Shékina Rochat

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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38 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
Accounts of interpersonal touch in female victims of intimate partner violence: A qualitative study
Debrot Anik, Rochat Shékina, del Río Carral María, Gerber Prisca, Sarrasin Oriane, Brodard Fabrice, 2024/02/05. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a Squared Sustainable Work
Rochat Shékina, Rossier Jérôme, 2023/04/03. pp. 192-196 dans Rethinking Work, Routledge.
Keep Calm & Rédige ton mémoire
Rochat Shékina, 2022/03/29..
Mapping career counseling interventions: A guide for practitionners
Rochat Shékina, 2022., Routledge.
Vaincre la procrastination : 24 clés pour agir maintenant et éviter de remettre à demain
Rochat Shékina, 2022., Mardaga.
Validation of a French Version of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire: Relationships With Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy
Rossier Jérôme, Rochat Shékina, Sovet Laurent, Bernaud Jean-Luc, 2022. Journal of Career Development, 49 (4) pp. 906-921. Peer-reviewed.
« Éco-orientation » : quelles interventions pour quelles problématiques ?
Rochat Shékina, 2021/12/15. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 50/4 pp. 537-562. Peer-reviewed.
Career life as a game: an overlooked metaphor for successful career transitions
Rochat Shékina, Borgen William A., 2021/06/23. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling pp. 1-12.
Transformer le manque de motivation en une ressource pour le processus de conseil en orientation
Rochat Shékina, 2020/12/10. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 49/4.
Difficulties in career decision making and self-evaluations: A meta-analysis
Udayar Shagini, Levin Nimrod, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, Rochat Shékina, Di Fabio Annamaria, Gati Itamar, Sovet Laurent, Rossier Jérôme, 2020/11. Journal of Career Assessment, 28 (4) pp. 608-635. Peer-reviewed.
L'entretien d'accueil pour primo-arrivant·e·s : articulations possibles avec les prestations de conseil en orientation
Rochat Shékina, Corbaz Étienne, 2020/09/15. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 49/3.
Des trajectoires professionnelles responsables et durables
Rochat Shékina, 2020. HR Today.
The Career Decision‐Making Difficulties Questionnaire: A Case for Item‐Level Interpretation
Rochat Shékina, 2019/09. The Career Development Quarterly, 67 (3) pp. 205-219. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Motivational Interviewing Training in Career Counseling: A Pilot Study
Rochat Shékina, 2019/06. Journal of Career Development, 46 (3) pp. 280-294. Peer-reviewed.
L'art du conseil en orientation : une carte des interventions
Rochat Shékina, 2019., Éditions Lucnia.
La perte de sens au travail : comment y faire face
Baitan Mathias, Rochat Shékina, 2019. Gestion, 44 (2) p. 106.
Sustainable Career Cards Sort (SCCS): Linking Career Choices to the World Needs
Rochat Shékina, Masdonati Jonas, 2019. pp. 505-520 dans Handbook of Innovative Career Counselling, Springer International Publishing.
Examining motivational interviewing in career counselling from a motivational system theory perspective
Rochat Shékina, 2018/09/03. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 46 (5) pp. 632-643. Peer-reviewed.
Career Counseling Interventions for Video Game Players
Rochat Shékina, Armengol Jérôme, 2018/08/09. Journal of Career Development pp. 207-219. Peer-reviewed.
L'entretien motivationnel en appui aux prestations d'orientation scolaire et professionnelle
Rochat Shékina, 2018/06/15. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 47/2.
Family therapy perspectives on anxiety manifestation in career counseling: A case illustration with an adolescent
Rochat Shékina, 2018/03. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 18 (1) pp. 63-79. Peer-reviewed.
A Value-Centered Approach to Decent Work
Massoudi Koorosh, Abessolo Marc, Atitsogbe Kokou Amenyona, Banet Eloïse, Bollmann Grégoire, Dauwalder Jean-Pierre, Handschin Philippe, Maggiori Christian, Masdonati Jonas, Rochat Shékina et al., 2018. pp. 93-110 dans Interventions in Career Design and Education, Springer International Publishing.
Le bien-être des psychologues conseiller.ère.s en orientation de Suisse-Romande
Rochat Shékina, 2018. pp. 59-72 dans Hellemans C., Casini A., Van Daele A. (eds.) Bien-être et diversité des situations de travail : pratiques organisationnelles et innovation . Peer-reviewed, L'Harmattan.
Vocational interests and career indecision in Switzerland and Burkina Faso: Cross-cultural similarities and differences
Atitsogbe K.A., Moumoula I.A., Rochat S., Antonietti J.-P., Rossier J., 2018. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 107 pp. 126-140. Peer-reviewed.
Balancing between dreams and reality: Practical suggestions originating from motivational interviewing
Rochat Shékina, 2017/03/01. Career Convergence Web Magazine.
Career Adaptability, Hope, Optimism, and Life Satisfaction in Italian and Swiss Adolescents
Santilli Sara, Marcionetti Jenny, Rochat Shékina, Rossier Jérôme, Nota Laura, 2017/02. Journal of Career Development, 44 (1) pp. 62-76. Peer-reviewed.
Determining Career Resilience
Rochat Shékina, Masdonati Jonas, Dauwalder Jean-Pierre, 2017. pp. 125-141 dans Maree Kobus (eds.) Psychology of Career Adaptability, Employability and Resilience, Springer.
Psychologie positive et conseil en orientation : guide pratique et pistes d’intervention
Rochat Shékina, Bellier-Teichmann Tanja, 2017. Le Journal des psychologues, 4 (346) pp. 37-41.
Se transformer en super-héros pour choisir son métier
Rochat Shékina, 2017. Panorama, 3 pp. 20-21.
Utiliser l'analyse fonctionnelle pour favoriser l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes en rupture d'apprentissage [Using functional analysis to promote employability among young people who interrupted their apprenticeship]
Rochat S., 2016/08/31. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle pp. XXI-XXXVII.
Helping clients think clearly when making career decisions
Rochat S., 2016/06. Career Convergence Web Magazine.
Getting "SuperBetter" at building one's career
Rochat S., 2016/02. Career Convergence Web Magazine pp. NA.
Career adaptability, hope, optimism and life satisfaction in Italian and Swiss adolescents
Santilli S., Marcionetti J., Rochat S., Rossier J., Nota L., 2016. Journal of Career Development, 85 (1) pp. 67-74. Peer-reviewed.
Concilier loisirs et carrière : modèles et outils pour intervenir auprès des jeunes artistes et sportif.ves.s.
Rochat Shékina, Bodoira Xavier, 2016. L'orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 45 (4) pp. 497-520. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating motivational interviewing in career counseling : A case study
Rochat S., Rossier J., 2016. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 93 pp. 150-162. Peer-reviewed.
Encourager le rêve ou confronter à la réalité ? Le dilemme des psychologues conseillers en orientation = Encouraging dream or confronting with reality ? The career counselors dilemma
Rochat S., 2015/12. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 44 (4) pp. 477-492. Peer-reviewed.
Work-life balance vulnerabilities and resources for women in Switzerland : Results from a national study
Stauffer S. D., Maggiori C., Johnston C. S., Rochat S., Rossier J., 2015. pp. 117-131 dans Routledge (eds.) Gender and social hierarchies : Perspectives from social psychology chap. 8, Faniko K. Lorenzi-Cioldi F. Sarrasin O. Mayor E..
L'entretien motivationnel pour faciliter le processus d'orientation
Rochat S., 2014. Panorama : formation, orientation, marché du travail, 5 pp. 20-21.
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