Service de psychiatrie de liaison

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781 publications

Relatives' experiences of visiting restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic's first wave: a PREMs study
Focus on the blind spots of clinician-patient interactions: A critical narrative review of collusion in medical setting.
Deliyanidis S., Stiefel F.C., Bourquin C., Michaud L. Journal of health psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison between aborted/interrupted and actual suicide attempt: An observational study on clinical and sociodemographic characteristics
Forte A., Massimiliano O., Golay P., Armando M., Costanza A., Saillant S., Michaud L. Journal of Affective Disorders. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Unassisted Suicide and Assisted Suicide Rates in French-Speaking Switzerland: Differences by Gender.
Kursner S., Studer J., Fracasso T., Weber G., Michaud L. Omega. Peer-reviewed.
Physician's and patient's gender influence on suicide risk assessment: a cross-sectional study
Barboteo Milène, Lasserre Aurélie M., Studer Joseph, Brovelli Sebastien, Clair Carole, Michaud Laurent, 2025/12/31. Cogent Psychology, 12 (1).
Challenged by patients: a qualitative study of clinical supervisions of endocrinologists conducted by psychiatric liaison clinicians.
Mazouni N., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Ludwig G., Michaud L., 2024/12/04. BMC health services research, 24 (1) p. 1539. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial #3
Bonvin Eric, 2024/12/01. Revue de Santé Intégrative, 3 pp. 6-15.
Complexity in palliative care inpatients: Prevalence and relationship with the provision of care: a retrospective study
Schutzbach K., Corminboeuf Y., Wild B., Schellberg D., Stiefel F., 2024/11. Progress in Palliative Care, 32 (6) pp. 388-394.
Patients with refractory musculoskeletal pain syndromes undergoing a multimodal assessment and therapy programme: a cross-sectional study.
Prétat T., Hügle T., Mettler J., Suter M., Jean Scherb S., Taily R.L., Hans C., Hoarau M., Monod L., Frossard P. et al., 2024/10/21. Swiss medical weekly, 154 p. 3466. Peer-reviewed.
Innovative liaison: The PENbank
Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2024/10. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 185 p. 111446.
Influence of the use of a tablet-based clinical decision support algorithm by general practitioners on the consultation process: the example of FeverTravelApp
Vibert Jonas, Bourquin Céline, De Santis Olga, Cobuccio Ludovico, D'Acremont Valérie, 2024/09/18. BMC Digital Health, 2 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Risque suicidaire et hospitalisation : un changement de paradigme est-il nécessaire ? [Suicide risk and hospitalization: is a paradigm shift necessary?]
Greiner C., Von Rohr-De Pree C., Michaud L., Besch V., Debbané M., Large M., Huber J., Prada P., 2024/09/18. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (887) pp. 1654-1656. Peer-reviewed.
Inducible CXCL12/CXCR4-dependent extramedullary hematopoietic niches in the adrenal gland.
Schyrr F., Alonso-Calleja A., Vijaykumar A., Sordet-Dessimoz J., Gebhard S., Sarkis R., Bataclan C., Ferreira Lopes S., Oggier A., de Leval L. et al., 2024/08/29. Blood, 144 (9) pp. 964-976. Peer-reviewed.
"You'll need to settle your affairs": How the subject of death is approached by oncologists and advanced cancer patients in follow-up consultations.
Salvadé H., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2024/08. Palliative & supportive care, 22 (4) pp. 655-663. Peer-reviewed.
Communication and support of patients and caregivers in chronic cancer care: ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Salmon P., Achtari Jeanneret L., Dauchy S., Ernstmann N., Grassi L., Libert Y., Vitinius F., Santini D. et al., 2024/07. ESMO open, 9 (7) p. 103496. Peer-reviewed.
Discovering clinical phronesis.
Boudreau D., Wykretowicz H., Kinsella E.A., Fuks A., Saraga M., 2024/06. Medicine, health care, and philosophy, 27 (2) pp. 165-179. Peer-reviewed.
Positive psychology interventions in palliative care: Cui bono?
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Michaud L., 2024/06. Palliative & supportive care, 22 (3) pp. 588-591. Peer-reviewed.
Substance use and its association with mental health among Swiss medical students: A cross-sectional study.
Gaume J., Carrard V., Berney S., Bourquin C., Berney A., 2024/06. The International journal of social psychiatry, 70 (4) pp. 808-817. Peer-reviewed.
Reciprocal association between pain and quality of life after newly acquired spinal cord injury.
Westphal M., Carrard V., Braunwalder C., Debnar C., Post M., Fekete C., Galvis M., Scheel-Sailer A., 2024/05. Quality of life research, 33 (5) pp. 1347-1357. Peer-reviewed.
Transidentités : pertinence de l’implication des psychiatres [Transidentites : the relevance of involving psychiatrists]
Michaud L., Stiefel F., Jox R.J., Pamfile D., Brovelli S., Pécoud P., Plessen K.J., Morisod Harari M., 2024/05/01. Revue Médicale Suisse, 20 (872) pp. 894-898. Peer-reviewed.
When patients and physicians get mixed up: An investigation and differential description of collusion by means of a case series of supervisions [Quand patients et cliniciens se confondent : une investigation et description différentielle de la collusion basée sur une série de cas de supervisions]
Deliyanidis Sophia, Ludwig Gundula, Saraga Michael, Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2024/05. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 182 (5) pp. 454-460.
Stroke Following Attempted Suicide
Silva Mauro, Michaud Laurent, Correia Pamela, Nishida Masaki, Michel Patrik, 2024/04/17. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
Core stories of physicians on a Swiss internal medicine ward during the first COVID-19 wave: a qualitative exploration.
Kraege V., Gavin A., Norambuena J., Stiefel F., Méan M., Bourquin C., 2024/03/29. Swiss medical weekly, 154 p. 3760. Peer-reviewed.
Developing a capacity-building intervention for healthcare workers to improve communication skills and awareness of hard of hearing and D/deaf patients: results from a participatory action research study.
Grazioli V.S., Graells M., Schmutz E., Cantero O., Sebaï T., Favre V., Richème-Roos J., Morisod K., Jeanneret M., Singy P. et al., 2024/03/06. BMC health services research, 24 (1) p. 301. Peer-reviewed.
Oncology clinicians' feelings towards patients presented in supervision: A pre-post assessment using the feeling word checklist.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Wild B., Schellberg D., Michaud L., 2024/03. Psycho-oncology, 33 (3) pp. e6318. Peer-reviewed.
