Institute of Social Sciences

Projects and contracts |


Projects FNS

2010 - 2013 (36 mois)
Applicant : Le Feuvre Nicky
Other partners : Kuehni Morgane, Rosende Magdalena

Other modernities patrimony and Pratices of Visual Expresion Outside the West Budget global
2013 - 2016 (36 mois)
Applicant : Maffi Irene
Other partners : Terry Critian, Mobio Francis

Contribution de décharge EB-FR 33-09
2009 - 2012 (48 mois)
Applicant : F. Butera
Other partners : A. Quiamzade

PNR 60 Professional aspirations and orientations of girls and boys towards the end of compulsory school: what determinants for more equality? Financed by the National Research Programme "Gender Equality" (NRP 60) of the SNF
2010 - 2013 (36 mois)
Applicant : Dominique Joye
Other partners : Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, Lavinia Gianettoni, Carolilna Carvalho Arruda, Dinah Gross, Edith Guilley, Elisabeth Isaeiva Moubarak Nahra, Karin Müller
In Switzerland, the professional aspirations of girls and boys are still gender related: they are oriented according to the idea that there are male and female occupations. This research project is based on a survey among pupils in secondary schools, their parents and their teachers, and on semi-structured interviews with careers guidance counsellors and other professionals of occupational orientation. The aim is to determine the different causes of these differences - which contribute to the (re)production of gender inequalities - in order to better identify effective tools to prevent it.

Our main hypothesis is that institutional - social capital and the education system, for example - along with psychosocial factors work together in the reproduction of sexual roles and identities, and contribute, in turn, to the « sexual division of occupational orientation ».

Family Times
2010 - 2013 (36 mois)
Applicant : Jacques-Antoine Gauthier
Other partners : Dominique Joye, Eric Widmer, Gaëlle Aeby, Pierre-Alain Roch
Family trajectories and social networks: a configurational perspective of the life course

The Family tiMes survey ( focuses on important changes, but also on continuities that are specific to family, relational and occupational life courses of individuals belonging to the birth cohorts of 1950-1955 and 1970-1975. For each respective cohort, a sample of 400 individuals, representative of the Swiss residential population, has been interviewed. Ego-network and sequence analysis will be employed. This study has been developed in collaboration with Karin Wall and colleagues from the University of Lisbon. The same research design has been applied to a comparable population in Portugal in 2010 and will allow international comparisons.

Sexe, classe, race et caste: intersectionnalité des rapports sociaux
2009 - 2013 (36 mois)
Applicant : Patricia Roux
Other partners : Sabine Masson, Christine Verschuur, Kaveri Ishwar Haritas, Rose-Myrlie Joseph

2011 - 2014 (41 mois)
Applicant : Kraus Cynthia. Co-requérant: Vincent Barras
Other partners : Gumy Christel (doctorante FNS)

100014-122379/1 - rep. 26042182
2009 - 2012 (36 mois)
Applicant : F. Butera
Other partners : Lastrego Simona - Colpaert Lucie

2009 - 2012 (36 mois)
Applicant : François-Xavier Merrien
Other partners : Antoine Kernen

100014-122407/1 - rep. 26042198

Applicant : Eva Green
Other partners : O. Sarrasin

2009 - 2012 (36 mois)
Applicant : Antoine Kernen

101514-118232/1 - rep. 26042187
2007 - 2010 (24 mois)
Applicant : C. Staerklé
Other partners : Scheidegger Régis

105513-121166/1 - rep. 26042188
2009 - 2011 (36 mois)
Applicant : c. Staerklé
Other partners : Likki T. Scheidegger R.

Professeur gymnase VD
2010 - 2011 (12 mois)
Applicant : Farinaz Fassa Recrosio

2010 - 2013 (30 mois)
Applicant : Farinaz Fassa Recrosio

2011 - 2013 (24 mois)
Applicant : B. Dompnier
Other partners : Smeding A. Meier E.

