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987 publications

Qu'entend-on par rupture d'alliance
de Roten Yves pp. 163-168 dans L'alliance thérapeutique en 66 notions, Dunod.
The Inequality of Neural Destiny: Signatures of Life course Socioeconomic Conditions in Brain Myelination and Grey Matter Volume
Loued-Khenissi Leyla, Trofimova Olga, Vollenweider Peter, Marques-Vidal Pedro, Preisig Martin, Lutti Antoine, Kliegel Matthias, Sandi Carmen, Kherif Ferhat, Stringhini Silvia et al..
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Olanzapine: Effects of Clinical Factors on Plasma Concentrations in Psychiatric Patients.
Ansermot N., Vathanarasa H., Ranjbar S., Gholam M., Crettol S., Vandenberghe F., Gamma F., Plessen K.J., von Gunten A., Conus P. et al. Therapeutic drug monitoring. Peer-reviewed.
Deliberate Practice in der Psychotherapie
Boeckle Markus, Kramer Ueli, Klett-Cotta.
Fluctuations in therapist responsiveness facing clients with borderline personality disorder: Starting therapy on the right foot.
Culina I., Ranjbar S., Nadel I., Kramer U. Psychotherapy research. Peer-reviewed.
Maladaptive defense mechanisms moderate treatment outcome in 6 months versus 12 months dialectical-behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder.
Euler S., Babl A., Dommann E., Stalujanis E., Labrish C., Kramer U., McMain S. Psychotherapy research pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Good-Enough Therapy: A Review of the Empirical Basis of Good Psychiatric Management.
Kramer U. American journal of psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
Therapist responsiveness in psychotherapy: Introduction to the special issue.
Kramer U., Boehnke J.R., Esposito G. Psychotherapy research. Peer-reviewed.
Change in emotion-based narrative as a potential mechanism of change in a brief treatment for borderline personality disorder.
Kramer U., Simonini A., Rrustemi E., Fellrath R., Stucchi K., Noseda E., Martin Soelch C., Kolly S., Blanco-Machinea J., Boritz T. et al. Psychotherapy research. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotherapie der Persönlichkeitsstörungen: eine wirkfaktorenorientierte Perspektive
Kramer Ueli 160, Kohlhammer.
Effectiveness of Emotion-focused Therapy: Main results of a practice-research network study.
Kramer Ueli, Sutter Marielle, Rubel Julian, Blanco-Machinea José, Woldarsky Meneses Catalina, Auszra Lars, Herrmann Imke, grosse Holtforth Martin Psychotherapy Research. Peer-reviewed.
Large-scale georeferenced neuroimaging and psychometry data link the urban environmental exposome with brain health.
Ruas M.V., Vajana E., Kherif F., Lutti A., Preisig M., Strippoli M.P., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P., von Gunten A., Joost S. et al. Environmental research. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal association of exposure to work-related stress with major depressive disorder and the role of occupational burnout in this association in the general population.
Shoman Y., Ranjbar S., Strippoli M.F., von Känel R., Preisig M., Guseva Canu I. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. Peer-reviewed.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms in siblings of children with Tourette syndrome in the EMTICS study
Sidiropoulou Olga, Glaus Jennifer, Hagstrøm Julie, Ranjbar Setareh, Rizzo Renata, Hoekstra Pieter J., Dietrich Andrea, Plessen Kerstin J. JCPP Advances.
First episode depression during the perinatal period is associated with atopic diseases and persistently increased eosinophil and basophil levels.
Wagner E.N., Pichler E.M., Müller M., Eisenhut A., Buadze A., Xu Y., Seifritz E., Strippoli M.F., Castelao E., Ranjbar S. et al. Archives of women's mental health. Peer-reviewed.
Polish Adaptation of the Coparenting Relationship Scale : A Self-Report Measure Used to Assess Subjective Quality of the Relationship Between Parents
Więsyk Sabina, Wojtasiński Marcin, Tużnik Przemysław, Lachowska Bogusława, Feinberg Mark E., Favez Nicolas European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
Therapeutic alliance rupture and resolution in a brief psychiatric treatment for borderline personality disorder
Nadel Isabella, Glassier Sofia, de Roten Yves, Kramer Ueli, 2025/03. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 25 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Parental Sensitivity and Infant Social Withdrawal During Mother-Infant and Father-Infant Interactions.
Tissot H., Guédeney A., Gonthier V., Hugonnier M., Favez N., 2025. Infancy, 30 (1) pp. e12643. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship Between ABO Blood Groups and Mental Disorders.
Ajdacic-Gross V., Buadze A., Wagner E.N., Müller M., Seifritz E., Ranjbar S., Glaus J., Castelao E., Strippoli M.F., Vandeleur C.L. et al., 2025. Journal of blood medicine, 16 pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
Emotional processing as mechanism of change in brief good psychiatric management for borderline personality disorder: results of a randomized controlled trial.
Kramer U., Grandjean L., Machinea J.B., Beuchat H., Ranjbar S., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Conus P., Kolly S., 2024/12/18. BMC psychiatry, 24 (1) p. 921. Peer-reviewed.
Approche intégrative et recherche empirique: Un partenariat fécond?
De Roten Yves, Kramer Ueli, 2024/12/15. Psychothérapies, 44 (4) pp. 250-263. Peer-reviewed.
A Novel Approach to Examining Working Alliance Instability During Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder.
Notsu H., Kivity Y., Levy K.N., Kolly S., Kramer U., 2024/12/12. American journal of psychotherapy, 77 (4) pp. 160-166. Peer-reviewed.
Lipid disturbances induced by psychotropic drugs: clinical and genetic predictors for early worsening of lipid levels and new-onset dyslipidaemia in Swiss psychiatric samples.
Delacrétaz A., Sadler M., Gamma F., Preisig M., Richard-Lepouriel H., von Gunten A., Conus P., Plessen K.J., Kutalik Z., Eap C.B., 2024/12/05. BJPsych open, 10 (6) pp. e227. Peer-reviewed.
EBNA-1 and VCA-p18 immunoglobulin markers link Epstein-Barr virus immune response and brain's myelin content to fatigue in a community-dwelling cohort.
Gayer M., Xu Z.M., Hodel F., Preisig M., Strippoli M.F., Vollenweider P., Vaucher J., Lutti A., Kherif F., Penner I.K. et al., 2024/12. Brain, behavior, & immunity - health, 42 p. 100896. Peer-reviewed.
Father involvement and emotion regulation during early childhood: a systematic review.
Puglisi N., Rattaz V., Favez N., Tissot H., 2024/11/19. BMC psychology, 12 (1) p. 675. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotropic-induced weight gain and telomere length: results from a one-year longitudinal study and a large population-based cohort.
Piras M., Lin J., Sadler M.C., Ranjbar S., Grosu C., Laaboub N., Preisig M., Gamma F., Plessen K.J., von Gunten A. et al., 2024/11/15. Translational psychiatry, 14 (1) p. 471. Peer-reviewed.
Incendiaires et Pyromanes: Des Criminels comme les Autres ?
Palix Julie, 2024/11/14., Association Internationale des Enquêteurs en Incendie Criminel dans IAAI-Québec.
Running in the FAMILY: understanding and predicting the intergenerational transmission of mental illness.
van Houtum LAEM, Baaré WFC, Beckmann C.F., Castro-Fornieles J., Cecil CAM, Dittrich J., Ebdrup B.H., Fegert J.M., Havdahl A., Hillegers MHJ et al., 2024/11. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 33 (11) pp. 3885-3898. Peer-reviewed.
Use of statement validity analysis in minors alleging sexual assault: A systematic review.
Wouters E., Constanty L., Urben S., Amoussou J.R., Gasser J., 2024/11. Journal of forensic sciences, 69 (6) pp. 1948-1958. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of Defense Mechanisms on Sport Burnout: A Multiple Mediation Analysis Effects of Resilience, Stress and Recovery.