Le bruit autour de la mort augmente la solitude des mourants.
Stiefel F., Prada P., 2024/02/14. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (861) p. 331. Peer-reviewed.
Quand médecins et patients-es sont confrontés-es aux dimensions existentielles de la maladie [When physicians and patients face the existential dimensions of illness]
Stiefel F., 2024/02/14. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (861) pp. 352-355. Peer-reviewed.
Reciprocal association between social support and psychological distress in chronic physical health conditions: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model.
Debnar C., Peter C., Morselli D., Michel G., Bachmann N., Carrard V., 2024/02. Applied psychology. Health and well-being, 16 (1) pp. 376-394. Peer-reviewed.
Subtypes of major depressive disorders and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviors in the community.
Rovero M., Preisig M., Marques-Vidal P., Strippoli M.F., Vollenweider P., Vaucher J., Berney A., Merikangas K.R., Vandeleur C.L., Glaus J., 2024/02. Comprehensive psychiatry, 129 p. 152442. Peer-reviewed.
What is in a chosen name? An exploratory study on the renaming experiences of transgender people
Pamfile Dana, Bourquin Céline, Michaud Laurent, Brovelli Sebastien, Pécoud Pascale, Stiefel Friedrich, 2024/01/16. International Journal of Transgender Health. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial #2
Bonvin Eric, 2024/01/15. Revue de Santé Intégrative, 2 pp. 6-11.
How socioprofessional factors effect serious suicide attemps: a case-control study
Saillant S., Paz J., Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., Guseva-Canu I., 2024. Acta Biomedica Atenei Parmensis, 95 (4) pp. e2024055. Peer-reviewed.
Mental health and burnout during medical school: Longitudinal evolution and covariates.
Carrard V., Berney S., Bourquin C., Ranjbar S., Castelao E., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Bart P.A., Schmid Mast M., Preisig M. et al., 2024. PloS one, 19 (4) pp. e0295100. Peer-reviewed.
An Advocacy for the Academic Underpinning of Psychiatric Liaison
Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2023/12/14. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
«Stand-up Design of Instruction» (STUDI): le stand-up comme modèle pédagogique en santé mentale
Bonsack Charles, 2023/10/18. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
«Si on ne réfléchit pas, la langue nous parle...» (entretien avec S. Pahud et P. Singy)
Meizoz Jérôme, Pahud Stéphanie, Singy Pascal, 2023/08/25. pp. 51-64 dans Pas de langue de bois ! Le français dans tous ses états et débats, Favre.
Collusion Revisited: Polyadic Collusions and Their Contextual Determinants
Stiefel F., Saraga M, Bourquin C, 2023/08/24. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.
Pas de langue de bois! Nouvelles orthographes, néologismes, parlers identitaires... Le français dans tous ses états et débats
Pahud Stéphanie, Singy Pascal, 2023/08/24..
The fragility of trust between patients and oncologists: A multiple case study.
Fracheboud T., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2023/08. Palliative & supportive care, 21 (4) pp. 585-593. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of Preoperative Psychiatric Profile in Bariatric Surgery on Long-term Weight Outcome.
Lüscher A., Vionnet N., Amiguet M., Chartoumpekis D., Mantziari S., Frantz J., Favre L., 2023/07. Obesity surgery, 33 (7) pp. 2072-2082. Peer-reviewed.
Suicide assisté : un besoin de clarification [Assisted suicide: a need for clarification]
Baud C.A., Broers B., Junod V., Michaud L., Pautex S., Simon O., 2023/06/07. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (830) pp. 1141-1145. Peer-reviewed.
Collusion Revisited: A Narrative Review of Dyadic Collusions
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2023/06/02. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.
One for all, all for one: neuro-HIV multidisciplinary platform for the assessment and management of neurocognitive complaints in people living with HIV.
Damas J., Darling KEA, Bidlingmeyer P., Nadin-Debluë I., Bieler M., Vollino L., Sokolov A.A., Berney A., Maccaferri G., Filippidis P. et al., 2023/06. HIV medicine, 24 (6) pp. 738-748. Peer-reviewed.
Dimensions psychiatriques de l’affection post-Covid-19 : état des lieux [Psychiatric dimensions of post-COVID-19 condition : an overview]
Berney A., Marillier G., 2023/05/17. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (827) pp. 975-978. Peer-reviewed.
The Influence of a Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass on Plasma Concentrations of Antidepressants.
Garin P., Favre L., Vionnet N., Frantz J., Eap C.B., Vandenberghe F., 2023/05. Obesity surgery, 33 (5) pp. 1422-1430. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure of medical students to sexism and sexual harassment and their association with mental health: a cross-sectional study at a Swiss medical school.
Barbier J.M., Carrard V., Schwarz J., Berney S., Clair C., Berney A., 2023/04/27. BMJ open, 13 (4) pp. e069001. Peer-reviewed.
Two clinicians for one patient, is it worth it? Patients' perspective on receiving treatment from a pair of clinicians, in a psychiatric emergency and crisis unit.
Dedeystère Pobelov C., Weber O., Krenz S., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., 2023/04/27. Annals of general psychiatry, 22 (1) p. 17. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles cognitifs chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH. L’importance d’une prise en charge multidisciplinaire [Multidisciplinary assessment and management of neurocognitive complaints in people living with HIV]
Damas J., Berney A., Bieler-Aeschlimann M., Cavassini M., Du Pasquier R., 2023/04/26. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (824) pp. 797-799. Peer-reviewed.
Case report: Treatment-resistant depression, multiple trauma exposure and suicidality in an adolescent female with previously undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Secci I., Petigas L., Cuenod A., Klauser P., Kapp C., Novatti A., Armando M., 2023/04. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14 p. 1151293. Peer-reviewed.
O.18.2 - How different dimensions of medical students’ empathy relate to mental health and burnout: Presenter(s): Alexandre Berney, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Sylvie Berney, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Carrard Valerie, Schlegel Katja, Gauma Jacques, Bart Pierre-Alexandre, Preisig Martin, Schmid Mast Marianne, Bourquin Céline, 2023/04/01. Patient Education and Counseling. Peer-reviewed.
Centre interdisciplinaire de l’obésité : une porte d’entrée unique pour une prise en charge personnalisée [Interdisciplinary Center for Obesity: a single-entry point for personalized care]
Favre L., Frantz J., Mantziari S., 2023/03/22. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (819) pp. 567-571. Peer-reviewed.