Recherche sur les facteurs déterminant la menace des compétences
2013 - 2015 (36 mois)
Applicant : Fabrizio Butera
Other partners : F. Autin - A. Batruch

100013-116695 - rep. 26042096
2007 - 2011 (36 mois)
Applicant : Fabrizio Butera
Other partners : Hayek Anne-Sophie

The desire to learn as a self-presentation tool? Paradoxical effects of mastery goals in academic achievement
2011 - 2013
Applicant : Benoît Dompnier, Fabrizio Butera
Other partners : Bernard Baumberger (HEP-V)
CHF 281'099

2010 - 2013 (36 mois)
Applicant : F. Butera
Other partners : Caroline Pulfrey

10FI13_133957/1 SELECTS
2011 - 2015 (24 mois)
Applicant : Eva Green
Other partners : Baur Robert

European Programs

REPRO Employment uncertainty, fertility intentions and transition to parenthood
2009 - 2011 (18 mois)
Applicant : Laura Bernardi
Other partners : Doris Hanappi, Valérie-Anne Ryser, Jean-Marie Le Goff
Employment and fertility intentions are fundamental mechanisms in the social fabric, and the relationship between them can have profound, long-term effects on a variety of institutions, including the education system, the family (childrearing, care for the elderly), and the labor market itself. In postindustrial societies, empirical evidence shows that there is a strong association between employment uncertainty and the formation and realization of fertility intentions, but this has not yet been systematically examined in the Swiss context. In this project, we examine the impact of precariousness as manifestation of such uncertainty on fertility intentions, drawing on panel data (e.g. Swiss Household Panel data). We are especially interested in the age and gender-specific effects of multiple, combined indicators of precariousness on stability or change of intentions. Our research links the study of fertility intentions and their realization to the precariousness debate paralleling recent labor market reforms, and thereby advances knowledge about the demographic response to market flexibilization and economic turbulence. Methodologically, it advances the modeling of employment uncertainty to gain a more differentiated understanding of its effects on reproductive decision-making.

FamiliesAndSocieties-320116 exploitation
2013 - 2017
FamiliesAndSocieties - Changing families and sustainable societies: Policy contexts and diversity over the life course and across generations

POCARIM - 290770 - Exploitation
2012 - 2014 (30 mois)
Applicant : Vinck Dominique
Other partners : Zarama Gloria et Herkog Metka

Gendring the Academy and Research:combating Career Instability and Asymmetries
2014 - 2017 (36 mois)
Applicant : Le Feuvre Nicky
Other partners : Sabine Kradolfer, Farinaz Fassa, Gaële Goastellec, Maria De Rio Carral, Michaël Posse
The GARCIA Project is concerned with the implementation of actions in European Universities and research centres to promote a gender culture and combat gender stereotypes and discriminations. The project runs from February 2014 to January 2017.

By taking into account the involved organisations, but also their broader national context, this project aims to develop and maintain research potential and skills of both, women and men researchers, in order to sustain the quality of their working conditions.

Particular attention is given to the early stages of academic and scientific career. The project focuses on both, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities) disciplines to assure that the aim of transforming academia and research towards a more gender equal environment can be extended to all levels of the institution by putting into practice the best systemic organisational approaches.

Macro, meso and micro level analyses will be followed by the implementation of action plans, which are mainly directed to: gender regimes; awareness raising on gendered practices; gender equality in management and decision making; the phenomenon of Leaky Pipeline; the implicit gendered subtexts in evaluating excellence.

Others projects

LARC - rep. 26047824
2009 - 2009
grant-giving organisation : LARC, Delémont
Applicant : René Knüsel

Enfance Tessin
2010 - 2010 (6 mois)
grant-giving organisation : Divisione dell'azione sociale e delle famiglie (DASF) (Switzerland)
Applicant : Jean-Marie Le Goff, Francesco Giudici
Other partners : Nora Dasoki

Coopération nationale: second projet de Coopération CUS 2008-2012
2008 - 2012 (48 mois)
grant-giving organisation : CUS, leading house Université de Bâle (Switzerland)
Applicant : Patricia Roux
Other partners : Damien Michelet, Magali Delaloye

ELderly Nestec
2011 - 2013
grant-giving organisation : Nestec SA (Switzerland)
Applicant : Alain Clémence
Other partners : Gilles Ingrid - Nelly Courvoisier
A Social and Human Sciences project focused on the lifespan and the ageing representations studied via individual's food experiences in France, Germany, China and Russia

