Philippe Golay

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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133 publications

Sous presse | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 |
Pathways to care in youth and young adults at clinical high risk for psychosis in Switzerland: Current situation and clinical implementation of the PsyYoung project
Bailey Barbara, Solida Alessandra, Andreou Christina, Plessen Kerstin Jessica, Conus Philippe, Mercapide Mathieu, Kasparidi Afrodite, Conchon Caroline, Sprüngli-Toffel Elodie, Genoud Davina et al. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Neurocognition and NMDAR Co-agonists Pathways in Individuals with Treatment Resistant First-Episode Psychosis: a 3-year Follow-up Longitudinal Study
Camporesi S., Xin L., Golay P., Eap C. B., Cleusix M., Cuenod M., Fournier M., Hashimoto K., Jenni R., Ramain J. et al. Molecular Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Reduction of DUP in early intervention programs: no pain… almost no gain
Frischherz M., Conus P., Golay P. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Statistical Implication Analysis: a novel approach to understand the reciprocal relationships between outcomes in Early Psychosis
Golay P., Abrahamyan Empson L., Mebdouhi N., Conchon C., Bonnarel V., Conus P., Alameda L. Psychological Medicine. Peer-reviewed.
How socioprofessional factors effect serious suicide attemps: a case-control study
Saillant S., Paz J., Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., Guseva-Canu I. Acta Biomedica Atenei Parmensis. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of Patterns of Hospitalizations in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Urben Sébastien, Golay Philippe, Forte Alberto, Courousse Swen, Kapp Carole, Plessen Kerstin Jessica, Armando Marco The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement of perceived pressures in psychiatry: paper-and-pencil and computerized adaptive version of the P-PSY35 scale
Golay Philippe, Martinez Debora, Bachelard Mizué, Silva Benedetta, Brodard Alexandra, Perrin Jonathan, Pedro Fernando Nolan, Renaud Lou-Ann, Bonsack Charles, Morandi Stéphane, 2024/05/10. Annals of General Psychiatry, 23 (18) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
How do decision making and fairness mediate the relationship between involuntary hospitalisation and perceived coercion among psychiatric inpatients?
Morandi Stéphane, Silva Benedetta, Pauli Guillaume, Martinez Debora, Bachelard Mizué, Bonsack Charles, Golay Philippe, 2024/05. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 173 pp. 98-103. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of a family history of mental disorders on the characteristics of patients with early psychosis
Pöthe Barbara, Conus Philippe, Golay Philippe, 2024/04/04. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Good psychiatric management for borderline personality disorder: A qualitative study of its implementation in a supported employment team
Dunand Noëllie, Golay Philippe, Bonsack Charles, Spagnoli Danièle, Pomini Valentino, 2024/03/15. PLOS ONE, 19 (3) pp. e0299514. Peer-reviewed.
Coping profiles of family caregivers of people with schizophrenia: differentiations between parent and sibling caregivers.
Plessis L., Rexhaj S., Golay P., Wilquin H., 2024. Journal of mental health, 33 (2) pp. 244-252. Peer-reviewed.
Paradox of Self-Stigma Scale. Shorter yet accurate measurements with computerised adaptive testing in psychiatry.
Golay P., Martinez D., Bonalumi C., Silva B., Morandi S., Bonsack C., 2024. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 175 (1) pp. 12-16. Peer-reviewed.
Proxy measures for the assessment of psychotic and affective symptoms in studies using electronic health records
López-Díaz Álvaro, Palermo-Zeballos Fernanda Jazmín, Gutierrez-Rojas Luis, Alameda Luis, Gotor-Sánchez-Luengo Francisco, Garrido-Torres Nathalia, Métrailler Johann, Alerci Livia, Bonnarel Vincent, Cano-Domínguez Pablo et al., 2024/01. BJPsych Open, 10 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
The co-occurrence of manic and depressive dimensions in early psychosis: a latent transition analysis.
Ramain J., Abrahamyan Empson L., Alameda L., Solida A., Elowe J., Mebdouhi N., Conus P., Golay P., 2023/12. Psychological medicine, 53 (16) pp. 7601-7608. Peer-reviewed.
Un outil d'autoévaluation des émotions douloureuses pour mieux accompagner les proches aidants
Fournier Margot, Martinez Debora, Golay Philippe, Monteiro Shadya, Drainville Anne-Laure, Coloni-Terrapon Claire, Buisson Leslie, Favrod Jérôme, Rexhaj Shyhrete, 2023/12. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 181 (10) pp. 880-887. Peer-reviewed.
A better understanding of the impact of childhood trauma on depression in early psychosis: A differential item functioning approach.