Stigmatisation des personnes atteintes d’obésité : comprendre et affronter les préjugés sociétaux [Stigmatization of people with obesity: understanding and confronting societal prejudice]
Frantz J., Mantziari S., Favre L., 2023/03/22. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (819) pp. 546-551. Peer-reviewed.
La liaison psychiatrique d’hier à demain [Psychiatric liaison: From yesterday to tomorrow]
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2023/02/15. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (814) pp. 324-327. Peer-reviewed.
Vers une liaison psychiatrique multi-niveaux [Towards a multilevel psychiatric liaison]
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2023/02/15. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (814) pp. 328-332. Peer-reviewed.
De l'épistémologie à la pratique de l'hypnose thérapeutique
Bonvin Éric, Salem Gérard, 2023. pp. 3-39 dans Soigner par L'hypnose, Elsevier.
Eclairage sur l'usage de l'hypnose pour l'accompagnement des personnes souffrant de psychose
Bonvin Éric, 2023. pp. 359-372 dans Soigner par L'hypnose, Elsevier.
Editorial #1
Bonvin Eric, 2023. Revue de Santé Intégrative, 1 pp. 6-13.
Experiences of the medical profession: A qualitative study using narrative facilitators.
Bourquin C., Orsini S., Stiefel F., 2023. Work, 76 (4) pp. 1419-1427. Peer-reviewed.
Hypnosis: A Boundary Object on the Edges of Science in Swiss Universities
Bonvin Eric, 2023. pp. 107-124 dans Hypnosis in Academia, Springer International Publishing.
L'hypnose et la mémoire
Bonvin Éric, 2023. pp. 297-338 dans Salem Gérard, Bonvin Eric (eds.) Soigner par L'hypnose chap. 12, Elsevier.
L'hypnose pour accompagner les personnes souffrant de douleur chronique
Bonvin Éric, 2023. pp. 345-354 dans Salem Gérard, Bonvin Eric (eds.) Soigner par L'hypnose chap. 13, Elsevier.
L'hypnose thérapeutique, une relation de soin attentive
Bonvin Éric, 2023. pp. 243-256 dans Soigner par L'hypnose, Elsevier.
L'usage de l'hypnose pour soigner et accompagner les personnes souffrant de dépression
Bonvin Éric, 2023. pp. 257-264 dans Soigner par L'hypnose, Elsevier.
Les douleurs chroniques à l'âge avancé: en parler ou non?
Singy Pascal, Merminod Gilles, Orest Weber, Semlali Imane, Terrier Anamaria, Rubli Truchard Eve, Decosterd Isabelle, 2023., BIL.
Parler des douleurs chroniques à l’âge avancé
Merminod Gilles, Semlali Imane, Weber Orest, Rubli Truchard Eve, Terrier Anamaria, Decosterd Isabelle, Singy Pascal, 2023. La Gazette médicale, 12 (7) pp. 24-25.
Place de l'hypnose dans le champ des psychothérapies
Bonvin Éric, 2023. pp. 209-242 dans Salem Gérard, Bonvin Eric (eds.) Soigner par L'hypnose chap. 8, Elsevier.
Soigner par l'hypnose en milieu hospitalier
Bonvin Éric, Salem Gérard, 2023. pp. 199-208 dans Soigner par L'hypnose, Elsevier.
Stand-up-comedy inspired experiential learning for connecting emotions and cognitions in healthcare education: A pilot study
Bonsack C., Favrod J., Berney A., Sohrmann M., Frobert L., Nguyen A., 2022/12/29. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 61 (2) pp. 385-397. Peer-reviewed.
Authors' Reply: Nationwide Study on Stress Perception Among Surgical Residents.
Adamina M., Saillant S., 2022/12. World journal of surgery, 46 (12) pp. 3123-3124. Peer-reviewed.
Differences Between Centers in Psychosocial Evaluations for Living Kidney Donors Do Not Influence Outcome: Results From an Observational Multicenter Study.
Ludwig G., Geiger I., Götzmann L., Jordan K.D., Döbbel S., Klaghofer R., Salathé M., Stillhard U., Meinlschmidt G., Kiss A. et al., 2022/12. Transplantation direct, 8 (12) pp. e1400. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship between medical students' empathy, mental health, and burnout: A cross-sectional study.
Carrard V., Bourquin C., Berney S., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Bart P.A., Preisig M., Schmid Mast M., Berney A., 2022/12. Medical teacher, 44 (12) pp. 1392-1399. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying complex patients in family medicine for potential benefit from a case manager: a short questionnaire derived from the INTERMED Self-Assessment (IMSA) questionnaire.
Cohidon C., Gallay E., Wild P., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Senn N., 2022/11/04. BMC primary care, 23 (1) p. 276. Peer-reviewed.
When to discharge and when to voluntary or compulsory hospitalize? Factors associated with treatment decision after self-harm.
Michaud L., Berva S., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Golay P., Morandi S., 2022/11. Psychiatry research, 317 p. 114810. Peer-reviewed.
Is an Early Resumption of a Regular Diet After Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Safe?
Chevallay Mickael, Gialamas Eleftherios, Giudicelli Guillaume, Vuagniaux Aurélie, Guarino Laetitia, Worreth Marc, Saillant Stéphane, Diana Michele, Saadi Alend, 2022/10. Obesity Surgery, 32 (10) pp. 3375-3383. Peer-reviewed.
Recherche sur les services et systèmes de santé en psychiatrie - Le défi systémique du virage ambulatoire en psychiatrie [Health services and systems research in psychiatry - The systemic challenge of the ambulatory shift in psychiatry]
Golay P., Michaud L., Bonsack C., 2022/09/21. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (796) pp. 1733-1739. Peer-reviewed.
How should health care providers inform about palliative sedation? A qualitative study with palliative care professionals.
Cocker A., Singy P., Jox R.J., 2022/09. European journal of cancer care, 31 (5) pp. e13602. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge des personnes en burnout en Suisse : Résultats de l’étude épidémiologique auprès des professionnels de la santé
Plys Ekaterina, Al-Gobari Muaamar, Farine André, Rochat Lysiane, Talpain Olivier, Blanc Solenne, Weissbrodt Rafaël, Saillant Stéphane, Rota Fulvia, Droz Nadia et al., 2022/08/22. (337) 112 [Raisons de santé ; 337], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Calling situated: a survey among medical students supplemented by a qualitative study and a comparison with a surveyed sample of physicians.