Egalité femmes hommes - rep. 26047816
2008 - 2010 (17 mois)
grant-giving organisation : Bureau de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, Vaud (Switzerland)
Applicant : Farinaz Fassa Recrosio

Université d'été en sociologie
2009 - 2012 (36 mois)
grant-giving organisation : Reseau international d'écoles doctorales entièrement ou partiellement francophones (Switzerland)
Applicant : André Petitat

REUNIL - rep. 26047338
grant-giving organisation : rectorat+SSP+Bureau de l'Egalité (Switzerland)

Fonds de recherche
Applicant : Ilario Rossi

CRUS-Cotutelle thèse Schick-rep.26047737
grant-giving organisation : CRUS (Switzerland)

Analyse des exp. personnes vécu perte
2011 - 2012 (12 mois)
grant-giving organisation : EERV - Eglise évangélique réformée du Canton de Vaud (Switzerland)
Applicant : EERV

Mesures d'ins. sociales "mis bas seuil"
2010 - 2011 (10 mois)
grant-giving organisation : Département de la santé et de l'action sociale, Vaud (Switzerland)
Applicant : Knüsel René

Mauvais Traitements - rep. 26047810
grant-giving organisation : Fondation BCV (Switzerland)
Applicant : René Knüsel

Fonds de recherche - rep. 26047539
Applicant : F. Butera

Développement Myths in Practise
2010 - 2011
grant-giving organisation : SNIS (Switzerland)
Applicant : François-Xavier Merrien

Fonds de Recherche
grant-giving organisation : Divers
Applicant : eva Green

Observ. maltraitance - rep. 26047812
grant-giving organisation : Fondation BCV (Switzerland)
Applicant : René Knüsel

Recherche diverses sur mandat
2010 - 2010
grant-giving organisation : Société vaudoise des médecins (Switzerland)
Applicant : François-Xavier Merrien

Analyse Résiste
2011 - 2011
grant-giving organisation : Association interjurassienne de prévention du suicide

Ligue Fribourgeoise Cancer -rep.26047771
2008 - 2008
grant-giving organisation : DSAS Fribourg
Applicant : René Knüsel

OFSP/Détection précoce - rep. 26047785
2008 - 2009
grant-giving organisation : OFSP, Berne
Applicant : René Knüsel

The impact of plant closure in manufacturing on displaced workers' trajectories
2011 - 2013 (21 mois)
grant-giving organisation : SECO (Switzerland)
Applicant : Daniel Oesch
Other partners : Isabel Baumann
This project examines the social and economic consequences of the closure of five large manufacturing plants in Switzerland for displaced workers' lives. The question addressed is how this has affected their occupational trajectories. The empirical analysis is based on a sample of 1000 workers who fill out a questionnaire two years after plant closure. The first goal is to find out if and where these displaced workers have found a job. The second goal is to know whether plant closure was accompanied by downward social mobility in terms of occupation and earnings: were displaced workers able to maintain their living standards or did plant closure leave a durable scar? Finally, the project wishes to identify both the categories of workers that succeeded in making the transition to an equivalent job and the categories of workers that lost out from plant closure.

Social networks and access to a job for the unemployed
2011 - 2014
grant-giving organisation : LIVES programme, SECO (Switzerland)
Other partners : Patrick Arni, Giuliano Bonoli, Rafael Lalive, Daniel Oesch, Nicolas Turtschi
This project is part of the LIVES-programme and empirically analyzes the role of social networks in getting a job. More precisely, it examines how networks can help the unemployed find jobs. The empirical analysis is based on a sample of all individuals newly registered as unemployed in the Canton of Vaud over a two-month period (February and March 2012). These unemployed people are asked to fill in two questionnaires on their social contacts and their job-search strategy at the very beginning and the end of their unemployment spell. Our hypothesis is that social networks not only serve as an important channel through which to leave unemployment, but also one that is not fully exploited. By shedding light on how social networks can help - or hinder - the unemployed in finding their way back into the labour market, the project aims to improve our understanding of a particularly critical transition in the life course.