Levillain G., Vacher P., de Roten Y., Nicolas M., 2024/10/11. Sports, 12 (10). Peer-reviewed.
Early-life adversity predicting the incidence of multisite chronic pain in the general population.
Rouch I., Strippoli M.F., Dorey J.M., Laurent B., Ranjbar S., Marques-Vidal P.M., Berna C., Suter M., Vaucher J., von Gunten A. et al., 2024/10/08. European psychiatry, 67 (1) pp. e67. Peer-reviewed.
Emotions observed during sessions of dialectical behavior therapy predict outcome for borderline personality disorder.
Nardone S., Pascual-Leone A., Kramer U., Cristoffanini F., Grandjean L., Culina I., McMain S., 2024/09. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 92 (9) pp. 607-618. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide meta-analysis of ascertainment and symptom structures of major depression in case-enriched and community cohorts.
Adams M.J., Thorp J.G., Jermy B.S., Kwong ASF, Kõiv K., Grotzinger A.D., Nivard M.G., Marshall S., Milaneschi Y., Baune B.T. et al., 2024/09. Psychological medicine, 54 (12) pp. 3459-3468. Peer-reviewed.
Integrative Modeling of Accelerometry-Derived Sleep, Physical Activity, and Circadian Rhythm Domains With Current or Remitted Major Depression.
Kang S.J., Leroux A., Guo W., Dey D., Strippoli M.F., Di J., Vaucher J., Marques-Vidal P., Vollenweider P., Preisig M. et al., 2024/09/01. JAMA psychiatry, 81 (9) pp. 911-918. Peer-reviewed.
Unifying psychotherapy: Are we there, yet?
Kramer Ueli, 2024/09. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 34 (3) pp. 351-355. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term changes in adiposity markers during and after antidepressant therapy in a community cohort.
Mwinyi J., Strippoli M.F., Kanders S.H., Schiöth H.B., Eap C.B., Lasserre A.M., Marques-Vidal P., Vandeleur C.L., Preisig M., 2024/08/13. Translational psychiatry, 14 (1) p. 330. Peer-reviewed.
Family alliance and infants' vagal tone: The mediating role of infants' reactions to unadjusted parental behaviors
Rattaz Valentine, Tissot Hervé, Puglisi Nilo, Epiney Manuella, Razurel Chantal, Favez Nicolas, 2024/08/02. Social Development.
Aripiprazole dose associations with metabolic adverse effect: Results from a longitudinal study.
Piras M., Popovic I., Ranjbar S., Grosu C., Laaboub N., Sentissi O., Lakhal M.H., Gamma F., Plessen K.J., von Gunten A. et al., 2024/08. Schizophrenia research, 270 pp. 403-409. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement invariance of the Coparenting Relationship Scale (CRS) across 10 countries.
Tissot H., Van Heel M., Feinberg M.E., Gedaly L.R., Barham E.J., Calders F., Camisasca E., de Carvalho T.R., Çetin M., Dennis C.L. et al., 2024/08. Journal of family psychology, 38 (5) pp. 697-706. Peer-reviewed.
Self-reported caffeine consumption miss-matched consumption measured by plasma levels of caffeine and its metabolites: results from two population-based studies.
Laaboub N., Ranjbar S., Strippoli M.F., Marques-Vidal P., Estoppey-Younes S., Ponte B., Pruijm M., Vogt B., Ansermot N., Crettol S. et al., 2024/08. European journal of nutrition, 63 (5) pp. 1555-1564. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep disturbances and incident risk of major depressive disorder in a population-based cohort.
Solelhac G., Imler T., Strippoli M.F., Marchi N.A., Berger M., Haba-Rubio J., Raffray T., Bayon V., Lombardi A.S., Ranjbar S. et al., 2024/08. Psychiatry research, 338 p. 115934. Peer-reviewed.
Group intervention for family members of people with borderline personality disorder based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Implementation of the Family Connections® program in France and Switzerland.
Cohen S., Salamin V., Perroud N., Dieben K., Ducasse D., Durpoix A., Guenot F., Tissot H., Kramer U., Speranza M., 2024/07/23. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation, 11 (1) p. 16. Peer-reviewed.
Towards an informed research agenda for the field of personality disorders by experts with lived and living experience and researchers.
Renneberg B., Hutsebaut J., Berens A., De Panfilis C., Bertsch K., Kaera A., Kramer U., Schmahl C., Swales M., Taubner S. et al., 2024/07/08. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation, 11 (1) p. 14. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide association study of major anxiety disorders in 122,341 European-ancestry cases identifies 58 loci and highlights GABAergic signaling
Strom Nora I., Verhulst Brad, Bacanu Silviu-Alin, Cheesman Rosa, Purves Kirstin L., Gedik Hüseyin, Mitchell Brittany L., Kwong Alex S., Faucon Annika B., Singh Kritika et al., 2024/07/05..
Longstanding Auditory Sensory and Semantic Differences in Preterm Born Children.
Retsa C., Turpin H., Geiser E., Ansermet F., Müller-Nix C., Murray M.M., 2024/07. Brain topography, 37 (4) pp. 536-551. Peer-reviewed.
Processes of change in psychotherapy for narcissistic personality disorder
Maillard P., Berthoud L., Kolly S., Sachse R., Kramer U., 2024/07/01. dans Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Guilford.
Biopsychosocial risk factors for subjective cognitive decline among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based study.
Schrempft S., Baysson H., Graindorge C., Pullen N., Hagose M., Zaballa M.E., Preisig M., Nehme M., Guessous I., Stringhini S. et al., 2024/06/25. Public health, 234 pp. 16-23. Peer-reviewed.
Symptom domains and psychosocial functioning in borderline personality disorder.
Culina I., Ranjbar S., Maillard P., Martin-Soelch C., Berney S., Kolly S., André J., Conus P., Kramer U., 2024/06/05. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation, 11 (1) p. 10. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of gaming disorder on first episode psychosis patients' evolution: Protocol for a multicentered prospective study.
Huot-Lavoie M., Desmeules C., Corbeil O., Béchard L., Brodeur S., Essiambre A.M., Thériault C., Anderson E., Bachand L., Haider Z.A. et al., 2024/06. Early intervention in psychiatry, 18 (6) pp. 439-445. Peer-reviewed.
Supported Employment Coaches' Difficulties and Facilitators With Clients Diagnosed With Personality Versus Other Disorders: A Qualitative Study
Dunand Noëllie, Seydoux Marine, Teixeira Magalhaes Melissa, Bonsack Charles, Golay Philippe, Spagnoli Danièle, Pomini Valentino, 2024/06. Heliyon, 10 (12) pp. e32955. Peer-reviewed.
The Neurobiology of Emotion Regulation in Personality Disorders
Grandjean Loris, Marceau Ely, Draganski Bogdan, Rosselet Amoussou Joelle, Kramer Ueli, 2024/05/16. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 175 p. 1325507538. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the Gendered General Strain Theory Over Time in Individuals with a Residential Care History
Habersaat Stéphanie, Urben Sébastien, Palix Julie, Bürgin David, Fegert Jörg M., Schmeck Klaus, Boonmann Cyril, Schmid Marc, 2024/04/02. Deviant Behavior, 45 (4) pp. 567-578.
Associations of Valproate Doses With Weight Gain in Adult Psychiatric Patients: A 1-Year Prospective Cohort Study.
Grosu C., Hatoum W., Piras M., Laaboub N., Ranjbar S., Gamma F., Plessen K.J., von Gunten A., Preisig M., Conus P. et al., 2024/03/27. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 85 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Associations between antipsychotics-induced weight gain and brain networks of impulsivity.
Grosu C., Klauser P., Dwir D., Khadimallah I., Alemán-Gómez Y., Laaboub N., Piras M., Fournier M., Preisig M., Conus P. et al., 2024/03/26. Translational psychiatry, 14 (1) p. 162. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating the clinical utility of an easily applicable prediction model of suicide attempts, newly developed and validated with a general community sample of adults.