Bonvin S., Stiefel F., Gholam M., Bourquin C., 2022/08/15. BMC medical education, 22 (1) p. 619. Peer-reviewed.
Running against the clock: a qualitative study of internal medicine residents' work experience.
Bourquin C., Monti M., Saraga M., Stiefel F., Kraege V., Gachoud D., Castioni J., Marques-Vidal P.M., Bastardot F., Méan M. et al., 2022/08/15. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30216. Peer-reviewed.
Calling: Never seen before or heard of – A survey among Swiss physicians
Simões Morgado Laura, Stiefel Friedrich, Gholam Mehdi, Bourquin Céline, 2022/06/21. Work, 72 (2) pp. 657-665. Peer-reviewed.
Perceived stress, trust, safety and severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection among patients discharged from hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic's first wave: a PREMs survey.
Tacchini-Jacquier N., Bonvin E., Monnay S., Verloo H., 2022/06/16. BMJ open, 12 (6) pp. e060559. Peer-reviewed.
Importance de l’accompagnement des proches confrontés à une tentative de suicide [Relevance of interventions and support for relatives of an individual who made a suicide attempt]
Wenger N., Vallat J., Boto Gonçalves P., Michaud L., Saillant S., 2022/06/15. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (786) pp. 1224-1227. Peer-reviewed.
Preventing sexism and sexual harassment in medical schools by using Theater of the Oppressed as an interactive and reflexive tool.
Lüthi E., Pichonnaz L., Schwarz J., Morier-Genoud P., Dayer C., Rrustemi I., Schilter L., Berney A., John C., Dubois J. et al., 2022/06/03. BMC research notes, 15 (1) p. 192. Peer-reviewed.
Faire de nécessité vertu: parcours vers une sociolinguistique appliquée
Merminod Gilles, Weber Orest, 2022/06/01. pp. 11-18 dans Langues, médecine et société: mélanges en l'honneur de Pascal Singy, Lambert Lucas.
Langues, médecine et société: mélanges en l'honneur de Pascal Singy
Merminod Gilles, Weber Orest, Wenger Vincent (eds.), 2022/06/01., Lambert Lucas.
The situated body: anorexia as a conflict of dwelling.
Saraga M., Wykretowicz H., 2022/06. Eating and weight disorders, 27 (5) pp. 1929-1930. Peer-reviewed.
Friendship in Later Life: How Friends Are Significant Resources in Older Persons' Communication about Chronic Pain.
Semlali I., Merminod G., Weber O., Terrier A., Decosterd I., Rubli Truchard E., Singy P., 2022/05/03. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19 (9) p. 5551. Peer-reviewed.
Approche systémique et familiale en médecine de premier recours.
Guex P., 2022/04/27. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (779) pp. 850-851. Peer-reviewed.
Comment vivre la tension entre liberté individuelle et risque de maladie ?
Guex P., 2022/04/27. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (779) pp. 820-822. Peer-reviewed.
Talking about chronic pain in family settings: a glimpse of older persons' everyday realities.
Merminod G., Weber O., Semlali I., Terrier A., Decosterd I., Rubli Truchard E., Singy P., 2022/04/23. BMC geriatrics, 22 (1) p. 358. Peer-reviewed.
Instauration d’une taxe aux urgences : enjeux d’équité en santé [The health equity issues of an emergency department fee]
Morisod K., Bühler N., Grazioli V.S., Moschetti K., Marti J., Pralong M., Rawlinson C., Sanchis Zozaya J., Michaud L., Brovelli S. et al., 2022/04/06. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (776) pp. 675-679. Peer-reviewed.
"Do you want us to try to resuscitate?": Conversational practices generating patient decisions regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Sterie A.C., Weber O., Jox R.J., Rubli Truchard E., 2022/04. Patient education and counseling, 105 (4) pp. 887-894. Peer-reviewed.
"Everybody distracts me and prevents me from succeeding”: A psychodynamic-oriented approach of medical students’ dreams of evaluation
Nikles Mathilde, Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2022/03/31. International Journal of Dream Research. Peer-reviewed.
Le psychiatre comme « gatekeeper » : une étude qualitative sur le rôle du psychiatre dans les demandes de suicide assisté
Serra A.L., Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2022/03/01. Geriatrie et psychologie neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement, 20 (1) pp. 111-120. Peer-reviewed.
Observational study of suicide in Switzerland: comparison between psychiatric in- and outpatients.
Stauffacher M. W. D., Stiefel F., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., 2022/02/28. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30140. Peer-reviewed.
La liaison psychiatrique I : clinique [Psychiatric liaison I : Clinical activities]
Bourquin C., Gavin A., Stiefel F., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) pp. 261-264. Peer-reviewed.
La liaison psychiatrique II : formation [Psychiatric liaison II: training]
Michaud L., Stiefel F., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) pp. 265-268. Peer-reviewed.
La liaison psychiatrique III : recherche [Psychiatric liaison III: Research]
Stiefel F., Berney A., Bourquin C., Marion-Veyron R., Tzartzas K., Saraga M., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) pp. 269-271. Peer-reviewed.
Who cares?
Stiefel F., Bondolfi G., 2022/02/16. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (769) p. 259. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of physician empathy on patient outcomes: a gender analysis.
Surchat C., Carrard V., Gaume J., Berney A., Clair C., 2022/02. The British journal of general practice, 72 (715) pp. e99-e107. Peer-reviewed.
La tanière et le territoire : esquisse d'une topo-analyse des troubles du comportement alimentaire
Saraga Michael, Wykretowicz Hubert, 2022/02. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 180 (2) pp. 119-126. Peer-reviewed.
Off-label use of psychotropic drugs in a Swiss paediatric service: similar results from two different cohort studies.
Feka A., Di Paolo E.R., Pauchard J.Y., Mariguesa A., Gehri M., Sadeghipour F., 2022/01/31. Swiss Medical Weekly, 152 pp. w30124. Peer-reviewed.
Asile et santé : avec quels mots en parler pour des soins équitables ?
Wenk Priscile, Singy Pascal, Bodenmann Patrick, 2022. pp. 219-227 dans Bodenmann Patrick, Jackson Yves, Vu Francis, Wolff Hans (eds.) Vulnérabilités, diversités et équité en santé chap. 1.20, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
Etudier sa pratique : quelques difficultés de méthode
Saraga Michael, Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2022. pp. 133-138 dans Langues, médecine et société : Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascal Singy, Lambert-Lucas.