Golay P., Abrahamyan Empson L., Mebdouhi N., Conus P., Alameda L., 2023/11. Schizophrenia research, 261 pp. 18-23. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring the Severity of Objective and Subjective Patient-to-Staff Violence in Psychogeriatric and Adult Psychiatric Wards: A Retrospective Study of Four Swiss Hospitals.
Abbiati M., Golay P., De Maria L.F., Palix J., 2023/11. Issues in mental health nursing, 44 (11) pp. 1142-1149. Peer-reviewed.
Risk and protective factors for recovery at 3-year follow-up after first-episode psychosis onset: a multivariate outcome approach
Serra-Arumí Clara, Golay Philippe, Bonnarel Vincent, Alerci Livia, Abrahamyan Empson Lilith, Conus Philippe, Alameda Luis, 2023/10. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring Patients' Feeling of Being Coerced During Psychiatric Hospital Admission: A Qualitative Study.
Silva B., Bachelard M., Bonsack C., Golay P., Morandi S., 2023/09. The Psychiatric quarterly, 94 (3) pp. 411-434. Peer-reviewed.
Une patiente-chercheuse en psychiatrie : le rôle de l’expérience vécue dans la production de savoirs [A patient-researcher in psychiatry: the role of lived experience in the production of knowledge]
Bachelard Mizué, Bonsack Charles, Silva Benedetta, Morandi Stéphane, Golay Philippe, 2023/07/12. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (835) pp. 1379-1381. Peer-reviewed.
Patients with first-episode psychosis. The impact of established risk factors for psychosis on the 3-year outcomes
Golay Philippe, Reitzel Elsa, Conus Philippe, 2023/06/14. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 174 (3) pp. 88-92. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of early psychosis patients carrying a genetic vulnerability to redox dysregulation: a computational analysis of mechanism-based gene expression profile in fibroblasts.
Giangreco B., Dwir D., Klauser P., Jenni R., Golay P., Cleusix M., Baumann P.S., Cuénod M., Conus P., Toni N. et al., 2023/05. Molecular psychiatry, 28 (5) pp. 1983-1994. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of impulsivity levels in relation to early cannabis use in violent patients in the early phase of psychosis
Dan-Glauser Elise, Framorando David, Solida-Tozzi Alessandra, Golay Philippe, Gholam M. Mehdi, Alameda Luis, Conus Philippe, Moulin Valerie, 2023/05. Psychological Medicine, 53 (7) pp. 3210-3219. Peer-reviewed.
Interactions between mood and paranoid symptoms affect suicidality in first-episode affective psychoses.
Ramain J., Conus P., Golay P., 2023/04. Schizophrenia research, 254 pp. 62-67. Peer-reviewed.
The differential impact of duration of untreated psychosis on functioning and quality of life: A threshold analysis.
Golay P., Ramain J., Mebdouhi N., Abrahamyan Empson L., Elowe J., Solida A., Conus P., 2023/04. Early intervention in psychiatry, 17 (4) pp. 354-360. Peer-reviewed.
Feeling coerced during voluntary and involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation: A review and meta-aggregation of qualitative studies.
Silva B., Bachelard M., Amoussou J.R., Martinez D., Bonalumi C., Bonsack C., Golay P., Morandi S., 2023/02. Heliyon, 9 (2) pp. e13420. Peer-reviewed.
A randomized controlled trial of a targeted support program for informal caregivers in adult psychiatry.
Rexhaj S., Martinez D., Golay P., Coloni-Terrapon C., Monteiro S., Buisson L., Drainville A.L., Bonsack C., Ismailaj A., Nguyen A. et al., 2023. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14 p. 1284096. Peer-reviewed.
Individual Placement and Support effectiveness for personality disorders compared with other mental disorders: A retrospective study
Dunand N., Golay P., Bonsack C., Spagnoli D., Pomini V., 2023. Swiss Archives for Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 174 (1) pp. 20-25. Peer-reviewed.
Satisfaction and Perceived Coercion in Voluntary Hospitalisations: Impact of Past Coercive Experiences.
Martinez D., Brodard A., Silva B., Diringer O., Bonsack C., Morandi S., Golay P., 2022/12. The Psychiatric quarterly, 93 (4) pp. 971-984. Peer-reviewed.
Validation psychométrique d'une échelle française d'auto-stigmatisation auprès d'un échantillon de patients souffrant de troubles mentaux : la Self-Stigma Scale-Short (SSS-S) [Psychometric validation of a French self-stigma scale on a sample of patients suffering from mental disorders: The Self-Stigma Scale-Short (SSS-S)]
Golay P., Martinez D., Silva B., Morandi S., Bonsack C., 2022/11. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 180 (9) pp. 899-904. Peer-reviewed.
When to discharge and when to voluntary or compulsory hospitalize? Factors associated with treatment decision after self-harm.