Miché M., Strippoli M.F., Preisig M., Lieb R., 2024/03/20. BMC psychiatry, 24 (1) p. 217. Peer-reviewed.
Role of sex and gender-related variables in development of metabolic syndrome: A prospective cohort study.
Alipour P., Azizi Z., Raparelli V., Norris C.M., Kautzky-Willer A., Kublickiene K., Herrero M.T., Emam K.E., Vollenweider P., Preisig M. et al., 2024/03. European journal of internal medicine, 121 pp. 63-75. Peer-reviewed.
Self-regulatory control processes in youths: A temporal network analysis approach.
Turri F., Jones A., Constanty L., Ranjbar S., Drexl K., Miano G., Lepage C., Plessen K.J., Urben S., 2024/03. JCPP advances, 4 (1) pp. e12200. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding mechanisms of change in psychotherapies for personality disorders.
Kramer Ueli, Levy Kenneth N., McMain Shelley, 2024/03. 272, American Psychological Association.
Spatial analysis of 10-year predicted risk and incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: the CoLaus cohort.
Jordan G., Ridder D., Joost S., Vollenweider P., Preisig M., Marques-Vidal P., Guessous I., Vaucher J., 2024/02/27. Scientific reports, 14 (1) p. 4752. Peer-reviewed.
Cholesterol-metabolism, plant sterols, and long-term cognitive decline in older people - Effects of sex and APOEe4.
Spinedi M., Clark C., Zullo L., Kerksiek A., Pistis G., Castelao E., von Gunten A., Preisig M., Lütjohann D., Popp J., 2024/02/16. iScience, 27 (2) p. 109013. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in dreams- an indicator for transformation processes in psychoanalysis: Clinical Outcome and Process Research in the MODE Study.
Ambresin Gilles, Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne, 2024/02/08. dans Gullestad Siri Erika, Stänicke Erik, Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne (eds.) Psychoanalytic Studies of Change : An Integrative Perspective, Routledge.
Clinical Outcome and Process Research in the MODE Study: From the Psychoanalysis of a Young Man in Emerging Adulthood
Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne, Ambresin Gilles, 2024/02/08. dans Gullestad Siri Erika, Stänicke Erik, Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne (eds.) Psychoanalytic Studies of Change : An Integrative Perspective chap. 2, Routledge.
Change in Emotion and Mental Health
Samson Andrea C., Sander David, Kramer Ueli, 2024/02/01., Elsevier-Academic Press.
Effect of dairy consumption on cognition in older adults: A population-based cohort study.
Ortega N., Carmeli C., Efthimiou O., Beer J.H., Gunten A.V., Preisig M., Zullo L., Vaucher J., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P. et al., 2024/02. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 28 (2) p. 100031. Peer-reviewed.
Le traitement psychiatrique pour les adolescents avec un trouble de la personnalité borderline.
Choi-Kain Lois W., Sharp Carla, Kapp Carole, Heim Yannick, Kolly Stéphane, Kramer Ueli, Haustein Thomas, 2024/02/01., Elsevier-Masson.
Obstructive sleep apnea and cognitive functioning in the older general population: The moderating effect of age, sex, ApoE4, and obesity.
Marchi N.A., Berger M., Solelhac G., Bayon V., Haba-Rubio J., Legault J., Thompson C., Gosselin N., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P. et al., 2024/02. Journal of sleep research, 33 (1) pp. e13938. Peer-reviewed.
Subtypes of major depressive disorders and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviors in the community.
Rovero M., Preisig M., Marques-Vidal P., Strippoli M.F., Vollenweider P., Vaucher J., Berney A., Merikangas K.R., Vandeleur C.L., Glaus J., 2024/02. Comprehensive psychiatry, 129 p. 152442. Peer-reviewed.
Swiss cohort on Traumatic Childbirth and Health (SwiTCH): protocol for a prospective, population-based cohort study on parents' mental health from pregnancy to one year postpartum.
Chanvrier H., Rattaz V., Offredi V., Dupuis M., Horsch A., 2024/01/30. BMJ open, 14 (1) pp. e080557. Peer-reviewed.
The Interplay Between Maternal and Paternal Senses of Efficacy Moderates the Link Between Perinatal Parental Stress and Family Alliance at 3 Months
Favez Nicolas, Rattaz Valentine, Puglisi Nilo, Razurel Chantal, Epiney Manuella, Tissot Hervé, 2024/01/02. Parenting, 24 (1) pp. 30-38.
Associations of Depressive and Anxiety Disorders with Pulmonary Disorders in the Community: The PneumoLaus and PsyCoLaus Studies.
Touilloux B., Casutt A., Strippoli M.F., Lenoir A., Janett S., Vollenweider P., Vaucher J., Nicod L., Preisig M., Von Garnier C., 2024. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 103 (8) pp. 503-512. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum: Relationship Between Effort-Reward Imbalance, Over-Commitment and Occupational Burnout in the General Population: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Shoman Y., Ranjbar S., Strippoli M.P., von Känel R., Preisig M., Guseva Canu I., 2024. International journal of public health, 69 p. 1607430. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Memories for the future.
Boeckle M., Kramer U., Clayton N.S., 2024. Frontiers in psychology, 15 p. 1502718. Peer-reviewed.
Experiential theory in psychotherapy
Kramer Ueli, Timulak Ladislav, 2024/01/01. dans American Psychological Association Handbook of Psychotherapy, American Psychological Association.
Group intervention for family members of people with borderline personality disorder based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Implementation of the Family Connections® program in France and Switzerland
Cohen Satchel, Salamin Virginie, Perroud Nader, Dieben Karen, Ducasse Deborah, Durpoix Amaury, Guenot Florence, Tissot Hervé, Kramer Uëli, Speranza Mario, 2024..
Le rapport d'expertise psychologique ou psychiatrique dans un contexte légal : faiblesses et ressources pour l'améliorer
Moulin Valérie, Delacrausaz Philippe, 2024/01. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 182 (1) pp. 21-27. Peer-reviewed.
MADRS single items differential changes among patients with melancholic and unspecified depression treated with ECT: an exploratory study.
Pozuelo Moyano B., Ranjbar S., Swierkosz-Lenart K., Schuster J.P., Zullo L., von Gunten A., Vandel P., 2024. Frontiers in psychiatry, 15 p. 1491451. Peer-reviewed.
Mental health and burnout during medical school: Longitudinal evolution and covariates.
Carrard V., Berney S., Bourquin C., Ranjbar S., Castelao E., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Bart P.A., Schmid Mast M., Preisig M. et al., 2024. PloS one, 19 (4) pp. e0295100. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic disturbances are risk factors for readmission to psychiatric hospitals in non-smokers but not in smokers: results from a Swiss psychiatric cohort and in first-episode psychosis patients.
Laaboub N., Locatelli I., Grosu C., Piras M., Ngoc T.H., Ranjbar S., Preisig M., Elowe J., von Gunten A., Conus P. et al., 2024. Frontiers in psychiatry, 15 p. 1256416. Peer-reviewed.
Validity Evidence of a Screening Tool for Early Detection of Clinical Crisis-Related Anxiety Amongst Medical Students.
Abbiati M., Severac F., Bajwa N., Sibilia J., Pelaccia T., 2024. Teaching and learning in medicine, 36 (4) pp. 528-537. Peer-reviewed.
Father-infant synchrony and infant vagal tone as an index of emotion regulation: father-infant shared times in Switzerland as moderators
Puglisi Nilo, Tissot Hervé, Rattaz Valentine, Epiney Manuella, Razurel Chantal, Favez Nicolas, 2023/12/10. Early Child Development and Care, 193 (15-16) pp. 1714-1727. Peer-reviewed.
Advancing the assessment of emotional change: A matrix of processes by methods
Pascual-Leone Antonio, Kramer Ueli, 2023/12/01. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 33 (4) pp. 341-347. Peer-reviewed.