Contracts and Mandates

Contrat quadriennal du Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale de Grenoble-Chambéry (four-year funding for the Laboratory)

1999 - 2002
grant-giving organisation : Ministère délégué à la recherche et aux nouvelles technologies (French Ministry of Research) (France)
Applicant : Fabrizio Butera, as Director of the Laboratory
FF 301'000

Competence threat: focusing and decentring mechanisms in learning

2003 - 2006
grant-giving organisation : Ministère délégué à la recherche et aux nouvelles technologies, Fonds National de la Science, programme Ecole et Sciences Cognitives, France (France)
Applicant : F. Butera, G. Mugny, K. Wentzel, P. Bressoux, & T. Bollon
EUR 126'000

Contrat quadriennal du Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale de Grenoble-Chambéry (four-year funding for the Laboratory)

2003 - 2007
grant-giving organisation : Ministère délégué à la recherche et aux nouvelles technologies (French Ministry of Research) (France)
Applicant : Fabrizio Butera, as Director of the Laboratory
EUR 47'200

Un terreno fertile per messaggi estremisti? L'influenza dell'ambivalenza degli atteggiamenti sulla probabilità di accettare una comunicazione persuasiva estremista (Influence of attitudinal ambivalence on the acceptance of extremist messages)

2001 - 2001
grant-giving organisation : Programma « Marco Polo », Università di Bologna
Applicant : N. Cavazza & F. Butera
EUR 3'000

Persuasive communication and development of competences

2001 - 2001
grant-giving organisation : Service de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle, Ambassade de France en Suisse
Applicant : G. Mugny & F. Butera
FF 15'000

Toward a bi-national graduate school in social psychology

2000 - 2002
grant-giving organisation : Association Transfrontalière Universitaire
Applicant : F. Butera, G. Mugny, J.C. Deschamps, A. Clémence, & A.N. Perret-Clermont
CHF 35'000

Initial positions of influence targets and social influence dynamics

1999 - 2001
grant-giving organisation : Programme Avenir de la Région Rhône-Alpes (France)
Applicant : F. Butera, G. Mugny & J.M. Falomir
CHF 178'140

Diplôme Européen d'Etudes Avancées en Psychologie Sociale

1997 - 2001
grant-giving organisation : Association Transfrontalière Universitaire
Applicant : F. Butera & G. Mugny
CHF 30'000

Question Design Team ESS4: Welfare Attitudes in a Changing Europe

2007 - 2009
grant-giving organisation : European Social Survey (Great Britain)
Applicant : Stefan Svallfors
Other partners : Christian Staerklé, Wim van Oorschot, Peter Taylor-Gooby, Jorgen Goul Andersen, John Hills, Steffen Mau
Rotating module of 50 items in the European Social Survey (ESS Round 4)

Conceptual framework for the purpose of measuring progress in combating discrimination and promoting equality

grant-giving organisation : European Commission Directorate General for Employment and Social Affairs
Applicant : BPI Paris
Eva G. T. Green: Country report on Finland

How do CERN visitors understand the ATLAS Experiment?

grant-giving organisation : CERN ATLAS outreach programme (agreement No 291/2007)
Applicant : Nelly Courvoisier, Eva Green, & Alain Clémence
Grants received:
- 2007: 5'000 CHF
- 2010: 11'100 CHF

Maintenance of Gender Inequalities: socio-psychological processes of legitimation (GENIM)

2011 - 2014
grant-giving organisation : Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (France)
Applicant : Delphine Martinot (Clermont-Ferrand)
Other partners : LAPSCO (Clermont-Ferrand II), LPM (Paris V), UNILaPS (Lausanne: Fabrizio Butera & Benoît Dompnier).
EUR 210'000

Maintenance of Gender Inequalities: Socio-psychological processes of legitimation (GENIM)

2012 - 2015
grant-giving organisation : Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France)
Applicant : Delphine Martinot
Other partners : LAPSCO (Clermont-Ferrand II), LPM (Paris V), UNILaPS (Lausanne: Fabrizio Butera & Benoît Dompnier)
210'000 €

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