Michaud L., Berva S., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Golay P., Morandi S., 2022/11. Psychiatry research, 317 p. 114810. Peer-reviewed.
Time of exposure to social defeat stress during childhood and adolescence and redox dysregulation on long-lasting behavioral changes, a translational study.
Schnider M., Jenni R., Ramain J., Camporesi S., Golay P., Alameda L., Conus P., Do K.Q., Steullet P., 2022/09/26. Translational psychiatry, 12 (1) p. 413. Peer-reviewed.
Recherche sur les services et systèmes de santé en psychiatrie - Le défi systémique du virage ambulatoire en psychiatrie [Health services and systems research in psychiatry - The systemic challenge of the ambulatory shift in psychiatry]
Golay P., Michaud L., Bonsack C., 2022/09/21. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (796) pp. 1733-1739. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of Service Use in Intensive Case Management: A Six Year Longitudinal Study.
Golay P., Bonsack C., Silva B., Pauli G., de Boer E., Morandi S., 2022/09. Administration and policy in mental health, 49 (5) pp. 798-809. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics between insight and medication adherence in first-episode psychosis: Study of 3-year trajectories.
Elowe J., Ramain J., Solida A., Conus P., Golay P., 2022/08/15. European psychiatry, 65 (1) pp. e49. Peer-reviewed.
Grouping affective psychoses in early intervention: Justification for specific treatment guidelines
Ramain Julie, Conus Philippe, Golay Philippe, 2022/08. Psychiatry Research, 314 p. 114690. Peer-reviewed.
Symptom dimensions stability over time in recent onset psychosis: A prospective study.
Golay P., Ramain J., Abrahamyan Empson L., Mebdouhi N., Elowe J., Solida A., Conus P., 2022/08. Schizophrenia research, 246 pp. 126-131. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence of mediation of severity of anxiety and depressive symptoms between abuse and positive symptoms of psychosis.
Alameda L., Conus P., Ramain J., Solida A., Golay P., 2022/06. Journal of psychiatric research, 150 pp. 353-359. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring the clinical relevance of a dichotomy between affective and non-affective psychosis: Results from a first-episode psychosis cohort study.
Ramain J., Conus P., Golay P., 2022/02. Early intervention in psychiatry, 16 (2) pp. 168-177. Peer-reviewed.
Ability to Care for an Ill Loved One During the First COVID-19 Lockdown: Mediators of Informal Caregivers' Stress in Europe.
Monteiro S., Fournier M., Favrod J., Drainville A.L., Plessis L., Freudiger S., Skuza K., Tripalo C., Franck N., Lebas M.C. et al., 2022. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 p. 852712. Peer-reviewed.
Correlates of full adherence to integrated treatment in early psychosis: a three year prospective study
Golay P., Ezzat D., Conus P., 2022. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 173 (w10098). Peer-reviewed.
Perceived fairness as main determinant of patients' satisfaction with care during psychiatric hospitalisation: An observational study.
Silva B., Pauli G., Diringer O., Morandi S., Bonsack C., Golay P., 2022. International journal of law and psychiatry, 82 p. 101793. Peer-reviewed.
Socio-Professional Factors and Serious Suicide Attempt (SSA): A Case-Control Study
Saillant Stéphane, Paz José, Golay Philippe, Ostertag Louise, Costanza Alessandra, Van der Vaeren Bénédicte, Dorogi Yves, Michaud Laurent, Guseva Canu Irina, 2022/01. pp. S276-S277 dans Abstracts of the 33rd International Congress on Occupational Health 2022 (ICOH 2022) 6–10 February 2022, Safety and Health at Work.
Subtyping based on premorbid profile: A strategy to personalize treatment in first-episode affective psychosis.
Ramain J., Conus P., Golay P., 2022/01. Early intervention in psychiatry, 16 (1) pp. 51-60. Peer-reviewed.
Six months functional response to early psychosis intervention program best predicts outcome after three years.
Golay P., Ramain J., Jenni R., Klauser P., Mebdouhi N., Conus P., Solida A., 2021/12. Schizophrenia research, 238 pp. 62-69. Peer-reviewed.
A narrative review of intervention in first-episode affective psychoses.
Ramain J., Conus P., Golay P., 2021/11. Journal of psychiatric research, 143 pp. 123-137. Peer-reviewed.
French Adaptation of the Coparenting Relationship Scale : A Scale for the Assessment of the Interparental Relationship
Favez Nicolas, Tissot Hervé, Golay Philippe, Max Aline, Feinberg Mark E., Bader Michel, 2021/11. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37 (6) pp. 433-439. Peer-reviewed.
French validation of the M-Back questionnaire: assessing clinicians' knowledge about metabolic syndrome in psychiatry
Golay P., Calderoni M., Eap C. B., Conus P., 2021/10/10. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 105 (w10011). Peer-reviewed.