Emotional change processes in experiential work with personality pathology.
Conceicao Nuno, Kramer Ueli, 2023/12/01. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 33 (4) pp. 348-367.
Risk factors for mood disorders among offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: Findings from a discordant-sibling study.
Giacomo F.D., Strippoli M.F., Castelao E., Amoussou J.R., Gholam M., Ranjbar S., Glaus J., Marquet P., Preisig M., Plessen K.J. et al., 2023/12. Psychiatry research, 330 p. 115615. Peer-reviewed.
The Lausanne Trilogue Play: bringing together developmental and systemic perspectives in clinical settings
Tissot Hervé, Favez Nicolas, 2023/12. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 44 (4) pp. 511-520. Peer-reviewed.
The multi-level outcome study of psychoanalysis for chronically depressed patients with early trauma (MODE): rationale and design of an international multicenter randomized controlled trial.
Ambresin G., Leuzinger-Bohleber M., Fischmann T., Axmacher N., Hattingen E., Bansal R., Peterson B.S., 2023/11/16. BMC psychiatry, 23 (1) p. 844. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum to "Periodic leg movements during sleep and cognitive functioning in the older general population" [Sleep Med 109 (2023) 197-201].
Marchi N.A., Peci A., Haba-Rubio J., Solelhac G., Bayon V., Berger M., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P., von Gunten A., Strippoli M.F. et al., 2023/11. Sleep medicine, 111 p. 207. Peer-reviewed.
Functional outcomes across development in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.
Helmink FGL, Vandeleur C.L., Preisig M., Gunput STG, Hillegers MHJ, Mesman E., 2023/11/01. Journal of affective disorders, 340 pp. 490-505. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring the Severity of Objective and Subjective Patient-to-Staff Violence in Psychogeriatric and Adult Psychiatric Wards: A Retrospective Study of Four Swiss Hospitals.
Abbiati M., Golay P., De Maria L.F., Palix J., 2023/11. Issues in mental health nursing, 44 (11) pp. 1142-1149. Peer-reviewed.
Parental sensitivity, family alliance and infants' vagal tone: Influences of early family interactions on physiological emotion regulation.
Rattaz V., Tissot H., Puglisi N., Razurel C., Epiney M., Favez N., 2023/11. Infant mental health journal, 44 (6) pp. 741-751. Peer-reviewed.
Predictors of Effects in Brief Psychiatric Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder.
Grandjean L., Kolly S., Kramer U., 2023/11. Journal of personality disorders, 37 (6) pp. 741-750. Peer-reviewed.
Undergraduate sport sciences students' attitudes towards statistics: A gender perspective
Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, de Roten Yves, 2023/11. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 33 p. 100452. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy in Switzerland
Khazaal Yasser, Kalogeropolou Eleni, Favrod Jérôme, Kramer Ueli, Jermann Françoise, 2023/10/31. dans Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in a Global Context, M. D. Terjesen, K. Doyle.
Course and predictors of social security disability insurance in patients with borderline personality disorder over 24 years of prospective follow-up.
Kramer U., Temes C.M., Frankenburg F.R., Glass I.V., Zanarini M.C., 2023/10/09. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation, 10 (1) p. 30. Peer-reviewed.
Do students' personality traits change during medical training? A longitudinal cohort study.
Abbiati M., Cerutti B., 2023/10. Advances in health sciences education, 28 (4) pp. 1079-1092. Peer-reviewed.
GWAS Meta-Analysis of Suicide Attempt: Identification of 12 Genome-Wide Significant Loci and Implication of Genetic Risks for Specific Health Factors.
Docherty A.R., Mullins N., Ashley-Koch A.E., Qin X., Coleman JRI, Shabalin A., Kang J., Murnyak B., Wendt F., Adams M. et al., 2023/10/01. The American journal of psychiatry, 180 (10) pp. 723-738. Peer-reviewed.
La douleur chronique, un langage malhabile du corps [Chronic pain, a clumsy body language]
Rouch I., Dorey J.M., Saint-Martin H., Von Gunten A., Preisig M., Laurent B., 2023/09/20. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (842) pp. 1690-1692. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the French version of the Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB-R) for assessing the psychopathology of borderline personality disorder.
Culina I., Maillard P., Loosli J., Martin-Soelch C., Berney S., Kolly S., Kramer U., 2023/09/18. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation, 10 (1) p. 27. Peer-reviewed.
Examining the relationship between resting heart rate and callous-unemotional traits in juvenile delinquency
Palix Julie, Habersaat Stéphanie, Boonmann Cyril, Nauta-Jansen Lucres, Schmeck Klaus, Fegert Joerg M., Schmid Marc, Urben Sébastien, 2023/09. Journal of Criminal Justice, 88 p. 102112. Peer-reviewed.
Framing the work: A coparenting model for guiding infant mental health engagement with families
McHale James, Tissot Herve, Mazzoni Silvia, Hedenbro Monica, Salman-Engin Selin, Philipp Diane A., Darwiche Joëlle, Keren Miri, Collins Russia, Coates Erica et al., 2023/09. Infant Mental Health Journal, 44 (5) pp. 638-650. Peer-reviewed.
Periodic leg movements during sleep and cognitive functioning in the older general population.
Marchi N.A., Peci A., Haba-Rubio J., Solelhac G., Bayon V., Berger M., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P., von Gunten A., Strippoli M.F. et al., 2023/09. Sleep medicine, 109 pp. 197-201. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatric disorders, personality traits, and childhood traumatic events predicting incidence and persistence of chronic pain: results from the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus study.
Rouch I., Strippoli M.F., Dorey J.M., Ranjbar S., Laurent B., von Gunten A., Preisig M., 2023/09/01. Pain, 164 (9) pp. 2084-2092. Peer-reviewed.
La psychothérapie psychodynamique contemporaine: évolution de la pratique clinique
Kealy David, Ogrodniczuk John S., Herrera Fabrice, Estellon Vincent, Kramer Ueli, 2023/08/16., Elsevier.
Correlates of chronic depression in the general population: results from the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus study.
Ambresin G., Strippoli M.F., Vandeleur C.L., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Preisig M., 2023/08. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 58 (8) pp. 1179-1191. Peer-reviewed.
Estimating heterogeneous causal effects in observational studies using small area predictors
Ranjbar S., Salvati N., Pacini B., 2023/08. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 184 p. 107742.
How ambient temperature affects mood: an ecological momentary assessment study in Switzerland.
Bundo M., Preisig M., Merikangas K., Glaus J., Vaucher J., Waeber G., Marques-Vidal P., Strippoli M.F., Müller T., Franco O. et al., 2023/07/11. Environmental health, 22 (1) p. 52. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in dreams - the development of a dream-transformation scale in psychoanalyses with chronically depressed, early traumatized patients
Leuzinger-Bohleber Marianne, Donié Marielle, Wichelmann Julia, Ambresin Gilles, Fischmann Tamara, 2023/07/03. The Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review, 46 (1-2) pp. 82-93.
Objectively assessed sleep and physical activity in depression subtypes and its mediating role in their association with cardiovascular risk factors.
Glaus J., Kang S.J., Guo W., Lamers F., Strippoli M.F., Leroux A., Dey D., Plessen K.J., Vaucher J., Vollenweider P. et al., 2023/07. Journal of psychiatric research, 163 pp. 325-336. Peer-reviewed.
Stability of the Subtypes of Major Depressive Disorder in Older Adults and the Influence of Mild Cognitive Impairment on the Stability.
Moyano B.P., Strippoli M.F., Ranjbar S., Vandeleur C.L., Vaucher J., Preisig M., von Gunten A., 2023/07. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry, 31 (7) pp. 503-513. Peer-reviewed.
Plant sterols and cholesterol metabolism are associated with five-year cognitive decline in the elderly population.
Clark C., Gholam M., Zullo L., Kerksiek A., Castelao E., von Gunten A., Preisig M., Lütjohann D., Popp J., 2023/06/16. iScience, 26 (6) p. 106740. Peer-reviewed.
