Rahel Kunz

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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70 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 |
The financialization of remittances in Nepal: Governing through the pedagogy of fear and hope
Paudel Lekh Nath, Kunz Rahel, 2022/11/30. Finance and Society. Peer-reviewed.
Datanalysing the uninsured: The coloniality of inclusive insurance platforms
Perticone Yannick, Graz Jean-Christophe, Rahel Kunz, 2022/09/08. Competition & Change p. 102452942211258. Peer-reviewed.
'Cambiando el chip': The gendered constellation of subjectivities of the financialisation of remittances in Mexico.
Kunz R., Ramírez B., 2022/06. Environment & planning A, 54 (4) pp. 779-799. Peer-reviewed.
Remittances, development and financialisation beyond the Global North.
Kunz R., Maisenbacher J., Paudel L.N., 2022/06. Environment & planning A, 54 (4) pp. 693-701. Peer-reviewed.
Gender and the micro-dynamics of violent conflicts
Rigual Christelle, Prügl Elisabeth, Kunz Rahel, 2022/05/27. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 24 (3) pp. 345-367. Peer-reviewed.
The financialization of remittances: governing through emotions
Kunz Rahel, Maisenbacher Julia, Paudel Lekh Nath, 2021/11/02. Review of International Political Economy, 28 (6) pp. 1607-1631.
‘Feminist Connections in Global Politics’, interviewed by Buğra Güngör
Kunz Rahel, 2021/04/06..
“Globale Krise: Auswirkungen auf Migration, Arbeit und Geld für die Heimat", Live roundtable discussion at the Politforum Bern
Kunz Rahel, 2021/03/17..
"Promouvoir la créativité à travers la production filmique", presentation video
Kunz Rahel, 2021/01/01..
Art for Peace in Ambon: An Intersectional Reading
Udasmoro Wening, Kunz Rahel, 2021. dans Gender in Peacebuilding: Local Practices in Indonesia and Nigeria, Brill-Nijhoff.
Court-métrage: Financialisation of remittances: governing through emotions
Kunz Rahel, Duboux Gabrielle, Fournier Nino, Paudel Lekh Nath, 2021..
Decolonising through translation? Reconceptualising translation in the WPS agenda
Kunz Rahel, 2021. dans The Politics of Translation in International Relations, Palgrave.
Gender and Remittances
Kunz Rahel, Maisenbacher Julia, 2021. dans The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration, Palgrave.
Gender in Peacebuilding Local Practices in Indonesia and Nigeria
Prügl Elisabeth, Rigual Christelle, Kunz Rahel, Achakpa Mimidoo, Myrttinen Henri, Onyesoh Joy, Rahmawati Arifah, Udasmoro Wening, 2021., Brill-Nijhoff.
‘Corona-bedingter Rückgang von Rücküberweisungen für ärmere Länder?’, Interview Inforadio SRF 4 News.
Kunz Rahel, 2020/12/07..
‘Wegen der Corona-Pandemie schicken Migranten erheblich weniger Geld in ihre Herkunftsländer’, interviewed by Vanessa Möller for the preparation of an article published in NZZ
Kunz Rahel, 2020/11/30..
Digital platforms in the global political economy
Perticone Yannick, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kunz Rahel, 2020/02/04. dans Annual conference of the Swiss Political Science Association. Peer-reviewed.
International Political Economy (IPE) meets International Political Sociology (IPS)
Graz Jean-Christophe, Kessler Oliver, Kunz Rahel, 2019/12/02. International Relations, 4 (33) pp. 586–594. Peer-reviewed.
Taking a Gendered Bottom-up Approach to Peacebuilding
Prügl Elisabeth, Rigual Christelle, Rahmawati Arifah, Onyesoh Joy, Kunz Rahel, Achakpa Mimidoo, Udasmoro Wening, 2019/11/15., Graduate Institute Geneva.
Messy feminist knowledge politics: a double reading of post-conflict gender mainstreaming in Liberia
Kunz Rahel, 2019/11/13. International Feminist Journal of Politics pp. 1-23. Peer-reviewed.
Care as Everyday Peacebuilding
Vaittinen Tiina, Donahoe Amanda, Kunz Rahel, Omarsdottir Silja, Roohi Sanam, 2019/04/03. Peacebuilding, 7 (2) pp. 194-209. Peer-reviewed.
Foreword to Telling a Tale
Kunz Rahel, 2019/03/01. dans Telling a Tale, Askhar Publications.
Gender Expertise in Global Governance : Contesting the Boundaries of a Field
Kunz Rahel, Prügl Elisabeth, Thompson Hayley, 2019/01/30. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 2 (1) pp. 23-40. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction : Gender Experts and Gender Expertise
Kunz Rahel, Prügl Elisabeth, 2019/01/30. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 2 (1) pp. 3-21. Peer-reviewed.