Topology predicts long-term functional outcome in early psychosis.
Fournier M., Scolamiero M., Gholam-Rezaee M.M., Cleusix M., Jenni R., Ferrari C., Golay P., Baumann P.S., Cuenod M., Conus P. et al., 2021/09. Molecular psychiatry, 26 (9) pp. 5335-5346. Peer-reviewed.
Specific aspects of aberrant salience: comparison between patients with or without psychosis and healthy participants
Martinez Debora, Laloyaux Julien, Favrod Jérome, Silva Benedetta, Della Libera Clara, Larøi Frank, Bonsack Charles, Golay Philippe, 2021/07/28. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 172 (w03215). Peer-reviewed.
Predicting involuntary hospitalization in psychiatry: A machine learning investigation.
Silva B., Gholam M., Golay P., Bonsack C., Morandi S., 2021/07/08. European psychiatry, 64 (1) pp. e48. Peer-reviewed.
Recovering the Capacity to Live outside of a Psychiatric Hospital: Impact of a Specialized Inpatient Program.
Lequin P., Golay P., Herrera F., Brisard M.A., Conus P., 2021/06. The Psychiatric quarterly, 92 (2) pp. 751-759. Peer-reviewed.
Traumatisme sexuel ou physique dans l’enfance : quel impact sur l’évolution d’un premier épisode psychotique ? [Sexual and physical abuse during childhood; what is the impact on outcome in first episode psychosis patients?]
Thonney J., Conus P., Golay P., 2021/06. L'Encephale, 47 (3) pp. 215-220. Peer-reviewed.
Work-related burnout among personnel at a university hospital: identifying quantitative and qualitative differences using latent class analysis.
Besse C.S., Bonsack C., Gilles I., Golay P., 2021/06. Journal of mental health, 30 (3) pp. 388-399. Peer-reviewed.
Patients with first versus multiple episodes of self-harm: how do their profiles differ?
Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Michaud L., 2021/05/13. Annals of general psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 30. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring the paradox of self-stigma: psychometric properties of a brief scale.
Golay P., Moga M., Devas C., Staecheli M., Poisat Y., Israël M., Suter C., Silva B., Morandi S., Ferrari P. et al., 2021/01/19. Annals of general psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 5. Peer-reviewed.
Mental health professionals' feelings and attitudes towards coercion.
Morandi S., Silva B., Mendez Rubio M., Bonsack C., Golay P., 2021. International journal of law and psychiatry, 74 p. 101665. Peer-reviewed.
Mon patient est un héros ! L’approche mythologique dans le contexte de la réinsertion professionnelle des patients
Moratal J., Spagnoli D., Golay P., 2021. Information Psychiatrique, 97 (6) pp. 497-504. Peer-reviewed.
The Joint Crisis Plan: A Powerful Tool to Promote Mental Health.
Lequin P., Ferrari P., Suter C., Milovan M., Besse C., Silva B., Golay P., Bonsack C., Favrod J., 2021. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 p. 621436. Peer-reviewed.
Rate and predictors of disengagement in an early psychosis program with time limited intensification of treatment.
Golay P., Ramain J., Reiff C., Solida A., Baumann P.S., Conus P., 2020/12. Journal of psychiatric research, 131 pp. 33-38. Peer-reviewed.
Ensemble programme for early intervention in informal caregivers of psychiatric adult patients: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Rexhaj S., Monteiro S., Golay P., Coloni-Terrapon C., Wenger D., Favrod J., 2020/07/30. BMJ open, 10 (7) pp. e038781. Peer-reviewed.
Urban remediation: a new recovery-oriented strategy to manage urban stress after first-episode psychosis.
Baumann P.S., Söderström O., Abrahamyan Empson L., Söderström D., Codeluppi Z., Golay P., Birchwood M., Conus P., 2020/03. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 55 (3) pp. 273-283. Peer-reviewed.
Increasing tips in less than two hours: Impact of a training intervention on the amount of tips received by restaurant employees
Fernandez S., Dufour F., Costa V., De Boer C., Terrier L., Golay P., 2020/02/01. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 61 (1) pp. 98-107. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatrie [Psychiatry: novelties in 2019]
Conus P., Abrahamyan Empson L., Baumann P.S., Söderström O., Codeluppi Z., Söderström D., Golay P., Khazaal Y., 2020/01/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (678) pp. 144-147. Peer-reviewed.
Moderating role of cannabis use between insight and depression in early psychosis.
Elowe J., Golay P., Baumann P.S., Solida-Tozzi A., Conus P., 2020/01. Schizophrenia research, 215 pp. 61-65. Peer-reviewed.
Propensity to decide on involuntary hospitalisation in primary medical care: Dispositional or situational determinants?