Association between uncertainty regarding right-to-stay and mental health in unaccompanied and separated migrant children (UASC) reaching adulthood: findings from France.
Norton J., Gandubert C., Chaudieu I., Pellissier S., Gaultier S., 2023/06. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 58 (6) pp. 939-948. Peer-reviewed.
Intensive and Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in Severely Depressed Inpatients: A Case Study and Thematic Analysis.
Tzartzas K., de Roten Y., Ambresin G., 2023/06. Psychodynamic psychiatry, 51 (2) pp. 224-240. Peer-reviewed.
Objective polysomnography-based sleep features and major depressive disorder subtypes in the general population.
Solelhac G., Berger M., Strippoli M.F., Marchi N.A., Stephan A., Petit J.M., Bayon V., Imler T., Haba-Rubio J., Raffray T. et al., 2023/06. Psychiatry research, 324 p. 115213. Peer-reviewed.
Therapist effects on outcome: Meaningful differences exist early in training.
Edmondstone Chris, Pascual-Leone Antonio, Soucie Kendall, Kramer Ueli, 2023/05/31. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 17 (2) pp. 149–157.
Evolution of impulsivity levels in relation to early cannabis use in violent patients in the early phase of psychosis
Dan-Glauser Elise, Framorando David, Solida-Tozzi Alessandra, Golay Philippe, Gholam M. Mehdi, Alameda Luis, Conus Philippe, Moulin Valerie, 2023/05. Psychological Medicine, 53 (7) pp. 3210-3219. Peer-reviewed.
Using case formulation for prediction of the therapeutic alliance in treatment for borderline personality disorder.
Kramer U., Ranjbar S., Caspar F., 2023/05. Personality disorders, 14 (3) pp. 347-354. Peer-reviewed.
Topography of associations between cardiovascular risk factors and myelin loss in the ageing human brain.
Trofimova O., Latypova A., DiDomenicantonio G., Lutti A., de Lange A.G., Kliegel M., Stringhini S., Marques-Vidal P., Vaucher J., Vollenweider P. et al., 2023/04/10. Communications biology, 6 (1) p. 392. Peer-reviewed.
Long-Term Consequences of COVID-19: A 1-Year Analysis.
Bamps L., Armenti J.P., Bojan M., Grandbastien B., von Garnier C., Du Pasquier R., Desgranges F., Papadimitriou-Olivgeris M., Alberio L., Preisig M. et al., 2023/04/03. Journal of clinical medicine, 12 (7) p. 2673. Peer-reviewed.
Childhood maltreatment and late-life generalized anxiety disorder: Are personality and attachment characteristics mediators?
Santos Milena Antunes, Jardim Gabriel Behr, Ranjbar Setareh, Gholam Mehdi, Schuster Jean-Pierre, Gomes Irênio, von Gunten Armin, 2023/04. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 12 p. 100514. Peer-reviewed.
Couple therapy with parents: Results from a pragmatic randomized controlled trial testing the Integrative Brief Systemic Intervention (IBSI).
Darwiche J., Antonietti J.P., Nunes C.E., Favez N., Liekmeier E., de Roten Y., 2023/04. Journal of marital and family therapy, 49 (2) pp. 351-369. Peer-reviewed.
O.18.2 - How different dimensions of medical students’ empathy relate to mental health and burnout: Presenter(s): Alexandre Berney, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Sylvie Berney, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Carrard Valerie, Schlegel Katja, Gauma Jacques, Bart Pierre-Alexandre, Preisig Martin, Schmid Mast Marianne, Bourquin Céline, 2023/04/01. Patient Education and Counseling. Peer-reviewed.
Lost in translation? A qualitative study of representations and management of chronic depression in general practice.
Linder A., Widmer D., Fitoussi C., Gagnebin L., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Ambresin G., 2023/03/24. BMC primary care, 24 (1) p. 83. Peer-reviewed.
Processing of Accelerometry Data with GGIR in Motor Activity Research Consortium for Health
Guo Wei, Leroux Andrew, Shou Haochang, Cui Lihong, Kang Sun Jung, Strippoli Marie-Pierre Françoise, Preisig Martin, Zipunnikov Vadim, Merikangas Kathleen Ries, 2023/03/01. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 6 (1) pp. 37-44.
When not teaming up puts parents at risk: Coparenting and parental burnout in dual-parent heterosexual families in Switzerland.
Favez N., Max A., Bader M., Tissot H., 2023/03. Family process, 62 (1) pp. 272-286. Peer-reviewed.
Consommation de cannabis et impulsivité dans les comportements violents [Cannabis use and impulsivity in violent behaviour]
Moulin V., Framorando D., 2023/02. L'Encephale, 49 (1) pp. 97-99. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress before, during, and after a COVID-19 pandemic wave in Switzerland, 2021.
Schrempft S., Pullen N., Baysson H., Wisniak A., Zaballa M.E., Pennacchio F., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P., Preisig M., Guessous I. et al., 2023/02. Journal of psychiatric research, 158 pp. 192-201. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of integrating emotion focused components into psychological therapy: A randomized controlled trial.
Caspar F., Berger T., Holtforth M.G., Babl A., Heer S., Lin M., Stähli A., Gomez Penedo J.M., Holstein D., Egenolf Y. et al., 2023/02. Journal of clinical psychology, 79 (2) pp. 296-315. Peer-reviewed.
Change processes in psychotherapy for patients presenting with histrionic personality disorder.
Babl A., Gómez Penedo J.M., Berger T., Schneider N., Sachse R., Kramer U., 2023/01. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30 (1) pp. 64-72. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of expressed self-contempt in psychotherapy: an exploratory study
Beuchat Hélène, Grandjean Loris, Junod Nastia, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Pascual-Leone Antonio, Martin-Sölch Chantal, Kramer Ueli, 2023. Counselling Psychology Quarterly.
Individual Placement and Support effectiveness for personality disorders compared with other mental disorders: A retrospective study
Dunand N., Golay P., Bonsack C., Spagnoli D., Pomini V., 2023. Swiss Archives for Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 174 (1) pp. 20-25. Peer-reviewed.
Interactive synchrony and infants' vagal tone as an index of emotion regulation: associations within each mother- and father-infant dyad and across dyads.
Puglisi N., Favez N., Rattaz V., Epiney M., Razurel C., Tissot H., 2023. Frontiers in psychology, 14 p. 1299041. Peer-reviewed.
Klärungsorientierte Psychotherapie von Persönlichkeitsstörungen
Sachse Rainer, Kramer Ueli, 2023., Hogrefe.
Network analysis of the associations between personality traits, cognitive functioning, and inflammatory markers in elderly individuals without dementia.
Bastelica T., Lespine L.F., Rouch I., Tadri M., Dorey J.M., Strippoli M.F., d'Amato T., von Gunten A., Preisig M., Rey R., 2023. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 15 p. 1093323. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship Between Effort-Reward Imbalance, Over-Commitment and Occupational Burnout in the General Population: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Shoman Y., Ranjbar S., Strippoli M.P., von Känel R., Preisig M., Guseva Canu I., 2023. International journal of public health, 68 p. 1606160. Peer-reviewed.
Social construction of the image of the psychologist and of the patient: the role of implicit premises.
Convertini J., Luciani M., 2023. Frontiers in psychology, 14 p. 1233091. Peer-reviewed.
The first session matters: Therapist responsiveness and the therapeutic alliance in the treatment of borderline personality disorder.
Culina I., Fiscalini E., Martin-Soelch C., Kramer U., 2023/01. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 30 (1) pp. 131-140. Peer-reviewed.
The influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on infants' physiological regulation during mother-father-infant interactions in Switzerland.
Rattaz Valentine, Tissot Hervé, Puglisi Nilo, Epiney Manuela, Razurel Chantal, Favez Nicolas, 2023/01. Infancy, 28 (1) pp. 56-70. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotic features, particularly mood incongruence, as a hallmark of severity of bipolar I disorder.