Evaluation des besoins bio-psycho-sociaux en médecine de famille: acceptabilité de l’INTERMED Self-Assessment [Bio-Psycho-Social Needs Assessment in Family Medicine: Acceptability of the Intermed Self-Assessment]
Leckwyck Lara Van, Gallay Emilie, Bourquin Céline, Stiefel Friedrich, Cohidon Christine, Senn Nicolas, 2022. Praxis, 111 (3) pp. 135-140. Peer-reviewed.
La patientèle sourde et malentendante face au système de santé
Singy Pascal, Cantero Odile, Bodenmann Patrick, 2022. pp. 415-424 dans Bodenmann Patrick, Jackson Yves, Vu Francis, Wolff Hans (eds.) Vulnérabilités, diversités et équité en santé chap. 2.14, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
Socio-Professional Factors and Serious Suicide Attempt (SSA): A Case-Control Study
Saillant Stéphane, Paz José, Golay Philippe, Ostertag Louise, Costanza Alessandra, Van der Vaeren Bénédicte, Dorogi Yves, Michaud Laurent, Guseva Canu Irina, 2022/01. pp. S276-S277 dans Abstracts of the 33rd International Congress on Occupational Health 2022 (ICOH 2022) 6–10 February 2022, Safety and Health at Work.
Study protocol for the ETMED-L project: longitudinal study of mental health and interpersonal competence of medical students in a Swiss university using a comprehensive framework of empathy.
Berney A., Carrard V., Berney S., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Gholam M., Bart P.A., Preisig M., Wac K., Schmid Mast M. et al., 2021/12/03. BMJ open, 11 (12) pp. e053070. Peer-reviewed.
Experience(s) of the medical profession: A qualitative study using narrative facilitators
Bourquin Céline, Orsini Sandy, Stiefel Friedrich, 2021/10/01..
ASSIP : nouvelle modalité thérapeutique après un geste suicidaire [ASSIP: A new therapy following suicide attempt]
Keller R., Saillant S., Gysin-Maillart A., Michaud L., 2021/09/22. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (751) pp. 1602-1605. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacité de la stimulation du nerf occipital pour les céphalées chroniques réfractaires - Une étude prospective lausannoise [Assessing occipital nerve stimulation efficacy for chronic refractory headaches]
Costa Marques D., Rocca A., Bloch J., Richoz B., Knebel J.F., Levivier M., Berney A., Nater B., 2021/09/22. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (751) pp. 1624-1626. Peer-reviewed.
BMI Course Over 10 Years After Bariatric Surgery and Biopsychosocial Complexity Assessed with the INTERMED: a Retrospective Study.
Corminboeuf Y., Wild B., Zdrojewski C., Schellberg D., Favre L., Suter M., Stiefel F., 2021/09. Obesity surgery, 31 (9) pp. 3996-4004. Peer-reviewed.
Clinique de l'urgence psychologique : de l'immédiateté à l'inscription de l'errance
Veit Camille, Froté Yves, 2021/09/01. Psychothérapies, Vol. 41 (3) pp. 173-180.
Le choc de la nouvelle : perspective psycho-oncologique sur la communication médecin–malade
Dunand A., Saraga M., 2021/09. Psycho-Oncologie, 15 (3) pp. 53-57. Peer-reviewed.
Strokes Following Attempted Suicide: Frequency, Mechanisms, Outcome and Review of the Literature
Silva M, Michaud L, Correia P, Nishida M, Michel P, 2021/08..
What symptoms tell us: A multiple case study of oncology consultations.
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., 2021/08. Palliative & supportive care, 19 (4) pp. 421-436. Peer-reviewed.
The association between depressive symptoms and neurocognitive impairment in people with well-treated HIV in Switzerland.
Santos G., Locatelli I., Métral M., Berney A., Nadin I., Calmy A., Tarr P., Gutbrod K., Hauser C., Brugger P. et al., 2021/07. International journal of STD & AIDS, 32 (8) pp. 729-739. Peer-reviewed.
Le paradoxe du genre dans le suicide : des pistes explicatives et pas mal d’incertitudes [The gender paradox in suicide : some explanations and much uncertainty]
Michaud L., Brovelli S., Bourquin C., 2021/06/30. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (744-2) pp. 1265-1267. Peer-reviewed.
Cultural competency and sensitivity in the curriculum for palliative care professionals: a survey in Switzerland.
Weber O., Semlali I., Gamondi C., Singy P., 2021/06/04. BMC medical education, 21 (1) p. 318. Peer-reviewed.
A new kid on the block? The spiritual practitioner in the modern hospital.
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Ryser P.Y., Rochat E., Saraga M., 2021/06. Palliative & supportive care, 19 (3) pp. 388-389. Peer-reviewed.
Les soignants pris dans les conflits du couple
Riat M., Dunand A., 2021/06. Psycho-Oncologie, 15 (1-2) pp. 14-16. Peer-reviewed.
Spinning wider.
Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2021/06. BMJ evidence-based medicine, 26 (3) p. 139. Peer-reviewed.
Patients with first versus multiple episodes of self-harm: how do their profiles differ?
Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Michaud L., 2021/05/13. Annals of general psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 30. Peer-reviewed.
Le nouveau coronavirus : du délire au désir
Kiakos Dimitrios, Michaud Laurent, Pamfile Dana, 2021/04/18. Cliniques, N° 21 (1) pp. 192-205.
La place du désir dans la dysphorie de genre : une étude qualitative auprès de personnes transgenres sous traitement de réassignation sexuelle
Pécoud Pascale, Stiefel Friedrich, Pamfile Dana, Bourquin Céline, 2021/04. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 179 (4) pp. 323-328. Peer-reviewed.
Harmonized definition of occupational burnout: A systematic review, semantic analysis, and Delphi consensus in 29 countries.
Guseva Canu I., Marca S.C., Dell'Oro F., Balázs Á., Bergamaschi E., Besse C., Bianchi R., Bislimovska J., Koscec Bjelajac A., Bugge M. et al., 2021/03/01. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 47 (2) pp. 95-107. Peer-reviewed.
Le médecin, sa clinique et l’institution : s’adapter ou se situer ? [Physicians, their practice, and the institution : to adapt or to situate oneself ?]
Stiefel F., Michaud L., Saraga M., Bourquin C., 2021/02/10. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (725) pp. 289-292. Peer-reviewed.