Morandi S., Silva B., Bonsack C., Golay P., 2020. International journal of law and psychiatry, 69 p. 101552. Peer-reviewed.
Protective Factor Assessments: What Are We Measuring?—An Investigation of the Internal Validity of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk
Abbiati Milena, Golay Philippe, Gasser Jacques, Moulin Valerie, 2020. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47 (4) pp. 383-398. Peer-reviewed.
Psychological trauma occurring during adolescence is associated with an increased risk of greater waist circumference in Early Psychosis patients treated with psychotropic medication.
Alameda L., Levier A., Gholam-Rezaee M., Golay P., Vandenberghe F., Delacretaz A., Baumann P., Glatard A., Dubath C., Herane-Vives A. et al., 2020. PloS one, 15 (12) pp. e0242569. Peer-reviewed.
Psychometric investigation of the French version of the Aberrant Salience Inventory (ASI): differentiating patients with psychosis, patients with other psychiatric diagnoses and non-clinical participants.
Golay P., Laloyaux J., Moga M., Della Libera C., Larøi F., Bonsack C., 2020. Annals of general psychiatry, 19 p. 58. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying patterns in psychiatric hospital stays with statistical methods: towards a typology of post-deinstitutionalization hospitalization trajectories.
Golay P., Morandi S., Conus P., Bonsack C., 2019/11. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 54 (11) pp. 1411-1417. Peer-reviewed.
Frontal cortical thickness correlates positively with impulsivity in early psychosis male patients.
Baumann P.S., Klauser P., Griffa A., Golay P., Palix J., Alameda L., Moulin V., Hagmann P., Do K.Q., Conus P., 2019/08. Early intervention in psychiatry, 13 (4) pp. 848-852. Peer-reviewed.
Violent behaviour in early psychosis patients: Can we identify clinical risk profiles?
Moulin V., Palix J., Golay P., Dumais A., Gholamrezaee M.M., Azzola A., Baumann P.S., Alameda L., Conus P., 2019/06. Early intervention in psychiatry, 13 (3) pp. 517-524. Peer-reviewed.
Migration in patients with early psychosis: A 3-year prospective follow-up study.
Golay P., Baumann P.S., Jaton L., Restellini R., Solida A., Mebdouhi N., Conus P., 2019/05. Psychiatry research, 275 pp. 108-114. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship between self-stigma and depression among people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: A longitudinal study.
Pellet J., Golay P., Nguyen A., Suter C., Ismailaj A., Bonsack C., Favrod J., 2019/05. Psychiatry research, 275 pp. 115-119. Peer-reviewed.
The implementation and first insights of the French-speaking Swiss programme for monitoring self-harm.
Ostertag L., Golay P., Dorogi Y., Brovelli S., Bertran M., Cromec I., Van Der Vaeren B., Khan R., Costanza A., Wyss K. et al., 2019/01/28. Swiss medical weekly, 149 pp. w20016. Peer-reviewed.
City Avoidance in the Early Phase of Psychosis: A Neglected Domain of Assessment and a Potential Target for Recovery Strategies.
Conus P., Abrahamyan Empson L., Codeluppi Z., Baumann P.S., Söderström O., Söderström D., Golay P., 2019. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10 p. 342. Peer-reviewed.
Community treatment orders in Western Switzerland: A retrospective epidemiological study.
Silva B., Golay P., Boubaker K., Bonsack C., Morandi S., 2019. International journal of law and psychiatry, 67 p. 101509. Peer-reviewed.
Feeling coerced during psychiatric hospitalization: Impact of perceived status of admission and perceived usefulness of hospitalization.
Golay P., Morandi S., Silva B., Devas C., Bonsack C., 2019. International journal of law and psychiatry, 67 p. 101512. Peer-reviewed.
Improving Pleasure and Motivation in Schizophrenia: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Favrod J., Nguyen A., Chaix J., Pellet J., Frobert L., Fankhauser C., Ismailaj A., Brana A., Tamic G., Suter C. et al., 2019. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 88 (2) pp. 84-95. Peer-reviewed.
Psychometric properties of the French-language version of the Coercion Experience Scale (CES).
Golay P., Favrod J., Morandi S., Bonsack C., 2019. Annals of general psychiatry, 18 p. 4. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with involuntary hospitalisation for psychiatric patients in Switzerland: a retrospective study.
Silva B., Golay P., Morandi S., 2018/12/29. BMC psychiatry, 18 (1) p. 401. Peer-reviewed.
Internal validity of the French version of the Family Coping Questionnaire (FCQ): A confirmatory factor analysis.
Plessis L., Golay P., Wilquin H., Favrod J., Rexhaj S., 2018/11. Psychiatry research, 269 pp. 337-344. Peer-reviewed.
