Nathalie, Desrichard Olivier, Cullati Stéphane, Oris Michel, Maurer Jürgen, Kliegel Matthias, 2019. Aging & Mental Health pp. 1-8.
Inheritance flows in Switzerland, 1911–2011
Brülhart M., Dupertuis D., Moreau E., 2018/12. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 154 (8) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Object allocation via immediate-acceptance: Characterizations and an affirmative action application
Doğan Battal, Klaus Bettina, 2018/12. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 79 pp. 140-156.
Social image concerns and welfare take-up
Friedrichsen Jana, König Tobias, Schmacker Renke, 2018/12. Journal of Public Economics, 168 pp. 174-192. Peer-reviewed.
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
Brown M., Grossmann V., Lalive R., Tille C., 2018/12. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 154 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Hakimov Rustamdjan, Kesten Onur, 2018/11. International Economic Review, 59 (4) pp. 2219-2258.
Large-scale bond purchases in a currency union with segmentation in the market for government debt
Tischbirek Andreas, 2018/10. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 95 pp. 37 - 69. Peer-reviewed.
National natural rates of interest and the single monetary policy in the euro area
Fries S., Mésonnier J.-S., Mouabbi S., Renne J.-P., 2018/09. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 33 (6) pp. 763-779.
Pareto optimal matchings of students to courses in the presence of prerequisites
Cechlárová Katarína, Klaus Bettina, Manlove David F., 2018/08. Discrete Optimization, 29 pp. 174-195. Peer-reviewed.
Awareness, approval and completion of advance directives in older adults in Switzerland
Vilpert Sarah, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Maurer Jürgen, Borasio Gian Domenico, 2018/07/29. Swiss Medical Weekly, 148. Peer-reviewed.
Can power-sharing foster peace? Evidence from Northern Ireland*
Mueller H., Rohner D., 2018/07/01. Economic Policy, 33 (95) pp. 447-484. Peer-reviewed.
College admissions with entrance exams: Centralized versus decentralized
Hafalir I.E., Hakimov R., Kübler D., Kurino M., 2018/07. Journal of Economic Theory, 176 pp. 886-934. Peer-reviewed.
Aging, non-communicable diseases, and old-age disability in low- and middle-income countries: a challenge for global health
Kämpfen F., Wijemunige N., Evangelista B. Jr., 2018/06/28. International Journal of Public Health - YRE. Peer-reviewed.
The Lifetime Dynamics of Health and Wealth
St-Amour Pascal, 2018/06/25. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Peer-reviewed.
Differences in triage category, priority level and hospitalization rate between young-old and old-old patients visiting the emergency department.
Vilpert S., Monod S., Jaccard Ruedin H., Maurer J., Trueb L., Yersin B., Büla C., 2018/06/15. BMC health services research, 18 (1) p. 456. Peer-reviewed.
How do beliefs about skill affect risky decisions?
Bruhin A., Santos-Pinto L., Staubli D., 2018/06. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 150 pp. 350-371. Peer-reviewed.
Does education help “old dogs” learn “new tricks”? The lasting impact of early-life education on technology use among older adults
Kämpfen F., Maurer J., 2018/03/31. Research Policy, 47 (6) pp. 1125-1132. Peer-reviewed.
Does Early Child Care Affect Children's Development ?
Felfe C., Lalive R., 2018/03. Journal of Public Economics, 159 pp. 33-53. Peer-reviewed.
Banks, Sovereign Risk and Unconventional Monetary Policies
Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, Ma Xiaofei, 2018. European Economic Review, 108 pp. 153-171.
Conditional cooperation: review and refinement
Thöni C., Volk S., 2018. Economics Letters, 171 pp. 37-40.
Leaving no one behind? Reaching the informal sector, poor people and marginalised groups with Social Health Protection
Meyer Claude, Evans David, Soucat Agnès, Dkhimi Fahdi, Akweongo Patricia, Kessy Flora, Maurer Jürgen, Ooms Gorik, Stoermer Manfred, 2018. The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 26 (3) pp. 459-465.
Natural Resources and Conflict
Rohner D., 2018. pp. 1-8 dans The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Nudging generosity: choice architecture and cognitive factors in charitable giving
Schulz J. F., Thiemann P., Thöni C., 2018. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74 pp. 139-145.
Ramsey-optimal Tax Reforms and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics
Auray Stéphane, Eyquem Aurélien, Gomme Paul, 2018. Journal of International Economics, 115 pp. 159-169.
Rationing rules and stable coalition structures
Gallo Oihane, Inarra Elena, 2018. Theoretical Economics, 13 (3) pp. 933-950.
Self-fulfilling debt crises: What can monetary policy do?
Bacchetta P., Perazzi E., van Wincoop E., 2018/01. Journal of International Economics, 110 pp. 119-134. Peer-reviewed.
The relation of low cognitive abilities to low well-being in old age is attenuated in individuals with greater cognitive reserve and greater social capital accumulated over the life course
Ihle Andreas, Oris Michel, Sauter Julia, Spini Dario, Rimmele Ulrike, Maurer Jürgen, Kliegel Matthias, 2018. Aging & mental health pp. 1-8.
The role of cognitive reserve accumulated in midlife for the relation between chronic diseases and cognitive decline in old age: A longitudinal follow-up across six years
Ihle Andreas, Ghisletta Paolo, Ballhausen Nicola, Fagot Delphine, Vallet Fanny, Baeriswyl Marie, Sauter Julia, Oris Michel, Maurer Jürgen, Kliegel Matthias, 2018. Neuropsychologia, 121 pp. 37-46.
Eliciting the socially optimal allocation from responsible agents
Doğan B., 2017/12. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 73 pp. 103-110. Peer-reviewed.
Progressive universalism? The impact of targeted coverage on health care access and expenditures in Peru.
Neelsen S., O'Donnell O., 2017/12. Health economics, 26 (12) pp. e179-e203. Peer-reviewed.
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