Le médecin, sa clinique et l’institution: le cas du patient suicidaire [The physician, the clinical practice, and the institution: the suicidal patient]
Michaud L., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Saraga M., 2021/02/10. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (725) pp. 286-288. Peer-reviewed.
Le patient brûlé: accompagnement par le psychiatre de liaison [The burned patient: intervention by the liaison psychiatrist]
John C., Berney A., 2021/02/10. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (725) pp. 307-310. Peer-reviewed.
Countertransference towards suicidal patients: a systematic review
Michaud Laurent, Greenway Kyle T., Corbeil Sylvie, Bourquin Céline, Richard-Devantoy Stéphane, 2021/02/06. Current Psychology.
Quand le téléphone ne chauffe pas : les hotlines psy en situation de pandémie [When hotlines remain cold: Psychological support in the time of pandemic]
Michaud L., Bourquin C., Froté Y., Stiefel F., Saillant S., 2021/02. Annales medico-psychologiques, 179 (2) pp. 128-130. Peer-reviewed.
Actualité et évolution de l’intervention de crise : table ronde autour du modèle de la crise
Bacchetta J-P., Berney Sylvie, Gothuey I., Michaud Laurent, Saillant S., Valloton S., Winterhalter G., 2021. dans De Coulon N. (eds.) La crise, Antipode.
Developing and Evaluating a Capacity-Building Intervention for Healthcare Providers to Improve Communication Skills and Awareness of Hard of Hearing and D/deaf Populations: Protocol for a Participative Action Research-Based Study
Bodenmann P., Singy P., Kasztura M., Graells M., Cantero O., Morisod K., Malebranche M., Smith P., Beyeler S., Sebaï T. et al., 2021. Frontiers in public health, 9 p. 615474. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring Clinical Practice and Developing Clinician Self-Reflection Through Cross Self-Confrontation Methodology: An Application Within an Addiction Medicine Unit.
Paroz S., Daeppen J.B., Monnat M., Saraga M., Panese F., 2021. Global qualitative nursing research, 8 p. 23333936211054800. Peer-reviewed.
Suter Henry, 2021. dans Le dico romand, Favre éditeur, Lausanne.
J'ai peur de les oublier : deuil et accompagnement chez les adolescents requérants d'asile
Sanchis Zozaya Javier, 2021. 168, Georg.
La communication en milieu médical: un labyrinthe
Singy Pascal, Merminod Gilles, 2021. Savoir Suisse, EPFL Press.
Le "parler jeune" à propos de la sexualité : les opinions des jeunes issus de la migration subsaharienne
Singy Pascal, Sulstarova Brikela, Poglia Mileti Francesca, Mellini Laura, Vilani Michela, 2021. dans Actas del XL congreso internacional de linguistica fonctional.
Les défis de la communication interculturelle en milieu médical : le cas de l'oncologie
Singy Pascal, Sulstarova Brikela, 2021. dans Actas del XL congreso internacional de linguistica fonctional.
Patient perspectives on an intervention after suicide attempt: The need for patient centred and individualized care.
Michaud L., Dorogi Y., Gilbert S., Bourquin C., 2021. PloS one, 16 (2) pp. e0247393. Peer-reviewed.
The self-assessment INTERMED predicts healthcare and social costs of orthopaedic trauma patients with persistent impairments.
Burrus C., Vuistiner P., Léger B., Stiefel F., Rivier G., Luthi F., 2021/01. Clinical rehabilitation, 35 (1) pp. 135-144. Peer-reviewed.
“Do resuscitate me but no futile care”: The use of the formula « futile care » in medical interviews
Wenger Vincent, Rubli Truchard Eve, Weber Orest, Jacquin Jérôme, Sterie Anca, 2021..
Introducing cross-cultural education in palliative care: focus groups with experts on practical strategies.
Semlali I., Tamches E., Singy P., Weber O., 2020/11/10. BMC palliative care, 19 (1) p. 171. Peer-reviewed.
Ketogenic diet in bipolar disorder.
Saraga M., Misson N., Cattani E., 2020/11. Bipolar disorders, 22 (7) p. 765. Peer-reviewed.
Narrative analysis applied to text production : Investigating the processes of quoting in the making of a broadcast news story
Merminod Gilles, 2020/10/07. AILA Review, 33 pp. 104-119. Peer-reviewed.
Rôle du psychiatre-psychothérapeute dans la prise en charge de la dysphorie de genre [Role of the psychiatrist-psychotherapist in the assessment and treatment of gender dysphoria]
Pamfile D., Soldati L., Brovelli S., Pécoud P., Ducommun I., Micali N., Stiefel F., Plessen K.J., Morisod M., Typaldou S., 2020/10/07. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (709) pp. 1877-1880. Peer-reviewed.
Introducing Cross-Cultural Education in Palliative Care: Focus Groups With Experts on Practical Strategies
Imane Semlali, Emmanuel Tamches, Pascal Singy, Orest Weber, 2020/09/15..
Programme sentinelle : exemple de prévention du suicide auprès d’une population agricole en Suisse [Sentinel program: Example of suicide prevention for an agricultural population in Switzerland]
Saillant S., Michaud L., Besson J., Dorogi Y., 2020/08. L'Encephale, 46 (4) pp. 258-263. Peer-reviewed.
Virtual patient simulation in breaking bad news training for medical students
Carrard V., Bourquin C., Orsini S., Schmid Mast M., Berney A., 2020/07. Patient education and counseling, 103 (7) pp. 1435-1438. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of somatic and psychiatric morbidity across occupations in Switzerland and its correlation with suicide mortality: results from the Swiss National Cohort (1990-2014).
Schmid M., Michaud L., Bovio N., Guseva Canu I., Swiss National Cohort (SNC), 2020/06/22. BMC psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 324. Peer-reviewed.
C-L psychiatry in Switzerland: What's-up ten years after the implementation of a C-L subspecialty?
Berney A., Jenewein J., 2020/05. Journal of psychosomatic research, 132 p. 109978. Peer-reviewed.
La psychiatrie face à la pandémie : se réinventer sans se perdre [Psychiatry in the time of pandemic : forging new ways without getting lost]
Michaud L., Stiefel F., Gasser J., 2020/04/29. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (N° 691-2) pp. 855-858. Peer-reviewed.
Differences and similarities in instant countertransference towards patients with suicidal ideation and personality disorders.