Patients participating to neurobiological research in early psychosis: A selected subgroup?
Golay P., Baumann P.S., Jenni R., Do K.Q., Conus P., 2018/11. Schizophrenia research, 201 pp. 249-253. Peer-reviewed.
The Code White protocol: a mixed somatic-psychiatric protocol for managing psychomotor agitation in the ED
Saillant S., Della Santa V., Golay P., Amirat M., 2018/05/23. Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie / Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie / Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 169 (4) pp. 121-126. Peer-reviewed.
Impulsivity in early psychosis: A complex link with violent behaviour and a target for intervention.
Moulin V., Golay P., Palix J., Baumann P.S., Gholamrezaee M.M., Azzola A., Gasser J., Do K.Q., Alameda L., Conus P., 2018/03. European psychiatry, 49 pp. 30-36. Peer-reviewed.
N-acetylcysteine in a Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial: Toward Biomarker-Guided Treatment in Early Psychosis.
Conus P., Seidman L.J., Fournier M., Xin L., Cleusix M., Baumann P.S., Ferrari C., Cousins A., Alameda L., Gholam-Rezaee M. et al., 2018/02/15. Schizophrenia bulletin, 44 (2) pp. 317-327. Peer-reviewed.
Latent Class Analysis of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales: A comparison of Swiss and English Profiles and Exploration of their Predictive Utility
Maddison P., Golay P., Muncer S., 2018/02/01. European Psychiatry, 48 pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
Investigating the Theoretical Structure of the DAS-II Core Battery at School Age using Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling
Dombrowski S., Golay P., McGill R., Canivez G., 2018/01/08. Psychology in the Schools, 55 (2) pp. 190-207. Peer-reviewed.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the French Version of the Savoring Beliefs Inventory.
Golay P., Thonon B., Nguyen A., Fankhauser C., Favrod J., 2018. Frontiers in psychology, 9 p. 181. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation du fonctionnement différentiel des items et de l’influence de diverses variables sociodémographiques dans le subtests du WISC-IV
Kieng S., Golay P., Lecerf T., 2018. pp. 22-26 dans Collange J., Loarer E., Lubart T. (eds.) La psychologie différentielle au 21ème siècle : nouvelles modélisations et applications, Éditions Laboratoire Lati.
Qui a besoin de suivi intensif dans le milieu dans un programme spécialisé pour les psychoses émergentes ?
de Boer E., Alameda L., Golay P., Baumann P.S., Morandi S., Conus P., Bonsack C., 2018/01. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 176 (1) pp. 74-79. Peer-reviewed.
Which are your resources and how do they contribute to your recovery?
Bellier-Teichmann T., Golay P., Pomini V., 2018. European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 68 (6) pp. 215-226. Peer-reviewed.
French Translation and Validation of Three Scales Evaluating Stigma in Mental Health
Garcia Carla, Golay Philippe, Favrod Jérôme, Bonsack Charles, 2017/12/18. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8 (290) pp. 1-8. Peer-reviewed.
Perceived coercion in psychiatric hospital admission: validation of the French-language version of the MacArthur Admission Experience Survey.
Golay P., Semlali I., Beuchat H., Pomini V., Silva B., Loutrel L., Thonney J., Fassasi Gallo S., Morandi S., Bonsack C., 2017/11/06. BMC psychiatry, 17 (1) p. 357. Peer-reviewed.
Multicomponent intervention for patients admitted to an emergency unit for suicide attempt: an exploratory study
Brovellli S., Dorogi Y., Golay P., Bonsack C., Feiner A., Stiefel F., Michaud L., 2017/09/27. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8 (188) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility and Accessibility of a Tailored Intervention for Informal Caregivers of People with Severe Psychiatric Disorders: a Pilot Study
Rexhaj S., Leclerc C., Bonsack C., Golay P., Favrod J., 2017/09/21. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8 (178) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Restaurer la compétence à vivre hors de l’hôpital psychiatrique : résultats d’un programme spécialisé [Recovering the capacity to live outside of hospital : results from a specialized inpatient program]
Lequin P., Brisard M.A., Skyllakou I., Herrera F., Golay P., Herrgott J., Conus P., 2017/09/20. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (575) pp. 1610-1613. Peer-reviewed.
« Chez soi d’abord » : se rétablir chez soi d’un trouble psychique sévère [Housing first : at home recovery of severe mental disorder]
Garcia Gonzalez De Ara C., Morandi S., Lippuner M., Delmatti J., Golay P., Bonsack C., 2017/09/20. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (575) pp. 1605-1609. Peer-reviewed.
Age at the time of onset of psychosis: A marker of specific needs rather than a determinant of outcome?
