Centre for Integrative Genomics

CIG Services communs | Groupe Benton | Groupe Fajas | Groupe Fankhauser | Groupe Franken | Groupe Gambetta | Groupe Gatfield | Groupe Larsch | Groupe Michalik | Groupe Reymond | Groupe Roignant | Groupe van Leeuwen | Groupe Vastenhouw | Groupe Vjestica | Plateforme de biostatistique | Plateforme Genomics Technologies Facility (GTF) | Plateforme Protein Analysis Facility (PAF)
Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3 publications

2019 | 2016 |
Glucose transporter 2 mediates the hypoglycemia-induced increase in cerebral blood flow.
Lei H., Preitner F., Labouèbe G., Gruetter R., Thorens B., 2019/09. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism, 39 (9) pp. 1725-1736. Peer-reviewed.
Biological Characterization of Gene Response to Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia in Mouse Retina.
Emery M., Nanchen N., Preitner F., Ibberson M., Roduit R., 2016. Plos One, 11 (2) pp. e0150266. Peer-reviewed.
Glutamate Cysteine Ligase-Modulatory Subunit Knockout Mouse Shows Normal Insulin Sensitivity but Reduced Liver Glycogen Storage.
Lavoie S., Steullet P., Kulak A., Preitner F., Do K.Q., Magistretti P.J., 2016. Frontiers in Physiology, 7 p. 142. Peer-reviewed.
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