Service de psychiatrie adulte (SPANO) - Nord

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30 publications

L'ascolto integrato del corpo-psiche nel mondo ospedaliero: complessità o complicazione?
Maccaferri Giorgio E. dans L'avvenire della cura nell'ottica della complessità, Alpes.
Encefaliti anti-NMDAR: psicoterapia e psichiatria della coscienza
Maccaferri Giorgio Enrico dans Bollettino IIM , Alpes.
Addiction à l’exercice [Exercise addiction]
Khazaal Y., Chappuis L., Maccaferri G.E., Gremeaux V., 2024/07/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (882) pp. 1354-1359. Peer-reviewed.
Fetal sex and the relative reactivity of human umbilical vein and arteries are key determinants in potential beneficial effects of phosphodiesterase inhibitors.
Peyter A.C., Beaumann M., Delhaes F., Joye S., Menétrey S., Baud D., Tolsa J.F., 2024/06/01. Journal of applied physiology, 136 (6) pp. 1526-1545. Peer-reviewed.
L'impact sur la santé mentale des professionnels travaillant en psychiatrie
Rexhaj Shyhrete, Maccaferri Giorgio, Nguyen Alexandra, Martinez Debora, 2024/04/10. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 175 (03). Peer-reviewed.
Médecin et patient face à l’arrêt de la dialyse : la fatigue de continuer [The end of dialysis: the weariness to carry on]
Maccaferri G.E., Banava E., Duc L., Gamondi C., Fekih Ghorbel Y., Solomon A.R., 2024/02/14. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (861) pp. 348-351. Peer-reviewed.
Personnalité borderline à l’hôpital général : spécificités et défis cliniques [Borderline psychiatric disorder in the general hospital : specificity and clinical challenges]
Kesseler V., Kolly S., Solomon A.R., Maccaferri G.E., 2023/11/01. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (848) pp. 2080-2083. Peer-reviewed.
Use of pharmacological treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder: Analysis of a psychiatric population in Switzerland and comparison with international guidelines.
Montavon F., Vandenberghe F., Eap C.B., 2023/10. L'Encephale, 49 (5) pp. 446-452. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of a smartphone intervention as a secondary prevention for use among university students with unhealthy alcohol use: randomised controlled trial.
Bertholet N., Schmutz E., Studer J., Adam A., Gmel G., Cunningham J.A., McNeely J., Daeppen J.B., 2023/08/16. BMJ, 382 pp. e073713. Peer-reviewed.
One for all, all for one: neuro-HIV multidisciplinary platform for the assessment and management of neurocognitive complaints in people living with HIV.
Damas J., Darling KEA, Bidlingmeyer P., Nadin-Debluë I., Bieler M., Vollino L., Sokolov A.A., Berney A., Maccaferri G., Filippidis P. et al., 2023/06. HIV medicine, 24 (6) pp. 738-748. Peer-reviewed.
Associations of binge gaming (5 or more consecutive hours played) with gaming disorder and mental health in young men.
Marmet S., Wicki M., Dupuis M., Baggio S., Dufour M., Gatineau C., Gmel G., Studer J., 2023/03/30. Journal of behavioral addictions, 12 (1) pp. 295-301. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal Associations between Sensation Seeking and Its Components and Alcohol Use in Young SWISS Men-Are There Bidirectional Associations?
Gmel G., Marmet S., Bertholet N., Wicki M., Studer J., 2022/09/30. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19 (19) p. 12475. Peer-reviewed.
Psichiatria di liaison : tra psicosomatica e psicopatologia
Maccaferri Giorgio Enrico, 2022/02/01. pp. 21-29 dans Bollettino dell'IIM - Interazioni mente-corpo. Nuovi orizzonti della psicosomatica chap. 4, Alpes.
Consciousness alterations in a cohort of young Swiss men: Associations with substance use and personality traits.
Deligianni M.L., Studer J., Gmel G., Khazaal Y., Bertholet N., 2022. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 p. 1056159. Peer-reviewed.
Coping and Resilience Among Endurance Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Harman B., Dessart G., Puke L., Philippe R.A., 2022. Frontiers in psychology, 13 p. 811499. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a prevention tool for caregivers in a Swiss regional hospital during COVID-19
Maccaferri Giorgio Enrico, Da Silva Fernandes Kim, Khazaal Yasser, Solomon Alina R., Villars Joëlle, 2021. Swiss Arch Neurol Psychiatr Psychother, 105 (w10030). Peer-reviewed.