Golay P., Alameda L., Mebdouhi N., Baumann P., Ferrari C., Solida A., Progin P., Elowe J., Conus P., 2017/09. European psychiatry, 45 pp. 20-26. Peer-reviewed.
Mild Depressive Symptoms Mediate the Impact of Childhood Trauma on Long-Term Functional Outcome in Early Psychosis Patients.
Alameda L., Golay P., Baumann P.S., Progin P., Mebdouhi N., Elowe J., Ferrari C., Do K.Q., Conus P., 2017/09/01. Schizophrenia bulletin, 43 (5) pp. 1027-1035. Peer-reviewed.
Confirmatory factor analysis of the French version of the Anticipatory and Consummatory Interpersonal Pleasure Scale
Chaix J., Golay P., Fankhauser C., Nguyen A., Gooding D., Favrod J., 2017/07/28. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 (1296) pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
Community Treatment Order: Identifying the need for more evidence based justification of its use in first episode psychosis patients.
Morandi S., Golay P., Lambert M., Schimmelmann B.G., McGorry P.D., Cotton S.M., Conus P., 2017/07. Schizophrenia research, 185 pp. 67-72. Peer-reviewed.
Intensive Case Management for Addiction to promote engagement with care of people with severe mental and substance use disorders: an observational study.
Morandi S., Silva B., Golay P., Bonsack C., 2017/05/25. Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy, 12 (1) p. 26. Peer-reviewed.
Engager dans les soins les personnes ayant des troubles psychiques et des problèmes d'emploi : étude retrospective
Silini C, Silva B, Golay P, Besse C, Spagnoli D, Bonsack C, 2017/05/17. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 168 (4) pp. 107-112. Peer-reviewed.
N-acetyl-cysteine in a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial: Towards biomarker guided treatment in early psychosis
Conus P., Fournier M., Xin L., Baumann P., Ferrari C., Cousins A., Alameda L., Golay P., Jenni R., Kashavan M.S. et al., 2017/04. pp. S806 dans European Psychiatry, Elsevier BV.
Insight as a social identity process in the evolution of psychosocial functioning in the early phase of psychosis.
Klaas H.S., Clémence A., Marion-Veyron R., Antonietti J.P., Alameda L., Golay P., Conus P., 2017/03. Psychological medicine, 47 (4) pp. 718-729. Peer-reviewed.
SA19. N-Acetyl-Cysteine in a Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial: Toward Biomarker-Guided Treatment in Early Psychosis
Do Kim, Seidman Larry J., Fournier Margot, Xin Lijing, Cleusix Martine, Baumann Philipp S., Ferrari Carina, Cousins Ann, Alameda Luis, Gholam-Rezaee Mehdi et al., 2017/03/01. pp. S119-S120 dans Schizophrenia Bulletin, Oxford University Press (OUP).
Factorial structure and long-term stability of the Autonomy Preference Index.
Morandi S., Golay P., Vazquez-Montes M., Rugkåsa J., Molodynski A., Yeeles K., Burns T., 2017/01. Psychological assessment, 29 (1) pp. 110-115. Peer-reviewed.
Perceptions of schizophrenia and coping styles in caregivers: comparison between India and Switzerland.
Rexhaj S., Jose A.E., Golay P., Favrod J., 2016/11. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 23 (9-10) pp. 585-594. Peer-reviewed.
Impaired fornix-hippocampus integrity is linked to peripheral glutathione peroxidase in early psychosis.
Baumann P.S., Griffa A., Fournier M., Golay P., Ferrari C., Alameda L., Cuenod M., Thiran J.P., Hagmann P., Do K.Q. et al., 2016/07/26. Translational psychiatry, 6 (7) pp. e859. Peer-reviewed.
Duration of untreated psychosis: Impact of the definition of treatment onset on its predictive value over three years of treatment.
Golay P., Alameda L., Baumann P., Elowe J., Progin P., Polari A., Conus P., 2016/06. Journal of psychiatric research, 77 pp. 15-21. Peer-reviewed.
Premier épisode psychotique : l'âge en question.
Mebdouhi N., Golay P., Conus P., 2016/06. Santé Mentale, 209 pp. 76-81.
Validation of the French Version of the Experiences in Close Relationships– Revised (ECR-R) Adult Romantic Attachment Questionnaire
Favez Nicolas, Tissot Hervé, Ghisletta Paolo, Golay Philippe, Cairo Notari Sarah, 2016/06. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 75 (3) pp. 113-121. Peer-reviewed.
Age at the time of exposure to trauma modulates the psychopathological profile in early psychosis patients
Alameda L., Golay P., Baumann P., Ferrari C., Do K.Q., Conus P., 2016/05. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77 (5) pp. e612-e618. Peer-reviewed.