‘”Telling a Tale” : Gender, Knowledge and the Subject in Nepal
Kunz Rahel, Thapa Archana, 2018/08/02. pp. 400-412 dans Rutazibwa Olivia U., Shilliam Robbie (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Politics, Routledge.
Preachers, pirates and peace-building : Examining non-violent hegemonic masculinities in Aceh
Kunz Rahel, Myrttinen Henri, Udasmoro Wening, 2018/07/03. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 24 (3) pp. 299-320.
Remittances in the Global Political Economy
Kunz Rahel, 2018/07/03. pp. 265-280 dans Elias Juanita, Roberts Adrienne (eds.) Handbook on the International Political Economy of Gender, Edward Elgar.
Podcasting Pedagogy for Teaching Peace and War
Bejtullahu Kujtese, Kunz Rahel, Stoicescu Ruxandra, 2018/01/02. Peace Review, 30 (1) pp. 1-8.
Beyond the “Helpless Nepali Woman” versus the “Fierce Maoist Fighter” : Challenging the Artificial Security/Economy Divide
Kunz Rahel, 2017/12/01. Politics & Gender, 13 (4) pp. 733-739. Peer-reviewed.
Les Podcasts comme instrument d’enseignement et d’apprentissage en sciences sociales, Projet website with didactic material and presentation video.
Kunz Rahel, 2017/11/15..
"La frontière est aussi un point de rencontre", entretien avec Rahel Kunz
Kunz Rahel, 2017/11/01..
Beyond depoliticisation : the multiple politics of gender expertise
Kunz Rahel, 2017/09/01. dans Verschuur Christine (eds.) Expertes en genre et connaissances féministes sur le développement : qui sait ? 2, L'Harmattan.
Emission concernant la production de podcast dans le cadre du séminaire ‘Sécurité International’, Radio Fréquence Banane
Kunz Rahel, 2017/06/07..
« Gendarme de l’Europe » ou « chef de file » ? Le Maroc dans le dispositif régulateur des migrations euro-méditerranéennes
Ahouga Younès, Kunz Rahel, 2017. Critique internationale, 74 (1) p. 95. Peer-reviewed.
Expertise and the Politics of Failure
Kunz Rahel, 2016/02/02. Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric , 9 (2) pp. 227-229.
Windows of Opportunity, Trojan Horses and Waves of Women on the Move : De-colonizing the Circulation of Feminist Knowledges through Metaphors ?
Kunz Rahel, 2016/01. pp. 99-117 dans Bustelo Maria, Ferguson Lucy, Forest Maxime (eds.) The Politics of Feminist Knowledge : Transfer Gender Training and Gender Expertise, Palgrave.
Les thèmes de l'in/sécurité et de la migration au coeur de l'UNIL : réflexions sur la construction de la solidarité, Le Temps blog post
Kunz R., Mathys K., 2015/12., Billet paru dans le blog "Le fin mot de l'Histoire : Le blog de Ruxandra Stoicescu".
Women in the neighbourhood : Reinstating the European Union's civilising mission on the back of gender equality promotion ?
Kunz Rahel, Maisenbacher Julia, 2015/12. European Journal of International Relations pp. 1-23.
'Moneymaker and Mother from Afar': The Power of Gender Myths
Kunz R., 2015/06. pp. 207-228 dans van Naerssen T., Smith L., Davids T., Marchand M. H. (eds.) Women, Gender, Remittances and Development in the Global South, Ashgate.
Assessing, engaging and enacting worlds: Tensions in feminist method/ologies - Swiss International Relations Collective (SWIRCO) conversation with Wendy Harcourt, L.H.M. Ling, and Marysia Zalewski
Graz J.-C., Guillaume X., Hagmann J., Kunz R., Prügl E., 2015/01. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 17 (1) pp. 158-172. Peer-reviewed.
Gender and Security Sector Reform: A First Step in the Right Direction, or Gender Mainstreaming Gone Wrong? in: Gender and Militarism: Analysing the Links to Strategize for Peace.
Gosewinkel M., Kunz R., 2014/07., Women Peacemakers Programme, The Hague.
Blog post on the inaugural annual colonial/postcolonial/decolonial workshop
Kunz R., 2014..
Das flexible Geschlecht : Genderskripte im Migrations- und Entwicklungsdiskurs
Kunz Rahel, Schwenken Helen, 2014. pp. 85-100 dans Ataç I., Fanizadeh M., Kraler A., Manzenreiter W. (eds.) Migration und Entwicklung: Neue Perspektiven, ProMedia.
Gender and Security Sector Reform: Gendering Differently?
Kunz R., 2014. International Peacekeeping, 21 (5) pp. 604-622.
MigrantInnen als Hoffnungsträger in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit? Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven auf einen wiederbelebten entwicklungspolitischen Trend
Kunz R., Schwenken H., 2014. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Sonderheft, 48 pp. 285-313. Peer-reviewed.
Patrons of Women: Literacy Projects and Gender Development in Rural Nepal
Kunz Rahel, 2013/09. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 15 (3) pp. 436-438.