Elowe J., Vallat J., Castelao E., Strippoli M.F., Gholam M., Ranjbar S., Glaus J., Merikangas K., Lavigne B., Marquet P. et al., 2022/12/18. International journal of bipolar disorders, 10 (1) p. 31. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep spindles in people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders or bipolar disorders: a pilot study in a general population-based cohort.
Petit J.M., Strippoli M.F., Stephan A., Ranjbar S., Haba-Rubio J., Solelhac G., Heinzer R., Preisig M., Siclari F., Do K.Q., 2022/12/03. BMC psychiatry, 22 (1) p. 758. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship between medical students' empathy, mental health, and burnout: A cross-sectional study.
Carrard V., Bourquin C., Berney S., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Bart P.A., Preisig M., Schmid Mast M., Berney A., 2022/12. Medical teacher, 44 (12) pp. 1392-1399. Peer-reviewed.
Associations Between Life-Course Socioeconomic Conditions and the Pace of Aging.
Schrempft S., Belsky D.W., Draganski B., Kliegel M., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P., Preisig M., Stringhini S., 2022/11/21. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 77 (11) pp. 2257-2264. Peer-reviewed.
The utility of physiological measures in assessing psychosocial and inhibitory capacities of violent offenders
Translational Forensics (eds.), 2022/11/13..
Addressing interpersonal patterns in patients with personality disorders partially explains psychotherapy outcome via changes in interaction patterns: A mediation analysis.
Babl A., Berger T., Eubanks C.F., Gómez Penedo J.M., Caspar F., Sachse R., Kramer U., 2022/11. Psychotherapy research, 32 (8) pp. 984-994. Peer-reviewed.
Future Challenges in Psychotherapy Research for Personality Disorders.
Kramer U., Eubanks C.F., Bertsch K., Herpertz S.C., McMain S., Mehlum L., Renneberg B., Zimmermann J., 2022/11. Current psychiatry reports, 24 (11) pp. 613-622. Peer-reviewed.
The personality traits activity, self-reproach, and negative affect jointly predict clinical recurrence, depressive symptoms, and low quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease patients.
Jordi SBU, Lang B.M., Wyss J., Auschra B., Yilmaz B., Krupka N., Greuter T., Schreiner P., Biedermann L., Preisig M. et al., 2022/11. Journal of gastroenterology, 57 (11) pp. 848-866. Peer-reviewed.
Uncovering the genetic architecture of broad antisocial behavior through a genome-wide association study meta-analysis.
Tielbeek J.J., Uffelmann E., Williams B.S., Colodro-Conde L., Gagnon É., Mallard T.T., Levitt B.E., Jansen P.R., Johansson A., Sallis H.M. et al., 2022/11. Molecular psychiatry, 27 (11) pp. 4453-4463. Peer-reviewed.
Associations between anxiety disorders and diet quality in a Swiss cohort study.
Richard A., Rohrmann S., Pestoni G., Strippoli M.F., Lasserre A., Marques-Vidal P., Preisig M., Vandeleur C.L., 2022/10. Comprehensive psychiatry, 118 p. 152344. Peer-reviewed.
Weighting, Informativeness and Causal Inference, with an Application to Rainfall Enhancement
Chambers Ray, Ranjbar Setareh, Salvati Nicola, Pacini Barbara, 2022/10/01. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, 185 (4) pp. 1584-1612.
Brief psychiatric treatment for borderline personality disorder as a first step of care: Adapting general psychiatric management to a 10-session intervention.
Kramer U., Kolly S., Charbon P., Ilagan G.S., Choi-Kain L.W., 2022/09. Personality disorders, 13 (5) pp. 516-526. Peer-reviewed.
The emotional underpinnings of personality pathology: Implications for psychotherapy.
Kramer U., Timulak L., 2022/09. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 29 (3) pp. 275-286.
Calling situated: a survey among medical students supplemented by a qualitative study and a comparison with a surveyed sample of physicians.
Bonvin S., Stiefel F., Gholam M., Bourquin C., 2022/08/15. BMC medical education, 22 (1) p. 619. Peer-reviewed.
CYP2C19 expression modulates affective functioning and hippocampal subiculum volume-a large single-center community-dwelling cohort study.
Grosu C., Trofimova O., Gholam-Rezaee M., Strippoli M.F., Kherif F., Lutti A., Preisig M., Draganski B., Eap C.B., 2022/08/05. Translational psychiatry, 12 (1) p. 316. Peer-reviewed.
Investigating the Links Between Performers' Self-Compassion, Mental Toughness and Their Social Environment: A Semi-Systematic Review
Kosirnik Celine, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Pomini Valentino, 2022/07/14. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. Peer-reviewed.
Calling: Never seen before or heard of – A survey among Swiss physicians
Simões Morgado Laura, Stiefel Friedrich, Gholam Mehdi, Bourquin Céline, 2022/06/21. Work, 72 (2) pp. 657-665. Peer-reviewed.
Differential and shared genetic effects on kidney function between diabetic and non-diabetic individuals.
Winkler T.W., Rasheed H., Teumer A., Gorski M., Rowan B.X., Stanzick K.J., Thomas L.F., Tin A., Hoppmann A., Chu A.Y. et al., 2022/06/13. Communications biology, 5 (1) p. 580. Peer-reviewed.
Ecological momentary assessment of emotional processing: An exploratory analysis comparing daily life and a psychotherapy analogue session
Beuchat H., Grandjean L., Despland JN, Pascual-Leone A., Gholam M., Swendsen J., Kramer U., 2022/06. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 22 (2) pp. 345-356.
Effects of psychotropic switches on weight change: a prospective cohort study
Piras M., Ranjbar S., Dubath C., Laaboub N., Grosu C., Gamma F., Von Plessen K., Von Gunten A., Conus P., Eap C., 2022/06. pp. S731-S731 dans European Psychiatry.
Incidence et prédicteurs des réactions péri-traumatiques dans une population algérienne face à la COVID-19 [Incidence and predictors of peri-traumatic reactions in an Algerian population faced with COVID-19]
Djillali S., Ouandelous N.N., Zouani N., Crettaz Von Roten F., de Roten Y., 2022/06. Annales medico-psychologiques, 180 (6) pp. S23-S28. Peer-reviewed.
Parents in couple therapy: An intervention targeting marital and coparenting relationships.
Darwiche J., Carneiro C., Vaudan C., Imesch C., Eira Nunes C., Favez N., de Roten Y., 2022/06. Family process, 61 (2) pp. 490-506. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics of parasympathetic activity in violent incarcerated offenders before, during, and in recovery from an emotional inhibition task.
Palix J., Gillespie S.M., Abbiati M., Abu-Akel A., 2022/05/03. Scientific reports, 12 (1) p. 7126. Peer-reviewed.
Associations between parent-infant interactions, cortisol and vagal regulation in infants, and socioemotional outcomes: A systematic review.
Rattaz V., Puglisi N., Tissot H., Favez N., 2022/05. Infant behavior & development, 67 p. 101687. Peer-reviewed.
Healthcare use for major depressive disorders among middle-aged and older adults in the community.
Schuster J.P., Strippoli M.F., Hoertel N., Marques-Vidal P., Vandeleur C.L., Limosin F., Preisig M., von Gunten A., 2022/05. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 57 (5) pp. 953-961. Peer-reviewed.
Lessening of the pervasiveness of interpersonal patterns in borderline personality disorder explains symptom decrease after treatment: A process analysis
Kramer Ueli, Beuchat Hélène, Grandjean Loris, Seragnoli Federico, Djillali Slimane, Choffat Chloe, George Elisa, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Kolly Stéphane, Roten Yves, 2022/05. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78 (5) pp. 772-784.