Michaud L., Ligier F., Bourquin C., Corbeil S., Saraga M., Stiefel F., Séguin M., Turecki G., Richard-Devantoy S., 2020/03/15. Journal of affective disorders, 265 pp. 669-678. Peer-reviewed.
The isolation of cancer survivors.
Danesi G., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Zaman K., Saraga M., 2020/03. European journal of cancer care, 29 (2) pp. e13194. Peer-reviewed.
Heterogeneity in diagnostic criteria does not undermine categorical diagnostic classification.<sup>✰</sup>.
Saraga M., Stiefel F., Michaud L., 2020/02/20. Psychiatry research, 286 p. 112882. Peer-reviewed.
Crise médicale, engagement clinique [Medical crisis, clinical engagement]
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Saraga M., 2020/02/12. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (681) pp. 322-323. Peer-reviewed.
Le désir d’être inutile…
Stiefel F., Bondolfi G., 2020/02/12. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (681) p. 299. Peer-reviewed.
Polydipsie psychogène : une entité somato-psychiatrique (encore) méconnue [Psychogenic polydipsia : a (still) unknown psychosomatic entity]
Spanevello C., Banava E., Gachoud D., Berney A., Tzartzas K., Maccaferri G.E., 2020/02/12. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (681) pp. 318-321. Peer-reviewed.
Les comorbidités somatiques et psychiatriques peuvent-elles expliquer l'excès de mortalité par suicide dans certaines catégories professionnelles en Suisse ?
Schmid M., Michaud L., Bovio N., Guseva Canu I., 2020/02. p. 85 dans 19e colloque de l’Association pour le développement des études et recherches épidémiologiques en santé et travail (ADEREST). Toulouse, 14 et 15 novembre 2019, Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement.
Undergraduate training in breaking bad news: A continuation study exploring the patient perspective.
Carrard V., Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Schmid Mast M., Berney A., 2020/02. Psycho-oncology, 29 (2) pp. 398-405. Peer-reviewed.
HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors and Intimate Relationships among Young Sub-Saharan African Immigrants in Switzerland: A Brief Report
Mellini Laura, Poglia Mileti Francesca, Sulstarova Brikela, Villani Michela, Singy Pascal, 2020/01/02. International Journal of Sexual Health, 32 (1) pp. 33-39. Peer-reviewed.
A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Notes Left by Youth Who Died by Suicide in Quebec from 1895 to 1985.
Ligier F., Michaud L., Kabuth B., Lesage A., Corriveau P., Séguin M., 2020. Archives of suicide research, 24 (4) pp. 554-567. Peer-reviewed.
Défis et stratégies de l’interprétariat en psychiatrie: un matériel didactique pour former les interprètes à la précision des restitutions et à la métacommunication
Weber Orest, Faucherre Florence, 2020..
L’interprétariat dans la santé : études linguistiques de terrain et activités de formation
Weber Orest (eds.), 2020., Université de Lausanne (Bulletin de l'Institut de Linguistique n°31).
Psychiatric Comorbidity and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Through the Lens of the Biopsychosocial Model: A Comparative Study.
Duong H.P., Konzelmann M., Vuistiner P., Burrus C., Léger B., Stiefel F., Luthi F., 2020. Journal of pain research, 13 pp. 3235-3245. Peer-reviewed.
Situations et idéologies narratives en salle de rédaction: ce que les petites histoires disent de la façon de raconter des journalistes
Merminod Gilles, 2020. dans Small Stories. Un nouveau paradigme pour la recherche sur le récit, Hermann.
Suicidality Assessment of the Elderly With Physical Illness in the Emergency Department.
Costanza A., Amerio A., Radomska M., Ambrosetti J., Di Marco S., Prelati M., Aguglia A., Serafini G., Amore M., Bondolfi G. et al., 2020. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11 p. 558974. Peer-reviewed.
Suicides in Psychiatric Patients: Identifying Health Care-Related Factors through Clinical Practice Reviews.
Michaud L., Stiefel F., Moreau D., Dorogi Y., Morier-Genoud A., Bourquin C., 2020. Archives of suicide research, 24 (sup2) pp. S150-S164. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of multilingualism on a Swiss public health information campaign about organ donation
Merminod Gilles, 2020. pp. 84-88 dans The Multilingual Challenge for the Construction and Transmission of Scientific Knowledge, John Benjamins.
Collusion in palliative care: an exploratory study with the Collusion Classification Grid.
Stiefel F., Nakamura K., Ishitani K., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2019/12. Palliative & supportive care, 17 (6) pp. 637-642. Peer-reviewed.
General practitioners referring patients to specialists in tertiary healthcare: a qualitative study.
Tzartzas K., Oberhauser P.N., Marion-Veyron R., Bourquin C., Senn N., Stiefel F., 2019/12/01. BMC family practice, 20 (1) p. 165. Peer-reviewed.
Jeunes, migration et socialisation sexuelle
Poglia Mileti Francesca, Vilani Michela, Mellini Laura, Sulstarova Brikela, Singy Pascal, 2019/11/28. REISO.
Anorexie mentale et trouble du comportement alimentaire selon une perspective phénoménologique : version francophone du questionnaire IDentity and EAting disorders (IDEA)
Englebert Jérôme, Minguet Eugénie, Helinski Adam, Dominé Françoise, Gebhard Sandra, Zdrojewski Catherine, Castellini Giovanni, Ricca Valdo, Mancini Milena, Stiefel Friedrich et al., 2019/11. L'Évolution Psychiatrique, 84 (4) pp. 605-616. Peer-reviewed.
Moving toward the next generation of communication training in oncology: The relevance of findings from qualitative research.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2019/11. European journal of cancer care, 28 (6) pp. e13149. Peer-reviewed.
Precision psychiatry: Promises made-Promises to be kept?
Stiefel F., Conus P., Bourquin C., 2019/09. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry, 53 (9) pp. 841-843. Peer-reviewed.
Comorbidités et suicide en fonction des professions en Suisse
Schmid Mathilde, Michaud Laurent, Bovio Nicolas, Guseva Canu Irina, 2019/06/30. dans 27ème Journées Franco-Suisses de Médecine et de Santé au Travail, Annecy, France.
Etudiants en médecine et exercices de gestion du bien-être : étude de faisabilité [Not Available]
Calzoni N., Graz B., Bonvin R., Dodin S., Bonvin É., 2019/06/05. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (654) pp. 1193-1197. Peer-reviewed.