Assertive outreach for "difficult to engage" patients : a useful tool for a subgroup of patients in specialized early psychosis intervention programs
Alameda L., Golay P., Baumann P., Morandi S., Ferrari C., Conus P., Bonsack C., 2016/03. Psychiatry research, 239 pp. 212-219. Peer-reviewed.
Development of the Positive Emotions Program for Schizophrenia (PEPS): an intervention to improve pleasure and motivation in schizophrenia
Nguyen A., Frobert L., McCluskey I., Golay P., Bonsack C., Favrod J., 2016/02. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7 (13) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Internal and Predictive Validity of the French Health of the Nation Outcome Scales: Need for Future Directions.
Golay P., Basterrechea L., Conus P., Bonsack C., 2016. PloS one, 11 (8) pp. e0160360. Peer-reviewed.
Linking primary and secondary care after psychiatric hospitalisation: comparison between transitional case management setting and routine care for common mental disorders
Bonsack Charles, Golay Philippe, Gibellini Manetti Silvia, Gebel Sophia, Ferrari Pascale, Besse Christine, Favrod Jérôme, Morandi Stéphane, 2016. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7 p. 96. Peer-reviewed.
Patients' Needs for Care in Public Mental Health: Unity and Diversity of Self-Assessed Needs for Care.
Bellier-Teichmann T., Golay P., Bonsack C., Pomini V., 2016. Frontiers In Public Health, 4 p. 22. Peer-reviewed.
Testing for multigroup invariance of the WISC-IV structure across France and Switzerland : Standard and CHC models
Reverte I., Golay P., Favez N., Rossier J., Lecerf T., 2015/05. Learning and Individual Differences, 40 pp. 127-133. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse factorielle confirmatoire : approche bayésienne
Golay P., Reverte I., Lecerf T., 2015/02. pp. 265-284 dans Juhel J., Rouxel G. (eds.) Différences et variabilités en psychologie, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Structural Validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) in a French-speaking Swiss sample
Reverte I., Golay P., Favez N., Rossier J., Lecerf T., 2014/01. Learning and Individual Differences, 29 pp. 114-119. Peer-reviewed.
Against coefficient of variation for estimation of intraindividual variability with accuracy measures
Golay P., Fagot D., Lecerf T., 2013. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 9 (1) pp. 6-14. Peer-reviewed.
Further insights on the French WISC-IV factor structure through Bayesian structural equation modeling
Golay P., Reverte I., Rossier J., Favez N., Lecerf T., 2013. Psychological Assessment, 25 (2) pp. 496-508. Peer-reviewed.
Utilisation du modèle de Cattell-Horn-Carroll pour l'évaluation des personnes présentant une intelligence limite ou un handicap mental
Pernier S., Golay P., Jombart E., Grasset F., 2013. pp. 289-294 dans Gilles P.Y., Carlier M. (eds.) Vive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications, Presses Universitaires de Provence.
Vérification de l'hypothèse de dé-différentiation cognitive à partir de l'échantillon de standardisation de l'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour adultes, 3ème édition (WAIS-III)
Golay P., Lecerf T., 2013. pp. 115-118 dans Gilles P.Y., Carlier M. (eds.) Vive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications, Presses Universitaires de Provence.
Étude de la validité structurale du WISC-IV selon le modèle CHC
Lecerf T., Golay P., Reverte I., 2013. pp. 169-173 dans Gilles P.Y., Carlier M. (eds.) Vive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications, Presses Universitaires de Provence.
Scores composites CHC pour la WAIS-IV : normes francophones
Lecerf T., Golay P., Reverte I., 2012. Pratiques Psychologiques, 18 (4) pp. 401-412. Peer-reviewed.
Scores composites CHC pour le WISC-IV: Normes Francophones
Lecerf T., Golay P., Reverte I., Senn D., Favez N., Rossier J., 2012. Pratiques Psychologiques, 18 (1) pp. 37-50. Peer-reviewed.
Echelles lausannoises d'auto-évaluation des difficultés et des besoins ELADEB : manuel
Pomini Valentino, Reymond Christine, Golay Philippe, Fernandez Sébastien, Grasset François, 2011., version révisée 44.
Orthogonal higher order structure and confirmatory factor analysis of the French Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III).
Golay P., Lecerf T., 2011. Psychological Assessment, 23 (1) pp. 143-152. Peer-reviewed.
Échelles lausannoises d'auto-évaluation des difficultés et des besoins
Pomini V., Reymond C., Fernandez S., Golay P., 2010. La lettre de Réhab 11 p. 2.
L'évaluation des difficultés et des besoins des patients psychiatriques. Les échelles lausannoises ELADEB.
Pomini Valentino, Golay Philippe, Reymond Christine, 2008. Information Psychiatrique, 84 (10) pp. 895-902. Peer-reviewed.
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