Lessening of the pervasiveness of interpersonal patterns in borderline personality disorder explains symptom decrease after treatment: A process analysis
Kramer Ueli, Beuchat Hélène, Grandjean Loris, Seragnoli Federico, Djillali Slimane, Choffat Chloe, George Elisa, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Kolly Stéphane, Roten Yves, 2022/05. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78 (5) pp. 772-784.
Lessening of the pervasiveness of interpersonal patterns in borderline personality disorder explains symptom decrease after treatment: A process analysis.
Kramer U., Beuchat H., Grandjean L., Seragnoli F., Djillali S., Choffat C., George E., Despland J.N., Kolly S., de Roten Y., 2022/05. Journal of clinical psychology, 78 (5) pp. 772-784. Peer-reviewed.
Complications neurologiques du virus SARS-CoV-2.
Lejay N., Allali G., 2022/04/27. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (779) pp. 855-856. Peer-reviewed.
Supporting People having Lost a Close Person by Bereavement or Separation: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Two French-Language Internet Interventions
Debrot Anik, Kheyar Maya, Efinger Liliane, Berthoud Laurent, Pomini Valentino, 2022/04/26. JMIR Research Protocols. Peer-reviewed.
Environmental factors in offspring of parents with mood disorders and their role in parent-child transmission: findings from a 14-year prospective high-risk study.
Moulin F., Gholam M., Strippoli M.F., Castelao E., Merikangas K.R., Stapp E.K., Marquet P., Aubry J.M., Plessen K.J., Di Giacomo F. et al., 2022/04/06. International journal of bipolar disorders, 10 (1) p. 11. Peer-reviewed.
Facteurs individuels et contextuels participant à l’apparition de comportements violents en cours d’hospitalisations psychiatriques [Individual and contextual factors associated with violent behaviours during psychiatric hospitalizations]
Camus D., Gholam M., Conus P., Bonsack C., Gasser J., Moulin V., 2022/04. L'Encephale, 48 (2) pp. 155-162. Peer-reviewed.
The ICD-11 classification of personality disorders: a European perspective on challenges and opportunities.
Bach B., Kramer U., Doering S., di Giacomo E., Hutsebaut J., Kaera A., De Panfilis C., Schmahl C., Swales M., Taubner S. et al., 2022/04/01. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation, 9 (1) p. 12. Peer-reviewed.
Change in emotional processing in daily life: relationship with in-session self-esteem
Kramer U., Beuchat H., Grandjean L., Despland JN, Pascual-Leone A., 2022/03/18. Counselling Psychology Quarterly pp. 1-16.
Case formulation of interpersonal patterns and its impact on the therapeutic process: Introduction to the issue.
Critchfield K.L., Gazzillo F., Kramer U., 2022/03. Journal of clinical psychology, 78 (3) pp. 379-385. Peer-reviewed.
How Plan Analysis can inform the construction of a therapeutic relationship.
Kramer U., Fisher S., Zilcha-Mano S., 2022/03. Journal of clinical psychology, 78 (3) pp. 422-435. Peer-reviewed.
Observational study of suicide in Switzerland: comparison between psychiatric in- and outpatients.
Stauffacher M. W. D., Stiefel F., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., 2022/02/28. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30140. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of night and shift work on metabolic syndrome and its components: a cross-sectional study in an active middle-to-older-aged population-based sample.
Bayon V., Berger M., Solelhac G., Haba-Rubio J., Marques-Vidal P., Strippoli M.P., Preisig M., Leger D., Heinzer R., 2022/02/15. BMJ open, 12 (2) pp. e053591. Peer-reviewed.
Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors.
Mullins N., Kang J., Campos A.I., Coleman JRI, Edwards A.C., Galfalvy H., Levey D.F., Lori A., Shabalin A., Starnawska A. et al., 2022/02/01. Biological psychiatry, 91 (3) pp. 313-327. Peer-reviewed.
Short-term and long-term effects of major depressive disorder subtypes on obesity markers and impact of sex on these associations.
Ottino C., Strippoli M.F., Gholam M., Lasserre A.M., Vandeleur C.L., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P., Clair C., Preisig M., 2022/01/15. Journal of affective disorders, 297 pp. 570-578. Peer-reviewed.
Childhood adversity patterns differentially cluster with mental disorders and socioeconomic indicators in a large Swiss community sample.
Xu Y., Ajdacic-Gross V., Müller M., Buadze A., Seifritz E., Kleim B., von Känel R., Wagner E.N., Strippoli M.F., Castelao E. et al., 2022/01. Comprehensive psychiatry, 112 p. 152282. Peer-reviewed.
Examination of the importance of anger/irritability and limited prosocial emotion/callous-unemotional traits to understand externalizing symptoms and adjustment problems in adolescence: A 10-year longitudinal study.
Urben S., Habersaat S., Palix J., Fegert J.M., Schmeck K., Bürgin D., Seker S., Boonmann C., Schmid M., 2022. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 p. 939603. Peer-reviewed.
Exploration dimensionnelle des interactions sexualité/handicap psychique. Exemple d'application dans le champ de la psychose schizophrénique
Miele C., Lacambre M., Moulin V., 2022/01. Sexologies, 31 (1) pp. 61-69.
Le nouveau défi des services destinés aux personnes présentant un premier épisode de psychose : intégrer des interventions pour prévenir et réduire les agressions physiques [New challenge for services for people with a first episode of psychosis: To integrate interventions to prevent and reduce physical aggression]
Hodgins S., Moulin V., 2022. Sante mentale au Quebec, 47 (1) pp. 87-109. Peer-reviewed.
Pratique expertale et mineurs : résultats d'une enquête nationale
Palix Julie, Abbiati Milena, Wouters Emilie, Seker Süheyla, Aebi Marcel, Boonmann Cyril, 2022. Jusletter 1100.
Réussir son mémoire en psychologie. Elaboration et rédaction du travail d’études et de recherche
Courtois R., Adrien J.-L., Allain P., Bailly N., Bouvard M., Dionne C., Fouquereau E., Joyal C., Kramer U., Le Corff Y. et al., 2022., DeBoeck Supérieur.
Sex-Dependent Shared and Nonshared Genetic Architecture Across Mood and Psychotic Disorders.
Blokland GAM, Grove J., Chen C.Y., Cotsapas C., Tobet S., Handa R., Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, St Clair D., Lencz T., Mowry B.J. et al., 2022/01/01. Biological psychiatry, 91 (1) pp. 102-117. Peer-reviewed.
The Link Between Cannabis Use and Violent Behavior in the Early Phase of Psychosis: The Potential Role of Impulsivity.
Moulin V., Framorando D., Gasser J., Dan-Glauser E., 2022. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 p. 746287. Peer-reviewed.
The Utility of Physiological Measures in Assessing the Empathic Skills of Incarcerated Violent Offenders.
Palix J., Abu-Akel A., Moulin V., Abbiati M., Gasser J., Hasler C., Marcot D., Mohr C., Dan-Glauser E., 2022/01. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 66 (1) pp. 98-122. Peer-reviewed.
“Strike while the iron is hot”: Increased arousal anticipates unmet needs
Nardone Stephanie, Pascual-Leone Antonio, Kramer Ueli, 2022. Counselling Psychology Quarterly pp. 1-19.
Recherche extra-clinique en psychanalyse : cadre conceptuel et exemple de recherche
Ambresin Gilles, 2021/12/06. Psychothérapies, Vol. 41 (4) pp. 187-198.
Study protocol for the ETMED-L project: longitudinal study of mental health and interpersonal competence of medical students in a Swiss university using a comprehensive framework of empathy.
Berney A., Carrard V., Berney S., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Gholam M., Bart P.A., Preisig M., Wac K., Schmid Mast M. et al., 2021/12/03. BMJ open, 11 (12) pp. e053070. Peer-reviewed.
Pratiques et réflexivité des psychiatres-psychothérapeutes dans le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la dépression chronique
Linder Audrey, Widmer Daniel, Burguburu Antoine, Von Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2021/12. L'information psychiatrique, 97 (10) pp. 849-855. Peer-reviewed.