Individual Supervision to Enhance Reflexivity and the Practice of Patient-Centered Care: Experience at the Undergraduate Level.
Berney A., Bourquin C., 2019/04. Journal of cancer education, 34 (2) pp. 363-365. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling empathy as synchrony in clinician and patient vocally encoded emotional arousal: A failure to replicate.
Gaume J., Hallgren K.A., Clair C., Schmid Mast M., Carrard V., Atkins D.C., 2019/04. Journal of counseling psychology, 66 (3) pp. 341-350. Peer-reviewed.
Chirurgie bariatrique et psychotropes: où en sommes-nous? [Bariatric surgery and psychotropic drugs : where are we now ?]
Vandenberghe F., Corminboeuf Y., Favre L., 2019/03/20. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (643) pp. 631-635. Peer-reviewed.
Les enjeux de la rencontre avec la personne suicidaire - Apports du Groupe romand prévention suicide (GRPS) [Meeting suicidal patient : ongoing actions in French speaking Switzerland]
Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Michaud L., 2019/03/20. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (643) pp. 644-649. Peer-reviewed.
Chemins de l’in(ter)disciplinarité: connaissance, corps, language
Benaroyo L., Berthoud A.-C., Diezi J., Merminod G., Papaux A., Schenk F., Usunier J.-C., Volken H., 2019/03. Sciences et enjeux, 10 216, L'Harmattan - Academia.
Engagement and practical wisdom in clinical practice: a phenomenological study.
Saraga M., Boudreau D., Fuks A., 2019/03. Medicine, health care, and philosophy, 22 (1) pp. 41-52. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge de la patientèle sourde et malentendante : un défi à relever [Health issues in deaf and hearing-impaired patients : a challenge to take up]
Singy P., Cantero O., Bodenmann P., 2019/02/27. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (640) pp. 482-484. Peer-reviewed.
An empirical and philosophical exploration of clinical practice.
Saraga M., Boudreau D., Fuks A., 2019/02/21. Philosophy, ethics, and humanities in medicine, 14 (1) p. 3. Peer-reviewed.
Supervision des équipes de soinsen psychiatrie de liaison : quelques points de repère [Team supervision in Consultation Liaison psychiatry : thoughts and landmarks]
Berney A., Dorogi Y., 2019/02/06. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (637) pp. 344-346. Peer-reviewed.
Symptômes médicalement non expliqués : un défi pour le clinicien.
Bondolfi G., Stiefel F., 2019/02/06. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (637) pp. 327-328. Peer-reviewed.
Une relation sous influence : phénomènes collusifs en Clinique [A relationship under the influence : collusive phenomena in clinics]
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., Saraga M., 2019/02/06. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (637) pp. 330-332. Peer-reviewed.
How physicians make sense of their experience of being involved in hospital users' complaints and the associated mediation.
Schaad B., Bourquin C., Panese F., Stiefel F., 2019/01/28. BMC health services research, 19 (1) p. 73. Peer-reviewed.
The implementation and first insights of the French-speaking Swiss programme for monitoring self-harm.
Ostertag L., Golay P., Dorogi Y., Brovelli S., Bertran M., Cromec I., Van Der Vaeren B., Khan R., Costanza A., Wyss K. et al., 2019/01/28. Swiss medical weekly, 149 pp. w20016. Peer-reviewed.
Chairissons-nous !...mais sans maux d'amour
Singy Pascal, 2019. pp. 197-202 dans Pahud Stéphanie (eds.) Chairissons-nous !, Ed. Favre.
Pasche O., Maguerat I., Chenal R., Cornuz J., Klein G., Marin C., Vannotti M., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., Marion-Veyron R., 2019. pp. 647-660 dans Compas: stratégies de prise en charge clinique, médecine interne générale en ambulatoire chap. 42, RMS éditions.
Exploring barriers to consistent condom use among sub-Saharan African young immigrants in Switzerland.
Mileti F.P., Mellini L., Sulstarova B., Villani M., Singy P., 2019/01. AIDS care, 31 (1) pp. 113-116. Peer-reviewed.
Histoire d'une nouvelle. Pratiques narratives en salle de rédaction
Merminod Gilles, 2019., De Boeck.
Kairos et après-coup: des vertus du malentendu
Saraga Michael, 2019. dans Psychopathologie phénoménologique: dépassement et ouverture.
Nuance Matters.
Stiefel F., Bourquin C., 2019/01. Journal of thoracic oncology, 14 (1) pp. e15. Peer-reviewed.
Parler de sexualité : le point de vue de jeunes migrant-e-s subsaharien-ne-s
Sulstarova Brikela, Poglia Mileti Francesca, Mellini Laura, Villani Michela, Singy Pascal, 2019. dans Actes du Colloque de la Société Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionnelle (SILF), Moscow City University.
Produire et diffuser des savoirs sur le langage
Merminod Gilles, Delaloye Laura, 2019. dans La médiation des savoirs sur le langage, CLSL.
Spotlight on Japanese physicians: An exploration of their professional experiences elicited by means of narrative facilitators.
Stiefel F., Stiefel F., Terui T., Machino T., Ishitani K., Bourquin C., 2019. Work, 63 (2) pp. 269-282. Peer-reviewed.
The disappearing hand: vestibular stimulation does not improve hand localisation.
Grabherr L., Russek L.N., Bellan V., Shohag M., Camfferman D., Moseley G.L., 2019. PeerJ, 7 pp. e7201. Peer-reviewed.
Training in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine
Söllner W., Guthrie E., Berney A., 2019. pp. 303- 319 dans Grassi Luigi , Riba Michelle B. , Wise Thomas (eds.) Person Centered Approach to Recovery in Medicine chap. 17, Springer.
« Chemins de l’in(ter)disciplinarité » : une démarche exploratoire à la croisée des sciences de la culture et des sciences de la nature
Berthoud Anne-Claude, Merminod Gilles, 2019. dans Journée de la recherche 2019.
À propos d'un trouble de l'évidence corporelle dans l'anorexie
Wykretowicz Hubert, Saraga Michael, Stiefel Friedrich, 2019/01. L'Évolution Psychiatrique, 84 (1) pp. 185-197. Peer-reviewed.
Anxiété, dépression et BPCO : le point de vue du psychiatre. Comment dépister des manifestations psychiatriques chez les BPCO ? Et comment les prendre en charge ?
Henninger S., Calamand D., Pasche O., Maccaferri G.E., 2018/12/01. Info Respiration 148 pp. 9-11.
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