La pandemia CoViD-19. L’ascolto del personale sanitario in psichiatria di liaison: l’esperienza svizzera
Maccaferri Giorgio Enrico, 2020/10/01. pp. 188-204 dans Luciano Peirone. Nuovo coronavirus e resilienza. Strategie contro un nemico invisibile, Anthropos.
Les dangers de la restriction alimentaire. Quelle place redonner à notre alimentation aujourd'hui?
Maccaferri Giorgio Enrico, Rapo Christel, 2020/08/01. Psychoscope 5 pp. 21-23.
Psychotherapy of Dependent Personality Disorder: The Relationship of Patient–Therapist Interactions to Outcome
Maccaferri Giorgio E., Dunker-Scheuner Daniela, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Sachse Rainer, Kramer Ueli, 2019/10/15. Psychiatry pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
Music in Seclusion Rooms-Development, Implementation, and Initial Testing of a Music Listening Device.
Güsewell A., Bovet E., Bornand C., Stantzos A., Bangerter G., 2019/03. Issues in mental health nursing, 40 (3) pp. 268-277. Peer-reviewed.
Anxiété, dépression et BPCO : le point de vue du psychiatre. Comment dépister des manifestations psychiatriques chez les BPCO ? Et comment les prendre en charge ?
Henninger S., Calamand D., Pasche O., Maccaferri G.E., 2018/12/01. Info Respiration 148 pp. 9-11.
Les facteurs de rémission du trouble de l'adaptation : la parole aux patients. Une étude qualitative
Weber Gerrit, Michaud Laurent, Weber Orest, Stiefel Friedrich, Krenz Sonia, 2018/12. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 176 (10) pp. 948-953.
Traitement de la dépendance aux opioïdes en médecine générale [Opioid dependence treatment in general practice]
Conti G., Mer L., Kardous G., Pasche O., 2017/11/01. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (581) pp. 1896-1900. Peer-reviewed.
Docteur, j’ai peur d’étouffer ! BPCO et manifestations psychiatriques [Doctor, I'm afraid of suffocating! COPD and psychiatric manifestations]
Henninger S., Calamand D., Pasche O., Maccaferri G.E., 2017/10/04. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (577) pp. 1710-1713. Peer-reviewed.
Maccaferri Giorgio, 2017/05. pp. 149-150 dans Gariglio Daniela (eds.) Pensieri sparsi di una psicoanalista a volte sorridente e a tratti un po’ ironica. A proposito delle “tracce di benessere” onto e filogenetiche., Araba Fenice.
General Health and Health Self-Perception in Gambling Disorder from a Consultation-Liaison Perspective: A Systematic Review
Lutri Vittorio, Calamand Doris, Maccaferri Giorgio Enrico, 2017/02/07. Annals of Psychiatry and Mental Health, 5 (1) p. 1092. Peer-reviewed.
Maccaferri Giorgio, 2017. dans Ampolo Vincenzo (eds.) Diario emotivo. Solitudini e cura delle relazioni, Araba Fenice.
Suicide et psychothérapie
Moreno-Dávila Norberto, Carneiro Claudio, Herrera Fabrice, Maccaferri Giorgio Enrico, 2017. pp. 90-99 dans Michaud Laurent, Bonsack Charles (eds.) Prévention du suicide : rencontrer, évaluer, intervenir chap. Part. 3, Chap. 4, Médecine & Hygiène.
Thérapie comportementale et cognitive en psychiatrie de liaison : enjeux actuels et perspectives
Calamand Doris, Gay Nathalie, Zumbach Plantier Flavia, Maccaferri Giorgio Enrico, 2015/05/28. dans 1er Colloque Francophone de Pratiques en Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive.
Interobserver agreement and validity of bedside “positive signs” for functional weakness, sensory and gait disorders in conversion disorder
Daum C., Gheorgita F., Spatola M., Stojanova V., Medlin F., Vingerhoets F., Berney A., Maccaferri G.E., Hubschmid M., Aybek S., 2013/10. pp. e626 dans Journal of the Neurological Sciences. Peer-reviewed, Elsevier BV.
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