Transcriptome-based polygenic score links depression-related corticolimbic gene expression changes to sex-specific brain morphology and depression risk.
Miles A.E., Dos Santos F.C., Byrne E.M., Renteria M.E., McIntosh A.M., Adams M.J., Pistis G., Castelao E., Preisig M., Baune B.T. et al., 2021/12. Neuropsychopharmacology, 46 (13) pp. 2304-2311. Peer-reviewed.
Diurnal Salivary Cortisol in Sarcopenic Postmenopausal Women: The OsteoLaus Cohort.
Gonzalez Rodriguez E., Marques-Vidal P., Aubry-Rozier B., Papadakis G., Preisig M., Kuehner C., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Hans D., Lamy O., 2021/11. Calcified tissue international, 109 (5) pp. 499-509. Peer-reviewed.
French Adaptation of the Coparenting Relationship Scale : A Scale for the Assessment of the Interparental Relationship
Favez Nicolas, Tissot Hervé, Golay Philippe, Max Aline, Feinberg Mark E., Bader Michel, 2021/11. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37 (6) pp. 433-439. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotherapeutic case formulation: Plan analysis for narcissistic personality disorder.
Grandjean L., Hummel J., Wyer D., Beuchat H., Caspar F., Sachse R., Berger T., Kramer U., 2021/11. Personality and mental health, 15 (4) pp. 309-316. Peer-reviewed.
Poster "Self-compassion and the performer's environment: A winning combo for wellbeing in the performing arts and artistic sports" - International Symposium on Performance Science, 2021
Kosirnik Céline, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Pomini Valentino, 2021/10/28..
Should “Good enough” healthcare network management be considered as a key element of borderline personality disorder treatment?
Mognetti Pierre-Frédéric, Kolly Stéphane, Kramer Ueli, Conus Philippe, 2021/10/20. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 172 (5).
Family Alliance in Infancy and Toddlerhood Predicts Social Cognition in Adolescence
Tissot Hervé, Lapalus Noémie, Frascarolo France, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Favez Nicolas, 2021/10/08. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Peer-reviewed.
And if we had to do it all over again, would we send medical students to the emergency departments during a pandemic? Lessons learned from the COVID-19 outbreak.
Pelaccia T., Sibilia J., Fels É., Gauer L., Musanda A., Severac F., Abbiati M., 2021/10. Internal and emergency medicine, 16 (7) pp. 1967-1974. Peer-reviewed.
Development and validation of a risk calculator for major mood disorders among the offspring of bipolar parents using information collected in routine clinical practice.
Keown-Stoneman CDG, Goodday S.M., Preisig M., Vandeleur C., Castelao E., Grof P., Horrocks J., King N., Duffy A., 2021/09. EClinicalMedicine, 39 p. 101083. Peer-reviewed.
Subtypes of narcissistic personality disorder based on psychotherapy process: A longitudinal nonparametric analysis.
Kramer U., Gholam M., Maillard P., Kolly S., Püschel O., Sachse R., 2021/09. Personality disorders, 12 (5) pp. 400-410. Peer-reviewed.
Associations of job strain and family strain with risk of major depressive episode: A prospective cohort study in U.S. working men and women.
Matthews T.A., Robbins W., Preisig M., von Känel R., Li J., 2021/08. Journal of psychosomatic research, 147 p. 110541. Peer-reviewed.
Does Cognitive Functioning Predict Chronic Pain in Older Adult? Results From the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus Longitudinal Study.
Rouch I., Dorey J.M., Strippoli M.F., Gholam M., Marques-Vidal P., Laurent B., von Gunten A., Preisig M., 2021/08. The journal of pain, 22 (8) pp. 905-913. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with subjective cognitive decline in dementia-free older adults-A population-based study.
Zullo L., Clark C., Gholam M., Castelao E., von Gunten A., Preisig M., Popp J., 2021/08. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 36 (8) pp. 1188-1196. Peer-reviewed.
Comment prendre en charge la ­dépression chronique?
Widmer Daniel, Fitoussi Claire, Linder Audrey, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2021/07/06. Primary and hospital care: médecine interne générale. Peer-reviewed.
Self-Contempt, the Working Alliance and Outcome in Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder: An Exploratory Study.
Sallin L., Geissbüehler I., Grandjean L., Beuchat H., Martin-Soelch C., Pascual-Leone A., Kramer U., 2021/07. Psychotherapy research, 31 (6) pp. 765-777. Peer-reviewed.
Therapist responsiveness in treatments for personality disorders
Kramer Ueli, 2021/06/30. dans The responsive psychotherapist: Attuning to clients in the moment, J. C. Watson & H. Wiseman.
Poster - Journées d'études de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport (SFPS) 2021 - L'auto-compassion et l'entourage d'un performer : apports d’une méthodologie mixte
Kosirnik Céline, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Pomini Valentino, 2021/06/11..
Backtracing persistent biomarker shifts to the age of onset: A novel procedure applied to men's and women's white blood cell counts in post-traumatic stress disorder
Ajdacic-Gross Vladeta, Ajdacic Lena, Xu Yanhua, Müller Mario, Rodgers Stephanie, Wyss Christine, Olbrich Sebastian, Buadze Anna, Seifritz Erich, Wagner En-Young N. et al., 2021/06. Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry, 4 p. 100030. Peer-reviewed.
Brain tissue properties link cardio-vascular risk factors, mood and cognitive performance in the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus epidemiological cohort.
Trofimova O., Loued-Khenissi L., DiDomenicantonio G., Lutti A., Kliegel M., Stringhini S., Marques-Vidal P., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Preisig M. et al., 2021/06. Neurobiology of aging, 102 pp. 50-63. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of Childhood Maltreatment in Borderline Personality Disorder on Treatment Response to Intensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
Euler S., Stalujanis E., Lindenmeyer H.J., Nicastro R., Kramer U., Perroud N., Weibel S., 2021/06. Journal of personality disorders, 35 (3) pp. 428-446. Peer-reviewed.
The association between genetically determined ABO blood types and major depressive disorder.
Garvert L., Baune B.T., Berger K., Boomsma D.I., Breen G., Greinacher A., Hamilton S.P., Levinson D.F., Lewis C.M., Lucae S. et al., 2021/05. Psychiatry research, 299 p. 113837. Peer-reviewed.
Shared parental care in the first 18 months as a context for sensitivity and coparenting
Favez Nicolas, Tissot Hervé, Frascarolo France, 2021/04/03. Journal of Family Studies, 27 (2) pp. 215-230. Peer-reviewed.
State of the psychoanalytic nation: Switzerland
Herrera Fabrice, Reith Bernard, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2021/04/03. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 35 (2) pp. 89-107.
Emotions in clinical practice. Second edition
Kramer Ueli, Beuchat Hélène, Grandjean Loris, 2021/04/01. dans Handbook of Emotion Measurement, H. Meiselman.
Mapping grip force to motor networks.
Weitnauer L., Frisch S., Melie-Garcia L., Preisig M., Schroeter M.L., Sajfutdinow I., Kherif F., Draganski B., 2021/04/01. NeuroImage, 229 p. 117735. Peer-reviewed.
Psychopathological precursors of the onset of mood disorders in offspring of parents with and without mood disorders: results of a 13-year prospective cohort high-risk study.
Rudaz D., Vandeleur C.L., Gholam M., Castelao E., Strippoli M.F., Marquet P., Aubry J.M., Merikangas K.R., Preisig M., 2021/04. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 62 (4) pp. 404-413. Peer-reviewed.
Retrospectively assessed trajectories of PTSD symptoms and their subsequent comorbidities.
Xu Y., Vandeleur C., Müller M., Seifritz E., Kleim B., von Känel R., Wagner E.N., Strippoli M.F., Castelao E., Gholamrezaee M.M. et al., 2021/04. Journal of psychiatric research, 136 pp. 71-79. Peer-reviewed.
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