Governing International Migration through Partnership
Kunz Rahel, 2013/08. Third World Quarterly, 34 (7) pp. 1227-1246. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond Conditionality versus Cooperation: Power and Resistance in the Case of EU Mobility Partnerships and Swiss Migration Partnerships
Kunz Rahel, Maisenbacher Julia, 2013/07. Migration Studies, 1 (2) pp. 196-220. Peer-reviewed.
Gendering 21st Century World Politics
Kunz Rahel, Marchand Marianne H., 2013. pp. 225-234 dans Beeson M., Bisley N. (eds.) Issues in 21st Century World Politics, Palgrave.
Partnership in International Migration Governance
Kunz Rahel, 2013. (58), Travaux de Science Politique.
Kunz Rahel, 2012/10. Academic Foresights, 6 pp. 1-4.
Interview podcast in Tales of the World
Kunz Rahel, 2012..
Reflexive Inquiry
Kunz Rahel, 2012. pp. 63-66 dans Salter Mark B. Mutlu Can E. (eds.) Research Methods in Critical Security Studies: An Introduction, Routledge.
The Diffusion of Power and the 'Discovery' of 'Diasporas'
Kunz Rahel, 2012. pp. 203-228 dans Guzzini Stefano Neumann Iver B. (eds.) The Diffusion of Power in Global Governance: International Political Economy meets Foucault, Palgrave Macmillan.
The Discovery of the Diaspora
Kunz Rahel, 2012. International Political Sociology, 6 (1) pp. 103-107.
The Political Economy of Global Remittances: Gender, Governmentality and Neoliberalism
Kunz Rahel, 2011/06. RIPE, Routledge.
Multilayered Migration Governance: The Promise of Partnership
Kunz Rahel, Lavenex Sandra, Panizzon Marion, 2011/04., Routledge.
Depoliticisation through partnership in the field of migration: The Mexico-US case
Kunz Rahel, 2011. pp. 284-311 dans Kunz Rahel, Lavenex Sandra, Panizzon Marion (eds.) Multilayered Migration Governance: The Promise of Partnership, Routledge.
Introduction: Governance through Partnerships in International Migration
Kunz Rahel, Lavenex Sandra, Panizzon Marion, 2011. pp. 1-20 dans Kunz Rahel, Lavenex Sandra, Panizzon Marion (eds.) Multilayered Migration Governance: The Promise of Partnership, Routledge.
Learning from Others' Mistakes: Towards Participatory, Gender-sensitive SSR
Kunz Rahel, Valasek Kristin, 2011. pp. 115-143 dans Schnabel Albrecht, Farr Vanessa (eds.) Back to the Roots: Security Sector Reform and Development, LIT Verlag.
The Crisis of Social Reproduction in Rural Mexico: Challenging the 'Reprivatisation of Social Reproduction Thesis'
Kunz Rahel, 2010/11. Review of International Political Economy, 17 (5) pp. 913-945. Peer-reviewed.
The 'Making Women Productive' Strategy: Uncovering Gendered Sightings, Sites and Resistances to Global Restructuring in Rural Mexico
Kunz R., 2010/08. pp. 163-182 dans Marchand M., Runyan A.S. (eds.) Gender and Global Restructuring: Sightings, Sites and Resistances, Routledge.
Mobilising Diasporas: A governmentality analysis of the case of Mexico
Kunz Rahel, 2010. Glocal Governance and Democracy Series Working Paper 3, University of Lucerne pp. 1-23.
'Remittances are Beautiful'? The New Global Remittance Trend and its Gender Implications
Kunz R., 2008. Third World Quarterly, 29 (7) pp. 1389-1409. Peer-reviewed.
The Migration-Development Nexus in EU External Relations
Lavenex S., Kunz R., 2008. Journal of European Integration, 30 (3) pp. 439-457. Peer-reviewed.
'Frauen als die Ärmsten der Ärmsten'? Eine kritische Gender-Analyse der sozialen Deutung der Feminisierung der Armut
Kunz R., 2007. pp. 316-340 dans Grisard D., Häberlein J., Kaiser A., Saxer S. (eds.) Gender in Motion: Die Konstruktion von Geschlecht in Raum und Erzählung, Campus Verlag.
Global Report on Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict
Bastick M., Grimm K., Kunz R., 2007., DCAF, Geneva.
The violence of inclusion: A gender analysis of the regulatory potential of social exclusion
Kunz R., 2006. pp. 95-108 dans Ballmer-Cao Th., Durrer S., Parini L. (eds.) Régulation Sociale et Genre, L'Harmattan.
Tlaxcala: Migración o Desarrollo Local?
Marchand M., Kunz R., et al., 2006., Conacyt, UDLA, Gobierno de Tlaxcala.
'Soziale Ausgrenzung': Der neue Armutsbegriff unter der Gender- Lupe
Kunz R., 2004. Sozmag, 6 pp. 29-31.
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